ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #8

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Jin Lun was VERY LIKELY drugged, Sonya, you can see that and it is plainly obvious, likely against his will too, I dont see where you get this idea that he was "in to it" I dont care what you post and I dont get offended by anything but that seems really far fetched to me IMO. He was drugged.
I hope that facebook page will help figure out what happened to the "animal" what ever it was, I'm a big animal lover, have 2 cats that I adore, and it's awful what he did to both Lin Jun and kittens in the other videos. :(

Me too, I am hoping the new FB page about the puppy will bring someone out who knows what happened to it since a lot of people want to know.
The Canadian legal system is something that I am looking forward to better understanding. I am embarrassed by the ethnocentric ignorance I currently have about the in's and out's of Canada's system of justice and the wheels that make it turn. While we export and seem to flood Canadians with our media, we rarely take the opportunity to learn about them. The film Canadian Bacon is a great illustration of American ignorance about Canada.

Based on your legal background and what you shared with me PAX, you've learned much more about the Canadian legal burden of proof that must be met for conviction and the manner which they conduct legal cases. Therefore I give the points you raised much more weight in my mind.

while ive got pages to catch up on, i wanted to mention before i forgot.. COMPLETLY OT.. while not everyone south of the border is ignorant about canada, we do get a good laugh from the ones that dont know crap. A well known canadian TV comedian/political commentator Rick Mercer ran a special many years ago called "talking to Americans" where he travelled the US, talking to those in the streets/campuses about made up news reports that were all around hilarious.. like canada getting its first 100 km of paved road, finally adopting the 24 hour clock, joining north america, and a few other gems.. he even tricked some well known people. like having mike huckabee congrats canada on preserving its national igloo
You mean kind of like how LCA did? By coming to this site, reading a May 31st post questioning a possible link to the Hollywood murder, on June 1st pretending to be Luka on YouTube and taking credit for that murder, with no regard for how this taunting could torment the loved ones of Hervey Medellin and Jun Lin, all for the shameless self-promotion of their animal rights organization?

Yeah, I think there are animal rights extremists who will exploit this murder in any way that they can think of. I think it has already been proven.

Ive been on this for 18 months; with a month break here and there in between. I never once heard that LCA was working on *anything* in relation to Magnotta. Im was fan of LCA, but I, and everyone else in our admin group was absolutely digusted with what they did. Honey Pots are a useful tool, but I honestly don't know what they thought they would find? Then to release a press statement on it? It makes NO sense, and I honestly believe it was a way for them to somehow capitalize on this and get their name in the papers or something. I just don't get what they wanted to accomplish.

LCA never once worked with our team.
please stop posting these things. the VICTIM was NOT obviously into it.

he actually appeared very out of it as if drugged. there was ZERO signs of him being into this.

that is offensive to the victim.

I guess I am the only adult on this site that has had sex and knows what posturing and sexual foreplay looks like. I know it when I see it, and the video of the victim when alive was definitely all about sex and foreplay. "Victims" that are drugged out of their mind don't squirm seductively or keep shifting TOWARDS the assailant with their legs open.

They lay their quietly, or if they are in fear and being attacked they fight against their bonds.
I'm not sure I'm that happy with the way gay people are referred to in that link, it seems to have been written by someone with quite dated attitudes, i.e. that a lot of gay people hate themselves.

I found this part very strange:

Not all (or even most) members of the gay community are killers. Some serial killers have been gay men. The reason behind their crimes may be, as proposed by Maghan and Sagarin the simple fact that they are taking out their rage at being gay on their victims. Or another way to explain the crime is that the victim because a symbolic victim, the victim becomes a symbol of what the offender hates the most...himself.

As a gay man myself, that sounds like something that might have been written a few decades ago.

I will have a bit more of a look at the site tho.

I hope my earlier post about wondering when he came out, etc, didn't strike y'all that way. I hate that stereotype of gay people!

OTOH, some folks do have a very bad time of it. Individual GLBT people may have some self-loathing or anger issues going on that do relate to their sexuality, or at least to how their family or similar view non-heteronormative people.

I think Eric did have a preoccupation with anger over how he was viewed by too many people due to sexuality issues. If his writings included a kernel of truth, he was not at all happy with being rejected by anyone again, particularly for something he couldn't control (his own words). He was angry with society and felt very rejected. IMHO.

I'd guess his family was probably very bad about LGBT stuff. That just an inkling of mine.

Classmates have said that he was 'very effeminate' as a kid, so his anger about the bullying and rejections may well be important to understand him.
Hate to sound all paranoid and such....

But some folks were worried about Luka posting here. They got all paranoid about other posters and such.

I am getting a bit paranoid about PETA members taking advantage of this story. Sociopathic PETA members...well I have 5 rescue dogs and one breeder bought Anatolian. None of us would be cool with being "liberated" and released from suffering if you get my meaning. None of us. It is kind of creepy.

Google the founder of PETA and read all her creepy actions...I don't touch PETA with a ten foot pole. :snooty:
oh please.....the VICTIM was NOT obviously into it.

he actually appeared very out of it as if drugged. there was ZERO signs of him being into this.

that is offensive to the victim.

THANK YOU! This is disgusting.
Jin Lun was VERY LIKELY drugged, Sonya, you can see that and it is plainly obvious, likely against his will too, I dont see where you get this idea that he was "in to it" I dont care what you post and I dont get offended by anything but that seems really far fetched to me IMO. He was drugged.

Do you happen to have a link to the news story that said the police found a glass with traces of some type of drug or drugs in LM's apartment? I've been trying to find it with no success. I haven't watched the video, but I believe the general consensus is that he was drugged.
I don't think he'll talk to the police or the media. He wants that air of mysteriousness around him. Here's what one of his sockpuppets said to us at Christmas time 2011:

"This man has brought on so much attention to himself , the things he is apparently involved in are horendous and now he is going deeper and deeper underground. I think with each crime , he is getting smarter and smarter so eventually none of the public will know what he is doing. Thats why its so important for the media to start keeping an eye on him... but they cant because he wont talk ...and THATS why he wont talk because he doesnt want to be found or be followed."

Also, I don't believe he killed out of some great compulsion to do so. I don't think he enjoys or savors the killings, but I don't think he minds them either. He did this purely for attention. Magnotta is a professional troll. And he is VERY good at it.

Every act that is supposed to be 'shocking' is simulated. The Necrophilia with the kittens and the human victim here are simulated; he did it to get a rise. First with Animal folks, but that wasn't enough. There were only 3000 of us, with like 12 working it full time. It wasnt enough attention.
I dont see how PETA is any more extreme than the who stuff 300 chickens in to 3 square feet of space in those chicken farms. Have you ever seen the conditions the animals on those meat farms are raised in? Disgusting and extreme.
Do you happen to have a link to the news story that said the police found a glass with traces of some type of drug or drugs in LM's apartment? I've been trying to find it with no success. I haven't watched the video, but I believe the general consensus is that he was drugged.

No I havent but he sure looked drugged to me, he was very groggy looking and only half conscious from the looks of the way he moved and struggled to lift his head up.
Do you happen to have a link to the news story that said the police found a glass with traces of some type of drug or drugs in LM's apartment? I've been trying to find it with no success. I haven't watched the video, but I believe the general consensus is that he was drugged.

The victim was not forced at gunpoint or otherwise kidnapped, let us just put it that way. He was tied up consentually because he thought it would be fun. Gay males make up what....maybe 10% of the male population? Or more like 5%? If someone were to grab a victim off of the street what is the likelihood that they would also just happen to be gay and such.

Hmmmmm. Statistically unlikely.
I know that is what I was hoping is that it's just some twisted person with some kind of fake meat or something. I tried to report it on youtube but for some reason it's not working..I pray it's not real...but even if it isn't I worry over that person still b/c it's sick to even pretend that your doing something like that.

Just had a look around that guy's channel, and I'm pretty sure that guy's on a wind up. Its a sick way to get a rise out of people, but sick jokes always follow quickly in the wake of events like these.
It's really pretty disturbing (and sad) when you listen to the lyrics. I've known this song for years, but this is the first time I've listened to it since watching the video.

Agreed the mental health experts might indeed see symbolism here. There's just too much stuff in there.
You can imagine why he might be drawn to the lyrics of True Faith, but I suspect that the song's appearance in American Psycho is likely what brought it to his attention. He's clearly obsessed with killers, both real and fictional. I wonder if his online comments about homeless people are also evidence of him borrowing from American Psycho.
The victim was not forced at gunpoint or otherwise kidnapped, let us just put it that way. He was tied up consentually because he thought it would be fun. Gay males make up what....maybe 10% of the male population? Or more like 5%? If someone were to grab a victim off of the street what is the likelihood that they would also just happen to be gay and such.

Hmmmmm. Statistically improbable.

I don't think anyone is disputing there was a sexual element. However, I don't think Jun Lin was all, OKAY, KILL ME UP!

I personally didn't see any want from the victim. He adjusted a few times, but not in a sexual manner toward LRM. He moved about lazily, when he was moving, like someone in a deep sleep.
No I havent but he sure looked drugged to me, he was very groggy looking and only half conscious from the looks of the way he moved and struggled to lift his head up.

I know I read that in a news report which adds credence to the HIGH probability that he was drugged. Hopefully, someone will have a link.
You can imagine why he might be drawn to the lyrics of True Faith, but I suspect that the song's appearance in American Psycho is likely what brought it to his attention. He's clearly obsessed with killers, both real and fictional. I wonder if his online comments about homeless people are also evidence of him borrowing from American Psycho.

I found the lyrics moving. Sheesh he didn't choose any of the great songs from one of Rob Zombie's movies. The lyrics had meaning.

Not much else about him does so let us focus on those rare elements of realism, or project onto those elements. : )
You can imagine why he might be drawn to the lyrics of True Faith, but I suspect that the song's appearance in American Psycho is likely what brought it to his attention. He's clearly obsessed with killers, both real and fictional. I wonder if his online comments about homeless people are also evidence of him borrowing from American Psycho.

That's what I think too. Luka Magnotta is probably not deep enough to be attracted to a song by its profound lyrics, he's too superficial. The song featured in a controversial movie scene, which is probably the only reason he's ever heard it, and the only reason he chose it. It was probably a toss up between that and Stealer's Wheel's "Stuck in the Middle With You."
I have seen the video, he was definitely good to go and up for some fun. No fear, no fighting against the restraints when someone sat on his chest me he was into it.

He wasn't moving at all when LM sat on his chest. He was soooo NOT into it because either:
1. he was dead already.
2. he was passed out completely.

If he was "into it" he would have moved when LM sat on him.
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