ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #8

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I work in Ottawa and in the building next to where the first package arrived, I work for the government.

The tidbit about him living in Ottawa in 2006 came from an article that I read in the Ottawa Citizen and was also on our local radio.
Thanks Mbshafeena. I'll search the Ottawa Citizen for it.
Someone above (sorry, I forget which poster!) asked if the animal killings can be admitted into THIS upcoming trial.

I really also want to know - so, I'm going to go look it up. Thank heavens for google!! :biggrin:

Granted, I know nothing about Canadian law, but in the US I think prior bad acts can be used for certain purposes. Just for example, if something about lm's MO in this case was completely consistent with his MO in the case of prior bad acts. In that case I don't think it would be considered character evidence, but rather actual evidence that the crime committed in the same manner was likely committed by the same perp. I would imagine, but don't know for sure, that the rules would be similar in Canada since the underlying rationale would be the same -- that the evidence is actual proof that the crime was committed by the defendant rather than merely proof that the defendant is not a "nice" person.

I haven't seen the kitten vids so I don't know whether they are different in the sense that lm is clearly identifiable actually committing the acts on those vids. Or whether, as here, he deliberately did not show himself actually committing those acst as well.

jmo, though. Anyone who knows better please enlighten me :)
o/t, but you're not kidding about the weather. I went skiing once in Quebec (once was enough!) and it's the coldest I've ever been in my life. St. Anne de Beaupre (sp.?) area, iirc. It was so cold I could barely talk because it was hard to use my facial muscles! This made my bf at the time very happy, I think lol

OT sort of: Ooooh, Ste-Anne-de-Beaupre is my mom's and my favourite the summer!! :)
I respect your opinion. Mine is that the Sun isn't a credible newspaper.

So BC must be outta da loop on credibility then because we only have the two MSM papers ... and The Province is considered slightly more "tabloid" than the Vancouver Sun.

Thankfully i have the internet, so i can rely on everything published east of the Rockies ;)
Granted, I know nothing about Canadian law, but in the US I think prior bad acts can be used for certain purposes. Just for example, if something about lm's MO in this case was completely consistent with his MO in the case of prior bad acts. In that case I don't think it would be considered character evidence, but rather actual evidence that the crime committed in the same manner was likely committed by the same perp. I would imagine, but don't know for sure, that the rules would be similar in Canada since the underlying rationale would be the same -- that the evidence is actual proof that the crime was committed by the defendant rather than merely proof that the defendant is not a "nice" person.

I haven't seen the kitten vids so I don't know whether they are different in the sense that lm is clearly identifiable actually committing the acts on those vids. Or whether, as here, he deliberately did not show himself actually committing those acst as well.

jmo, though. Anyone who knows better please enlighten me :)
Technically, he'd have to have been convicted for the kitten thing in order for it to be considered a prior bad act. (i.e. proven in court, not just an accusation)

You can (someone correct me if I'm wrong) bring up his character only in two instances: if he takes the stand in his own defense, or if the defense brings it up first.
Granted, I know nothing about Canadian law, but in the US I think prior bad acts can be used for certain purposes. Just for example, if something about lm's MO in this case was completely consistent with his MO in the case of prior bad acts. In that case I don't think it would be considered character evidence, but rather actual evidence that the crime committed in the same manner was likely committed by the same perp. I would imagine, but don't know for sure, that the rules would be similar in Canada since the underlying rationale would be the same -- that the evidence is actual proof that the crime was committed by the defendant rather than merely proof that the defendant is not a "nice" person.

I haven't seen the kitten vids so I don't know whether they are different in the sense that lm is clearly identifiable actually committing the acts on those vids. Or whether, as here, he deliberately did not show himself actually committing those acst as well.

jmo, though. Anyone who knows better please enlighten me :)

Sadly, the kitten videos might well be ruled inadmissable due to the fact that the prejudicial value far outweighs the probative value.

Thanks! I still believe the first bit was taped long before the rest of it. Just a theory I'm working on...

Interesting. I can't remember whether you have watched the video yourself. If you have, are there marked dissimilarities between the first sequence and the rest of it? Like the clothing or body types, etc. I wasn't watching with that possibility in mind. Good way to make someone more comfortable the second or third time around, though. hmmm....
I completely agree with you! Sadly :( My gut feeling is JL was lonely and far from home and looking for some positive engagement with someone. Maybe he was doing a little exploring as we know he recently came "out" in China..(not an easy thing to do any geographical location...but china...poor guy) and who would ever really think this would happen to them. He had no idea this was in store for him. None. Its surreal. I know it was surreal for JL (luckily he seemed to be very out of it when things turned for the whatever point that was as you said..we may never know)...its surreal for his family...AND it's surreal for US! This is a whole different animal of a case here. I admire anyone willing to stick around and make sense of's not always easy.

None of the posters on that link you sent were the one. and I can't seem to find one on the web at the moment that is non LM is a link of LM taken probably months ago (it was posted in numerous places but curiously NOT on the official LM website purportedly run by him or his "agent" ) ..this is not from the killvid..

...again that is not a still from the video nor a "hype" photo put out a week or so ahead of the murder to "advertise" it. (nothing to do with JLs murder) The link takes you to a picture of luka posing in front of the version of the poster we are talking about. (and assumable that it's the same one in the killvid) That picture, in fact, is one that one of the groups that were actively tracking him down had a side by side comparison that was presented to the police to confirm their early suspicions. (I can't recall where I originally saw the side by side comparison...perhaps if someone else knows?)

ETA sorry I just noticed other posters found the non luka picture of the poster...I took too long in responding..disregard the link.

I saw this same photo grouped with other photos of Magnotta looking like he does here and appearing to be in the apartment where the murder took place. If it's true Jun Lin had been visiting Magnotta at this apt. and that Magnotta had few visitors, it's even possible, Jun Lin took this photo of LM. I'll try and find that photo page again if anyone wants it.
So BC must be outta da loop on credibility then because we only have the two MSM papers ... and The Province is considered slightly more "tabloid" than the Vancouver Sun.

Thankfully i have the internet, so i can rely on everything published east of the Rockies ;)
I think you or I are confusing various posts and the Vancouver Sun (which is not part of Sun media)

The Vancouver Sun is a reputable newspaper. The newspapers from Sun media group are not IMHO
Interesting. I can't remember whether you have watched the video yourself. If you have, are there marked dissimilarities between the first sequence and the rest of it? Like the clothing or body types, etc. I wasn't watching with that possibility in mind. Good way to make someone more comfortable the second or third time around, though. hmmm....
I haven't watched it, but that is exactly where I'm going with this...
binxie (?) posted a photobucket link at the end of the last thread (I think) which had a couple of pics I'd not seen before. Two of them were of women with their eye area barred out in black. I think one of those pics is the one you're looking for. Iirc, they are more toward the end of the batch of photos, which was several pages long.

eta: it may have been a flickr acct. In any case, it was a link to an image hosting website.

no it was guantenarama (SP?) account photobucket which appears to have been removed
Hello, can anyone find the photobucket link by 'binxie'?
This string is getting so long even finding old details takes some sleuthing.
I'm looking for that photo of the ex-girlfriends in front of the limo.
Can someone DM it to me? I'd be really grateful.
Ive broken two windows getting animals out of hot cars. One with a tire iron and the other with a childs skateboard. I was charged with nothing. Laws in your area may be different.

Granted, I know nothing about Canadian law, but in the US I think prior bad acts can be used for certain purposes. Just for example, if something about lm's MO in this case was completely consistent with his MO in the case of prior bad acts. In that case I don't think it would be considered character evidence, but rather actual evidence that the crime committed in the same manner was likely committed by the same perp. I would imagine, but don't know for sure, that the rules would be similar in Canada since the underlying rationale would be the same -- that the evidence is actual proof that the crime was committed by the defendant rather than merely proof that the defendant is not a "nice" person.

I haven't seen the kitten vids so I don't know whether they are different in the sense that lm is clearly identifiable actually committing the acts on those vids. Or whether, as here, he deliberately did not show himself actually committing those acst as well.

jmo, though. Anyone who knows better please enlighten me :)

I found this that might help.
In Canada, the rule is established in R. v. Handy, 164 CCC (3d) 481, 2 SCR 908 (2002):
Evidence of prior bad acts by the accused will be admissible if the prosecution satisfies the judge on a balance of probabilities that, in the context of the particular case, the probative value of the evidence in relation to a specific issue outweighs its potential prejudice and thereby justifies its reception. much more at link

Similar fact evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe (as an RN not a lawyer LOL!) that because a small animal does appear in the snuff film the Crown could possibly argue to have other acts of animal cruelty admitted. If he wore the same clothes etc or killed in the same manner it could be admitted however it could be argued, unless we find the animal to prove otherwise, that the animal in the snuff film wasn't being abused, he was being fed. PLEASE don't think that would be my argument. I'm just trying to think like a defense lawyer. The argument sickens me.

Hope the link helps.
no it was guantenarama (SP?) account photobucket which appears to have been removed

yeah, that's it. And it does appear that the acct. has been removed. Wonder why. I think the fb group had posted it as a photobucket (vkk) and that one is gone, too, I think. Wasn't a member over there posting here as well? Maybe she knows why.
o/t, but you're not kidding about the weather. I went skiing once in Quebec (once was enough!) and it's the coldest I've ever been in my life. St. Anne de Beaupre (sp.?) area, iirc. It was so cold I could barely talk because it was hard to use my facial muscles! This made my bf at the time very happy, I think lol

Now this is about 10 years ago and my husband and I decided to to to Mont Tremblant for the weekend. We had rented this beautiful chalet with hot tub, etc. Well of course it just happened to be the coldest darn weekend EVER. I am not a skier but our youngest son and two of his friends decided to join us, they were snowboarding for the first time, lol, and we told our son, who had never been to Tremblant before that he was NOT going to start snowboarding at Tremblant unless he wanted to break his leg. We took them up to the summit and it was closed because is was -70 celcius :what: at the top. I have NEVER felt that kind of cold. Needless to say we had a drink at the bar and came down pretty quick. We did however, idiots that we are, decide to go tubing at Ste-Agathe. I lasted all of 10 minutes, lol. Being Canadian I am pretty much use to the cold but there is a limit and -70 celcius I NEVER want to feel that again, lol.
I think you or I are confusing various posts and the Vancouver Sun (which is not part of Sun media)

The Vancouver Sun is a reputable newspaper. The newspapers from Sun media group are not IMHO

Thank you :)

We were jumping of italianWS and elepher's post wrt the "6 body parts" ... the article quoted from was the Vancouver Sun and my subsequent posts were related to that.

All cool again :)

I shall go back to my morning paper, LOL
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