ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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Dear Jeanne, with all due respect, and I really mean that....... I have gone beyond understanding why. To me, it is clear. He is - and has been for years, in development, a narcissistic, psychopathic human being, devoid of emotion, abused, neglected, lost. Much of it reinforced by his choice of "carreer"... prostitution isn't kind to anyone. For years he tried to make himself into SOMETHING. He failed. And utterly broke his ties to humanity. Kittens killed (what we know of)... and then Jun Lin. (still..... what we know of yet).

I am afraid he is lost. If I were a professional psychiatrist with him in my care.... I would think, a good 15-20 years of treatment. Just to see how things went. Then a tentative assessment. But as things are, from the start, I am afraid progress would be hard to recognize. LRM is a very, very sick individual. One I would not, as a professional, ever, release into the public. So... in my case.... it would be speculative only. Whether he would be freed or not. Since he wouldn't.

My opinion. I value yours.

I hear you, Dane, I really do. I think the thing that bothers me is that Luka was yet one more societal throw-away kid, one who clearly was at risk and yet one more who fell through the cracks. Our prisons are full of throw-aways. I come from a background that was similar, was adopted out, and then suffered other abuses that I don't care to go into here. Lets just say the saying, 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', rings in my ears when I encounter beings such as Luka. I was fortunate enough to get the help I needed early, he was not. And because our society values things like sports events like the F1 and olympic games far more than human life, kids like Luka are over-looked and young men like Jun Lin ultimately pay the price. LE had an opportunity to see that Luka got the help he needed back when he was arrested for fraud and they let him slip through their fingers, and I think if we were inclined to investigate that part of his life, we will find that an over-burdened and vastly under-funded social service agency never followed up.
Of course LM is 100% guilty. Being on a jury you have to suspend judgement but not online. I seriously doubt he was in a "relationship" with Jun Lin. He may have known him a short while but his prostitution and *advertiser censored* work would not likely be something someone like Jun Lin would tolerate as reportedly Lin was hoping to find love...and coming from a conservative culture he would likely not be into open relationships with *advertiser censored*. Besides, LM is so messed up he really wouldn't function stable enough in a relationship to keep it going. I think he did the murder by himself. He did a lot by himself. He aged out of the sex industry and hadn't found the notariety he so craved. He probably was so angry at society for his own short comings, difficult past and inabilities to make it on his own. I think the lawyer and stories of others being involved are distractions. He may have found someone to beat him up, or had a rough trick who assaulted him, or hit his own self. I don't see it being significant to the video which shows the crime and the criminal. His finger prints will be all over that bloody apt he left. Had anyone else's foot or finger prints showed up we would likely all be aware. His trial will be a circus....he will finally have the attention he wants. He is an empty shell of a being whom likely feels "I won". Additionally, now Canada will pay for him to be in prison all his life, so he doesn't have to worry anymore about how to make it in the world.

Also, if true that Jun Lin posted a query on a gay dating site looking for a MM for a relationship (masculine man), that leaves out luka who was anything but a MM. He wasn't Jun Lin's type.
Here is a link to the photo that LRM photoshopped of himself in prison, you can see Humphrey Bogart (Casablanca) in the background.

Hi Kids!

I've been way too busy with work and life since Monday afternoon and am now playing some serious catch-up here.

If anyone can fill me in with a Cliffs Note version of what I've missed, you'd be my hero.

As Dame Edna says, "I'm Back! Back with a Vengeance!!!"
Of course LM is 100% guilty. Being on a jury you have to suspend judgement but not online. I seriously doubt he was in a "relationship" with Jun Lin. He may have known him a short while but his prostitution and *advertiser censored* work would not likely be something someone like Jun Lin would tolerate as reportedly Lin was hoping to find love...and coming from a conservative culture he would likely not be into open relationships with *advertiser censored*. Besides, LM is so messed up he really wouldn't function stable enough in a relationship to keep it going. I think he did the murder by himself. He did a lot by himself. He aged out of the sex industry and hadn't found the notariety he so craved. He probably was so angry at society for his own short comings, difficult past and inabilities to make it on his own. I think the lawyer and stories of others being involved are distractions. He may have found someone to beat him up, or had a rough trick who assaulted him, or hit his own self. I don't see it being significant to the video which shows the crime and the criminal. His finger prints will be all over that bloody apt he left. Had anyone else's foot or finger prints showed up we would likely all be aware. His trial will be a circus....he will finally have the attention he wants. He is an empty shell of a being whom likely feels "I won". Additionally, now Canada will pay for him to be in prison all his life, so he doesn't have to worry anymore about how to make it in the world.


I thought we were all in agreement that Magnotta was being framed by the manager he fired (you know the guy never named by Magnotta who loves to drop names as much as he loves his own Photoshopped reflection) and upon being fired the ex-manager decided to dedicate his life to ruining the life of sweet 'lil Magnotta and this master former manager (who only exists in the 'lil angel's imagination) framed him for a crime he didn't commit and did so right before his planned holiday to Paris and Berlin... Luka is the modern day Doctor Richard Kimble searching for his own version of the one armed man... Right?????

Hi everybody, I'm new there and joined your site to give an information I found out surfing the net.
I'm following the case of LM and searching in the web I found this page today

It's a blog post written by someone who calls himself/herself emily bordelais and talks about a possible link to LM and Marie Laure Bessenge, a 23 years old girl who went missing last april in Montreal. I don't know who would have posted this and if it's somehow important to find this young girl but I felt concerned. Most important it's the date. This post date June 8, four days after LM arrest.

Hope it can be useful.

Apart from the thanks, which I much appreciate - am I really the only one here voicing LRM's total and utter guilt and responsibility in this case? I mean. oh well... I'll be silent now. But the evidence is. Is..... Overwhelming.

Am I really the only one to have this opinion?

I am in total agreement with your opinion on LM and what he has done. As I said before if and when we find out what date he purchased that ticket to Paris that will, for me, tell me if an insanity plea would work for him in this case. If purchased before the murder he will get murder in the first degree but this is just my personal opinion.

I thought we were all in agreement that Magnotta was being framed by the manager he fired (you know the guy never named by Magnotta who loves to drop names as much as he loves his own Photoshopped reflection) and upon being fired the ex-manager decided to dedicate his life to ruining the life of sweet 'lil Magnotta and this master former manager (who only exists in the 'lil angel's imagination) framed him for a crime he didn't commit and did so right before his planned holiday to Paris and Berlin... Luka is the modern day Doctor Richard Kimble searching for his own version of the one armed man... Right?????


Oh, you poor thing! You really are behind! Now we learn from a shyster lawyer from NYC that in fact the real culprit is a man named 'Manny' whobeat, raped, and forced Luka to eat feces, among other dasterdly deeds, is really the mastermind behind ALL the crimes. :D
I hear you, Dane, I really do. I think the thing that bothers me is that Luka was yet one more societal throw-away kid, one who clearly was at risk and yet one more who fell through the cracks. Our prisons are full of throw-aways. I come from a background that was similar, was adopted out, and then suffered other abuses that I don't care to go into here. Lets just say the saying, 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', rings in my ears when I encounter beings such as Luka. I was fortunate enough to get the help I needed early, he was not. And because our society values things like sports events like the F1 and olympic games far more than human life, kids like Luka are over-looked and young men like Jun Lin ultimately pay the price. LE had an opportunity to see that Luka got the help he needed back when he was arrested for fraud and they let him slip through their fingers, and I think if we were inclined to investigate that part of his life, we will find that an over-burdened and vastly under-funded social service agency never followed up.
I couldn't have said this better myself, Jeanne. :) Excellent post.
Oh, you poor thing! You really are behind! Now we learn from a shyster lawyer from NYC that in fact the real culprit is a man named 'Manny' whobeat, raped, and forced Luka to eat feces, among other dasterdly deeds, is really the mastermind behind ALL the crimes. :D

There is something that you mentioned in there, an act Magnotta is documented doing but I've not shared or hinted at here that is spot-on accurate...
Hi everybody, I'm new there and joined your site to give an information I found out surfing the net.
I'm following the case of LM and searching in the web I found this page today

It's a blog post written by someone who calls himself/herself emily bordelais and talks about a possible link to LM and Marie Laure Bessenge, a 23 years old girl who went missing last april in Montreal. I don't know who would have posted this and if it's somehow important to find this young girl but I felt concerned. Most important it's the date. This post date June 8, four days after LM arrest.

Hope it can be useful.


Well, this sounds suspicious at best. As for Luka's Aunt, she was indeed forced to ingest pills until she over-dosed and died, but her boyfriend was convicted for that crime and is now serving time in Kingston Pen, if memory serves.
no, i believe he is guilty...whether or not that will be proven w/out a doubt or whatever Canada's standards are for a guilty verdict, is up to discussion....along w/ how he will be sentenced....

other than theorizing on his mental issues, i think theorizing on how his defense will be presented is a good discussion too....

for the sentence ... as Sealuzna has mentioned 25 years before a parole review.

as for defence ... only speculation I have is ... there is a 2nd perp that Luka pins the actual murder on and tries to cop a plea for indignity to a dead body.

I still feel strongly that there is someone behind the scene that is involved.
There is something that you mentioned in there, an act Magnotta is documented doing but I've not shared or hinted at here that is spot-on accurate...

If you are talking about the poop-eating, Hastings, that is well documented in his online ramblings.
Montreal-ers, this one is for you awesome folks, Apologies if this has been shared but thought you all might want to attend:

A candlelight vigil will be held Thursday evening in memory of Lin Jun, the victim of a “devastating” dismemberment slaying his family says not only shook them but society as a whole.

The vigil is to be held at 9 p.m. at Dorchester Square, at Peel St. and René Lévesque Blvd. The site is a few blocks from Concordia University, where Lin studied computer science and engineering.

Thursday’s memorial is being organized by friends who announced it on a Facebook tribute page and Twitter.

Read more:
Hi everybody, I'm new there and joined your site to give an information I found out surfing the net.
I'm following the case of LM and searching in the web I found this page today

It's a blog post written by someone who calls himself/herself emily bordelais and talks about a possible link to LM and Marie Laure Bessenge, a 23 years old girl who went missing last april in Montreal. I don't know who would have posted this and if it's somehow important to find this young girl but I felt concerned. Most important it's the date. This post date June 8, four days after LM arrest.

Hope it can be useful.


Cindy that link makes no sense as they say in it if you see him contact police and it was posted June 8. LM was caught June 4.
Starting to think LM's favorite movie should have been Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde.
A photo from that same photobucket account was posted by him somewhere... I can't remember now, but it's definitely his photobucket account.
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