ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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Van carrying#Magnotta from Berlin police station to detention facility where he will be held pending extradition


He's riding in a Mercedes, no Photoshop involved!:floorlaugh:
Okay you've all probably seen this, but I'm sharing it 'cause it actually, literally made me LOL!

On Luka's self-made MySpace fan page ( there's a post from Vitaly Koslov (aka Luka)'s an excerpt from that post (I've bolded what made me ROFL):

"I know you never go on the internet and you probley will never see this but I now realise that you are the only one for me and the only one I could ever love..."
Thanks for that Udar! I'm wondering if we shouldn't be gathering this type of info (as well as what I posted on in a separate thread? We may find some interesting patterns if we track his online movements through his numerous accounts. Would love if we could almost do a calendar-type format!

Here's what struck me about what you've uncovered from YouTube:
1. He seems to have "bursts" of activity. He's not steadily opening accounts everyday for 1 week, but rather opens multiple accounts on 1 day.
2. Feb '12 he had 3 of these "bursts" (more than the other months)
3. Wonder if anything can be learned by the non-Luka video favourites?
No problem. I did post it in the Luka timeline thread as well.

Yeah, I noticed the "bursts" and they seemed to always happen around the same time (middle of the month and end of the month). I wonder if it was when he only had access to a computer?

One other thing I found really disturbing is a "review" he posted in January 2012 of A SERBIAN FILM. For anyone unfamiliar with this movie, it is a horror film about guys who make a snuff film. The really odd thing is he copy and pasted a review by one James Drew.

Luka's "review":

The original review:
Thanks for that Udar! I'm wondering if we shouldn't be gathering this type of info (as well as what I posted on in a separate thread? We may find some interesting patterns if we track his online movements through his numerous accounts. Would love if we could almost do a calendar-type format!

Here's what struck me about what you've uncovered from YouTube:
1. He seems to have "bursts" of activity. He's not steadily opening accounts everyday for 1 week, but rather opens multiple accounts on 1 day.
2. Feb '12 he had 3 of these "bursts" (more than the other months)
3. Wonder if anything can be learned by the non-Luka video favourites?

I agree, we may find something useful and some interesting patterns.

Like I said a few pages back I do think LE should look further into his time spent on the Deep Web (Tor). We know he knew about it, we know he's posted a .onion address in December and we know he mentioned it through one of his sock puppet accounts when "promoting" the murder video before it even took place.

I really do think there is a wealth of unseen information he's posted on the Deep Web. Maybe looking for his normal web sock puppet accounts on the Deep Web?
I have a horrible feeling that he is going to use basically the same excuse as Turcotte

It won't work in Luka's case. He showed too much premeditation, a pattern of behaviour with the kitten killings and e mail threats to the English journalist, and uploaded the vid and went on the run afterwards.

Personally, I suspect he won't go that route anyway. He'll either claim the victim consented, like the cannibal case in Germany or he'll just deny all involvement.
Has anyone checked craiglist for LA around the time that Medellin was murdered to see if there could be any ads that would link LM to this. I still can't put my head around where he was getting his money to travel like he did. As mentioned in the x-tra article is use to get money from acquaintances or steal or....???
Okay you've all probably seen this, but I'm sharing it 'cause it actually, literally made me LOL!

On Luka's self-made MySpace fan page ( there's a post from Vitaly Koslov (aka Luka)'s an excerpt from that post (I've bolded what made me ROFL):

"I know you never go on the internet and you probley will never see this but I now realise that you are the only one for me and the only one I could ever love..."

Did you see his imaginary stats where he claims an income of $250,000 or more?? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
No problem. I did post it in the Luka timeline thread as well.

Yeah, I noticed the "bursts" and they seemed to always happen around the same time (middle of the month and end of the month). I wonder if it was when he only had access to a computer?

One other thing I found really disturbing is a "review" he posted in January 2012 of A SERBIAN FILM. For anyone unfamiliar with this movie, it is a horror film about guys who make a snuff film. The really odd thing is he copy and pasted a review by one James Drew.

Luka's "review":

The original review:

Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Did not know about A Serbian Film. I actually love horror movies but this sounds a little too extra. Especially now.

For me, this lends credence to the thought that those CL postings about a man looking for a male "actor" were LM...also makes me wonder what pretenses were used to get Jun to his place. Perhaps Jun thought he was could earn some extra money by being in an innocent-enough film for some guy. Poor Jun, bless his soul.
Legal question:

Is there a big difference between the way that the Canadian and American systems handle the inclusion/exclusion of evidence? In the American system, there are times when the judge seems to be making basically arbitrary decisions about what evidence can be seen and heard by the jury and what cannot. There are precedents to follow, but judges here have a lot of control over what the jury sees and hears. Are there more set guidelines in Canadian courts?

I'm not a lawyer, but I'll try to answer this. One of the biggest differences relates to character evidence. I've noticed that in many US trials, the first portion of the trial is dedicated to painting a picture of the accused such that the jury perceives the accused in a very negative light. After that has been achieved, then the evidence of the crime is presented. This is not allowed in Canadian courtrooms. Evidence of previous bad acts is not evidence that the accused is guilty of the specific crime. The only instance where character evidence can be introduced by Crown Prosecutors is when the defence first introduces character evidence and the Judge agrees that the defence opened the door. In most cases, even if it seems that the defence opened that door, the Judge will rule that Crown Prosecutors cannot introduce character evidence as it is prejudicial. It becomes a dicey point that can result in an appeal.

That means that all the stuff that Eric Newman posted on the internet is irrelevant in the trial. It may be interesting to people that are interested in Eric Newman, but it is basically water under the bridge and irrelevant in terms of evidence relating to the murder of Jun Lin.

It seems to me that a Judge often rules in favour or the accused if there is any doubt about the ligitimacy of evidence because there is an inherent understanding in Canadian law that it is a situation of the Powerful Crown versus The Little Guy.

It is also noteworthy that Canadian Crown Prosecutors can appeal a verdict. This is common in many countries ... but not in the US.
I am wondering how easy it will be for him to actually find a GOOD lawyer to take his case. The evidence seems overwhelming. I don't think I would want to touch it if I were a reputable defense lawyer.

If you followed the Rafferty case, everybody is entitled to a competent lawyer, if only so that there would be no grounds for appeal. I don't have a link. but earlier in this thread it was posted that apparently Magnotta has denied any connection to the victim, the murder and the video. The trial, when it happens, will not be a slam dunk.
If you followed the Rafferty case, everybody is entitled to a competent lawyer, if only so that there would be no grounds for appeal. I don't have a link. but earlier in this thread it was posted that apparently Magnotta has denied any connection to the victim, the murder and the video. The trial, when it happens, will not be a slam dunk.

From what little I've read about him, I think this will be a repeat of him first creating controversy about himself and then playing the victim of that controversy. We saw that with Homolka ... first he created online rumour that he was in a relationship with her and then he played the victim of malicious online rumour. I believe his defence will be a replay of this scenario. He created a true online horror story about himself, and now he will pretend that he is the victim of malicious online rumour.
If they would have put him in prison for animal abuse/torture and murder well, he would be behind bars right now.
They need to take this more serious in the future. How many experts need to repeat animal abuse equals a big red flag.

I agree.
They also need to change laws about animal abuse/torture/killing. As of now, an animal is considered "property". B.C. has the toughest animal cruelty laws, and jail time has increased, from 6 months in jail, to now, 2 years max.
I read a few days ago someone visited the apartment block after all this hit the news and they said it was a cheap and nasty place, single room apartments with drunks outside smoking and drinking

I believe ~n/t~, who apparently lives in Montreal, also said it was a sleazy neighbourhood with shady characters hanging around. However, in the video everything looked clean and in good repair, unlike many low rent apartments I've seen. Not everybody lives in a mansion.
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