ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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In a media statement issued Wednesday morning, Vancouver police said the decision to turn the investigation over "came late Tuesday after Vancouver police homicide investigators noted that the packaging and addresses on the boxes sent to Vancouver was similar to that of the packages discovered earlier this week in eastern Canada."

The addresses were similar meaning the handwriting was similar?
why do you think the penis is missing? in the vid we have seen the penis is in tact attached to the torso (which was found) and untouched.

Yeah, Justin Ling made a tweet regarding that issue.

Just thinking some more about Justin's profile which was accessed last on the 28th. I assume that it was a room mate but that raises the question of why there has not been no activity after the LE got involved? If it was a room mate or friend then his account must have been either left active since he last left home or else his settings allowed for passwords to be retained meaning LE should also have access to the account.

Surely LE should have been looking at the online activity of the victim to get a fuller picture of his relationship with Magnotta? This site in particular as it was one used the day of the murder.

LE didn't confirm it was Jun Lin until May 30th/31st.

I think it could be a roommate living with him that accessed that site. He may have an account at the same site. When he logged onto that site to get on his account, Lin was already logged in, so he logged out and it hasn't been accessed since because the roommate probably doesn't know Lin's passwords. It was just saved from the last time Lin was online?

Just a theory..

Thank-you for your excellent post, Koukla, you should post more often!

The last login of May 28th could possibly indicate that LRM was accessing Lin's account.

Or, it could mean that his friends were accessing his account.

But, most likely, it means that LE was accessing his account.

In the recent case of Michael Rafferty, a monster who sexually assaulted and murdered Victoria Stafford, LE accessed his social media sites AFTER his arrest. But, some other people did too. So, it is always good to watch these things, and it never hurts to let LE know.

In this case, it would be very disturbing if someone was accessing the victims account other than LE.


I doubt it was Luka. I don't think he knew the victim that well, and probably doesn't know how to read Chinese. Of course he could use a translator, but that takes some time.

It wasn't LE since they didn't know who the victim was until the 30th/31st.
That was more sarcasm right? X-tra is great for what it is but a highly respected news source it isn't. It's a question I'd expect his readers might be very interested in having the answer to actually.

Nope. In examining all of the coverage of the Magnotta case that I can, I have found Justin Ling's reporting to be the most accurate, factual, insightful and not sensationalized compared to other media outlets.

While I agree that Xtra! is not known for it's journalism, Ling's been doing old school journalism and provided important insights about Magnotta. I've been following his Magnotta coverage since his first article and he has not misreported anything; the same cannot be said for most other "news" outlets.
I have to wonder about the Medellin case from Hollywood. It`s as if he was, in a way, a sacrificial lamb to a Hollywood fanatic. I see too much symbolism here. I`ve been very suspicious of Magnotta in this case.
I wanted to bring everyone's attention to something important mentioned in yesterday's Xtra! article "Portrait of an accused murderer" ( )

Journalist Justin Ling interviewed "Dave", a friend of Magnotta’s from 2002, who shared:

Magnotta was a serious “homebody,” Dave says, and he rarely wanted to go out. The one time the two went to a bar together, Magnotta insisted it be late at night. “He didn’t want to be seen.”

This morning that quote popped in my mind and I had an "ah-ha moment" as, in my opinion, that is the most telling and insightful statement I've read about Magnotta and helps me understand so much about him.

Before I share my take, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what was an "ah-ha moment" for me.

I just wanted to bring this up again, about LM being an homebody and didn't want to go out.

There is a video on dailymotion thats a slideshow of pics showing LM out clubbing in 2009. He never is smiling once on any of these pics, he didn't look comfortable there at all

Here is the vid:

Luka Magnotta Clubbing 2009 at the Club - Video Dailymotion
It's getting coverage here and they're threatening to disrupt the F1 events this weekend. They had to cancel the opening events last Thursday (IIRC).

Me = Fed up with these punks!

I thought they promised they weren't going to disturb any of the festivals etc??? I'm fed up as well. Rebels without a freaking clue but we digress.
I'm sure tourists will be lining up to visit Montreal this summer. This horrific crime will bring them in for sure. Here take a pamphlet that explains why we're pissed our tuition is 1/1000th of what your kids pay in the US before you visit the memorial of another one of our valued 'guests'.
2m Ben O'Hara-Byrne ‏@BenCTV
#magnotta lawyer has not seen video allegedly showing murder and dismemberment of Lin Jun

3m Ben O'Hara-Byrne ‏@BenCTV
#Magnotta lawyer says at appearance before judge he was nice, polite, didn't seem like psychopath she read about, translator thought so too
sort of off topic... the only words I know in french are bad words and happy new year

bonne annee

You guys are gonna make me crack out the rosetta stone LOL

:lol: I've been tempted to slip in a few bad ones here and there! :lol:
Interesting article here

A report in the New York Observer suggested a possible link between Luka Magnotta, 29, and the Los Angeles case, which remains unsolved.

Sources familiar with the investigation said Magnotta had not visited the United States in the last two years, according to the sources who spoke with The Times on condition of anonymity.

Dog walkers in Bronson Canyon below the Hollywood sign found a severed head on Jan. 19. A search by authorities also turned up two hands and two feet, which were buried in a shallow grave. LAPD detectives determined that the parts belonged to Hervey Medellin, a 66-year-old former Mexicana Airlines employee.

Medellin lived with another person in a third-floor apartment on DeLongpre Avenue, not far from the hiking trail where his body parts were found.

Sources said the bizarre nature of the case is the only thing comparable to the Canadian dismemberment case.

I'm curious as to who their source is. There was a post on a BDSM forum that Luka posted asking for a dominatrix in Los Angeles or Arizona in December of 2011..

Also, a European government, I believe France, said that the serial cat killer video that was released in Dec of 2011 was uploaded somewhere in North America..
I just wanted to bring this up again, about LM being an homebody and didn't want to go out.

There is a video on dailymotion thats a slideshow of pics showing LM out clubbing in 2009. He never is smiling once on any of these pics, he didn't look comfortable there at all

Here is the vid:

Luka Magnotta Clubbing 2009 at the Club - Video Dailymotion

yeah...he could have a bit of social anxiety due to being extremely uncomfortable in his own skin....but still has to go out to meet his hook ups and all that...
I have to wonder about the Medellin case from Hollywood. It`s as if he was, in a way, a sacrificial lamb to a Hollywood fanatic. I see too much symbolism here. I`ve been very suspicious of Magnotta in this case.

someone linked earlier to a LM account, on a very graphic s&m site, about looking for a Dom. in Arizona/LA :S i would re-link but the site is pretty nasty(some pages arent as bad as others but still..)
I think Luka accessed Justin's online account via Justin's phone. I'm sure Justin had his phone with him...who is to say that luka didn't peruse his phone. How many of you click that box to "Stay logged in"
2m Ben O'Hara-Byrne ‏@BenCTV
#magnotta lawyer has not seen video allegedly showing murder and dismemberment of Lin Jun

3m Ben O'Hara-Byrne ‏@BenCTV
#Magnotta lawyer says at appearance before judge he was nice, polite, didn't seem like psychopath she read about, translator thought so too

OK, so he's got a female lawyer!! Just what I needed to hear. UGH!! And he's "nice and polite". Well, I would be too in a BERLIN PRISON!! :jail:
IMO I am greatly confused as to exactly how these other 2 body parts that have surfaced in the last 24hours were able to possibly slip by, undetected through the postal service? (And just wanted to note that I am in no way wishing to heap negativity on the Canadian Postal Service as regardless of what country this had occurred in I would still be asking these same questions) .. it just almost seems as tho it'd be virtually impossible to have not just one.. but two more body parts of the victim actually be able to FULLY make their way through the entire postal system ..and both actually having been delivered via the regular, standard route as any other normal, every day package would make its way through the system resulting in its making its final destination to my or your front porch/door step.. that's the biggest wow factor for me?? Just purely due to the fact that they were very much expecting to find the other missing body parts already making their way through the postal system(just as they had found the 2nd extremity en route to another political camp) its so baffling to me that 2 more packages.. bound for 2seperate addresses.. via 2 separate mail routes..and 2 different mail men/delivery personnel ..and that even with what IMO would be the highest of alerts,precautions, and overly tight security measures in place 2 separately boxed and addressed packages, each containing yet another extremity of this poor victim made their way without zero alert, suspicion, or issue to the front offices of 2 elementary schools??

I just cannot see how that happened and the timing could not have been more "luckily" perfect with both of the packages having been delivered within a very short amount of time difference in each of their arrival times.. and what i mean by this is that its not as if one got delivered a considerable amount of time prior to the other package having been delivered so as to alert that a 3rd body part had been delivered and received by an elementary school.. thereby other elementary schools would be well aware and alert to anything remotely suspicious being delivered(as in smell or odd appearance), .BUT THAT DID NOT HAPPEN MUCH DIFFERENT IS THAT BODY PART 3 AND 4 WERE ESSENTIALLY "PERFECTLY TIMED" WITH ONE ANOTHER.. to the point that if this were a case here in the US I would absolutely in no way believe that two packages were so perfectly in sync ..and their absolute and total SEPARATE deliveries coincided in such a way as what we saw occur yesterday with extremity 3&4 ...ALL OF THIS UNINTENTIONAL AND WITHOUT ANY AID FROM PERSONNEL OF THE POSTAL SERVICE...

THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT I WOULD BELIEVE THAT IT WAS JUST LUCK AND CONCIDENCE IF IT WERE TO HAVE OCCURRED IN THE USPS...and that's no knock on our USPS as i have immediate family members with full retirement from working their entire careers for our USPS.. i am merely stating what i believe to be fact that given the exact set of circumstances of 2 separate packages with differing final destinations to have been ultimately delivered/received in such a small window of time! ESPECIALLY WHEN ADDING A HIGH ALERT ALREADY BEING IN PLACE AS WELL..

maybe I'm just really in need of a little sleep but IMO it just seems preposterously almost damn near impossible???? .as is always jmo tho!
yeah...he could have a bit of social anxiety due to being extremely uncomfortable in his own skin....but still has to go out to meet his hook ups and all that...

that social anxiety, and anxiety in general is why i believe he was sick on the plane
I just wanted to bring this up again, about LM being an homebody and didn't want to go out.

There is a video on dailymotion thats a slideshow of pics showing LM out clubbing in 2009. He never is smiling once on any of these pics, he didn't look comfortable there at all

Here is the vid:

Luka Magnotta Clubbing 2009 at the Club - Video Dailymotion

I'm highly suspect of all of those photos and wish I could get back the two minutes of my life that I just wasted watching that drivel.

Was the photog stalking him or was it made to appear they were paparazzi-like shots? Or is it more fun with Photoshop?

One tidbit: His most dreadful taste in tops continues. Is Stevie Wonder his stylist?
sort of off topic... the only words I know in french are bad words and happy new year

bonne annee

You guys are gonna make me crack out the rosetta stone LOL

Well, ha! I can count to THREE in French.

we do not sleuth other members... and we do not know that he has been posting here...

I responded to this post because I want everyone to see the answer (re: do not sleuth your fellow poster)

Sorry Nursebeeme
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