ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #6

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He has a virtual myth existence, but as a real person, he was terrified to be seen in the daylight and hated his appearance and life (opinion based on following the case). He was a nobody that wanted to be a somebody so badly he fictionalized a life ... right down to the promise to the UK reporter. That's the end... his life is over ... other than court documents.
LE investigates online for child predators. I really do think that they need task forces that troll the internet and start collecting info on various criminal types that meet a certain criteria, a check list of sorts, and collect data on them and follow-ups. Example, many of these characters we have seen from the deep web have certain characterisitics in common; there should be lists made of these people and monitor them, red flag them so to speak as currently they are just floating through cyberspace unhindered doing lordy knows what. I realize this is a slippery slope, but if you are lawabiding and not a whacko then it should be no problem. LE can force them into help. MOO But at very least, these discussions should be taking place in LE and with politicians so there is a plan in place with how to deal with these people as they come across them. Many of these people are talking about some really horrible stuff, it should at least be noted and compiled some where by LE. JMO At the very least, these people should be on notice that they will be held accountable for what they do online and what they propogate or incite on line as well. The internet should not be a free pass for unacceptable behavior and antisocial drivel. MOO

This would not be very popular however I can see a time when we have to buy a license to be on the internet. It is not a bad idea for this reason. If you abuse your internet privilages then your license to be on net is taken away. Like a typical license you can lose so many points until you lose the right all together. I think this may be where we are headed. JMO We will be able to thank the whack jobs posting on the net for this.
I really do think that they need task forces that troll the internet and start collecting info on various criminal types that meet a certain criteria, a check list of sorts, and collect data on them and follow-ups. Example, many of these characters we have seen from the deep web have certain characterisitics in common; there should be lists made of these people and monitor them, red flag them so to speak as currently they are just floating through cyberspace unhindered doing lordy knows what. I realize this is a slippery slope, but if you are lawabiding and not a whacko then it should be no problem.

And WHERE exactly are you seeing this criminal activity on the "deep web"??? Or does having a sick sense of humor qualify as criminal these days and you want a gestapo type government that tracks everyone you don't feel comfortable around? WorldStarHipHop is about the only website that I know of that glorifies and encourages criminal activity and there is nothing "deep web" about them.

Illegal activity is no longer on websites, it moved to the peer to peer networks long ago.
Do you guys think the "evidence" of Breann Pearl Lang knowing Luka is legit? I saw her claim that she knows and loves him, but I'm talking about the photos discussed in another forum. The male is unidentifiable in the photos of Breann, and the female is obstructed in the photo that supposedly shows her reflection while snapping a picture of Luka. I figured it was just someone trolling. Anyway, a website has her age listed as 23. The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs were reportedly born in 1988. So this creepy girl, who claims to know Luka personally and enjoy killing cats, was supposedly born in the Ukraine and is the same age as the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs. That's a little disturbing. Even if the photos are a hoax, it seems like someone should have a conversation with this sicko. We know that he had an accomplice for the kitten videos, right?
And WHERE exactly are you seeing this criminal activity on the "deep web"???
WorldStarHipHop is about the only website that I know of that glorifies and encourages criminal activity and there is nothing "deep web" about them.

Illegal activity is no longer on websites, it moved to the peer to peer networks long ago.

ws posters here have found many ppl who on fb and other sites who glorify LM and his kitten killings as well as other antisocial behavior. That type of behavior seems to go unfettered on internet and I suggest they need their internet access revoked. MOO
LM acted out on the internet for years unfettered and from what we have learned here it is pervasive across the net. Have you not been paying attention ;)
I have said it before, there is so much that can go wrong in the womb. Environment is important, but truly we have seen it in other cases, there is that something else. I think it is genes, brain damage, perhaps a deficiency in utero etc...but their brains are just dang broke. Much the same as FAS, damaged and dangerous and it must be very confusing for them and probably scarey to live inside their heads. JMO I can only imagine what family members have gone through with concern for him over the years and what he might do. :moo: At the very least it is possible that educators identified him as a problem at some point but as we know by adulthood they have slipped back into the cracks. This shouldn't happen.

As a world society, we are failing people with serious mental health issues. Even if there were a medical treatment could these people afford it? Cities all over the world have people on the streets who cannot afford their mental health medications because they cannot hold a job as they are sick and therefore have no benefits either. These individuals had problems since birth IMO and the system failed many of them and their families. Such a big problem, so big. So through the gaping holes they slip, usually end up on the street and involved in drugs, families with their fingers crossed...wondering how bad it will get will they hurt themselves or worse someone else. Very sad. These issues have to be brought to light and dealt with, stigma's erased to allow open identification and treatment for these people. There is no other way to affect change.

Our healthcare system provides free healthcare to all Canadian citizens. The problem is most with mental health issues don't seek the help they need. I do not believe the accused killer has a mental illness. He's a narcissist, psychopath and as far as I know there is no known cure. He could have probably gotten some sort of treatment for some of his symptoms but there is no doubt in my mind that he enjoyed his fantasies.

Like the case of the one who got away with murder, no soul, no remorse. It's everyone else's fault. The me me me me me disease.
ws posters here have found many ppl who on fb and other sites who glorify LM and his kitten killings as well as other antisocial behavior. That type of behavior seems to go unfettered on internet and I suggest they need their internet access revoked. MOO
LM acted out on the internet for years unfettered and from what we have learned here it is pervasive across the net. Have you not been paying attention ;)

If there is proof (i.e. videos of animal abuse) that they are committing crimes they should be arrested and prosecuted for those crimes. You suggested that the government should track and monitor people and pull their "internet license" which is NOT the same as prosecuting individuals for crimes.

Crush videos (killing small animals on video for profit) are produced in Russia and China, they are even hosted on U.S. BASED WEBSITES that SELL the videos legally and no one does a darn thing about it (gore sites are pretty much all non-profit which is completely different than producing sadistic videos for sale), the US authorities could EASILY shut down those websites but they just don't care. I have a real problem with THAT however I also have a problem with "thought police" going after non-criminals just because they seem "odd" and because they aren't PC.
Do you guys think the "evidence" of Breann Pearl Lang knowing Luka is legit? I saw her claim that she knows and loves him, but I'm talking about the photos discussed in another forum. The male is unidentifiable in the photos of Breann, and the female is obstructed in the photo that supposedly shows her reflection while snapping a picture of Luka. I figured it was just someone trolling. Anyway, a website has her age listed as 23. The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs were reportedly born in 1988. So this creepy girl, who claims to know Luka personally and enjoy killing cats, was supposedly born in the Ukraine and is the same age as the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs. That's a little disturbing. Even if the photos are a hoax, it seems like someone should have a conversation with this sicko. We know that he had an accomplice for the kitten videos, right?

I was far behind and posted this on the old thread. But I noticed something curious on her page...the picture with the Santa hat. The coloring and all looks like the kitten snake video. Check it out...on my iPad so can't do a screen by screen comparison.
He also set up a FB account as Lesley Anne Downey, sick sick man.

Cached - http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...10+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a

he is a sick so and so, that's for sure. I'm not surprised he's into (the moors muerderers) ian brady & myra hindley, after knowing his fascination with paul bernardo and karla homolka. their modus operandi is/was similar. ugly ugly people.

note: apropos of nothing, one could, if one desired, go to the national archives at kew and physically view moors murderers evidence; I have debated it after I read books on the case but I couldnt bear to have that ugly near me.
he is a sick so and so, that's for sure. I'm not surprised he's into (the moors muerderers) ian brady & myra hindley, after knowing his fascination with paul bernardo and karla homolka. their modus operandi is/was similar. ugly ugly people.

Interesting that while he seemed to primarily sleep with men he fantasized about having a female partner in crime and even fantasized about having a female killer as a wife. There is no shortage of good looking gay male serial killers to obsess over.

Did he fear male aggression? I think he did, it also might explain his choice of victim.
Nothing special found here, but I guess LRM made this site here, since it was linked to that 'Lesley Ann Downey' Account.

the only link he shared was about the Deep Web. If we was on it or not will probably be a mystery, but one thing is certain, he was rather fascinated by it.

He also allegedly created a video of himself calling himself the "Myra Hindley of Canada". The video on Youtube has been removed but there is a copy here:
Interesting that while he seemed to primarily sleep with men he fantasized about having a female partner in crime and even fantasized about having a female killer as a wife. There is no shortage of good looking gay male serial killers to obsess over.

Did he fear male aggression?

I disagree... a lot of gay serial killers were seen as good; Andrew Cunanan,Bruce Davis and the list goes on...
I disagree... a lot of gay serial killers were seen as good; Andrew Cunanan,Bruce Davis and the list goes on...

I said there is "no shortage" of good looking gay serial killers. Dahmer was nice looking, Panzram was hot in his younger days, Gacy was a little chunky but still cute and very charming.
Sorry trying to catch up...may have already been posted..but look at the pic of herewith the Santa hat....same looking one as the kitten vid with the snake....same lighting too ...that was the one vid that he had a girl with him...maybe?

Am I the only one who is completely sick and tired of the endless photos we're sharing of this monster?!?!?

If the Montreal Monster had Internet access, he'd just read this thread and think "They love looking at photos of me as much as I do and their salivating for more and more... If only I could get someone to smuggle in a digital camera so I can give my obvious fans what they want"...
I used to be a heavy pot smoker. There is no rage. There is no delusion (aside from perhaps a bit of paranoia... "huhhuh, what was that noise, man?"). There is no urge to do anything but sit on your backside and eat, watch stupid movies or tv shows, smoke more pot, and sleep. There are no violent withdrawal symptoms that could cause somebody to have a mental break. It does cause short-term memory loss and a sense of general stupidity.
I can't speak for other drugs, but marijuana use wouldn't cause somebody to flip out and do something like this.

:moo: :twocents:

But BorgQueen this Public Service Announcement from the American Medical Association warns us that although Marijuana may be "the Hula Hoop of the jet generation" it will basically kill you and make you kill others:

Marijuana will kill you- the same way that homosexuals are dangerous and will rape and murder you according to this 1950's Public Service Announcement:

Since everything in a Public Service Announcement is true, I think we can all agree that Magnotta committed this crime SOLELY because he was a marijuana smoking homosexual. Since these two PSAs say so, let's agree there can be no other possible factors. Case closed my friends, case closed...
Sorry trying to catch up...may have already been posted..but look at the pic of herewith the Santa hat....same looking one as the kitten vid with the snake....same lighting too ...that was the one vid that he had a girl with him...maybe?

Am I the only one who is completely sick and tired of the endless photos we're sharing of this monster?!?!?

If the Montreal Monster had Internet access, he'd just read this thread and think "They love looking at photos of me as much as I do and their salivating for more and more... If only I could get someone to smuggle in a digital camera so I can give my obvious fans what they want"...
Am I the only one who is completely sick and tired of the endless photos we're sharing of this monster?!?!?

If the Montreal Monster had Internet access, he'd just read this thread and think "They love looking at photos of me as much as I do and their salivating for more and more... If only I could get someone to smuggle in a digital camera so I can give my obvious fans what they want"...
Imagine when he will be back in canada...if the press are able to take pictures of him....i am sure he will pose and smile
I am not sure if this has been posted but the group “Find the Kitten Vacuumer … For Great Justice” who have been tracking LM for 2 years have released a great write up documenting the evidence they have against LM for those crimes.

It can be seen here (please not there are images from the kitten video's in this document): Killer 2010 - 2011.pdf

One thing I never realised, we know LM "promoted" this video before the murder even took place through his various sock puppet accounts. He also did the same for 2 of the kitten killing video's, he created sock puppet accounts promoting these video's too before the video's were published.

wow im so far behind. JUST got to the above post. very informative link provided.....they did very good writing this up. 1 pic in this does reveal the bestiality that was previously in question. i know a poster came on here saying he had proof of LM being involved in it but he wouldnt reveal any facts/links/confirmation. well the above link does show a pic of LM forcing a cat to give him a BJ. sick SOB!!!!

sorry if this is out of line or already been discussed.....sooooo far behind! :banghead:
Bringing this over from the previous thread. Hope that's okay.

Originally Posted by thedissent
**** EDITED *****

Hey all, I've updated the timeline again based on feedback.

NOTE: This timeline contains mainly established facts, but also potential suppositions and leads. I have qualified suppositions and leads with words such as "allegedly" or "claimed" or "there is some evidence that..."

In all cases, I've attempted to systematically document any facts, assertions, or suppositions with sources and links so people can verify.

Based on feedback, I've removed some entries concerning "Beavis Butthead" (such as comparisons between BB and the DataLounge troll), and focused mainly on facts concerning BB. Though BB may just be a troll, he has come up often in discussions-- and was accused in MSM that he may be BB-- so I think it's worthwhile to at least have the fact established he is not LRM (despite what some media outlets have erroneously reported).

Of course, I welcome any feedback and will repost to the non-discussion thread.


2007 - LRM allegedly involved in flame wars on YouTube. There is some evidence that LRM already has many sockpuppets on YouTube and that his main YouTube account "lukamagnotta1" is suspended for abuse of TOS.

Evidence of these YouTube flame wars come from, among other things, from videos that other people made in response to LRM's abusive actions.

"Mega Man 999 Mega Man II" found on this YouTube channel: - mocks LRM's use of "Megaman999Megaman" sockpuppet accounts as well as his hatred of homeless people.

"Goodbye lukamagnotta1" - found here: - celebrates that LRM's main YouTube account has been suspended.

Also, the dossier compiled by Animal Rights activists pursuing LRM documents some evidence of these early YouTube disputes:

See: 2011.pdf

May, 2007 - LRM claims that a rumour has circulated around the Internet about him dating Karla Homolka, the infamous spouse and accomplice of serial killer Paul Bernardo. LRM calls into Toronto Sun News to be interviewed in order to "set the record straight". Claims the rumour is ruining his life.


December, 2011 – LRM allegedly shows up at Sun News office in the UK to dispute a story that he was involved with animal abuse videos online. After the interview, UK Sun claims LRM emails the Sun with the alias “John Kilbride” and threatens that he will make a "new video" involving "humans" .


April 22, 2012 - YouTube account "Rita VanVolkenberg" uploads several videos of LRM, most entitled “Cannibal Serial Killer - Luka Magnotta”. This is several weeks before the actual murder of Jun Lin.


May 12, 2012 – Someone posts on Yahoo “There is a video circulating TOR ( The Deep Web) all I know is it was shot in San Fransisco, I have been trying to find it for weeks.”


May 14, 2012 - YouTube account "alexisvaloranreich" uploads a video which consists a single image of a hooded person holding an icepick with a poster of Casablanca in the background. The uploader states: "There is apparently a video circulating around the deep web called " One Lunatic One Ice Pick" Video. Does anyone have a copy of it ?”


Two other accounts "genisismaster" and "adamlemmon" comment on the above video a day later on May 15, 2012, both suggesting they know of the video.


Both accounts have little activity other than these posts. The "genisismaster" account has "favorited" several animal abuse videos, like one where a bunny is fed to a snake.

May 15, 2012 - a poster named "babymaggie11" similarly asks about a "1 lunatic, 1 ice pick" video on


The name "babymaggie1" is linked to LRM on other sites, where he appears to have uploaded a photo of himself.


May 16, 2012 – Someone called "anonymousgirl33" posts a similar video on DailyMotion asking about a "1 Lunatic 1 icepick" video.


Same day, someone called "anonymousgirl4" makes two posts on, writing one titled "The 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video" and saying, among other things, "There is a video of a guy around aged 20 from San Fransisco, he apparently made real snuff films that depict cannabilisim and necrophilia along with the murder".


Notice that "San Francisco" is repeatedly misspelled as "San Fransisco" in these anonymous posts about the video before it has been even made.

May 24, 2012 - Last time Jun Lin is seen by friends. Lin Jun parents lose contact with him.


May 25, 2012 - LRM's neighbour in Montreal claims to have seen him arrying box to post office.


May 25, 2012 - The alleged kill video is posted on by Mark Marek, who now claims he posted after it was sent to him by a contributor to the site.

Interestingly, the posting on May 25 states "Very hard to find, the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video took the internet by the storm as the most horrific shock video to have been released to date. There are speculations that One Lunatic One Ice Pick may be an actual snuff film..." There's also mention of "San Francisco" and "Russia" as the origins.

This is similar to April 22 and May 15/16 posts (noted above) which also spoke of "rumours" of a "snuff film" that may have been filmed in "San Francisco".


May 26, 2012 – A lawyer in Montana claims to have viewed "1 Lunatic, 1 Icepick" video on and calls the Toronto police about it. Apparently, the police tell him to contact "Crime Stoppers".


May 26, 2012 - Magnotta flies out of Montreal to France on an Air Transat flight. He sits in row 33 and his bizarre behavior alarms some passengers. LRM is seen "crying" at the back of the plane at some point.


May 29, 2012 - A Montreal janitor discovers a suit case containing a human torso in a pile of garbage and discarded furniture on the curb near Place Lucy, LRM's building.


May 29, 2012 - A package containing a human foot and a "note" arrives at Conservative Party HQ. A second package, containing a human hand, is discovered at an Ottawa Canada Post warehouse, addressed to the Liberal Party of Canada HQ.


May 29, 2012 - Police investigation focuses on LRM, as video surveillance taken both from LRM's apartment building as well as the local Canada Post mail depot (where the body part packages were mailed) show a "nervous" man matching LRM's description putting garbage at the curb several times, as well as a "nervous" LRM at the Canada Post mail depot.


May 30, 2012 - After LRM's apartment (5309 Place Lucy, Apartment 208) is searched, he becomes #1 suspect and a nationwide warrant is issued for his arrest.

Police also confirm that they are aware of the "Bestgore" kill video, and believe it to be authentic.


May 31, 2012 - Police say they have evidence suggesting LRM has left the country, and an international manhunt begins.


May 31, 2012 – Youtube user “Beavis Butthead” (BB) uploads videos on YouTube claiming LRM is being "framed" by an "insane agent" that he had "fired". Later, BB targets "Kris Sims" of the Toronto Sun News, who ran a story on Toronto Sun News that BB may be LRM.



However, BB is not LRM, as BB continues to post after LRM was arrested.

June 1, 2012 - The victim is identified as Jun Lin, a 33 year old Chinese exchange student.


June 4-5 2012 - LRM seen in France and then arrested in a cybercafe in Berlin.


June 5, 2012 - Two packages containing a "note" and body parts arrive at two Vancouver schools.


June 6, 2012 - LRM does not object to extradition, and will likely be back in Canada to face trial by the end of June.

Source: You strike me as a pretty smart cookie
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