ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #6

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I have extensive experience with children with RAD. When you are around these kids, you just start to be able to pick the *look* out of a crowd. Does that make sense? He shows many of the characteristics. Untreated, these kids can grow up to be sociopaths. They have no conscience. The attachment cycle we go through as infants is what creates all of our neurological connections for life!! Ok, not all of them, but the majority of them are formed before age 5. We start to learn empathy at this time. Our mom (or other caring caregiver) are our conscience until it starts becoming natural to us what is wrong or right. We are given boundaries in a normal home that coincide with our conscience and start to realize what is socially acceptable.

It's very telling to me that he did not go to his grandmothers until 5. So assuming his most formative years prior to that were spent being neglected and abused, it was a recipe for disaster as far as brain wiring.

It is not uncommon for kids with RAD to physically or sexually abuse animals or other people. Untreated this continues into adulthood. They can be master manipulaters. Notice he already has his German attorney seeing him as calm and polite.

He knew what he was doing was wrong.

He lacks the conscience and empathy to care. Which in turn leaves him with his narsassistic personality. It's all about him.

I'm tired, rambling and this is all just my opinion, of course.

Thanks so much, Too Curious. Wow. That is good info to have. And so sad. I am going to read what you wrote again tomorrow....when I am not so tired. zzz
His sentence will be a life sentence and the earliest chance for parole will be in 25 years. He can be kept longer, but he is given an opportunity to rehabilitate and be released. Given his crimes, I suspect that he will not be released. Sending a foot to the Prime Minister's political office, or threatening him, is a serious offence too. Law cannot be changed for one person, and I don't think that change in law is a good move for Canada ... it seems permanently punitive.

Nothing wrong with making sure it's done and final :) Dot the i's and cross the t's
these deranged folks feed off of each other and I do believe that as in LM's case their behaviors tend to be progressive. I believe with all "those folks" it starts somewhere and in many progresses.

Truly as a society we need a game plan as what to do when we come across such people. Who should they be reported to and what will be done with them to ensure they get the help they need; as that behavior is not ok. Full stop. IMO JMO

With Eric Newman, it progressed to the point where he threw a chair at his teacher in grade 6 and was expelled. He was home schooled for a while and by high school, I think, he lived with his grandmother. Those close to him would have recognized that something was really wrong ... which may explain him being with his grandmother at some point before the age of 5. Were his siblings also living with the grandmother ... is he the oldest in the family?
Nothing wrong with making sure it's done and final :) Dot the i's and cross the t's

True, but the law will be applied in the same way that it's applied to everyone. There cannot be anything more than a life sentence with elligibility for parole after 25 years in Canadian law (except for dangerous offender - not applicable). That's the max. Changing that to life without any opportunity for parole would require a change in law, not an application of existing law.

I don't think that's a good idea. Eric Newman can be imprisoned for the rest of his life without changing law to include the option that people are permanently imprisoned without any hope of rehabilitation. That's how it is in the US. Canada's justice system is more like Europe ... there's an assumption that psychiatrists, psychologists and programs can change the direction of people's lives ... the only question is whether the criminals are on the 25 year program or the 100 year program.
Nothing wrong with making sure it's done and final :) Dot the i's and cross the t's

That will be up to the Crown, the judge, and the defence. Unfortunately, a petition can't ensure that things are done right. We just have to hope that the Crown, judge, and defence are all competent. Considering how big this case is, having attracted international attention, I believe that a point will be made to have the best of the best working on this case. There is no room to stuff this up. :jail:
That will be up to the Crown, the judge, and the defence. Unfortunately, a petition can't ensure that things are done right. We just have to hope that the Crown, judge, and defence are all competent. Considering how big this case is, having attracted international attention, I believe that a point will be made to have the best of the best working on this case. There is no room to stuff this up. :jail:

I can't think of a single case where either the Judge, Prosecutor, or Defence was incompetent in a Canadian courtroom ... although there have been problems with investigators having tunnel vision. That was made apparent and addressed nationally after the Guy Paul Morin case. Quebec law is again different from Canadian law ... more like France; less like Roman law and what is practiced in the US.
I can't think of a single case where either the Judge, Prosecutor, or Defence was incompetent in a Canadian courtroom ... although there have been problems with investigators having tunnel vision. That was made apparent and addressed nationally after the Guy Paul Morin case. Quebec law is again different from Canadian law ... more like France; less like Roman law and what is practiced in the US.

Admittedly, I do not know much about the law... I am learning slowly. I am just really, really hopeful that nobody stuffs up anything. Whether it be in the court room, or during investigation, I am hopeful that everything will be done right (especially with warrants... argh!).
Admittedly, I do not know much about the law... I am learning slowly. I am just really, really hopeful that nobody stuffs up anything. Whether it be in the court room, or during investigation, I am hopeful that everything will be done right (especially with warrants... argh!).

I don't think there will be any mistakes with this case. Aside from the blue versus brown eyes discrepancy between the interpol description and eye colour in German mug shot ... police have a video of the murder. There's nothing left to the hypothetical, much like in the cases of Paul Bernardo and Ruessell Williams. They filmed the murder and they will never be released.

I can't think of any new laws that should be created to ensure that this happens.

He has hazel coloured eyes, not blue. He wore blue contacts or used image editing tools to add the blue colour to his eyes in the photos ... which brings up an interesting point. Did he add the blue eyes to disguise himself, or did he realy want to have blue eyes? His plastic surgery interview certainly suggests that other than having fears that his forehead cave in from having his horns removed, he wanted to change pretty much everything at any cost.

The last thread was 54 pages long ... time for a new thread ... and we all know the rules by now ...

Picking up where we left off ... I don't think there will be any mistakes with this case aside from the blue versus hazel eye colour discrepancy between the interpol description and eye colour in the German mug shot.


Police have a video of the murder. There's nothing left to the hypothetical, much like in the cases of Paul Bernardo and Russell Williams. They filmed the murder and they will never be released, just like Eric Newman.

I can't think of any new laws that should be created to ensure that this happens.

Eric Newman has hazel coloured eyes, not blue. He wore blue contacts or used image editing tools to add the blue colour to his eyes in the photos ... which brings up an interesting point. Did he add the blue eyes to disguise himself, or did he realy want to have blue eyes? His plastic surgery interview certainly suggests that, other than having fears that his forehead might cave in from having his "horns" removed, he wanted to change pretty much everything at any cost.

Plastic Surgery Audition (horns):

In his plastic surgery interview, he talks about having a section of skin removed from the back of his head and pasted on the top of his head to deal with a receding hairline. Bizarre.
Has anyone else noticed the resemblance between the woman from the family photo album online, and Eric's (Luka's) mother/stepmother? They have very similar bone structure. People have referred to this young woman as his girlfriend but she may actually be his sister.
There has been discussion in the past about whether Canada has mudertainment talking heads. I think that with a US TV Talking head "Dr Drew" being the first to broad cast murdertainment TV about this case, it's clear that programs like that do not exist in Canada ... otherwise one of them would have scooped this. Canadian laws are stricter than US laws about the release of information prior to trial.
wow! the last thread... allowing THAT chick to hold ANY baby?
I just can't handle the sickness! He won't make it in any prison and that girl needs HELP

My one and only comment on this case!
That just gave me the mental image of him sitting at the computer, selecting a section of hair in photoshop, from the back of his head, and pasting it on the top. :aktion1:

Anyway... this entire case is bizarre. It is giving me a headache. :nerves:
I can't think of a single case where either the Judge, Prosecutor, or Defence was incompetent in a Canadian courtroom ... although there have been problems with investigators having tunnel vision. That was made apparent and addressed nationally after the Guy Paul Morin case. Quebec law is again different from Canadian law ... more like France; less like Roman law and what is practiced in the US.

While Quebec's system of civil law and common law differ from other provinces, LRM will be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada, which is applied the same throughout the entire country. Quebec is no exception.
Brought over from the other thread:

I can't think of a single case where either the Judge, Prosecutor, or Defence was incompetent in a Canadian courtroom ... although there have been problems with investigators having tunnel vision. That was made apparent and addressed nationally after the Guy Paul Morin case. Quebec law is again different from Canadian law ... more like France; less like Roman law and what is practiced in the US.

While Quebec's system of civil law and common law differ from other provinces, LRM will be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada, which is applied the same throughout the entire country. Quebec is no exception.
My brain is thinking about this weird case even when I sleep. I should need a break from it but I just can't.

Does anyone know if Luka reported any form of stalking or anything else for that matter?! I don't think he was stalked or framed but if he would claim that why didn't he report anything earlier?

I don't think anybody would want to frame him because I just can't see any reason... He had no money, wasen't famous and so on. We do know for a fact that the animals right organisation was after him but it's not very likley they would frame him for a murder just to get him behind bars.
Eric Newman reminds me of Joran v.d. Sloot, with the big difference being upbringing. Other than that, they seem to be the same ... an angry child that became a belligerant teenager that grew into a murderous man. That cold stare ...

Brought over from the other thread:

While Quebec's system of civil law and common law differ from other provinces, LRM will be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada, which is applied the same throughout the entire country. Quebec is no exception.

Thank you ... much appreciated.
My brain is thinking about this weird case even when I sleep. I should need a break from it but I just can't.

Does anyone know if Luka reported any form of stalking or anything else for that matter?! I don't think he was stalked or framed but if he would claim that why didn't he report anything earlier?

I don't think anybody would want to frame him because I just can't see any reason... He had no money, wasen't famous and so on. We do know for a fact that the animals right organisation was after him but it's not very likley they would frame him for a murder just to get him behind bars.

There is no doubt that he was involved with the kittens film as he was interviewed about it in the UK in Dec, 2011. There is no doubt that he was involved in the murder, mutilation and abuse of Lin Jun. Police have footage of cannibalism that was not included in the online release. There is no question about who did this. The only questions are how did he become like this and are there any other victims?
Magnotta will have to take back stage for a while newswise. Student protests at the Grand Prix festivities took center stage in the news. Riot squad in full force downtown last night and probably all weekend long.
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