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they'll probably all do more time on these drug charges then they would ever have seen from a negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter conviction. Which begs the question, why keep up the lies? If they could get the drug charges dropped for telling the truth about what happened to Haleigh and it was an accidental OD, then why continue the games and lies? Who would they be protecting?? Not themselves nor each other at this point.

I think now they might see very long prison terms given is a real possibility. I think they were under the belief they would get off easy.

What does scare me though is:

Without Misty talking or being charged in Haleighs death I think a judge will really have to stretch the law not to give her the Youthful Offender program.

Makes me believe they want to charge her before she goes to court in May.
I wonder what made the police believe a drug addict and known liar trying to get his bond lowered when he said he went to the trailer in the first place?
Here is what was said about Tommy coming by the trailer last year after his arrest. Sound as if he went after 10PM. I read somewhere that Ron had called around 9PM. Maybe the reason Tommy lied was to cover for Lindsey? Maybe she told LE that he was home all night kind of like Chelsea said Timmy was home all night? Or maybe he took his kids with him and knew Lindsey would be livid if she knew he took his children? Maybe Tommy did go over after, maybe around 1AM? It was mentioned in the tapes released by Simon that Timmy woke at 1AM and noticed Joe was not there. Yet, Chelsea said Timmy was asleep all night because he was on pain meds. Also, the van was at Timmy's house, so who ever drove it may of picked up Tommy? My guess would be that Timmy picked up Tommy and headed over to the MH or where ever Misty was at to help dispose of Haleigh.

Nancy Grace with Art Harris Monday: Inside Haleigh Cummings Blockbuster News

By Art Harris

The Bald Truth confirmed that Tommy Croslin, Jr., told Putnam County Sheriff’s investigators he dropped by Ronald Cummings’ trailer in Satsuma, Fla. sometime after 10 p.m. Feb 9—when his sister, Misty, said she was home with Haleigh and Junior.

In a jailhouse interview with detectives Thursday, Tommy said he banged on the door, saw no lights on, heard no sounds from inside and left when it appeared no one was home, said Capt. Dominic Piscitello. “It’s the first time someone other than Ronald’s grandmother admits they were at the trailer that night.”

Tommy’s admission puts him at Ronald Cummings’ trailer during the murky timeline Misty has been unable or unwilling to fill in the night she reported his
daughter missing, fueling further suspicion that Misty may not have been home.
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Hank Croslin Jr Talks, No One Home at 10pm Hour Night Child Was Abducted?

Posted: Monday, 21 September 2009 1:08PM

Authorties say "Tommy" Croslin Jr told PCSO detectives that when he checked on the house where missing Haleigh Cummings of Satsuma was last seen, no one appeared to be home.

As WSKY was trying to get additional information on the weekend search at a pond for evidence of Haleigh Cummings, Captian Dominic Piscetello with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office told us that while being questioned last week Hank Croslin Jr gave up the this new information.

Croslin stated during questioning that Ronald Cummings, had called him from his work and asked him to check on Misty since he had not been able to contact her by phone the night Haleigh vanished. Tommy told PSCO detectives that he went down to Ron’s trailer in the 10pm hour, knocked on the door and got no answer.

"Snip"TJ Hart
I wonder when Steve Brown said this?

Yet, even though he’s now saying he lied about his visit at 10 p.m, “doesn’t mean he wasn’t at the trailer,” says Steve Brown, Werter’s investigator who adds Tommy admitted knowing where he claims his cousin dumped Haleigh. He hasn’t denied he wasn’t there at all.

I think perhaps he's trying to say he was there and that someone asked him to go there to take care of something (after the fact). Not during the incident.
IIRC on February 9th at 7:00 pm it was still 57-59 degrees. That is not cold.

Joe had visited through the years weeks at a time and I thought Misty and Tommy lived in their parents home not far from the boat ramp?


I thought that RC just knew the Croslins for a couple of months before Haleigh went missing?
I know TxLady. I'm just so frustrated with all this hoopla over the last 14 months, it's ridiculous. These people don't even deserve the 3 meals and a cot as far as I'm concerned. I wish we could find Haleigh above all even if this crew sits in jail for the drug charges alone. Thanks for shaking me back to reality.

I know, it's very frustrating to all of us! But I don't want the wrong person prosecuted and let the person(s) who really did this to run free. To me that is not justice. I want LE to have every piece of that puzzle fitting snug, with all their ducks in a row, and when they hand this over to the state attorney's office, those charges will stick and there won't be any room for doubt. That will be justice for Haleigh.
I thought that RC just knew the Croslins for a couple of months before Haleigh went missing?

I wasnt talking about Ron. He had only known Joe less than two weeks before Haleigh went missing.

I was talking about Joe talking about the gators down around the boat ramp.

He had visited Tommy and Misty in the past and iirc the Croslins had lived in that area of the boat ramp some of that time.

I wasnt talking about Ron. He had only known Joe less than two weeks before Haleigh went missing.

I was talking about Joe talking about the gators down around the boat ramp.

He had visited Tommy and Misty in the past and iirc the Croslins had lived in that area of the boat ramp some of that time.


Oh, I thought the original poster was talking about RC's direct knowledge of JO. At least that is how I took it.
Closed for review.

ETA: I've moved the alligator discussion to its own thread.

STAY ON TOPIC about the reports from Art Harris!
So Tommy lied about being at the mobile home at 10 pm to find no one there? As is par for the course with AH, does this mean Tommy never went there at all or does it mean he simply wasn't there at the time he stated he was ? I have looked at the transcripts from AH's appearance last night and noticed not only was I confused about what he was trying to say, but so was the host of the show.

There is one thing of note about this, can't say I know what AH is trying to relay, but regardless, Tommy was willing to lie to LE about his little sister back in August and September just to save his butt from a grand theft charge over a gun. What is he willing to do now, in light of Hope being sentenced to 15 years and he is facing charges for trafficking and most likely a couple of more B & E's ?

Unbelievable stupidity going on with this bunch.
Not to be mean, but seriously with this bunch? Maybe they can't pass a lie detector test because not a single one of them really remembers what happened that night, so they are making things up! NOT THAT HE DID! BUT RC could have come in and done the deed... all of them wake up at 3am/4am like "Dude! Where's my car?!" Dude! Sweet! wth did we do last night? I dunno... do you know?

Where is my shirt? :waitasec:
IDK. Where is Haleigh? :waitasec:

Where are my drugs? :furious: right here man!

For the love of God! It's pitiful!
I sort of half-listened/watched NG last night and was very discouraged with the recent developments re: Tommy recanting the visit to the mh that night. With all the twists and turns on the road to the truth about what happened to HaLeigh, I don't know how or when there will ever be justice for the little girl :( I hope and pray that LE has much more information about the case than we've been privy to and that arrests and charges will eventually be forthcoming. jmo
I sort of half-listened/watched NG last night and was very discouraged with the recent developments re: Tommy recanting the visit to the mh that night. With all the twists and turns on the road to the truth about what happened to HaLeigh, I don't know how or when there will ever be justice for the little girl :( I hope and pray that LE has much more information about the case than we've been privy to and that arrests and charges will eventually be forthcoming. jmo

With the way Art reports and gets all tongue tied on the tube - I'm thinking the only thing Tommy recanted was the time he went to the mobile home - not that he wasn't there. I'm thinking he was there, just later than 10 pm as he claimed at first. There was a report way back at the beginning of a neighbor who indicated she/he heard voices and crying somewhere around 2:25 am I think.
This 10 pm visit recantation has me stumped. First of all, it brings Lindsy into the focus big time, IMO. Did Tommy lie to Lindsy from the start about the visit or phone call(s) he received from Ron that night, verified by Shoey? If he went down later, wouldn't Lindsy notice him missing from bed as I suspect it would have been a fairly lengthy mission if Tommy was involved in either Haleigh's passing or disposal. Has she been covering for Tommy all these months? Just so many more questions instead of answers.
Tommy’s wife has said she believes he was home that night babysitting their three kids when she returned from nursing school about 10:15-10:30 p.m. that night and Tommy was there.

She went to bed and thought Tommy had, too, she told me, and has been his consistent alibi — until she learned he flunked a polygraph set up by his lawyer, “and now she doesn’t know what to think,” says PI Steve Brown.

BBM--Wouldn't she know if her husband was home? If he wasn't the kids would have been alone, right? IIRC, neither Hank or Lisa were living there yet, so I am confused by this and many other things. :crazy:

Tommy s wife is young and has to be in love and a very very trusting person with the father of her children to still be married to him,he is a l(something) and so is his family.She seems to come from a family where every member has been arrested. he probably told her he was doing something that had nothing to do with Haleigh, so she lied for him to protect her family.He probably admitted to stealing something,and how LE has targeted his whole family because Haleigh is missing.She believed him and when he took LTD he failed it, IMO that s why she does not know what to think now ,she knows he lied to her.When misty said 2 people we care about it has to be in the Croslin family because why would the Croslin family care if it was Ron? If Ron or any one outside of the Croslins was involved Misty Would have told on them.When Misty called Le on Tommy for the theft,IMO that was a plan between Misty and Tommy.The day Misty said it to her she was trying to let her know in a round about way her husband was involved but didn't want to say Tommy by name,but being trusting of Tommy she did not get misty's hint.
Tommy s wife is young and has to be in love and a very very trusting person with the father of her children to even till be married to him,he is a (something) and so is his family.She seems to come from a family where every member has been arrested. he probably told her he was doing something that had nothing to do with Haleigh, so she lied for him to protect her family.He probably admitted to stealing something,and how LE has targeted his whole family because Haleigh is missing.She believed him and when he took LTD he failed it, IMO that s why she does not know what to think now she knows he lied to her.When misty said 2 people we care about it has to be in the Croslin family because why would the Croslin family care if it was Ron? If Ron or any one outside of the Croslins was involved Misty Would have told on them.When Misty called The day Misty said it to her she was trying to let her know in a round about way her husband was involved but didn't want to say Tommy by name,but being trusting of Tommy she did not get misty's hint.

Who said Tommy failed the LDT? The only people that know the results of the LDT haven't said that. Werter knows the results and he says it's not a pass fail thing, and that he was satisfied with the results. He says that is what took them to the River. Misty has failed every LDT she has been given, but we are supposed to believe her when she says it's two people we care about? Next, Misty was talking to Chelsea when she said that, and she is Timmy's wife. Lindsy is Tommy's wife. Lindsy is the only Croslin I trust. I don't think it's fair to say she has lied for Tommy, since we haven't seen any proof of that.
Tommy might not have been been around the mh at 10ish.

Tommy was often seen walking around the neighborhood late at night.

(stated by a neighbor on the police report for the B & E)

AH never come out with the whole truth or the correct timeline.
Much More!

Sources close to the investigation tell me Misty and Ronald were up all night that Sunday, then overslept.

One parent at the bus stop, tells me Cummings was driving so recklessly, “like a bat out of hell,” he later confronted him about nearly striking the father of three and other kids. But no matter how fast he was driving, Haleigh was late for her last day of kindergarten. Misty walked her to class.
That afternoon, Cummings says he picked her up from the bus stop about 2:30 p.m.; parents I interviewed say it was Misty at the wheel, but Ronald insists he drove Haleigh home on his lap.

While law enforcement had no official comment on Tommy Croslin’s flip flop, I’m told investigators aren’t buying his new spin and still aim to use the 10 p.m. drop by in the time line–all part of Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy’s Herculian efforts to make a murder case as airtight as it can be with no body, no weapon and no confession, before he hands it over to the State Attorneys’ homicide prosecutors.

Sources tell me a grand jury would likely be empaneled to hear a pitch for probable cause then they believe they have enough to obtain arrest warrants. The police challenge: amassing and vetting enough evidence to corroborate a bench of shabby witnesses telling a multitude of conflicting stories and downright lies.

But with phone records, forensics and efforts to corraborate the finger-pointing by persons of interest, investigators hope to be able to deliver Satsuma Meets CSI, counting on Misty Croslin to crack further, as isolation and fear set in.
No that is not what the article said. It states the reason that LE took Misty to the dock was to see if she could identify if it was the same dock Tommy spoke of.

snip~The Bald Truth has learned exclusively why detectives took Misty out to the dock on the St. John’s River in mid-April—to see if she could identify it as the same dock she claimed her brother, Tommy, showed her in December as the spot he’d allegedly used to help a Tennessee cousin dump five year old Haleigh Cummings in the cold, murky water.~ end

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought Cobra/Ron and Misty/Ron/Tim Miller went to that dock last summer. How did Misty/Ron know back then if Tommy only took her there in December?

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