Article on Fleet White

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Aug 15, 2003
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This is a great article on Fleet White and his bogus lawsuits that I missed. I am so glad that the Boulder DA's office, and the Jeff Co. DA's office are rid of him and his bogus lawsuits:

Man who’s active in Ramsey case denied file copies

By Amanda Arthur
The Daily Times-Call

BOULDER — A seemingly ever-present peripheral character in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case was under the spotlight again Monday when a judge denied one of three requests he’s filed this year.
Maybe I'm looking at things a little crooked here, but I don't understand why Fleet White is thought of as some sort of bad guy in this case. He seems to have tried to do so very much more than anyone else, including the parents of a murdered child, to reveal political corruption in the city of Boulder and the surrounding area.
I agree. It's all, I mean ALL about Fleet and what he wants no matter what the law says you are entitled to have, no matter how many times he has acted in contempt of the law, nothing about JonBenet.
Fleet White is not a bad guy in this case. He's a victim. Because of the maniacal, false accusations of a crazy woman (which Hunter condoned) Fleet was smeared in the Press and villainized on the Internet. Though the accusations were proven to be unfounded, the damage they caused may be everlasting. On the Internet, his name is still dragged through the sludge.

Is Fleet wrong for demanding accountability and some degree of justice? Is he not at least entitled to read the crazy woman's unredacted accusations against him?
I agree that FW is not a bad guy. He fights for what he believes is right.

He wants people to answer for their wrongful actions.

Good for him.
Exactly, Ivy and TLynn. I completely agree with you.

Fleet White pisses off those who can't control him and those who can't manipulate him in some way for their own self-serviing purposes.
candy said:
I agree. It's all, I mean ALL about Fleet and what he wants no matter what the law says you are entitled to have, no matter how many times he has acted in contempt of the law, nothing about JonBenet.

Like the Ramseys, Lin Wood, Darnay Hoffman, *******, and the list goes on.
There are very few people left who really care about JonBenet and unfortunately, most of them are the posters here and on some other forums who have no stake in the case, no "inside track", no involvement. Even her own parents are caught up in the feeding frenzy of making some $$$, publicity and other selfish purposes.

Fleet is a victim. His only mistake was befriending the Ramseys. Yes, I agree that those who are upset with him have their reasons. Those reasons, I am sure are personal and are because he won't let anyone lead him around by the nose for their own personal agendas. Yes, I said that, those who are upset with Fleet either are following those who need to have a scapegoat to defend the Ramseys or were spurned by their attempts to gather some information from him on their own.

For some, they are upset with Fleet because he recognized Darnay Hoffman for the bloodsucker he turned out to be and probably made no bones about it either.
Toth, what are Aunt Pam's thoughts on Fleet? Anything you can share from your previous chats?
What is with this "It's all about Fleet" B.S.? Anyone here see Fleet trying to make money off the case like everyone else, INCLUDING her parents?
candy said:
I agree. It's all, I mean ALL about Fleet and what he wants no matter what the law says you are entitled to have, no matter how many times he has acted in contempt of the law, nothing about JonBenet.

I've seen some posters go very angry just because some other poster disagreed with them, or because some other member posted some documents "unauthorized".

Considering that... What would you feel if your daugther's best friend was killed, and you saw that no justice was done, and that the investigation was slowed/blocked, and, finally, that some public authority gave credit to the rants of an ill woman that acusses you and your family of being a pervert of the worst kind?

Honestly, Candy: how would you react?
Cain said:
I've seen some posters go very angry just because some other poster disagreed with them, or because some other member posted some documents "unauthorized".

Considering that... What would you feel if your daugther's best friend was killed, and you saw that no justice was done, and that the investigation was slowed/blocked, and, finally, that some public authority gave credit to the rants of an ill woman that acusses you and your family of being a pervert of the worst kind?

Honestly, Candy: how would you react?

I met Fleet a long time ago, about the time the mystry woman story was being spread over this very forum. At that time, the story had not spread too far from Boulder other than via the internet.

It was a chance meeting, in a bar, about 350 miles from Boulder. He sat at the bar alone about two stools down from me, wearing blue jeans and looking like one of our local cowboys.--The tv was on to the news, and there was some story about the JonBenet case on air.

I saw the cowboy taking a special interest in the tv news, and started talking to him about JonBenet. I told him what I knew of the mystery woman story. -- At that time, I did not know who he was. I had seen no pictures of Fleet back then.

We talked at length about the MW, about the supposed child sex ring supposedly going on in Boulder, then I concluded that I thought the story was a bunch of crap. I knew there were creeps who molested little girls, but I told him I thought those creeps were loners, that they did not form clubs, and did not do their thing with anyone else around.

Only after I had told him that did he stand up, offer a handshake, and say, "My name is Fleet."

As an old school teacher, I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and a good reader of body language.--As I look back at that chance conversation, I think the guy I talked to told me the truth. -- I don't think Fleet had anything to do with MW or the death of JonBenet. -- But I could be wrong.
Fleet is hated by a lot of people, because, in my opinion, Fleet wants the truth to be told and he doesn't care how many toes he has to step on to do it. If the Ramsey's cared half as much about what happened to JonBenet as Fleet, I would have a lot more respect for them.
Fleet could make a mint writing a book about the Ramsey's, but he has too much integrity to do so.
Shame on the Ramsey's who threw him and his wife under the bus.
Maikai said:
Interesting. Did Fleet say anything about the Ramseys?

Actually no. He did not say anything I remember about the Ramseys, but I sensed he was biting his tongue; and probably had been told not to say anything.

MW was mostly what I talked about, and he did not give any details I did not already know from discussions here at WS; but I did not feel I was talking to a man who was guilty of anything.

We said very little after he identified himself as Fleet. Shook hands, and went our seperate ways. -- I was so shocked when he told me who he was, I did not know what to say.--Now, I wish I had bought him a couple more beers, but I had to get home.
Fleet was never on my radar screen---just a guy that got hauled into this because he happened to be home the morning the phone call was made....and wants to be left alone.
Maikai said:
Fleet was never on my radar screen---just a guy that got hauled into this because he happened to be home the morning the phone call was made....and wants to be left alone.
I sure agree with you on this one, Maikai. If Fleet had been one of those people who turn their phone off at night his life would have certainly been different.

Of course, even if he had not been there that morning he still would have had his life turned upside down by the psycho Krebs and the band of freaks who made the mistake of believing her.

I think FW would have been on the police radar screen, with or without any suggestions from the Ramseys. JonBenet showed signs of sexual molestation, and FW was a male with access to her.
I searched high and low for a connection between FW and Krebs when the story first started circulating. I was in email contact with Morgan/Holly, Mame and others. Nobody found anything that proved that Fleet White had anything to do with any sex ring, or even that there was a sex ring. The whole thing was B.S. I feel sorry for the guy. His life and that of his family was ripped apart because the child of family friends was murdered.
I, too, have had personal contact with Fleet White. We did not discuss the Ramseys at all. We did talk about the Nancy Krebs internet scam, and the dishonest, unethical people who pushed her story across the wires.

IMHO, Fleet White is a true gentleman, well-spoken and not at all rancorous.

He certainly is to be commended, rather than condemned by the infamous "candy", for using his First Amendment rights of free speech and free press to clear his own name and that of his family.

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