Artist painting portraits of people who have died as a result of domestic violence!!

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DNA Solves


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Jul 13, 2008
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Hello all! A friend of mine who is an artist has begun painting the portraits of people in her own state who have died of domestic violence. She plans on collaborating with artists from all 50 states and each year adding more portraits until she has a display of 5000 portraits. She is doing this to raise awareness of domestic violence. Now, sadly enough she's not a sleuther!! But I told her about this place and all the people on here.

I'm not exactly sure where to post this but I'll start here. If you or someone you know has a friend or family member who has died of domestic violence PLEASE contact her on her Facebook page.

Her page tells more about it and explains it better than I'm doing.

Also, if you know of any artists who paint portraits have them contact her as well!

This looks like a fantastic project and a positive way to raise the awareness on domestic violence!!
If you have any questions or can think of a better place on Websleuths to put this thread, please just PM me!
THANK YOU so much for the interest in this so far! I knew I could count on you Websleuthers!
In answer to your questions, the project requires that permission from the family of the person who has died be granted before the portrait can be painted. I hope that helps.
Apparently the link to the Grand Forks Herald article is broken so just disregard it.
If you have a loved one or friend who died as a result of domestic violence PLEASE contact me on here so I can relay the information to her and give her the honor of painting a Beautiful Life portrait of that person.

May their memory be blessed.
:bump: Hello! I'm just keeping this active. I support this worthy cause.
Worthy but futile, but it doe's garner alot of attention for the artist.
Worthy but futile, but it doe's garner alot of attention for the artist.

The artist(s) (there are more than one) paint for free.

They get nothing from this.

This art project is in the process of doing paperwork as a nonprofit, so the only gain from this is raising awareness of domestic violence.
Worthy but futile, but it doe's garner alot of attention for the artist.

What a strange comment. Seems to me the goal is to garner attention for victims and celebrate their lives even though they're gone, rather than focus on the who took their life----which is the person who usually gets the attention. And if the generous artist does get some attention---good for her!! Looks like quite an undertaking and I'm sure she could use some help!! What a wonderful project.
What a strange comment. Seems to me the goal is to garner attention for victims and celebrate their lives even though they're gone, rather than focus on the who took their life----which is the person who usually gets the attention. And if the generous artist does get some attention---good for her!! Looks like quite an undertaking and I'm sure she could use some help!! What a wonderful project.

Thank you, I will pass on to them your kind words.
The artist(s) (there are more than one) paint for free.

They get nothing from this.

This art project is in the process of doing paperwork as a nonprofit, so the only gain from this is raising awareness of domestic violence.

Sit-ins, marches, whatever have never had any impact on the issues they were intended to raise awareness about. That's my point and my opinion.
Sit-ins, marches, whatever have never had any impact on the issues they were intended to raise awareness about. That's my point and my opinion.

Quite honestly I use to feel the same way. I'd see all the protesters and think..(??? can't repeat it) But I thought it was a waste of time.

My opinion is that before the immense pressure social media can create, you and I were both correct. A lot of daisies died on the end of tie died strings.

But my opinion has been changing lately because of social media.

Also, my opinion is that drafting a bill to make a law to get any change done really is squat and diddly because the lobbyist just come out of the wood work with millions and millions of dollars. So until that changes, I don't see much hope there.

But then, this week Ringling Bros. announced they are retiring their elephants and they said it was directly due to the pressure they received from protesters, who have changed the 'mood' of the general public who now no longer want to see elephants.

Last but not least, probably the thing that keeps me coming back here to Websleuths after all these years is because I really, really enjoy reading other people's opinions. And thank God and Greyhound that we live here in America and can still express our opinions!

Thank you for at least reading this thread.

Happy hump day.
Quite honestly I use to feel the same way. I'd see all the protesters and think..(??? can't repeat it) But I thought it was a waste of time.

My opinion is that before the immense pressure social media can create, you and I were both correct. A lot of daisies died on the end of tie died strings.

But my opinion has been changing lately because of social media.

Also, my opinion is that drafting a bill to make a law to get any change done really is squat and diddly because the lobbyist just come out of the wood work with millions and millions of dollars. So until that changes, I don't see much hope there.

But then, this week Ringling Bros. announced they are retiring their elephants and they said it was directly due to the pressure they received from protesters, who have changed the 'mood' of the general public who now no longer want to see elephants.

Last but not least, probably the thing that keeps me coming back here to Websleuths after all these years is because I really, really enjoy reading other people's opinions. And thank God and Greyhound that we live here in America and can still express our opinions!

Thank you for at least reading this thread.

Happy hump day.

Ringling's decision was based on their shrinking audience IMO. Ringling was once a client of ours and I consider them to be a class act.
The NFL has a campaign (PBAs) due to the moron who punched his wife in the elevator. The ID network also has script on the screens of many of their shows, so they're reaching alot of people, but in IMO none of it will have any effect. Making people aware isn't going to stop anyone, because they're preaching to the choir so to speak.
I think what will help is when women stop being enablers with second and third chances etc., and maybe much stiffer penaltys for spousal abuse. Maybe deny "dropping the charges" as happens too often. IDK, but you've seen candle light marches and what have you, and maybe it makes people feel like they're accomplishing something, but in the end they're just burning candles.

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