Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 #1

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This is NOT in Aruba, it was conducted in the USA!!!

Will they be able to sweep this under the rug? Let's hope not!

Wow! I honestly think I'm going to cry. Is there still hope?

Like they say, never, never give up!



We just recieved a call from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch. Tim is presently in Aruba and planning to meet with the Aruban prosecutor and the ALE. It appears that there is a new witness that has come forward that has placed Joran Van der Sloot in wet and muddy clothing out at 4:00am on 5/30/05. The 48 year old Aruban witness also places Paulus Van der Sloot at the scene picking up Joran in a red jeep.

Why is this witness potentially credible? The Aruban passed two polygraph tests in Houston, TX on August 5, 2008. The tests were performed by John Swartz of John Swartz & Associates, International Polygraph Examiners. The 48 year old Aruba, name withheld for obvious reasons, went to police early on in the investigation; however, was not taken seriously. He is also claimed to have spoke with Hans Mos. Whether an actual police report exists of the witness is unknown.

I so believe that Paulus Van der Sloot was involved. JMO
Checking to see if any update here, wonder if something will be on NG about this....


Key witness reveals what happened 4:05 am at Monserat

Paulus and Joran were “looking” for something on the side of the road

ORANJESTAD: Last week, DIARIO published the latest information regarding the key witness, who came forward to disclose everything he witnessed on May 2005 from his house, which is situated in the neighborhood of the Nacional Soccer field, close to the Monserat pond.
However the witness was afraid to come forward to the Police and local Prosecutor, because of the prejudice in the Prosecutor Office, which is alive and growing each day.
He did give a statement to the Prosecutor, but to certain extent. The more important and key details he revealed to the American investigators.
The American investigators listened very carefully to his story and immediately felt that he was telling the truth. They then asked him if he was willing to go to the States and pass a polygraph test.
The witness was tested by John S. Swartz, a renowned professional in this field, and the test revealed that he was telling the truth! Finally shedding some light on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in 2005.
Last week, after months of following the new developments, DIARIO published the first part of the witness’ statement. This statement that was already in Prosecutor Mos’s hands.
DIARIO opted to wait until after the FBI sent the results of the polygraph test and their investigation to Holland, before publishing the second part of the statement, considering that Holland would send a copy to Aruba.
On May 30th, 2005 he was sleeping in his room; when he was awaken by the alarming sound of barking dogs. He opened his eyes and checked his alarm clock; it was 4:05 am.
He got up and listening to where the barking was coming from, he went in the living room and peeked thru the window to find out why the dogs sounded so alarmed.
Under the streetlight, he saw someone walking towards his house, from the Nacional Soccer field, close to the Monserat pond and hotel area.
While the person was walking under another streetlight, he could clearly see the person. It was undoubtedly a man, notably tall, slim, Caucasian, with short and dark hair, relatively young and he looked like a Dutch citizen.
He could see his profile and one side of his face.
He was wearing a red t-shirt and light colored pants. The witness noticed by the way the person was limping, that he was missing his right sneaker or shoe. He also noted that the person was breathing extremely hard, as if he just had been running very hard for a long time. His chest was heaving.
The witness stated (and probably also in the lie-detector test), that the person clothes were wet and that he also saw a muddy stripe on his chest, more or less about 5 centimeters above his chest.
The muddy stripe on his chest clearly showed that he was completely wet.
At first glance, the witness though that the person maybe had been in a fight with someone, and he was running not to get beat up. But his face showed no bruises or blood.
But because he didn’t look back not even to check if someone might be following him and just kept walking fast with his head down, the witness thought he did something other that fighting.
The person walked past his house, and kept walking, until he was out of sight, and he never raised his head or looked back, and just kept walking in the hotel’s direction.
This happened in about one minute.
After the witness saw the person walk past his house and was out of sight, he sat down in his living room for about 5 minutes.
He then noticed a car driving slowly, coming from the hotel area. Behind the wheel was a middle-aged, Caucasian man. Next to him, the witness saw the young man that was walking past his house a few minutes earlier.
The witness said they were driving a red jeep, and that they were driving extremely slow. He stated to the American investigators that was clearly that the driver and the passenger were looking for something on the floor. He said that the car just keep going in the direction of the Monserat pond.
According to the witness, in the following weeks he recognized the young man as Joran van der Sloot, when his pictures started to circulate in the press, and that the disappearance of Natalee Holloway became an international media frenzy.
He also recognized the driver as Paulus van der Sloot, Joran’s father. The witness stated that, that was everything he saw and that nothing more happened.
The question in everyone mind is: What were Paulus and Joran looking for on that road? The fact that the witness passed the polygraph test and is telling the truth is enough to focus the attention on that.
Of course the public wants to know why this witness didn’t come forward in 2005.
The witness was afraid of the consequences of his statement, since he was well aware that Paulus van der Sloot has powerful connections in the Prosecutors Office. Paulus is a lawyer, and he was studying to become a judge.
Knowing that the justice system in Aruba is totally in Dutch hands, he felt compelled to keep his mouth shut. This went on for more than 2 years, and in the end of 2007, he felt the need to reveal what he saw that day from his house.
The witness hired a lawyer to defend him, because in such a complicated case, even the witness has to be prepared for any eventuality, and also for guidance.
Meanwhile American investigators, with the consent from local authorities, did a sonar test at the Monserat pond in the beginning of this year, when the water level was low.
DIARIO was informed that this test discovered 15 objects underwater, and that only 3 could be defined.
A polygraph (popularly referred to as a lie detector) is an instrument that measures and records several physiological responses such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions, on the theory that false answers will produce distinctive measurements. The polygraph measures physiological changes caused by the sympathetic nervous system during questioning.
The 48 year old witness passed this test with flying colors, indicating that everything he saw that dawn, close to the Monserat pond, is true.
DIARIO presumes that the Prosecutor’s Office received this statement from Holland, and just in case they didn’t, they can read it today for free and begin to do their homework.
Link to Article in Diario
Hat Tip: Angelalala
Special Thanks to Jossy Mansur for the Translation

Just wanted to let you all know, there is going to be a special on tonight at 10:00 Central.

(I know it's off-topic, but wanted to let y'all know. I couldn't find the Natalie threads; still learning my way around.) :)

Ooh, thanks for sharing. :clap: I will have to watch and catch my boys (John Stewart and Stephen Colbert) later!

I wonder if they will have any of the "undercover confession" footage? I sure wish someone could do that to Ms. Casey!! :furious:
Ooh, thanks for sharing. :clap: I will have to watch and catch my boys (John Stewart and Stephen Colbert) later!

I wonder if they will have any of the "undercover confession" footage? I sure wish someone could do that to Ms. Casey!! :furious:

i've seen it before, the undercover confession, i mean. don't know where to find it, but i know it's out there somewhere.

LOVE your signature, by the way.
I'll look and see if this is posted in the Natalee forum.
thank you
i've seen it before, the undercover confession, i mean. don't know where to find it, but i know it's out there somewhere.

LOVE your signature, by the way.

Love yours too- the sandwich thing makes me chuckle everytime I see it! Watching the A&E thing now- they're going to show clips of the confession- yea!

Just read from posts above about new witness in this case- soo exciting! Sending thoughts and prayers out to Natalee and family!
Posting from Scared Monkeys & Dario Translation

ORANJESTAD (AAN) Perhaps many will say today that God is great, and in
a meticulous way does His work so that every crime has hidden clues so
that the solution may be reached. Today it has gone so far that DIARIO
can reveal officially to the people that at last a masculine witness
has come forward.
This witness felt he could no longer hold back, and at last gave
his complete declaration as to what he saw at the end of May 2005, at
4′oclock in the morning, from the window of his living room.
Due to his fear of reprisals, he only gave to the local authorities a
partial statement, in other words that he saw Joran walk past his
house at 4:05 a.m. , walking strangely because he only had one tennis
shoe on.
The local authorities, principally Prosecutor Mr. Mos, was acting
very hostile towards this witness, and that made the witness hold back
the totality of his story to him as to what happened.
Nevertheless, with the American investigators and to his lawyer he
gave the complete story, not just the part regarding Joran alone.
Parts of the complete story will appear later in the DIARIO.
But, the first aspect of the story of this witness, immediately
created suspicion by the Americans. Even though he lives at about 1.9
kilometers from the Fishermen Huts, his declaration can have important
implications to complete this big puzzle.
The Americans wanted more assurances and asked the witness to
travel to the United States, where one of the most trusted experts in
Polygraph Examinations, the famous John S. Swastz, made the test with
him, to determine whether this Aruban witness was lying.
He passed all the examinations perfectly, and John Swartz is
convinced that this witness is telling the truth about what he saw at
4 a.m. in front of his house.
Even though Prosecutor Mr. Mos and also the Van Der Sloot family,
want to or not, this gives a complete turnaround in the whole
investigation. Today DIARIO focuses on the first part of the
declaration of the witness. What is being published today is what the
local authority (e.o. Prosecutor Mos) know from him, since they have
his signed declaration.
But the next publication which will appear in the DIARIO, will
reveal more than the authorities in Aruba know. This is something that
the local witness did not dare tell the local detectives nor to the
prosecution that received him in the beginning. He was too afraid to
do so. But, to the Americans he did give his complete declaration, and
he passed a Lie-Detector test in the United States to prove that he
was telling the truth.
First part of the new revelations by the witness
ORANJESTAD(AAN) A new witness who has proven to be speaking the truth,
is bringing the long-awaited clarity in the disappearance of Natalee
Holloway in May 2005 in Aruba. At last, after studying the new
revelations of the witness during the last few months, now DIARIO has
gotten the results back from the U.S. about the first part of his
DIARIO again wants to put emphasis on the fact that Prosecutor Mos
has knowledge of this part, but doesn’t know what he did with it. The
second part which will appear soon in the DIARIO contains information
that the Prosecution of Aruba has no knowledge of at this point,
simply because every time the witness gave his declaration he was
pushed into a corner of fear for reprisals.
This witness, a man born in Aruba, went to the United States where
he took and passed a polygraph test successfully.
It was on the night of the 30th of May2005 that he was asleep in
his room at his house, when he was awoke by the sound of numerous
dogs barking out of control and in very menacing tones.
The witness opened his eyes, looked at the watch and saw that it was
4:05 in the morning.
Listening to the direction from which the sounds of the dogs were
coming, he went to the living room of his house and observed what the
dogs were barking at with such urgency.
Under a street lamp he saw a person walking in the direction of his
house. He was coming from the sports field of Nacional, near the Dam
of Monserat, going in the direction of the hotels. The person on foot
passed under the following street lamp and the witness saw the person
very well and clearly. He was a notably tall, thin, masculine, white
skin, short dark hair, a relatively young man who looked like a
He also saw the form (profile) of his head and one side of his face.
The clothes he had on was a red tee shirt and long clear colored pants .
Remarkable was that this person was walking with a limp, and here
is where the witness saw that he lacked one tennis shoe. He calculated
that from the way he was walking, he was missing the tennis shoes of
his right foot.
Another thing that he noticed was that the person was breathing
heavily, as if he had been running for quite a while. His chest was
heaving up and down rapidly.
The witness continued to declare (and proved with his test that he
was telling the truth) that the man he saw had on wet clothes, and had
a notable stripe of muddy waters that reached to his chest, about 5
centimeters more or less over his flannel.
The stripe on his flannel showed clearly that from the muddy waters
going down his clothes were completely wet.
At first the witness thought that this person had been in a fight
and ran away so as not to receive any more blows. The side of his face
that the witness noticed, however, did not show any signs of blood or
blows. But, due to the fact that the person did not once look over
his shoulder to check if anyone was following him, and continued to
walk with his head down and, with accelerated velocity, the witness
thought that he was involved in something else and not in a fight.
The person continued to walk in front of his house until he lost
him from sight, and in no instance did the man look up or back, and
continued to walk in the direction of the hotels.
All this happened in about 1 minute.
After he lost the person from sight, the witness sat in his living
room for about 15 to 20 minutes before he went back to sleep.
DIARIO COMMENT: Here something else happened, that the witness did
not reveal to the local authorities, but well to the American
investigators. In our next publication DIARIO will reveal what else
the witness saw that eventful morning. The Polygraph test he took
proved that here too he was telling the truth!)
The witness woke up and went to his work at about 11: a.m. Then the
news about Natalee’s disappearance was on the radio and he found out
that there was a tourist teenager who did not make it back to her
hotel. He immediately remembered what he saw a few hours earlier
After the news became bigger, and they began to arrest the wrong
persons, the witness felt discouraged to come forward, and after he
saw that the young man Joran van der Sloot in the news, he recognized
him immediately as the person he saw walking past his home.
After he found out that the father of the man was a lawyer and
studying to become a judge, and that he was an intimate friend of a
high ranking police officer, he felt totally discouraged to come
forward with what he saw.
ON top of that, knowing that the Aruban judicial system is totally in
the hands of the Dutch, he forced himself to keep quiet. This lasted
for over 2 years, until the end of 2007, when he felt he had to tell
about what he saw, and so he came forward slowly, to explain what he
saw in front of his house, which is situated at about 500 meters from
the Dam of Monserat at Noord
He also got himself a lawyer, because the case was so big and he needed advice.
In the meantime, the Americans, with police permission, made a sonar
test of the Dam of Monserat in the beginning of this year, when the
level of the water was low. DIARIO has found out that this test
discovered 15 objects of interest and that they could define only 3 of
IN another article, DIARIO will show how Prosecutor Mos paid little
attention to this witness and on the contrary, tried to discredit him.
This makes you wonder: Is it true that they want to protect van der
Sloot cost what it may?
:eek: The cover up is ridiculous....A witness, who says he saw Jorn walking past his home at 4am, muddy, with one shoe, breathing heavily, the night of Natalie's disappearance, is being discredited by Aruba officials. The witness says he did go to police early on, but was not believed. Now, he is in the US, has taken 2 polygraphs, and passed. Tim from TES went back to Aruba to search the area near where Jorn Vander Sloot was seen that night, but the officials WILL NOT allow him to search the pond there...even tho the govt. is getting ready to excavate that area...pityful.....wonder why nancy hasn't talked about this?


GRRRRRR It is SO annoying! I don't understand why? Why doesn't the prosecutor want to get to the bottom of this? Wouldn't you think the prosecutor would want this case solved so they could claim they did solve it, it is over, Natalie is returned to her family, the media spotlight will finally dim, they will still look incompetant but at least they can retort with the fact they did arrest Natalies killers eventually.

I have not followed the politics of this as closely as some of you. Is there a theory way the prosecutor has behaved the way she has?
:eek: The cover up is ridiculous....A witness, who says he saw Jorn walking past his home at 4am, muddy, with one shoe, breathing heavily, the night of Natalie's disappearance, is being discredited by Aruba officials. The witness says he did go to police early on, but was not believed. Now, he is in the US, has taken 2 polygraphs, and passed. Tim from TES went back to Aruba to search the area near where Jorn Vander Sloot was seen that night, but the officials WILL NOT allow him to search the pond there...even tho the govt. is getting ready to excavate that area...pityful.....wonder why nancy hasn't talked about this?



Wasn't that checked out early on? The pond was drained as much as it could be, but it is fed by the surrounding ocean so ALE was unable to completely empty the pond.
GRRRRRR It is SO annoying! I don't understand why? Why doesn't the prosecutor want to get to the bottom of this? Wouldn't you think the prosecutor would want this case solved so they could claim they did solve it, it is over, Natalie is returned to her family, the media spotlight will finally dim, they will still look incompetant but at least they can retort with the fact they did arrest Natalies killers eventually.

I have not followed the politics of this as closely as some of you. Is there a theory way the prosecutor has behaved the way she has?

The pros knows what happened to Natallee, IMHO, and they know who's responsible for it as well. It is a cover-up to protect the guilty because he's the son of a former judge-in-training who has 'dirt' on higher powers in Aruba. Oh, it didn't start out as a 'vast cover-up,' it just evolved that way once Beth et all arrived and brought the media attention.

THIS is NOT the only case that the 'death and or, disappearance of a tourist' is covered up and hints of the victim's family being involved. It's kind of an MO of Aruba, IMO.

IMHO, we'll have to wait for Karma to bring Justice For Natallee. :(


Natalee Holloway film: Emmy for Dutch reporter

by Georg Schreuder Hes

Dutch crime reporter Peter R de Vries has received an Emmy Award, the most prestigious US television prize, for his film about the disappearance of US teenager Natalee Holloway. The 18-year-old student from Alabama disappeared without trace after a night on the town while on vacation in Aruba.
main suspect Joran van der Sloot, talked at length with him in a Land Rover equipped with hidden cameras. During the conversations the suspect gave a detailed account of how Natalee Holloway lost consciousness and possibly died on the beach, and how he disposed of the body.


Mr De Vries accepted the award in New York together with Natalee's mother Beth. They dedicated the award to Natalee's memory. Mr De Vries' film was watched by seven million viewers in the Netherlands, nearly half the population.
Missing teen doc snubbed at Dutch awards

October 2, 2008

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The Dutchman who won an Emmy for his television documentary about the disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway has been snubbed by the Netherlands' annual television awards.
Peter de Vries wasn't among the nominees for the "Golden Ring" awards for his Feb. 3, 2008, program, which was among the most highly viewed broadcasts in the history of Dutch television, with an estimated seven million viewers in a nation of 16 million.,2933,434541,00.html

Natalee Holloway Case to Become Made-for-TV Movie
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A women's cable channel has started preproduction on a television movie about Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba....

It's based on the book her mother, Beth Holloway, wrote. The movie focuses on Holloway's efforts to find out what happened.

Tanya Lopez, Lifetime's senior vice president for original movies, said they are pleased to be working with Holloway to raise awareness of how to keep children safe.
I hadn't been here in several months and there used to be an entire section on Natalee Holloway but now I don't see anything. What happened to it??
I hadn't been here in several months and there used to be an entire section on Natalee Holloway but now I don't see anything. What happened to it??

You can post here

Read only here (Seems to be just the old stickies. I don't know where WS keeps those years of work and pages. Maybe I'm just not able to find the rest.)
Wow, you're right. I was thinking you must have overlooked it so I went to check and you're right. Hmmmm.... I wonder where it is? I didn't check out that section often so I really didn't pay much attention.

Mods? Where is Natalie? Well, you know what I mean!
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