Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 #1

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On Inside Edition, they're saying that a former girlfriend of Joran's is talking to Aruban officials and saying that he admitted to her that he was involved in Natalee's disappearance.

Oh, thanks STEADFAST! I hadn't heard about that program having anything about this, but I did hear about the 'former girlfriend.' I believe she's the one they showed walking on the beach in Aruba with him one school break when he was home from school in Holland.

Oh, don't know if it's TRUE, but I understand the information the girl has isn't just detrimental to Joran, but includes info about another VDS!! ;)

I am convinced that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree here.. I beleive that his father has been involved in criminal activities or maybe not committing and really shady stuff but assisting with teh legal side of things in some capacity.. those affiliations have been aiding Joran since day one and his dad has been guiding him all along with info and how to handle the aspects of the investigation.. the problem is now he is on is own and is too overconfident/egomaniac that he thinks hes smarter then the LE and is above the law.. its not a matter of if he gets caught but when.. it may not be for a while longer but he will continue his life of shady dealings or extending the family business of crime only being to stupid not to get caught. He will get caught but for what....?

There's been lots of speculation about his dad. I don't know if it's true, but I do believe his dad had LOTS of connections, either shady or judicial. IMO, ALL markers were called in during the Natalee Holloway case.;)

I agree with you. It's not a matter of IF Joran gets caught, but WHEN. He won't always be able to count on his dad to get him out of a jam. It may have worked in Aruba and Holland, but in the rest of the world he's fair game. :furious:

Oh, thanks STEADFAST! I hadn't heard about that program having anything about this, but I did hear about the 'former girlfriend.' I believe she's the one they showed walking on the beach in Aruba with him one school break when he was home from school in Holland.

Oh, don't know if it's TRUE, but I understand the information the girl has isn't just detrimental to Joran, but includes info about another VDS!! ;)


Here's the only blurb I've found about it:
New witness
Mr De Vries has produced a new witness in the Holloway case. Press reports say that Mr Van der Sloot told a girlfriend, identified only as Celes, "Who knows, you may now be on the beach with someone who is able to get rid of a corpse."

According to judicial psychologist Harald Merkelbach, who watched both the earlier and the recent footage, Joran van der Sloot believes he is invulnerable. "He sees people as objects." The psychologist calls Mr Van der Sloot "a young man with many defects".

Of course, this could be a different girl than the one talking to Aruban authorities.
These narcissists know no boundaries and Van der Sloot is no exception. The deal with him is he is young and stupid and he will be jailed before this is all over. Then, he will have more time to reflect upon his stupidity not that he would or will correct any behaviors but he will have more jail time in the long run. Kind of fitting for what he put so many through.

Now, if Drew Peterson, Jason Young, Casey Anthony, Raven Abaroa and quite a few others would cooperate with similar stupid action we could clean house. Not feeling kindly to "the" group of poi's/murderers on the radar.
from Nancy Grace's show tonight Susan Moss:
Her catch phrase tonight was "Joran is a moron" :floorlaugh:

sorry I can't stop laughing!
from Nancy Grace's show tonight Susan Moss:
Her catch phrase tonight was "Joran is a moron" :floorlaugh:

sorry I can't stop laughing!

LOL, that is funny, MrsG! Course, we always knew that, didn't we?! ;)

Another one of NG's guests said Joran was a 'serial predator.' EXACTLY! :mad:

I can't wait for the smirk to be wiped of that guy's face!:behindbar

Some day, some way, he's gonna pay for what he's done.:furious:


"Holloway suspect involved in Thai sex trade"

RNW News

Joran van der Sloot, the main suspect in the disappearance case of US teenager Natalee Holloway, has been filmed in Bangkok where he was allegedly recruiting Thai girls to work in the sex industry in Europe.

In images secretly shot by crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, Mr Van der Sloot is shown accepting a one thousand euros advance payment for his services. Independent lawyer J.P. Plasman says that by receiving the money Mr Van der Sloot has committed a punishable offence.
Judicial authorities in Thailand have requested copies of the images broadcast on Sunday by Dutch commercial tv channel SBS6.
Not convicted
Natalee Holloway disappeared in May 2005 while on holiday on the Netherlands Antilles island of Aruba, after spending a drunken night on the beach with Dutchman Van der Sloot. Her body was never found.
On earlier hidden camera footage, also produced by Peter R. de Vries, Mr Van der Sloot admitted that he knew how Ms Holloway disappeared. But lacking conclusive evidence, judges concluded it was impossible to declare Mr Van der Sloot guilty.
New witness
Mr De Vries has produced a new witness in the Holloway case. Press reports say that Mr Van der Sloot told a girlfriend, identified only as Celes, "Who knows, you may now be on the beach with someone who is able to get rid of a corpse."
According to judicial psychologist Harald Merkelbach, who watched both the earlier and the recent footage, Joran van der Sloot believes he is invulnerable. "He sees people as objects." The psychologist calls Mr Van der Sloot "a young man with many defects".
Gone underground
Following the latest disclosures about his behaviour, Mr Van der Sloot, using the alias of "Murphy Jenkins", is reported to have fled to avoid arrest by the Thai authorities. He has not been seen since leaving a party in Bangkok on Friday evening. A Dutch eyewitness claims he has seen Mr van der Sloot on an international flight to the island of Koh Samui.

I think that Mr de Vries has done some awesome work... but if he really wants to make an impact on the case, it seems that he would present his recordings first to LE (or at least a PI) and try to get someone to catch him Yoran the Moron in an actual criminal act. Saying "I can do this" is not the same as "doing it", kwim? I just think if Yoran the Moron starts expecting to be recorded around every corner, he may eventually wise up and stop giving away clues that could help get him behind bars. JMHO...

As for this girlfriend talking to Aruban authorities, I'd start watching my back if I were her. I still think it's possible that the Van der Sloots have some power/influence around there. Again, JMHO...

Thailand wants Van der Sloot transcript

Monday 10 November 2008
The Thai authorities have asked for a copy of last night’s tv programme in which Joran van der Sloot, the chief suspect in the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, said he could get Thai girls for the Dutch sex industry, the Telegraaf reports.
A spokesman for tv crime reporter Peter R de Vries, who made the two-hour show using hidden cameras, told the paper that the transcript was now being translated for Thai embassy staff.
Meanwhile, the paper says Van der Sloot left Thailand on Friday, before the broadcast.
His lawyer Bert de Rooij, has been unable to speak to him, the paper says. ‘I am hoping to get in touch with him soon,’ the Telegraaf quoted De Rooij as saying.
De Vries won an Emmy for an earlier undercover programme in which Van der Sloot said a friend had dumped Holloway’s body at sea. The 18-year-old, who was on a school trip to the Caribbean island of Aruba, has been missing since 2005.
Four psychologists interviewed by De Vries in last night’s programme said that, in their opinion, Van der Sloot was telling the truth when he was secretly recorded talking about Holloway.
Body language
‘A crucial moment was his body language when he spoke about how Natalee began to shake,’ said professor of legal psychology Harald Merkelbach. ‘You don’t do act like that if you are making something up.’
In Sunday night’s show, De Vries showed Van der Sloot in Bangkok telling a reporter from the show and another man, both posing as Dutch sex industry entrepreneurs, that he could get Thai girls to work for them in the Netherlands on false documents.
When confronted with these claims on the phone by De Vries at the end of the show, Van der Sloot, dismissed them saying: ‘I have done nothing. You initiated everything.’
A spokesman for the public prosecution service said later on Monday that Van der Sloot did not appear to have commited any crime. 'Criminal offences cannot be established on the basis of a television programme,' the spokesman told the Telegraaf.

Suspect in Holloway Case Allegedly Caught Arranging for Sex Workers
Dutch reporter Peter R. de Vries Sets Up Sting Operation Involving Joran van der Sloot

Nov. 10, 2008


The Dutch television program that aired last night detailed how men working for de Vries allegedly got to know van der Sloot, saying they were interested in bringing Thai women to the Netherlands. In e-mail conversations over several months, van der Sloot allegedly detailed how the women would be told they would get three-month visas to work as models but would actually be working as prostitutes once they got to the Netherlands, according to the Dutch broadcast.
In the grainy undercover video, shot at the Landmark Hotel in Bangkok, van der Sloot, once baby-faced but now heavier with scruffy facial hair, can be seen meeting with de Vries' men as he brings two young Thai women to a meeting in a hotel room. The meeting was recorded by hidden cameras. Later he is also caught on tape allegedly accepting a $1,000 cash advance for his services, the Dutch broadcast claimed.

De Vries later confronted van der Sloot on the phone and told him about the sting, prompting van der Sloot to angrily deny any wrongdoing, but he also thanked DeVries for the $1,000.
Dutch news reports said today that Thai authorities had requested a transcript of the de Vries video. The Dutch media claimed that van der Sloot had left Bangkok and his whereabouts were not known.


Joran Van Der Sloot Taped in Thai Sex Trade Deal

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight in the sudden disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway, missing off her high school senior trip to Aruba. Aruban police claim they can`t or won`t make a case against judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot. Even after a Dutch crime reporter taped months of high-tech secret surveillance proving what happened the night Holloway vanishes, Aruban courts let Van Der Sloot walk free.
But tonight, caught on tape, judge`s son Van Der Sloot is busted, preying on unsuspecting women, attempting to lure them into the sex trade between Thailand and his birthplace, the Netherlands. Van Der Sloot reported to make up to $13,000 per female recruit. Tonight, we have the photos. Will the prime suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway finally end up behind bars?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If it was an accident, I mean, I`m sure -- I really truthfully feel that he gave her some kind of drug, but -- and then, you know, if something happened to her, why not be a man and just say, Look, this happened and -- but I knew when they wouldn`t help us come look for her the next day and he goes out and starts hiring attorneys and everything that there was something bad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A former suspect in the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway has allegedly been caught on tape recruiting Thai women to work in the sex industry in Europe. A sting operation set up by crime reporter Peter De Vries allegedly shows Van Der Sloot attempting to arrange young women to come to the Netherlands. The sting was broadcast on Dutch TV and also reportedly showed Van Der Sloot receiving $1,000 cash for arranging the transaction. Van Der Sloot was confronted by De Vries and denied any wrongdoing. But he did make sure to thank the reporter for the $1,000 cash.

BETH TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S MOTHER: Talking about her like that, my gosh, he just -- you know, first you want to come through the TV and I want to kill him, I mean, pull the skin off his face. And I think of the utter disregard he had for Natalee. And look what he`s done to his friends. Look what he`s done to a country. Look what he`s done to everyone.


GRACE: And tonight, police desperately searching for a beautiful 3- year-old Florida girl, Caylee, after her grandparents report her missing, little Caylee now not seen 21 long weeks, last seen with her mother. So why didn`t Mommy call police?

Headlines tonight. Texas Equusearch, a team of bounty hunters from across the country and over 2,000 volunteers converge Orlando, the massive search by land, by air, by water zeroing in on heavily wooded areas near the Orlando airport and the Anthonys` home, the search locations based on mom Casey`s cell phone pings and the discovery of a suspicious beaded cross. Bones discovered during a search, but are they connected to the case? Grandparents George and Cindy Anthony show up at the search, angrily insisting little Caylee`s still alive. At the search head (ph), bounty hunters stay on searching for Caylee. And as mom Casey sits behind bars, another alleged sighting of the tot emerges. Tonight, where is Caylee?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Despite thousands of volunteers and extensive searches, Caylee Anthony still hasn`t been found, but bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is following his own leads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Padilla says he has a feeling Caylee`s body is here because he says Equusearch volunteers found a beaded cross near here that matches beads Casey was stringing at home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Padilla claims there was a cross in Blanchard Park, Padilla hiring expert divers to search in the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park. Padilla thinks Caylee`s body may be in that very river, the California bounty hunter also announcing he`s holding a memorial service tomorrow morning. But not everyone`s happy with Padilla`s involvement. Just hours ago, Cindy Anthony confronted Padilla and told him she`s got a problem with Padilla holding a memorial service for her granddaughter.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Breaking news tonight in the disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway. Tonight, caught on tape, the prime suspect, judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot, preying on unsuspecting women to lure them into the sex trade between Thailand and the Netherlands. Will he finally go to jail? And how`s Daddy going to get him out of this one?


PETER DE VRIES, DUTCH TELEVISION REPORTER: Until now, Joran always denied that Natalee died in his presence. And now he confessed that and he told what he did with the body, and he told how he came home, what he did with the shoes. It`s the complete story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joran Van Der Sloot, a former suspect in the case of missing teen Natalee Holloway, has allegedly been caught on tape arranging for Thai girls to come to Europe to work in the sex industry. Dutch crime reporter Peter De Vries set up a sting operation on Van Der Sloot. De Vries`s associates allegedly got to know Van Der Sloot and claimed they were interested in bringing Thai women to the Netherlands. Van Der Sloot is shown meeting with De Vries`s men at a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand, along with two young Thai women. Later, Van Der Sloot was allegedly shown accepting a large cash advance from one of the men, reportedly in the range of $1,000. When confronted by De Vries, Van Der Sloot denied any wrongdoing.

DE VRIES: I was shocked by the way -- by the disrespect he talked about Natalee. He called her a (DELETED) and things like that.

GRACE: He called her a (DELETED). He called her a (DELETED) for absolutely no reason. This girl had a sterling reputation.

DE VRIES: Yes. And he`s showing no remorse at all. He`s telling that he didn`t -- didn`t lose one second of sleep.


GRACE: Joining us right now, Deborah Pugatch with CNN affiliate WBMA. What`s the latest?

DEBORAH PUGATCH, WBMA PRODUCER: What`s the latest, Nancy? Well, I`ll tell you this. What I do know from a Dutch contact of mine who`s a reporter over there is that Joran Van Der Sloot says he did nothing wrong. But according to Peter De Vries, he says he caught him undercover, trying to get young Thai women to go to the Netherlands to go into the prostitution ring. That is illegal and -- according to Dutch prostitution law, that is illegal. Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, but that is not.

GRACE: Out to Jossy Mansur, owner and director of "Diario" magazine. Jossy, it`s great to be with you again. What do you know about these latest charges against Joran Van Der Sloot?

JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": Well, what I understand is that he did violate the law, both in Thailand and the Dutch law, and that he can be prosecuted for that.

GRACE: To Rupa Mikkilineni, our producer. Rupa, exactly what is alleged happened?

RUPA MIKKILINENI, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, Joran Van Der Sloot was caught on tape, on a videotape, secretly taped by a journalist, Peter De Vries. And he walked into a hotel room with two young Thai women to meet two of De Vries`s men, who were posing as Dutch sex trade bosses.

GRACE: Hold on. Here you are seeing the shot. There are many of them. Investigative reporter Peter De Vries hosts a program allegedly showing Van Der Sloot, suspect in the Holloway case, setting up a sex trade operation between Thailand and Europe. "Good Morning America" has purchased the rights to this video. Go ahead, Rupa.

MIKKILINENI: Well, as you see in this video -- it`s a very grainy video, and they`re sitting around and having drinks and they`re discussing potentially bringing these women somehow, illegally, legally, illegally -- it`s very confusing. He discusses a three-month visa, says he can, you know, formulate some type of false documents that could get these women into Holland to work temporarily. He offers $15,000 or some such amount to pay for these women. These women indicate, Look, we`re not sure. You know, We`re students. This is very tricky. What will we have to do? And then he says that all that it would require is dancing.

GRACE: I believe his words were, Shaking your" -- an expletive -- in front of men, talking to them, sitting down and having a drink with them, and as if they`re going to be models, having your photos taken while you`re dancing.

MANSUR: Yes. That`s correct.

GRACE: OK. Now, you said the women were students. What did he promise the women? What were they to get paid?

MIKKILINENI: Well, in the videotape, he indicates $15,000. He doesn`t say whether that`s for the entire three months, for what amount of work, but he does say that you`ll be working -- they`d be working from 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM. This is a 12-hour day. We`re talking six-day weeks, possibly.

GRACE: With me right now exclusively, Natalee Holloway`s father, Dave Holloway. Dave, it`s great to hear your voice again. Can you believe it? It`s like a bad penny turning up again.

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S FATHER: It`s absolutely disgusting that this guy is involved in something like this.

GRACE: When did you first learn of the charges?

HOLLOWAY: I learned of the potential video sometime last week, but I wasn`t aware of what the extent of it was.

GRACE: What do you make of it?

HOLLOWAY: I tell you what, I hope the Thailand police do their job and get this guy. He needs to be taken off the streets.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, international law attorney Theodore Simon out of Philadelphia, child advocate Susan Moss, Lauren Lake, defense attorney out of New York, Alex Sanchez also a veteran defense attorney out of New York.

To Susan Moss. Weigh in, Susan.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: First, Natalee is dead and now he`s selling Thai women for bread, and it`s all on tape. Joran is a moron, and luckily, now he`s going to be brought down by his own hubris, his own greed and his own words.

GRACE: To Theodore Simon, international law attorney joining us from Philadelphia. Come on, we`re talking about Thailand. It is the capital of the sex trade business in the world. Like they`re going to bust Joran Van Der Sloot?

THEODORE SIMON, INTERNATIONAL LAW ATTORNEY: Well, it`s hard to say. I mean, what we`ve seen briefly is a tape, only words. We haven`t seen any objective evidence. And the last time Mr. De Vries produced a tape, it was rejected by the Aruban courts when they failed to reopen his case...

GRACE: Theodore...


GRACE: Theodore, if these allegations...

SIMON: He, you can call me Ted.

GRACE: Mr. Simon, if these allegations are correct, will he be prosecuted in Thailand or not~!

SIMON: Well, it`s certainly possible, if the allegations are true. I think we`re a far cry from whether or not the allegations turn into any kind of objective proof.

GRACE: You know what? Before I throw a stone at Thailand, Eliot Spitzer got nothing and he is caught by the feds with hookers. So you know, I guess I shouldn`t trash Thailand too much. But what I`m trying to say, Mr. Simon, is if these allegations are true and it is true that he is preying on unsuspecting young women, students, as a matter of fact, promising them $15,000 to be models and they turn out to end up in the sex trade, stuck in another country with no way back home, will Thailand consider that a crime and prosecute him?

SIMON: Well, I think you`re adding many, many facts that may not be - - may only be fiction.

GRACE: OK, you know what? Maybe you didn`t hear the beginning of the question -- if the allegations are true. You`re the international lawyer.

SIMON: Right.

GRACE: Will that be a crime in Thailand? It`s a yes/no question!

SIMON: Well, you know, it`s a big if. If someone commits a crime, they`ll be prosecuted.




DE VRIES: Oh, yes, I`m pretty convinced by that because it was not a slip of the tongue, what he did. He told -- he did a full confession on tape not once, not twice, but more than 10 times. And he did it -- there were some days between it. They were very detailed. And so I`m convinced that he told the truth. Until now, Joran always denied that Natalee died in his presence, and now he confessed that and he told what he did with the body, and he told how he came home, what he did with his shoes. It`s the complete story.

Patrick (ph) was asking him, How can you be so sure that Natalee was dead? And then he said, Well, I wasn`t. She was just not moving anymore. She wasn`t kicking anymore. And so I thought she must be dead. And then he dumped her into the ocean. And yes, that`s really shocking.


GRACE: Well, he`s back. The prime suspect in the disappearance of Alabama beauty and honor student Natalee Holloway is allegedly right in the middle of the international sex trade -- that`s right, caught on grainy surveillance video actually trying to recruit, according to allegations, young students, female students, promising $15,000, I believe it was a week, to model back home in the Netherlands, his birthplace.

We are taking your calls. To Mary in California. Hi, Mary.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, first I want to tell you my family thinks you`re wonderful and your babies are beautiful.

GRACE: Thank you very much. I am blessed. I am blessed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, you are. My question is, does anybody know if Natalee`s mother is going to go to Thailand to look for her?

GRACE: Interesting question. To Dave Holloway. This is Natalee`s father. Is Beth or anyone else in the family going to Thailand? Is there any suggestion that Natalee could be alive in Thailand?

HOLLOWAY: No. The first tape that Peter De Vries did back in January had indicated that Joran Van Der Sloot disposed of her, or had some help disposing of her at sea. This part about the prostitution ring came up in that tape, where, apparently, Joran wanted to get involved in a -- another activity, and that activity was prostitution. So this was...


HOLLOWAY: ... he wanted to get involved in, and now he did.

GRACE: Let me get this straight. Everybody, with us exclusively tonight, Dave Holloway. This is Natalee`s father. Refresh my recollection, Dave. Are you saying, in the original Peter De Vries tape, that Joran Van Der Sloot -- this is hours and hours, taken over weeks of surveillance inside a high-end SUV of Joran Van Der Sloot -- he said at that time he wanted to get into another enterprise?

HOLLOWAY: Yes. The first one was the growing and selling of marijuana, and then the other was this prostitution-type ring, so there was two of those type of activities that he wanted to get into. And then as time went on, he had met a friend in Thailand or over there (INAUDIBLE) or whatever, and he approached this friend about making this enterprise come true.

GRACE: Enterprise. You mean prostitution.

HOLLOWAY: Prostitution.

GRACE: You know, in one of the articles, some of the research I was reading, they called it the Dutch sex industry entrepreneur. Translation in this country, a pimp. I wonder what his daddy has to say tonight, Dave Holloway.

HOLLOWAY: Yes, it`ll be hard for him to get him out of this one.

GRACE: The judge.

HOLLOWAY: That`s right. And in that TV show last night, there was one witness who also had implicated Paulus. His involvement was a lot more than what we had originally thought.

GRACE: And there`s the best shot of Paulus Van Der Sloot, the judge, running from questions about Natalee missing. I`ll never forget the shot of his backside running down a dark alley.

Back to Rupa Mikkilineni, our producer. Where is he believed to be now? I thought he was in college in the Netherlands. What happened to that?

MIKKILINENI: Well, Natalee (SIC), apparently, after he was studying in the Netherlands, Peter De Vries`s first videotape came out, and it caused such havoc with his life -- apparently, he was worried for his life -- and so he disappeared off the face of the earth for a while.

GRACE: Translation, dropped out of school?


GRACE: So he dropped out of school. Do we know if that`s his decision or did the school throw him out?

MIKKILINENI: We believe he dropped out. It`s a little bit uncertain, but he actually disappeared. He didn`t show up in Aruba. He wasn`t in Holland. We don`t know where he was. And then he suddenly turns up in Thailand a few months later.

GRACE: Thailand. Now, I wonder why Thailand? To Jossy Mansur, owner and managing director of "Diario" magazine. Jossy, what was he allegedly saying on the tape to the young women?

MANSUR: He was offering them a job as models in Holland, and in truth, he was trying to coax them into prostitution -- in other words, into the sex industries in Holland. That`s what I gather from the paper that I saw.

GRACE: Back to Deborah Pugatch from WBMA. Deborah, again, thank you for being with us. Has Van Der Sloot admitted to anyone else that we know of anything incriminating about Natalee Holloway?

PUGATCH: Well, what we do know is there is a new witness that was a part of Peter De Vries`s piece last night. The witness, who I`ve been told is named Celeste (ph), told Aruban authorities or Dutch authorities last week when they questioned her that Joran did tell her the same thing he told Peter (SIC) van der Eem in Peter De Vries`s first investigative report, that Natalee is nowhere, anyhow. I talked to Hans Mos, the chief Aruban prosecutor, and he confirmed that for me this afternoon.


TWITTY: When I hear Joran talking about her like that, my gosh, he just -- you know, first you want to come through the TV and I want to kill him, I mean, pull the skin off his face. And I think of the utter disregard he had for Natalee. And look what he`s done to his friends. Look what he`s done to a country. Look what he`s done to everyone. It`s just despicable what he has done.


more at link................

Joran spoke the truth about Natalee Holloway’
10 Nov, 2008, 09:56 (GMT -04:00)

According to the Dutch media, Joran van der Sloot is on the run for the Thai authorities after being exposed on Dutch television as a trafficker of women.
ORANJESTAD – Renown scientists believe that the ‘tv-confession’ by Joran van der Sloot (21) about his involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is reliable. Their statement was made after crime reporter Peter R. De Vries requested to review the conversations between Van der Sloot and infiltrator Patrick van der Eem. The scholars don’t believe that Joran lied, which he claimed he did after the results of the undercover action. Also concerning the reputed trafficking in women, Van der Sloot reported that it was bluff.
According to professor of psychology Harald Merkelback, Joran felt ‘at ease’ in the car. “His story against Van der Eem made a very authentic impression. A crucial moment lies in the movements he makes when he says that Natalee started trembling. You don’t act like that when a story is fabricated.” The scientists Corine de Ruiter (forensic psychology) and Peter van Koppen (legal psychology) also believe that the story doesn’t come over rehearsed.
In yesterday’s broadcast by De Vries, a friend of the suspect by the name of Celes said that Van der Sloot made insinuations about getting rid of a body and hinted that his father knew more about the case. “Only one person knows exactly what happened. He made Joran always lie and twist things around”. The friend had given an detailed testimony at the Dutch investigation bureau.
Public Prosecution
The Public Prosecutor in the Netherlands will not be taking any steps yet after the broadcast. “If there’s a case of a criminal offence, then further investigation has to be done”, says a spokesperson of the National Prosecutor’s Office. “Punishable acts are not determined on the basis of a television broadcast.”
The Public Prosecution on Aruba is still conferring about a possible reaction, says spokesperson Ann Angela. Also about whether the ‘new witness’ plays a role in the investigation. Only in December will they decide whether or not action will be taken against Van der Sloot. His testimonies on tv seem to be insufficient material for the Justice Department to prosecute him.
Whether the Public Prosecution will also investigate possible criminal practices of the 21 year old Van der Sloot is left in the middle. It is possible that the Thai authorities will act as according to criminal reporter De Vries, while in the Thai capital Bangkok Van der Sloot proposed to pay Thai women to go to the Netherlands to work for the sex industry. It did not result in real business. In the new undercover action Van der Sloot did accept a downpayment of 1000 euros for the preparations of this ‘human trafficking’, something which could be punishable.
Joran van der Sloot did not wait for the Thai authorities. According to the Dutch media he’s on the run after he was exposed as a trafficker of women on Sunday. Shortly before the broadcast yesterday of De Vries’ program he disappeared without a trace. The Thai justice department has woken up following the commotion surrounding the case and has asked the Dutch embassy for video material.
“They want the broadcast translated, so that the Justice Department in Thailand can view it from a criminal point of view”, decalred De Vries today. “They have told me that they will come into action as the approach to trafficking of women is very important.” The Thai embassy wasn’t available for comments today. Joran van der Sloot has threatened to send a hired killer from Thailand to Peter R. de Vries if the criminal reporter doesn’t stop trailing him or approaching Van der Sloots’ friends or family. “If it really is bull**** again, I will send someone for him”, wrote Van der Sloot this week in an msn-message.
According to a witness, Joran was at a party in Bangkok last Friday evening, but didn’t return home after that. Another man claims to have seen him on an inland flight to the island of Koh Samui off the Thai coast. Van der Sloot’s lawyer, Bert de Rooij, reported that the talks with his client are strenuous.
Millions of viewers
According to the figures by the Nederlandse Stichting KijkOnderzoek (Dutch viewers research foundation) De Vries’ broadcast last night attracted almost 3.5 million viewers. That’s half of the number of viewers which followed Van der Sloot’s confession at the beginning of the year in a broadcast about Natalee Holloway. The broadcast wasn’t aired on Aruba or in the Netherlands Antilles.

Van Der Sloot Thailand Tape Released
Aired November 11, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight in the sudden disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway, missing off her high school senior trip, Aruba. Aruban police claim they can`t or won`t make a case against Van Der Sloot in the disappearance of Holloway, even after a Dutch crime reporter takes months of high-tech secret surveillance proving what happened the night the Alabama beauty vanished. Aruban courts let Van Der Sloot, the judge`s son, walk free.
But tonight, we have obtained the video and audiotape that may land judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot behind bars. That`s right, judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot busted, preying on unsuspecting young women, attempting to lure them into the sex trade between Thailand and his birth place, the Netherlands, Van Der Sloot reported to make up to $13,000 per female recruit. And now that Van Der Sloot is busted again, Aruban prosecutors say they`re back on the Holloway case, now deciding whether to re-arrest Van Der Sloot. But tonight, will Van Der Sloot, reportedly in hiding, finally land where he belong, behind bars? Somebody tell me how`s Daddy going to get him out of this one?



JORAN VAN DER SLOOT: And he offering you $15,000 to dance. And I understand you tell me that you have school you have to finish. I understand. And you can tell me, OK, after your school, will we talk about it again?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. And how long I have to dance for, one hour, two hours?

VAN DER SLOOT: No, like, 10 hour a day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh! That`s too much!

VAN DER SLOOT: I don`t know.


VAN DER SLOOT: From 5:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 in the morning.



VAN DER SLOOT: That`s a lot, yes, I know, but it`s not dance the whole time. You take break. You talk to the guys, you know, make them feel good, give them drink.


GRACE: Yes, he`s the man.

And tonight, the mystery surrounding a beautiful young mom of two vanishing into thin air straight out America`s heartland.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Searches resumed today in the case of missing 27- year-old mother of two Alisha Sidie. According to reports, Sidie left her home between 9:00 and 10:00 PM Friday night after an argument with her ex- husband. Over 150 volunteers are assisting in the search effort, with helicopters, canines and dive teams all scouring the area for the young mom. Alisha`s sister, Tracy, says there`s no way that Alisha would have left without her 2-year-old twin boys at her side. Police say there`s no evidence of foul play and will continue to search for Alisha, who was last seen wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and blue scrub pants.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is very unusual for her. I`ve known Alisha since she was a little baby. She`s like a sister to me. She`s like my daughter. She is -- this is very unusual for her, very unusual. She would never do this. Never.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Breaking news tonight in the disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway. We have obtained a video and audiotape that may land judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot behind bars.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For me -- $15,000 is nothing for me.

VAN DER SLOOT: OK, $15,000 is nothing for you?


VAN DER SLOOT: $15,000 is nothing for her.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... but when we do overtime, yes, maybe we can do that, like (INAUDIBLE)

VAN DER SLOOT: OK, but look what you have to do for that. From here, you have to shake your *advertiser censored*. That`s all you have to do. If I could shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000, I would shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000.


VAN DER SLOOT: Today, all they want is just to see you, so you show them how beautiful you are...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... because you understand we have a club in Holland.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m interested to go abroad, but you know I cannot because I make the decision that I cannot leave my school.



VAN DER SLOOT: OK. Like, listen, baby, I`m from Holland and they from Holland also. And I go to the Holland embassy already and I look and for to get the paper to give to you right away. That`s not a problem.


VAN DER SLOOT: So for -- go for, like, three months or something is very easy. It`s very easy. But for to get work permit, like, one year or two years, is more hard. And Holland very, very different than Bangkok. Holland is also very nice and very peaceful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think you can get a lot of lady to go over there if you go to the government for looking people to find a job.

VAN DER SLOOT: The important thing is they want to do it good also. You don`t want to do it like paperwork good and that`s important for them also for the name and cannot do it like wrong. Just like no, no, no, they want to do it good. Real job is good also.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Is a real job even for the nice club.


GRACE: Yes, he is the big man. That`s judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot, the prime suspect in the disappearance of Alabama honor grad Natalee Holloway. He managed to escape jail in her death, but now he`s busted again, this time trying to lure college students into the European sex trade. You just saw the videotape.

Out to Jossy Mansur, the owner and managing director of "Diario" magazine. Jossy, will there be charges?

JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": I think they have to introduce charges against him because the evidence is too much. I mean, it`s been recorded. I mean, we have all seen what was going on, how he tried to lure these girls, how he lied to them that it was going to be a modeling job, photo sessions, et cetera. But all the time, he had in mind a work time of 10 hours (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: And in fact, he`s caught on videotape accepting payment, a down payment on luring young college co-eds into the sex trade, telling them they`d be models and ending up in a brothel in the Netherlands. That`s what Joran Van Der Sloot has been doing. In case you`ve been wondering whatever happened to Joran Van Der Sloot, now we know.

With -- reporter from WBMA, Deborah Pugatch -- what can you tell us, Deborah?

DEBORAH PUGATCH, WBMA PRODUCER: Well, what we do know is the first footage in the United States aired this morning. When it aired Sunday in the Netherlands, Thai authorities said, I want a transcript, to see if they had a case against Joran Van Der Sloot.

GRACE: Oh, blah, blah, Deborah! The said the same thing the last time Joran Van Der Sloot was caught on videotape talking about Natalee Holloway`s death. And what did they do? Let it slip through their fingers. OK, maybe the second bite of the apple will be different.

Take a look at Joran Van Der Sloot caught on videotape.


VAN DER SLOOT: Today, all they want is just to see you, so you show them how beautiful you are...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... because you understand we have a club in Holland.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m interested to go abroad, but you know I cannot because I make the decision that I cannot leave my school.



VAN DER SLOOT: OK. Like, listen, baby, I`m from Holland and they from Holland also. And I go to the Holland embassy already and I look and for to get the paper to give to you right away. That`s not a problem.

OK. Like, listen, I from Holland and they from Holland also. I go to the Holland embassy already. I look for them to give the paper they give to you right away. That`s not a problem.

To go for, like, three months or something is very easy. Very easy. For one year or two year is more hard. And Holland very, very different than Bangkok. Holland also very nice, very peaceful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think you can get a lot of lady to go over there if the government for looking people for a job.

VAN DER SLOOT: The important thing is they want to do it good also. You don`t want to do it like paperwork good and that`s important for them also for the name and cannot do it like wrong. Just like no, no, no, they want to do it good. Is real job.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is real job even for the nice club.


GRACE: He is so busted! Yes, the Netherlands very nice, very peaceful -- for hookers! He didn`t finish the sentence. We are taking your calls live.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me tonight, Ray Giudice, defense attorney out of the Atlanta jurisdiction, Michael Mazzariello, defense attorney and host of "Closing Arguments" on WGNY, and a special guest joining us tonight, international law and criminal defense attorney Michael Griffith. He is based in New York, travels all over the world handling cases.

Michael Griffith, if it were anywhere but Thailand or Aruba, I would say he`s busted. What about you?

MICHAEL GRIFFITH, INTERNATIONAL LAW ATTORNEY: Nancy, first, hi. It`s nice to see you. Nancy, I hate to burst everybody`s balloon. I`m a member of the criminal law committee of the international bar. I`m a member...

GRACE: "Burst your bubble." Go ahead.

GRIFFITH: All right. I`ve got the transcript here. There`s nothing in the transcripts that have been said except that these girls were going to go for dancing. Maybe that`s not true, but that`s what the tapes show. This Mr. De Vries really dropped the ball. If he wanted to get something out of this...

GRACE: Well, hold on. Hold on.

GRIFFITH: ... they should have -- Nancy, they should have...

GRACE: That`s a good point, Michael. That`s all we`ve heard so far. But hold on. Out to Peter Schouten, spokesperson for De Vries. He`s joining us from the Netherlands. Peter, isn`t it true that he is caught on tape going over the scheme where he represents to the young girls it`s a modeling job, but where he`s actually talking about it being prostitution?

PETER SCHOUTEN, SPOKESMAN FOR PETER DE VRIES: Yes. That is exactly correct, Nancy. And that is, of course, not the only thing. Joran also took the initiative to basically employ this kind of operation and he contacted people to work out a network for him in the Netherlands that he could trade the girls. So I disagree with the attorney there. There is a lot done (ph) to basically make this a criminal matter.

GRACE: So long story short -- with me is spokesperson for De Vries, Peter Schouten. Peter, he`s on tape talking about the young girls being prostitutes in the Netherlands. Yes, no.

SCHOUTEN: Yes. Correct. He is basically doing human trafficking to deliver girls to whorehouses, brothels and window (ph) prostitution.

GRACE: With me tonight exclusively joining us, Dave Holloway, Natalee Holloway`s father. Dave, thank you for being with us. We spoke briefly last night. Now that you`ve had time to digest all of this, now that you`ve seen the tapes yourself, what do you think?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S FATHER: Thank you for having me, Nancy. It`s really unbelievable. But you know, talking to the experts in the past about his behavior, they pegged him right on it. They said he`d strike again in some form or other fashion, and he`s done that.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was offering them a job as models in Holland.

VAN DER SLOOT: Look what you have to do for that. From here you have to shake your *advertiser censored*. That`s all you have to do. If I could shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000, I would shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And in truth, he was trying to coax them into prostitution -- in other words, into the sex industries in Holland.

HOLLOWAY: It`s absolutely disgusting that this guy is involved in something like this. I hope the Thailand police do their job and get this guy. He needs to be taken off the streets.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For me, $15,000 is nothing for me.

VAN DER SLOOT: OK, $15,000 is nothing for you?


VAN DER SLOOT: $15,000. Is nothing for her. $15,000 is nothing.


GRACE: The women you see, judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot snugged up in a hotel room with are college students there in Thailand. According to Peter De Vries, investigative reporter who`s responsible for this undercover video, he is trying to talk them into going to the Netherlands, his birth place, to be dancers and models. Translation, hookers.

We are taking your calls live. Out to Leah in Virginia. Hi, Leah.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. The children are beautiful. I was wondering what charges could he possibly be facing?

GRACE: Back to the lawyers. Joining us, international law and criminal defense attorney Michael Griffith, veteran trial lawyer Raymond Giudice out of Atlanta, Michael Mazzariello out of New York.

Ray, hit me. What could he be facing?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, I want to switch the venue from Thailand to Holland. I think there`s two problems for this gentleman. One is, is he the front man for a group of clubs or organizations and he`s been sent over to bring these girls back, so there`s a big conspiracy? And secondly, is he attempting to defraud the Dutch immigration authorities? When you go to Europe, they want to know why you`re there, how long you`re going to stay, and if you`re working, it has to be for a legal and moral purpose.

GRACE: Ruh-roh! What about it, Mazzariello? He`s right about immigration, at least. I guess the feds aren`t going to pooh-pooh this.

MICHAEL MAZZARIELLO, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, that`s why I like Ray. He`s right on the money, Nancy. Throw in a couple of, you know, trafficking charges in there, get the tax people involved, and he could have real problems in Holland.

GRACE: Tax people? You think this guy`s ever held down a job? Are you kidding me?

MAZZARIELLO: Well, Nancy, that`s -- at least it`s what they could get the Thai government to get to hold him and to inquire further. I mean, just hold the guy and try to interrogate him.

GRACE: Michael?

GRIFFITH: Nancy, there`s been no crime committed here because, number one...

GRACE: He`s soliciting for prostitution!

GRIFFITH: Nancy, Nancy...

MAZZARIELLO: Not on tape.

GRIFFITH: Nancy, listen to Mike. Right now, there`s nothing on tape saying anything about prostitution.

GRACE: You`re making my jaw hurt.

GRIFFITH: No, just listen to me. This is what I do.


GRIFFITH: The second thing is, if they would have waited to have the false papers made out, help to pay for the airline tickets, bring the girls to Holland and then put them in prostitution -- by the way, where it`s legal there -- but then put them in...

GRACE: And wait until the girls get their first $20?


GRIFFITH: That`s how you make the sting. Nancy, that`s how you make the sting. De Vries, to get his 15 minutes of fame, messed things up. He jumped the gun.

GRACE: So you won`t be happy until a college student actually turns her first trick. Do I have that right, Griffith?

GRIFFITH: No. No. I said...

GRACE: Yes, I do.

GRIFFITH: ... you got to -- you have to have false papers, put them on the plane, send them to Holland...

GRACE: Listen...

GRIFFITH: ... and then you can make the arrest.

GRACE: Let me just break it down. To Mike Brooks. You know the deal, Brooks -- former fed with the FBI. Mike, when an undercover cop is doing a sting, a vice sting, they don`t actually do the deed. You go solicit a hooker, she gets in the car, says, Yes, I`ll turn a trick for X amount of money. Boom. That`s when the sting goes down, right there.

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Usually, Nancy, to make a prostitution case, you need a place, a price and an act. Now, in this particular one, we`re talking, you know, college students that are, you know, allegedly college students...

GRACE: They`re college students.

BROOKS: Yes. OK. And there`s a the lot of college students working their way through school in Las Vegas also, Nancy.

GRACE: You`re right. Blame the victim. Go ahead.

BROOKS: No, I`m telling you. You know, I -- look, if you look at prostitution rings...

GRACE: Make your point, please. Please. Point.

BROOKS: Look. Bangkok, do you think that they really care? Because...


BROOKS: ... -do they want any -- do they want any attention into the sex industry in their country? Absolutely not. I think Raymond is absolutely right. You got to go back on the Dutch end of things and work it from there.

GRACE: They don`t care, either. The Netherlands don`t care.

BROOKS: Well, yes, the Dutch authorities screwed the Holloway investigation up from the very beginning, but...

GRACE: Yes, I mean, Dave Holloway, he`s got a point. With me exclusively tonight is Natalee`s father, Dave Holloway. Yes, he`s caught on tape again, but he`s been caught on tape before, describing Natalee`s death. Nothing happened. So we really think the Netherlands care about planning prostitution? Dave Holloway?

HOLLOWAY: Oh, I`m sorry?

GRACE: Go ahead, dear.

HOLLOWAY: You know, Nancy, I really don`t think that -- in my opinion, that they`ll probably do anything with this. It`s my hope and faith, and you know, just prayer that they will do something, but I`ve been down this road...

GRACE: How much more evidence do we have to hand them on a silver platter before they finally do something, Dave Holloway?

HOLLOWAY: You know, they`ve been handed the confession on a silver platter and they didn`t do anything. And that`s why I think in this case, you know, maybe I`m being a little bit negative on it, but...

GRACE: Well, I`m sure you don`t want to...

HOLLOWAY: ... you know, I know that...

GRACE: ... get your hopes up and then be dashed.

HOLLOWAY: I don`t want to get my hopes up high. You know, I think...

GRACE: Speaking of that tape, Dave...




GRACE: Go ahead. I`m sorry.

HOLLOWAY: I think they could probably charge him for preparation of human trafficking. I think they`ve probably got a good case there because I`ve seen some of the e-mail transmissions between he and his friend where they talk about it.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. To Linda in Texas. Hi, Linda.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I am calling -- first every all, Mr. Holloway, I would like to apologize for the loss of your daughter. And I hope we can somehow or another bring closure soon. My question is, since we`ve never actually found Natalee`s body, is it possible that the word could spread in Thailand, that maybe she might be there or maybe some of the girls that Joran Van Der Sloot has talked to has maybe mentioned her name and her whereabouts?

GRACE: What about that, too, Jossy Mansur, managing director and owner of "Diario" magazine? What about it, Jossy?

MANSUR: I think that`s very highly unlikely, Nancy. I don`t think that -- according to all the evidence we`ve seen from the beginning of this case, I don`t think she`s alive. I`m sorry to say that. I wish she were. But I think that in view of that and confirming it in the first program of De Vries, in Joran`s own voice, we heard him say that he was with her when she died.

GRACE: Well, actually, you know what? I`ve got that with me right now. Let`s roll that, Jossy. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): She just lying still?

VAN DER SLOOT (through translator): Still. Still. She`s not doing anything. He says, What happened? I said, I don`t know either, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Did you try to resuscitate her?

VAN DER SLOOT (through translator): Of course. I tried everything, man. I tried to shake her. I was shaking the . I was, like -- like, What`s wrong with you, man? I almost wanted to cry. What (DELETED) happened to me. I said to him, This is impossible.

He took the body. He went far out and he threw her over the side. Then he came back and he docked his boat there. And he came by my house for a bit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): At night?

VAN DER SLOOT (through translator): Yes. Then we talked for a bit and he says to me, You know, it`s all good. She`s going to be missing. They`re going to search, but they`re not going to know a thing.


GRACE: That is from ABC`s "20/20." It`s from Peter De Vries`s hidden camera interview of Joran Van Der Sloot describing what happened to Natalee Holloway the night she went missing.


GRACE: You are seeing secretly recorded video of Joran Van Der Sloot, the judge`s son, the prime suspect in the death and disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway. He is busted again.

Out to Peter Schouten, spokesperson for Peter De Vries. Peter, how was this set up?

SCHOUTEN: Well, Joran has a poker buddy, an on-line poker buddy, which he boasted a lot to after he moved to Thailand when we exposed him the first time, about how he was living like a king there. And then slowly, he started to ask this poker buddy if he could help him in setting up a network in the Netherlands for trafficking girls.

Now, what Joran didn`t know was that this buddy was actually a certified security guard. So of course, his moral standards were totally not the same like Joran`s. And he choose to contact Peter De Vries and tell him what was perspiring (SIC). So then we were getting involved in the case and decided to set up a sting.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For me $15,000 is nothing for me.

JORAN VAN DER SLOOT: OK. $15,000 is nothing for you?


VAN DER SLOOT: $15,000 is nothing for her. $15,000 is nothing for her.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But when we do overtime, yes, maybe we can do that, right, at $15,000.

VAN DER SLOOT: OK. But look what you have to do for that. From here you have to shake your *advertiser censored*. That`s all you have to do. If I could shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000, I shake my *advertiser censored* for $15,000.


VAN DER SLOOT: And he offering you 15,000 baht to dance. And I understand you tell me that you have school.


VAN DER SLOOT: You have to finish. I understand. And you can tell me OK, after your school we talk about again?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how long I have to dance for? One hour, two hour?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Like 10 hour a day.


VAN DER SLOOT: No, no, no. I don`t know. I don`t know.


VAN DER SLOOT: From five to ten. Yes, from 5:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 in the morning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, that`s a lot.

VAN DER SLOOT: That`s a lot, yes, I know. But it`s not dance the whole time. You take break. You talk to the guys, you know, make them feel good. Give them drink.

Today all they want is to see you is to show them how beautiful you are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because you understand we have a club in Holland.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m interested to go abroad but, you know, I know I cannot because I make the decision I cannot leave my school.



VAN DER SLOOT: OK, like, listen, baby, I`m from Holland. And they`re from Holland also. And I go to Holland embassy already.


VAN DER SLOOT: And I look and for to get the paper to give to you right away. That`s not a problem. So for go for like three month or something is very easy. But for to get like work permit like one year or two year is more hard. And Holland, very, very different than Bangkok. Holland also very nice and very peaceful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think you can get a lot of lady to go over there if you go to the government for looking people to find a job.

VAN DER SLOOT: Well, the important thing is you want to do it then they want to do it good also. Also you don`t want to do it like paperwork good and everything in order. Everything good. That`s important for them also for the name and cannot do like wrong, just like no, no, no, they want to do it good. Is real job is good also.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Is real job even for the nice club.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: And when you hear him offering, Joran Van Der Sloot, the judge`s son, the prime suspect in the death of Natalee Holloway, talking about $15,000. It`s not $15,000, it`s 15,000 baht which equals $428 for a month of prostitution. Yes, that`s a real deal.

We are taking your calls live.

To Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, joining us from Johns Hopkins -- Dr. Makary, thank you for being with us. It`s now over three years since Natalee went missing.

What is the likelihood, if her remains are found now, that the Aruba authorities are interested in the case after seeing this? What would you expect to find, assume it`s under water?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, of course, the likelihood is very low. You know an entire merit case will rest on the forensic evidence from a body because it`s a gold mine of evidence.

And in this case they`ve searched the ocean. Salt is a natural detergent. The currents of the ocean floor are strong and accelerate decomposition. So it is highly unlikely that anything is going to come out of this.

You know crimes at sea are difficult for this reason. And you do not want to get on a boat with anybody that you don`t trust fully.

GRACE: To Patricia Saunders, clinical psychologist joining us in New York -- Dr. Saunders, you know, he came this close to an arrest in a murder case. Why didn`t he just lay low and mind his own business? What happened to going to college and going straight?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, this guy is a predator and he`s obviously a parasite. He dropped out of college because he wants the easy way. Joran Van Der Sloot really looks like a sociopath, Nancy, no remorse, no empathy, thinks he is a lot smarter than he really is.

The only good news so far is if he doesn`t get caught this time he will continue doing it and he will get caught.

GRACE: Well, I guess you can view that as good news that he will continue to prey on other people and maybe get caught. And then there`s the big maybe whether authorities in Netherlands will do anything about it.

I want to go back to Peter Schouten, spokesperson for Peter De Vries.

Peter, it`s my understanding that he cannot be found. He`s gone in hiding under the name of Murphy Jenkins and maybe on an island off the Thai, Ko Samui. What do you know?

PETER SCHOUTEN, SPOKESMAN FOR PETER DE VRIES, EXECUTED STING OPERATION: Yes, it`s correct. He ran off and according to the rumors, he took a plane to Ko Samui together with his accomplice. So at this moment it`s difficult to find him.

We have people posting outside the house after Peter De Vries made this phone call to Joran. But suddenly (INAUDIBLE) at the house and he was (INAUDIBLE) in driving away and just went into hiding.

GRACE: There is Van Der Sloot at the airport believed to be traveling under the name, the pseudonym, Murphy Jenkins, last known to be boarding on a plane to Ko Samui.

Let`s see that map again.

Out to the line, Beth in Florida. Hi, Beth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, Nancy. Love your show.

GRACE: Bless you. Thank you for calling in. What is your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One, who is funding this guy? I mean who is actually paying for him?

GRACE: Excellent question.

Jossy Mansur with "Diario" magazine, is daddy still footing the bill, mommy and daddy?

JOSSY MANSUR, OWNER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, "DIARIO": I think probably, because I -- I don`t see any other source of income that he has. He never worked in his life.

GRACE: What happened to school?

MANSUR: Well, I don`t know, but he`s not going to school anymore. He disappeared from Holland. And suddenly he is living in Thailand and now he disappears again. So I don`t know what his interest in school is.

GRACE: To Donny in South Carolina, hi, Donny.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love your show and thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your adorable babies with us every week.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Question is, if he is charged with human trafficking, what is the most amount of time he can get in jail? And also, can he be charged for evading the police since he is hiding under a new alias now?

GRACE: OK. Michael Griffith, try to answer that objectively. Go ahead.

NANCY GRIFFITH, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, I don`t know what the statute is in Holland, but if this were done correctly, since only maybe 11 people in Thailand know where Aruba is, and if they could have got this man and done this sting in the Netherlands, then they could have used the charges in the Netherlands to possibly make him cooperate with what happened in Aruba. But they didn`t do that. Mr. De Vries totally messed up things here.

GRACE: If it weren`t for De Vries we wouldn`t even have the knowledge that this is happening. What is with you and De Vries? You`ve never even met him.

GRIFFITH: He didn`t do this properly. He should have done this properly with the police.

GRACE: Yes, the police should have done it. The police should have done it. But guess what, they`re twiddling their thumbs. No, they`re sitting on their thumbs. And I won`t describe that any further.

Ray Giudice, what about it? What could he face?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, certainly not running from law enforcement. There`s no charges.

GRACE: How do you know? He`s in hiding.

GIUDICE: Somebody should issue a warrant, put it through Interpol and let him get picked up. That`s how it happens. So until there`s a warrant, Nancy, or an investigation he`s not running from any.

GRACE: He`s not running. You`re absolutely correct.

Michael Mazzariello, agree or disagree?


GRACE: Back to the lines, Julie in Indiana. Hi, Julie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. You look great.

GRACE: Thank you, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is they`ve found Natalee. Have they ever thought about looking for her in a brothel?

GRACE: I want to go back to Natalee`s dad with us exclusively tonight, Dave Holloway. That theory had been floated at the beginning. What do you make of it?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S FATHER: Yes, it was. We had all kinds of theories in the very beginning. But as the investigation continued and this first Peter De Vries tape pretty much summarized what happened to Natalee.

I had a long in-depth conversation with Patrick, the person who was with Joran for six or seven months. And there`s a lot of things that he told me that was not on the videotape. And he assured me that Joran told him on many occasions what happened.

GRACE: What, what, what did he tell you?

HOLLOWAY: Well, he just basically said what was on the tape was the truth and that was confirmed by three other experts.

GRACE: Well, speaking of the tape, Dave, here it is.

Everybody, we are showing you the tape he`s talking about from ABC`s "20/20."


PATRICK VAN DER EEM (through translator): How were you so sure she was dead, Joran? You can`t, you know, people can also go into coma.

VAN DER SLOOT: Yes, I wasn`t sure about that but it really scared me to death.

VAN DER EEM: No, but I understand that. I definitely understand that, that you were scared. She really brought it to herself.

VAN DER SLOOT: No, no. But it didn`t look good.

VAN DER EEM: How didn`t it look good then?

VAN DER SLOOT: Just, you know, she had been shaking and stuff.

VAN DER EEM: What, really shaking?

VAN DER SLOOT: Yes. I don`t know. Yes. Pretty much.

VAN DER EEM: I`m asking you. How were you so (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sure she was dead, man?



GRACE: That was from "20/20" from ABC. Joran Van Der Sloot seemingly concerned about his own fate as opposed to that of American teen Natalee Holloway.





VAN DER SLOOT: And he offering you 15,000 baht to dance. And I understand you tell me that you have school.


VAN DER SLOOT: You have to finish. I understand. And you can tell me OK, after your school we talk about again?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how long I have to dance for? One hour, two hour?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Like 10 hour a day.


VAN DER SLOOT: No, no, no. I don`t know. I don`t know.


VAN DER SLOOT: From five to ten. Yes, from 5:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 in the morning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, that`s a lot.

VAN DER SLOOT: That`s a lot, yes, I know. But it`s not dance the whole time. You take break. You talk to the guys, you know, make them feel good. Give them drink.


GRACE: We`re about to take you to America`s heartland and a missing mom of two. But very quickly, back to Peter Schouten.

Peter, have the authorities in the Netherlands displayed the least bit interest in prosecuting Van Der Sloot?

SCHOUTEN: Well, they did and also in Thailand. The ambassador immediately asked for the tapes and translated them. Where Michael is wrong is that masterminding and flipping a crime like this is a criminal offense which can be prosecuted in both Thailand and the Netherlands.


SCHOUTEN: Joran produced the girls and he took the money as advance payment. And those are criminal (INAUDIBLE) and offenses.

GRACE: Absolutely. And to Deborah Pugatch of WBMA -- Deborah, what can you tell me about Ko Samui and the possibility he`s traveling under the name Murphy Jenkins?

DEBORAH PUGATCH, PRODUCER, CNN AFFILIATE WBMA, COVERING STORY: I did that -- tonight is the first time that I`ve actually heard about him traveling under an alias. I had not heard anything about that. All we know.

GRACE: What do you know about that island?

PUGATCH: I do not know much of anything about that Thai island either. This is the first time that I have heard that he has gone there or has been traveling under an alias.

GRACE: Peter, has it been confirmed that he is there at Ko Samui?

SCHOUTEN: No. It has not been not confirmed. It is a rumor.

GRACE: In the Dutch reports.

Everyone, we are staying on top of it. Joran Van Der Sloot may be finally be looking at the inside of a jail cell.

Has anyone heard if Beth made any statements concerning this news? I saw Dave on NG and he said he heard about it last week. Just wondering what Beth thought.
Has anyone heard if Beth made any statements concerning this news? I saw Dave on NG and he said he heard about it last week. Just wondering what Beth thought.

Hi drew. No not yet, as far as I know.

Here's a link to Birmingham news, maybe BHT shares DH sentiments:

Natalee Holloway suspect Joran van der Sloot reportedly discussions prostitution trafficking

Thursday, November 13, 2008 HANNAH WOLFSON
News staff writer

Natalee Holloway's father said Wednesday he believes a video that shows the main suspect in his daughter's disappearance talk about trafficking in prostitutes - but doesn't believe it will make a difference in his family's case.
"It's been a sham from the beginning," Dave Holloway said from his home in Mississippi. "You look at all this stuff and it's unbelievable."
Holloway said he had watched part of and read a transcript of a Dutch television show that allegedly shows Joran van der Sloot telling two men posing as members of the Dutch sex trade that he could get Thai women to work for them on false documents.

The show, which aired Sunday in Holland, was created by Peter De Vries, who last year captured van der Sloot talking callously about dumping Holloway's body. De Vries won an international Emmy for that show.
Holloway disappeared in 2005 while on a trip to Aruba with fellow graduates of Mountain Brook High School. Van der Sloot, who was the last person seen with her before she disappeared, was arrested but never tried due to lack of evidence.
In the show, De Vries showed Van der Sloot, 21, in Bangkok talking to sex workers and offering to find them paying work. At the end of the show, De Vries confronted him on the phone and Van der Sloot dismissed the claims, saying, "I have done nothing. You initiated everything."
Dutch news outlets have reported that the Thai authorities have requested a copy of the tape. Holloway said he had heard some speculation that van der Sloot had already been arrested, but could not confirm it.
However, he said that if van der Sloot were tried and convicted of trafficking in Thailand - a crime he said could mean eight years in prison - it would bring him some comfort.
"If he'd have to spend some time in a Thai jail, that'd be better than spending 30 in an Aruban prison," Holloway said. "That's like the difference between a five-star hotel and ... a dungeon."
NG Nov 12, 2008:






VAN DER SLOOT: And he offering you 15,000 baht to dance. And I understand you tell me that you have school.


VAN DER SLOOT: You have to finish. I understand. And you can tell me OK, after your school we talk about again?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how long I have to dance for? One hour, two hour?

VAN DER SLOOT: No. Like 10 hour a day.


VAN DER SLOOT: No, no, no. I don`t know. I don`t know.


VAN DER SLOOT: From five to ten. Yes, from 5:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 in the morning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, that is long.

VAN DER SLOOT: That`s a lot, yes, I know. But it`s not dance the whole time. You take break. You talk to the guys, you know, make them feel good. Give them drink.


GRACE: I can hardly even look at it.

(INAUDIBLE) Joran Van Der Sloot, caught in the act, reportedly, trying to ensnare young college students to become hookers. Of course, they thought they were going to be dancers and models.

To Art Harris, investigative journalist, unconfirmed reports as we go to air, that police have finally tracked down Joran Van Der Sloot. Yes, no.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, COVERING STORY: That`s right, Nancy, on a small island off the coast of Thailand. A policeman who actually had his photon on his mobile phone spotted him and he`s now reportedly under arrest for -- you know, for this investigation.

I spoke to the Thai embassy today, Nancy, and if this is true, under Thai sex trafficking laws passed this June, he could face stiff prison term and a big fine.

GRACE: Oh boohoo.

Let`s go back to the lawyers, now joining me, along with Renee Rockwell, Atlanta, Alan Ripla, New York, international law attorney, Michael Griffith in New York.

Michael Griffith, you`re back for more.


GRACE: So what about this? Why is he hiding out in Ko Samui?

GRIFFITH: Well, you know, Nancy, after seeing this video again, you know, I believe there`s been a double scam here.

GRACE: Let me guess.

GRIFFITH: Listen to this.

GRACE: Van Der Sloot is the victim?

GRIFFITH: No, listen to this.

GRACE: Can you make it brief?

GRIFFITH: Nowhere has -- prostitution been mentioned on this video or in the transcript. Yesterday, the spokesperson said that prostitution was mentioned. It was mentioned, it would have been on your video.

I believe what happened was, Van De Vries, the reporter, took a film crew over there, spent thousands of dollars, was probably paid for to do a sting, they got a hotel, and no prostitution was mentioned. And now they`re pandering to the world that there was prostitution.

GRACE: So what is he doing trying to pay these college students $428 to get papers to go to the Netherlands?

GRIFFITH: First of all, there were no papers.

GRACE: We just heard him say that. What was he talking about, Griffith?

GRIFFITH: To dance. He`s a self-styled dance promoter, obviously.

GRACE: OK, you know what, I`m glad you said that.

GRIFFITH: He has nothing to do with prostitution.

GRACE: I`m going to save that clip for your (INAUDIBLE).

I want to go to Peter Schouten, spokesperson for De Vries. It is on the video, he is caught talking about prostitution, correct?

PETER SCHOUTEN, SPOKESMAN FOR PETER DE VRIES, EXECUTED STING OPERATION: Yes, hi, Nancy, that`s correct. And he has (INAUDIBLE), he represented himself clearly as a pimp. Michael is totally wrong.

Joran initiated this crime himself. He produced the girls, he made the deal, he took the money. He did human trafficking with the intent to exploit the girls, and that carries a maximum of eight years in jail.

GRACE: To Rupa Mikkilineni, our producer on this story -- Rupa, the offshoot of all of this is it has reignited the investigation into Natalee Hallow way`s death. Explain.

RUPA MIKKILINENI, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s correct, Nancy. Basically, the Aruban authorities -- I was on the phone with Hans Moss with yesterday, and essentially, De Vries, his original tape which was aired last year, at the end of last year, reignited the case. They were about to close the case last December.

Now let me just make this clear. They weren`t going to close the investigation in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. They were only going to close the investigation against Van Der Sloot.

GRACE: The new witness, the new witness, the new witness. Tell me.

MIKKILINENI: So they have a new witness that`s come out, and apparently this guy came forward before, but authorities didn`t take him seriously. They didn`t think he was credible. Now this witness was given polygraph tests, two polygraph tests that he did pass, and he says that the night that Natalee Holloway disappeared, he saw somebody looking like Joran Van Der Sloot and he does say that he recognizes Joran Van Der Sloot later on in the upcoming days.

GRACE: You know what, I`m interested, Rupa, that you said he`s passed two polygraphs.

Art Harris, what exactly does he say he saw the night Natalee went missing?

HARRIS: Two questions. He says that he saw Joran Van Der Sloot walking down a road at the time that Natalee was reportedly disappeared. Muddy, from the waist down, and later driving back in a red jeep, with a man he later recognized as Paul as his father.

GRACE: To Dave Holloway, joining us tonight exclusively. This is Natalee`s father. What do you make of this witness?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S FATHER: You know, we knew about the witness probably eight or nine months ago. He identified himself to the boat captain, John Savati, and from there we proceeded to introduce him to the police department, so that they could take a witness statement.

And unfortunately, the police did not want to take him seriously. So we in turn provided him with an attorney. The attorney believed the witness. And we allowed him to talk to the prosecutor, and the prosecutor still discounted him. So the last resort was we.

GRACE: It`s ridiculous.

HOLLOWAY: We asked him to come to Houston, Texas, and we did a polygraph test, and guess what.

GRACE: He passed.

HOLLOWAY: He passed.

GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist, he`s passed two polygraph tests. Tell me, how does daddy, daddy judge Van Der Sloot fit into this scenario?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, he has told police that he woke up that morning at 7:00. So the worst case, this witness can only be used right now to show that father, the judge, is lying if he is believed. This is not enough to reopen a murder investigation.

GRACE: Says you. I`m sorry, I thought you were an investigative journalist.


HARRIS: Well, I`ve known you long enough, Nancy. But since he told - - Hans Mos told your producers that only if they found a witness who saw Natalee Holloway on the beach with Joran would they be able to make an arrest.

GRACE: To Rupa Mikkilineni, doesn`t the witness place the judge on the scene?

MIKKILINENI: Yes, the witness does place the judge on the scene. But the thing is we`re not sure where the scene of the crime is. We don`t know if Natalee died on the beach, we don`t know if she died in a pond.

GRACE: Well, that`s what he said on the videotape in the SUV. He says she died on the beach. And he got rid of the body, Rupa. Didn`t he?

MIKKILINENI: He does confess this or admit this in the tape, Nancy. But here`s the thing. We`ve got this witness that places him near a pond that his first.


GRACE: Speaking of miscarriage of justice, back to the lawyers. Michael Griffith, Renee Rockwell, Alan Ripka.

Renee Rockwell, I`ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life that you`ve got to have a witness placing him there on the beach with her the night she died? That`s not true. You can make a case on circumstantial evidence. Plus he confessed on a -- in that SUV when he was being secretly recorded.

ROCKWELL: Nancy, I don`t know what else it`s going to take. I`ll say one thing. This deal with the pond and the slow walk and the dad following him, the best -- I have to agree with Art -- that you`re going to get out of that is perhaps some false swearing. Nothing near homicide.

GRACE: Says you.

To Dr. Joshua Perper -- Dr. Perper -- oh-oh, satellite down on Perper. Alan Ripka, weigh in.

RIPKA: Well, at the end of the day when you have an unsolved murder it`s amazing that they would discount a witness statement that placed the father and son together. I can`t believe that, Nancy. Certainly that shows that the father was lying. And that will continue an investigation because you know he`s got something to hide.

GRACE: Michael Griffith, I know what you`re going to say. So to Mike Brooks.

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Well, Nancy, you know, if you recall back during the investigation, apparently they did pay attention to him a little bit, because if you recall, during the investigation in Aruba, they went back and they drained that pond that was right near the Marriott Hotel. Apparently they thought that some of his story was at least true.

GRACE: Joran Van Der Sloot. Apparently, police have caught up with him on an island off the Thai coast. We`ll keep you posted.

Greta has news coming, next week if I read her right. She said Jim Hammer went over and confronted Paulas who tore a paper from Jim's hand and ran in his office. Now Greta says that the brothers attorney's won't return her calls, which they used to do. She also said she spoke with the Prosecuter to show him some stuff, but, gee, he does not work weekends.
Very interesting stuff coming up. Stay tuned!
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