Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 #1

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Happened on NG tonight. Yuck, as usual. We all empathize with BH, however, NG promoting breaking the law and possibly getting yourself killed among other things is irresponsible. Also, I don't think this really happened or it would be all over the news so Nancy is going with sensationalism again which shows how much she thinks of Beth. JMO
I looked at the Dutch articles in Dutch and it just said that Beth was questioned for a short time in prison and then put outside the prison. No arrest.

I pray you are right and NG is wrong.
This is funny. According to the Dutch TV video, yesterday was women's day at Castro Castro. Meaning sisters,wifes, girlfriends, other female relatives could visit. Peter de Vries cooked up the idea of smuggling Beth in during such a day. Beth just stood in line with the other Peruvian women and had a hidden camera. Apparently the director of the prison recognized De Vries and came outside to investigate. The way I understand, Beth did not get to see Joran, was sent back and was not arrested. Just questioned and then let go. The director raised heck with Peter de Vries though.

Don't know what we'd do without you rotterdam. Thanks so much for translation. :)
Happened on NG tonight. Yuck, as usual. We all empathize with BH, however, NG promoting breaking the law and possibly getting yourself killed among other things is irresponsible. Also, I don't think this really happened or it would be all over the news so Nancy is going with sensationalism again which shows how much she thinks of Beth. JMO

NG could be in for a firestorm if her report proves wrong -

I am assuming Beth's attorney did not sanction this in advance -

What was DeVries thinking? Who's side is he on?
Hey, who is more credible , A dutch speaking websleuther or NG.

If I had to roll the dice eyes closed I would pick the Dutch speaking
websleuther here on this website! Frankly. We will see. No actually
I think you are right. Thanks!!!
This is what NBC is reporting:
Van der Sloot's lawyer, Maximo Altez, told NBC News that the face-to-face meeting had lasted "less than one minute." Altez told NBC that "the Dutch media is using Beth Holloway to create a TV special which would include her, the Flores family, and an interview with Joran van der Sloot."
According to Altez, the Dutch media "snuck Beth Holloway-Twitty into Castro Castro without identifying who she was and put her face to face with van der Sloot."
She told Van der Sloot that she had "no hate in her soul" for him, at which point he handed her Altez's business card, claiming that he could not speak to her without his lawyer present.
Much more at link

Also that Beth was not arrested.
This is what NBC is reporting:

Also that Beth was not arrested.

I do admire Beth's pluck BUT YOU DO NOT GO INTO THE WOLF'S DEN!
The last thing we need is something happening to Beth or to these
cases - I'll bet Joran was shocked. If Beth can get to him maybe
Ziipper Hacksaw Jack can too!
Natalee Holloway's mother sneaks into prison to confront suspect

Tells Joran van der Sloot she has 'no hate in her soul,' according to reports

I listened again to the Dutch TV video , and also the Peruvian Video with Dutch subtitles, even after that Peruvian Video that stated that Beth got to see Joran, Dutch TV commentator said not true.
While Beth was standing in queue INSIDE Castro Castro prison on women's day, you have to give your name and get announced to the prisoner. It was at that point that she was caught and turned back according to Dutch TV.
Guess we will find out tomorrow the real story. Remember Peruvian TV also said Beth met Joran, not only NG. Although Peruvian TV said nothing about an arrest.
NG could be in for a firestorm if her report proves wrong -

I am assuming Beth's attorney did not sanction this in advance -

What was DeVries thinking? Who's side is he on?

He is a reporter in the manner of Geraldo. Loves publicity.
I listened again to the Dutch TV video , and also the Peruvian Video with Dutch subtitles, even after that Peruvian Video that stated that Beth got to see Joran, Dutch TV commentator said not true.
While Beth was standing in queue INSIDE Castro Castro prison on women's day, you have to give your name and get announced to the prisoner. It was at that point that she was caught and turned back according to Dutch TV.
Guess we will find out tomorrow the real story. Remember Peruvian TV also said Beth met Joran, not only NG. Although Peruvian TV said nothing about an arrest.

Correction; Dutch TV said she did not get to talk to Joran. Maybe she did get a quick glimpse of him. Definitely not a 5 minute conversation as per NG.

Posted on Sep 17, 2010 @ 02:01AM

The mother of missing American teen Natalee Holloway is in custody in Peru, according to Dutch media reports.

I'm just putting stuff out here....seems every body is confused.

All I can find in Dutch that they found the camera in her bag and she was questioned about it After the questioning , she was deposited outside the jail. I suspect the questioning is being confused with arrest. Maybe , she end up paying a fine for trying to smuggle the camera in. But as far as I can determine she is not in jail or anything like that.
The jail,. however, is pretty p*ssed of at Peter de Vries and his crew. Not Beth.
Natalee Holloway's mother sneaks into prison to confront suspect [/B]

[BJose Camarena, lawyer for the Flores family, said the Dutch production group approached the Flores family to do a story with Ricardo Flores Sr., father of Stephany, and Holloway-Twitty.

Ricardo Flores Sr. declined to participate but his son Enrique met with Holloway-Twitty on camera.

Camarena said that "Beth Holloway is being paid by the Dutch media to participate in a soap-opera-like special."

Bold mine - this can't be good ... a soap-opera-like special?! You have all the admiration in the world - please keep it classy Beth.
The criminal justice system in Aruba, Holland nor Peru have given the Holloways justice. And...they never will.

As a mother, I truly hope Beth's motive for gaining access to this lousy creep that killed her daughter was to show him that she could reach him at any time she chose....and so could a hired killer. Let the *advertiser censored* start worrying whether he'll see another tomorrow.

She, apparently, bribed her way into the prison. She couldn't have gained access any other way.

Way to go Beth. Give him the justice that only a mother could deliver !

Hopefully she left money and cigs for a fellow inmate.
I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt... I can easily see saying "never stop looking over your shoulder for me...never!" obviously she wasn't hiding who she was. Showing up at a peruvian jail means, he should continue to watch for her.

This stunt going to Peru to confront Joran is the single worst thing she could have done. She just made Joran's case of intimidation for him. She now has created real doubt.

I completely agree.

She has proven that Joran has told one truth, and that is that he has been harassed by this woman for the last 5 years. If he told one truth, then maybe he told another ... maybe the harassment caused him to falsely confess, simply because he was young, impetuous, and needed a fast buck now and then. This was a huge error in judgment.

She's the mother of a missing woman. Harassing the man she blames, in jail, and trying to secretly video the confrontation, is beyond bizarre.
I say: GO BETH.

That she is willing to risk arrest and willing to go into a Peruvian prison and willing to talk to that creep - that's a mother bear; that's a mother's love that never pales.

I don't see how she has created doubt or intimidation. Let's wait & see exactly what transpired before jumping there. I wish her the best.

She broke the law, for one thing. She thought that she could get away with sneaking a video camera into a Peruvian prison, once again demonstrating that she has no respect for law enforcement. Peruvian jail guards had to deal with the fact that an American thought she could get away with sneaking a camera into prison. That's a bit ... not only rude, but seriously underestimating their job performance.

I don't believe she's willing to risk going to prison, I think she's confident that she can get out of any violations related to Joran by pleading emotional distress. The "intimidation" factor matters because she attempted to confront Joran in prison and secretly video the confrontation. It's more than obvious she would have released the footage through the media, given Peter de Vries' participation. That's going a little too far by all standards.
Bold mine - this can't be good ... a soap-opera-like special?! You have all the admiration in the world - please keep it classy Beth.

It's just another installment of the Holloway Series from the viewpoint of Peter de Vries ... he's in it for the ratings. On the other hand, she's had 5 years since she understood that her daughter was probably murdered. One expects that, given her public profile, she is making decisions that are rational. This last decision does not seem rational, and even the lawsuit seems to have some questionable holes, although we won't know for sure until there is a trial.
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