Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 *AL extortion trial* *Guilty* #3

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Wow, thanks! He feels the same as I do and I hadn't before heard of that witness.

I think when vds got with the pd he was presented with "I killed her" being the get out of jail free card (= concurrent) with anything less than that would carry a consecutive, even higher sentence. It's obviously at least half a lie, so everyone trusts the other half with so many "tidbits" from earlier versions strung together?

Miller even questioned cinder blocks being on that beach and he's been there 9 times.

I am shocked that he has broken with BH in believing little of what vds said. ( this time).

I dunno -- while I'm happy for NH's parents, her family, and friends that they can rest having her killer's statement, confirming he murdered NH, filed in an Alabama Court for all to witness, it feels somewhat backdoor, shady, to me how it all went down -- beginning with the "binding" plea agreement negotiated between the parties which essentially left the Court with only two options: take it or reject it.

Obviously, the presiding Judge was in no way going to be the Justice to go down in history as the one who infamously rejected closure for NH's family and the out-of-court resolution of an evil, mean-spirited, financial crime by JVDS!

Under typical proceedings, following the change of plea hearing, pursuant to Rule 32, the Court would have set sentencing for JVDS within 60 days of the change of plea date. During this time and sentencing, the Court and the defendant would have received the federal presentence report (PSR or PSI) by the probation department which may have flushed out some important details about JVDS for the Court to consider before imposing his sentence. Maybe even a few critical details JVDS conveniently omitted from his 2.5-minute confession!

IMO, having slept on it, the confession just comes across as too well rehearsed. Getting a bad vibe from the State Attorney too. IIRC, the treaty provides for 12 months, and we all know that when it comes to federal Government, very little comes together and/or gets wrapped up in 4 months. BAM!
I dunno -- while I'm happy for NH's parents, her family, and friends that they can rest having her killer's statement, confirming he murdered NH, filed in an Alabama Court for all to witness, it feels somewhat backdoor, shady, to me how it all went down -- beginning with the "binding" plea agreement negotiated between the parties which essentially left the Court with only two options: take it or reject it.

Obviously, the presiding Judge was in no way going to be the Justice to go down in history as the one who infamously rejected closure for NH's family and the out-of-court resolution of an evil, mean-spirited, financial crime by JVDS!

Under typical proceedings, following the change of plea hearing, pursuant to Rule 32, the Court would have set sentencing for JVDS within 60 days of the change of plea date. During this time and sentencing, the Court and the defendant would have received the federal presentence report (PSR or PSI) by the probation department which may have flushed out some important details about JVDS for the Court to consider before imposing his sentence. Maybe even a few critical details JVDS conveniently omitted from his 2.5-minute confession!

IMO, having slept on it, the confession just comes across as too well rehearsed. Getting a bad vibe from the State Attorney too. IIRC, the treaty provides for 12 months, and we all know that when it comes to federal Government, very little comes together and/or gets wrapped up in 4 months. BAM!
I was feeling her up
She kneed me in the "family jewels"
I kicked her in the face
Then I took a nearby cinder block and caved her face in. Then I partly pulled
Partly "walked" her.

Ok picture what it means to "walk" someone. No he didn't. At that time.

Sufficiently violent to achieve open mouths across the internet, leaving NH as nearly violated then of course over killed. English is not his first language but he had just a few "ums" before each matter of fact statement. My 2nd language is spanish, my "ums" would be scattered throughout unrehearsed conversation.

I wish we could hear the rest of it.

I think that previous versions weren't compared at all. Why is this one so different, except legally filed as you describe. DH seems much less supportive of the confession Except that jvds alone killed NH.
Another of his versions...."She wanted to see the sharks" (in the middle of the night). Well maybe he and or a helper did introduce her to the sharks.

Nothing seems to really mean what is said. But some of this dialogue could have been verified by the K's.
I wonder if we will ever see the real evidence from this case: Specifically a transcript of the polygraph interview.

For a "detailed" confession, there don't seem to be many details, especially concerning the disposal of the body. If the FBI was involved, I would have expected much more detail. Possibly there is evidence in the Aruban investigation which has never been released which somehow corroborates his story.

I generally discount all conspiracy theories, but something feels "off" about this whole deal. It seems rushed, and almost like there is information someone doesn't want released.
The fish trap with Natalee's shirt, a white sneaker and a cop hat. Looks like Aruba was in on the over up, paid by Paulus JVS father. Before he died remember the ATM visit that night borrowed boat form JVDS friend. IMO
The fish trap with Natalee's shirt, a white sneaker and a cop hat. Looks like Aruba was in on the over up, paid by Paulus JVS father. Before he died remember the ATM visit that night borrowed boat form JVDS friend. IMO
Where was the atm, N's sneaker, shirt etc? Not trying to knock your thoughts, or ask a link, just trying to remember sources. I kinda quit paying attention after the refugees thread died down.
Someone should ask the FBI in Birmingham: 1/ how long were you in Aruba after the sting operation in 2010? 2/ why did you ‘need’ to be there that long? 3/ what were you doing? 4/ why didn’t you arrest Joran:he committed the crime in front of you on tape!

Joran and his mother (father now dead) never dreamed that Beth and I would NEVER give up…

Joran says in the statement that he picked up a cinder block on the beach and hit Natalee with it…the beach was searched in the very area the next 2 or 3 days…and never found….you would expect to find a heavy cinder block with blood….

Someone should ask the FBI in Birmingham: 1/ how long were you in Aruba after the sting operation in 2010? 2/ why did you ‘need’ to be there that long? 3/ what were you doing? 4/ why didn’t you arrest Joran:he committed the crime in front of you on tape!

Joran and his mother (father now dead) never dreamed that Beth and I would NEVER give up…

Joran says in the statement that he picked up a cinder block on the beach and hit Natalee with it…the beach was searched in the very area the next 2 or 3 days…and never found….you would expect to find a heavy cinder block with blood….

The ( cinder block) on

Old fisherman huts on Aruba island had Cinder blocks next to it in 2005​

Someone should ask the FBI in Birmingham: 1/ how long were you in Aruba after the sting operation in 2010? 2/ why did you ‘need’ to be there that long? 3/ what were you doing? 4/ why didn’t you arrest Joran:he committed the crime in front of you on tape!

Joran and his mother (father now dead) never dreamed that Beth and I would NEVER give up…

Joran says in the statement that he picked up a cinder block on the beach and hit Natalee with it…the beach was searched in the very area the next 2 or 3 days…and never found….you would expect to find a heavy cinder block with blood….

I don't get Gvs's goals. Scratch the surface a little, She's demanding to investigate the 2010 atty who is now a prominent talking head. Demanding a federal investigation.
Is she really ready to go to the mattresses for consecutive sentence? What other confession would better serve BH? I mean achievable confession.

IMO Both parents agreed to the concurrency. They both heard the confession. Why would the court give such leniency to jvds if the parents would immediately go public with objections, which they have not.

I'm getting a little weary of the constant insinuation that Dave, Natalee's father somehow was mia or lost interest and just hero GVS and BH worked tirelessly for 18 years. Jmo
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pretty much aligns with my theory all these years. natalie reacted to his advances in a way that hurt his ego (a simple ‘no’ for crazy’s like Joran) and he killed her. the detail about it being dark but he could still see her face is especially chilling.

the theories of Joran just being a casual passenger in her death (via the brothers and/or drugs) And covering it up because he was scared…are BEYOND ridiculous. For those, this case will never be solved.

But let’s all remember that he’s killed since and brutally murdering someone is not exactly a common thing that everyone is capable of.

And the reason Joran’s story is sounding implausible is because he’s likely leaving out the part where his Dad or another person returns to the crime scene with him and helped him. Sobering up will do that to you.

Hopefully the FBI will have more sessions with him. Look for small details. Consistencies and inconsistencies. And vigorously vet everything that he says to the best of their capabilities (on a. 20+ year old case)


note: I’m being a good WS citizen by criticizing the theory and not the specific theorists.
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I 100% believe JVDS did it and he wasn’t the only one involved. But to play devil’s advocate, this plea deal seems like a “admit you did it, give some details, and we drop this case and you get to go back to your cushy jail in Peru.”

In other words, I think Joran is still lying. I’m skeptical that this story is even 50% accurate and I wholly believe he will recant some day and go back to saying he’s innocent. He’ll say he had to take the deal and give the authorities whatever they wanted to make it happen.
I got lost at the “cushy jail in Peru” part.

I’d rather spend 10000 years in an American jail cell (especially with the Feds) than I would 1 month in a Peruvian cell. Regardless of any special treatment.

Otherwise. Totally agree.

I think he killed her. Lessened the brutality of it all in his confession. Made her the physical instigator and aggressor. Lessened his calculated actions as instinctive response and mere overreaction. And implied that the assault turned into murder because he was scared and
there was no going back. And left out the part of his likely return to the crime scene to protect his dead dad.

He pretty much all but said that it was Natalie’s fault

I think him going any further and describing what really happened after is something he doesn’t want to reckon with.

Because it takes whatever he’s spun up up to that point. And turns it from an instinctual mistake to cold blooded calculated murdrt.

We know who did it.

IMO we still don't know how he did it, really. IMO he is a sociopath, nay nay, a psychopath. Incapable of true empathy. Driven more by sadistic forces...

I wonder if the sharp detail about the supposed injuries to Natalee's face were sick poetic license on his part. Perverse license. Invented to hurt Natalee's parents. Perverse pleasure to him.

He is just a human without a soul. Evil wearing pants.

Feeling profound sadness for Natalee's family....

I got lost at the “cushy jail in Peru” part.

I’d rather spend 10000 years in an American jail cell (especially with the Feds) than I would 1 month in a Peruvian cell. Regardless of any special treatment.

Otherwise. Totally agree.

I think he killed her. Lessened the brutality of it all in his confession. Made her the physical instigator and aggressor. Lessened his calculated actions as instinctive response and mere overreaction. And implied that the assault turned into murder because he was scared and
there was no going back. And left out the part of his likely return to the crime scene to protect his dead dad.

He pretty much all but said that it was Natalie’s fault

I think him going any further and describing what really happened after is something he doesn’t want to reckon with.

Because it takes whatever he’s spun up up to that point. And turns it from an instinctual mistake to cold blooded calculated murdrt.

I suspect he raped her since she denied his advances. jmo
I got lost at the “cushy jail in Peru” part.

I’d rather spend 10000 years in an American jail cell (especially with the Feds) than I would 1 month in a Peruvian cell. Regardless of any special treatment.

Otherwise. Totally agree.

I think he killed her. Lessened the brutality of it all in his confession. Made her the physical instigator and aggressor. Lessened his calculated actions as instinctive response and mere overreaction. And implied that the assault turned into murder because he was scared and
there was no going back. And left out the part of his likely return to the crime scene to protect his dead dad.

He pretty much all but said that it was Natalie’s fault

I think him going any further and describing what really happened after is something he doesn’t want to reckon with.

Because it takes whatever he’s spun up up to that point. And turns it from an instinctual mistake to cold blooded calculated murdrt.

The cushy part is somewhat tongue in cheek, but from everything I have read Joran has a setup in Peru that is far more to his liking than what he had in the States. He even admitted to a Dutch reporter that he liked the accommodations in Peru a lot more. So while I’m being a bit cheeky using the word cushy, I suppose in the end it’s all relative.

View attachment 453745

View attachment 453746

His eyes look completely black. And from the details I've read, he shows zero remorse. Only spewing tid bits of truth. Loving every min of inflicting more pain.
We know who did it.

IMO we still don't know how he did it, really. IMO he is a sociopath, nay nay, a psychopath. Incapable of true empathy. Driven more by sadistic forces...

I wonder if the sharp detail about the supposed injuries to Natalee's face were sick poetic license on his part. Perverse license. Invented to hurt Natalee's parents. Perverse pleasure to him.

He is just a human without a soul. Evil wearing pants.

Feeling profound sadness for Natalee's family....

I have no problem believing the part about him hitting Natalee in the face. He has a severe anger problem.
I don't see it as a far fetch to believe he hit both women in the face and when they started to scream or make noise he strangled them. This type of violence isn't uncommon for men who have murdered women. They get angry, strike the woman, and then kill despite it not being their original intention.

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