ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 5

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Good points, and thanks for the insiders scoop on the area, Lambchop. I believe GG was at that area of the beach where he claims she drowned just long enough to stage the scene. It makes no sense the dress was just thrown down on the rocks because he was in a hurry and wasn't thinking. Since this was at Rocky Point beach(is that right?) , not Baby Beach, I suppose there must not have been many people there so no witnesses to him driving up? And I hadn't thought of that, about him looking at his wrist even if he wasn't wearing his watch. I actually catch myself doing that.
Good points, and thanks for the insiders scoop on the area, Lambchop. I believe GG was at that area of the beach where he claims she drowned just long enough to stage the scene. It makes no sense the dress was just thrown down on the rocks because he was in a hurry and wasn't thinking. Since this was at Rocky Point beach(is that right?) , not Baby Beach, I suppose there must not have been many people there so no witnesses to him driving up? And I hadn't thought of that, about him looking at his wrist even if he wasn't wearing his watch. I actually catch myself doing that.

What is interesting is the prison is right there on the other side of the Esso compound where Baby Beach is located. If you go past the prison and follow the road down to the beach you can pass right by the back of the prison on the ocean side. I'm wondering if the prison has cameras because there is a road out there that runs along the coast....not that anyone could go anywhere if they escaped but they may have cameras. lol
And if you look at his statements logically nothing makes sense. In viewing the video w/the underwater camera you can see how shallow, rocky it is and as the water get deeper you can see the sand blurs what is in the distance. This video is taken during the day not at sunset from what I can see.

They left the restaurant and walked along the breaker area. No one saw them enter the water. Later two towels closely side by side (both were not children sized but full sized adults so side by side is a little close if they were actually lying down). Her dress was tossed in another area on some rocks. This was her favorite dress and if the car was right there why would she not leave it in the car instead of tossing it on the rocks where it could get blown into the water? If the towels were down than logically they sunbathed before going into the water which would be sometime close to 4:30 - 5pm timeframe as they were seen walking in that area first. So now say it's between 5 and 6 that they decide to go into the water. At 5pm you can't see anything in that water. The water is dark, no one in their right mind would do that and for what purpose. If you can't see the fish why snorkel??

So now GG is at the restaurant shortly after 6pm claiming he had to swim for his life with a pair of wet sneakers and a dry bathing suit and similiar dry hair. He spent time in the water but his hair and suit are dry. His suit would be dripping at best. Suits dry fast in Aruba but not that fast.

And looking at his watch when he wasn't wearing one. The witness did not misspeak. When you have a watch on all the time and you want to know the time you look for your watch. It's a habit you do time and time again during the day without realizing it. He did look for his watch and that is what this witness saw, IMO.

Now what could have happened is after they left the restaurant they walked along that breaker area and he wanted her to go into the water and after trying and cutting her toe she probably said, no way. Unless they had a first aid kit in their car why would you want her to go into the water. Can't sharks smell blood up to a mile away?

I think once RG cut her toe there was no way she was going into the water. Maybe they decided to take a ride up by the cliffs and she went into the water there but not of her own accord. I would think if GG wanted LE to think she went in at Baby Beach, they would be focused on looking there. So if her drowning was intentional it wasn't at that location when there are so many other secluded areas close to this beach where he could have put her in and not gotten wet himself. Then he could have driven back, laid out those towels in a hurry, threw her dress on the rocks and waded out in the water far enough to get his shoes wet.

For those scratches on his legs. There are rocks along the Eastern coastal area where the cliffs are so if you were to walk along that area you could scratch your legs if you were not careful. If you were struggling with someone you could also get scratched by the rocks easily. So she had a bloody toe and he had scratches on his legs. Sounds like a snorkeling nightmare. jmo

Aruba is full of misinformation that journalists carelessly accept and report as fact with no real standard of establishing credibility. Their main agenda appears to be keeping this case in the news cycle, getting website hits, Nielsen ratings and advertiser cash. Some reporting has been better than others, but ABC appears to be trying to become the National Enquirer and it would take pages of text to document all of the b.s. that has come from them on this case. Trying to use "witness" statements that constantly contradict themselves is asking for a mind bender. Been there and have the t-shirt.

Aruba is full of misinformation that journalists carelessly accept and report as fact with no real standard of establishing credibility. Their main agenda appears to be keeping this case in the news cycle, getting website hits, Nielsen ratings and advertiser cash. Some reporting has been better than others, but ABC appears to be trying to become the National Enquirer and it would take pages of text to document all of the b.s. that has come from them on this case. Trying to use "witness" statements that constantly contradict themselves is asking for a mind bender. Been there and have the t-shirt.


It is because the court system is keeping information from leaking out. Most of the reliable information LE has, we will not hear about it. They don't even have to share it with the defense attorney from what I understand. So what you are hearing, my guess is information from the locals who either know witnesses or from some of the witnesses themselves. It's like any small community down there, information flies through there fast. Some is credible and some is "embellished".

The US media wants to know because of what had happened to Natalie. Maybe some of the media feel Aruba owes us an explanation because of Natalie but the Arubans will investigate this case the same as they do any other case they have and unless he is sent home and charged we may never learn what they were able to gather. jmo
It is because the court system is keeping information from leaking out. Most of the reliable information LE has, we will not hear about it. They don't even have to share it with the defense attorney from what I understand. So what you are hearing, my guess is information from the locals who either know witnesses or from some of the witnesses themselves. It's like any small community down there, information flies through there fast. Some is credible and some is "embellished".

The US media wants to know because of what had happened to Natalie. Maybe some of the media feel Aruba owes us an explanation because of Natalie but the Arubans will investigate this case the same as they do any other case they have and unless he is sent home and charged we may never learn what they were able to gather. jmo

That's a guess that appears to assume these statements are facts or reliable. There have been plenty of debunked or contradicted witness statements already: the bloody rock, the condom, the 6:02 time report, the sleeping pills, the bathing suit, the blood on the beach, etc.

Honestly, it's foolish to try put the witness statements into puzzle pieces and try to formulate a theory. The one guy who was on camera, Silva, looked legit to me, IMO. The surveillance footage is legit. The dox released and viewable look legit. Stein's statements look legit. Some of the witnesses interviewed on camera look legit. A lot of other stuff doesn't, or is suspect because it comes from the same news sources who reported b.s. earlier.
That's a guess that appears to assume these statements are facts or reliable. There have been plenty of debunked or contradicted witness statements already: the bloody rock, the condom, the 6:02 time report, the sleeping pills, the bathing suit, the blood on the beach, etc.

Honestly, it's foolish to try put the witness statements into puzzle pieces and try to formulate a theory. The one guy who was on camera, Silva, looked legit to me, IMO. The surveillance footage is legit. The dox released and viewable look legit. Stein's statements look legit. Some of the witnesses interviewed on camera look legit. A lot of other stuff doesn't, or is suspect because it comes from the same news sources who reported b.s. earlier.

Hard to put anything together when you have no press releases from LE. It would be interesting to see what happens here with the Federal Court and whether or not they will bring charges. jmo
I see there has been no definative news on the status of the investigation.

I have hardly commented on this case, but have read all there is to read on it. Not bashing the victim, but Robyn was an adult that apparently was pretty saavy. IOW, she has been around the block a few times as has anyone that age. I cannot see a romantic connection with GG. I just cannot. IMO, he had to offer her something to entice her into going to Aruba with him. What was it?

I can see all angles to this tragic case. I can see an insurance scam she may have been aware of or a part of. OR she may not have been aware of it. I can see an enticement to go to a beautiful, tropic location for a photo shoot for her portfolio. I can see GG selling her as easily as I can see him murdering her. I am open to all of it.

A man invites a beautiful woman to go to Aruba with him. He buys a million and a half dollar insurance policy on her in case anything happens to her. She disappears and is either dead or is kept or hiding somewhere. Bottom line, GG is guilty of SOMETHING. Robyn has not been located.

I have a feeling about RF. Something is off there, IMO. I just do not believe he was in as close a relationship with Robyn as he professes to be.

Aruba is a beautiful place and I hate it that someone from our country has caused any bad press about it now. I criticized the Aruban officials concerning the Natalie Holloway case and they did deserve that criticism, IMO. The Aruban officials do appear to be on the ball with Robyn's case, though, and I do commend them for that.

Robyn needs to be located whether she is alive or dead. I cannot imagine how her parents and family feel.

This is just my :twocents: , and what I think.

Personally, I think they will send him back to the US. I believe they will hold him as long as they can. They will gather as much information they can get their hands on, turn it over to the Federal Court and ship him home.
That was clearly shot yards from the shore, it looked like it was knee deep. There was no way they would have got into trouble at that spot, all they would need to do is stand up. Presumably they were further out than that, I would guess a lot further out, where the water was deeper.

Keep in mind that we have no idea why they chose that particular spot, but the fact that few other tourists go there suggests that privacy may have been the motivation, especially if they were into "adult" adventures (which wouldn't go down too well on more public beaches).

Privacy may indeed have been the motivation - no witnesses.
Sandy bottom reflects the sun and makes the water look aqua. Rocks are the darker spots in the water. All the beach areas in the high rise areas have no rocks whatsoever and that is why the water appears to be light blue. It also is not an adult beach. If you look at the video you will see it is rocky and there is nothing in the area where he said they went into the water to lie down comfortably. Take another look at this video if you still question whether or not she walked out into the water with the sun almost down with no shoes and topless to go snorkeling.

I see there has been no definative news on the status of the investigation.

I have hardly commented on this case, but have read all there is to read on it. Not bashing the victim, but Robyn was an adult that apparently was pretty saavy. IOW, she has been around the block a few times as has anyone that age. I cannot see a romantic connection with GG. I just cannot. IMO, he had to offer her something to entice her into going to Aruba with him. What was it?

I can see all angles to this tragic case. I can see an insurance scam she may have been aware of or a part of. OR she may not have been aware of it. I can see an enticement to go to a beautiful, tropic location for a photo shoot for her portfolio. I can see GG selling her as easily as I can see him murdering her. I am open to all of it.

A man invites a beautiful woman to go to Aruba with him. He buys a million and a half dollar insurance policy on her in case anything happens to her. She disappears and is either dead or is kept or hiding somewhere. Bottom line, GG is guilty of SOMETHING. Robyn has not been located.

I have a feeling about RF. Something is off there, IMO. I just do not believe he was in as close a relationship with Robyn as he professes to be.

Aruba is a beautiful place and I hate it that someone from our country has caused any bad press about it now. I criticized the Aruban officials concerning the Natalie Holloway case and they did deserve that criticism, IMO. The Aruban officials do appear to be on the ball with Robyn's case, though, and I do commend them for that.

Robyn needs to be located whether she is alive or dead. I cannot imagine how her parents and family feel.

This is just my :twocents: , and what I think.



Now that is something that I had not thought of. At all. Her being a part of it. Hmmm....
According to Good Morning America, at least two eye witnesses will be part of the re-enactment, which investigators are using to retrace the exact movements of Gardner and Gary Giordano.

He's the one person some believe, knows exactly what happened on August 2, but Giordano won't be at the re-enactment.

Multiple sources on the island say Giordano was asked to cooperate but has refused's-final-hours
ARUBA - An isolated beach is the last place Robyn Gardner was seen alive, and tomorrow Aruban authorities are set to return to the crime scene.

Authorities are staging a re-enactment, more than 6 weeks after Gardner disappeared.

"The whole key of re-enactments is to try to go back and first of all understand and be clear about the movements of people prior to a criminal act occurring," said former FBI agent, Brad Garrett's-final-hours
I see there has been no definative news on the status of the investigation.

I have hardly commented on this case, but have read all there is to read on it. Not bashing the victim, but Robyn was an adult that apparently was pretty saavy. IOW, she has been around the block a few times as has anyone that age. I cannot see a romantic connection with GG. I just cannot. IMO, he had to offer her something to entice her into going to Aruba with him. What was it?
-bolded by me.

Why? he is not that bad looking, lives with just his parakeet.
Looks like a man many woman would date. IMO


I don't think it is his looks that are a turn off, it's the way he treated her. He walks ahead of her as if they've been married 20 years. When you are dating someone they usually walk with you, take your arm, hold hands. Body language is way off. When they were leaving the restaurant he actually looks like his mind is preoccupied with something else, then suddenly turns and walks back to her. We just can't tell whether or not she spoke to him or if he suddenly remembered his manners. Just strange behavior if she were dating him.....not very respectful. jmo
According to Good Morning America, at least two eye witnesses will be part of the re-enactment, which investigators are using to retrace the exact movements of Gardner and Gary Giordano.

He's the one person some believe, knows exactly what happened on August 2, but Giordano won't be at the re-enactment.

Multiple sources on the island say Giordano was asked to cooperate but has refused's-final-hours

Wonder why? :innocent:
I don't think it is his looks that are a turn off, it's the way he treated her. He walks ahead of her as if they've been married 20 years. When you are dating someone they usually walk with you, take your arm, hold hands. Body language is way off. When they were leaving the restaurant he actually looks like his mind is preoccupied with something else, then suddenly turns and walks back to her. We just can't tell whether or not she spoke to him or if he suddenly remembered his manners. Just strange behavior if she were dating him.....not very respectful. jmo

They were not parading, just walking the distance from the car to the restaurant. Probably at night while walking at Palm Beach they would walk together, but holding hands while getting out of the car and into the restaurant is a little exaggerating. IMO

Btw in the video from the day before Robyn was walking in front of him.
I just now saw your post, Micheline!! How old is that pic? Looks nothing like the ones I've seen since this case began. I do not find him to be goodlooking at all, and I suspect you don't either, LOL!

GG is ugly on the inside as well as the outside, IMO.
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