A's admitting the baby IS dead.

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I think Brad C is a very compassionate and sensible man. I credit the Anthony's acceptance of this reality to him as well as their pastor. What we have seen from CA thus far has been sheer anger. I'm sure that within the coming days we will see the grief set in as they prepare to bury their only grandchild and prepare for their only daughters murder trial. Although I agree with absolutely nothing CA has done throughout this entire ordeal, my heart still hurts for her and GA for the reality they must now face.
and they had chance after chance to save her, and didn't. You're right, this isn't a bash the A's thread, but neither is it a support thread.

It is a discuss the facts thread. The fact that yesterday they said they didn't think this was Caylee, and today they do. So, why the turn around? Did an definitive Id come in overnight?

Something did. Remember when Cindy said that they'd have to bring her a body? Well, they have.
God bless their new lawyer. I think he has made all the difference.

I will keep them all in my thoughts today. I hope they can begin the grieving process and that the media gives them the privacy that they need.
I really don't need the A's public admittance for something they knew from July 15th and probably had a good inkling of sooner. They did nothing to protect that baby from the lying thief whose care they left her in.
The hardest thing to admit is that there is NO hope that she is a live. Once you accept it the door closes forever.
I give credit to LE,their pastor and Mr. Conway.
Thanks be to God it this is true.
These people were in a path to self-destruction.
They can support their daughter, I have no problem with that;just don't defend,lie and excuse her behavior.

I pray that GA, CA and Lee are able to heal after the hell they've been put through. They didn't deserve to be tortured like this and I hope now they are able to find peace.
I have to say stating that they believe this to be Caylee is a step in the right direction for C and G. I have been so frustrated and angry with CA at times but this picture of her breaks my heart. It is the first time I see the fierceness dropped and see true emotion on her face. I see a face that is showing pain, confusion, and disbelief. I have sympathy for her when I look at this picture. THIS is the face of a grieving grandma at last. JMO

Something is wrong it won't let me access the
“Remember never give up hope! As long as you believe that your child is alive and coming home, you will have support, but if you admit defeat your allies will disperse, law enforcement will dissipate and your chances of securing a recovery will effectively disappear.” – Marc Klaas
“Remember never give up hope! As long as you believe that your child is alive and coming home, you will have support, but if you admit defeat your allies will disperse, law enforcement will dissipate and your chances of securing a recovery will effectively disappear.” – Marc Klaas

BUT he also says this



:blowkiss: Marc
My bad, I guess this IS a support the gp's thread. My apologies. Let me know when we get back to the topic, kthanxbai!

*sneaks out the back door before someone passes her a cup of kool aid*
Yes, this isn't a bashing thread please!

. It is a sad day for them and I hope they can start the healing process.

I believe the Anthony's have a condolense thread set-up somewhere on the board ..

This is NOT a healing thread ..
It's INFORMATION from their lawyer ..
“Remember never give up hope! As long as you believe that your child is alive and coming home, you will have support, but if you admit defeat your allies will disperse, law enforcement will dissipate and your chances of securing a recovery will effectively disappear.” – Marc Klaas

Not to be unkind, but just realistic here - if the Anthony's continue to deny their daughter's involvement, then they might possibly be putting other family members into the mix as suspects, including themselves. The child's body was found very close to their home, and while they aren't suspects, it's only common sense that they have to accept that Casey might have been involved. Even if they don't quite believe it, their attorney must have told them to stop denying it publically.
Yes, this isn't a bashing thread please!

. It is a sad day for them and I hope they can start the healing process.

I just have this to say about th Anthony's. For one, I cannot and will not be a hypocrite. These people have been horrible. They have done nothing to help find this little girl who may have been in a GARBAGE BAG all these months! Second, would I wish it on them? NO, nor did I, but their OWN DAUGHTER did this and they decided which side to take and that was of the murderer and not the vicitm!

They are as Evil as their daughter and I will not back away from that. This whole family has needed help for a long long time. The only thing that I hope for is that they ALL get it now!

I pray for that little vicitm. I pray that she did not suffer. I pray that this is her and she can be laid to rest, FINALLY, thanks to some stranger and not her very own family. I pray that justce is served on every single soitary person who is involved!
I give credit to LE,their pastor and Mr. Conway.
Thanks be to God it this is true.
These people were in a path to self-destruction.
They can support their daughter, I have no problem with that;just don't defend,lie and excuse her behavior.

Nicely said and to the point.
I pray that GA, CA and Lee are able to heal after the hell they've been put through. They didn't deserve to be tortured like this and I hope now they are able to find peace.

Agree--well stated.
For the first time, Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said they believe the toddler has died.

I wish for them closure and acceptance. Peace be with them.


I believe the Anthony's have a condolense thread set-up somewhere on the board ..

This is NOT a healing thread ..
It's INFORMATION from their lawyer ..

Well, I made it to work and I see this thread has gone down the toilet.


Carry on.
Well, I made it to work and I see this thread has gone down the toilet.


Carry on.

Someone DID mention that this was a healing thread ..
I was probably NOT talking to you when I posted ..

Thanks, I'll carry on, now .. ;)
Well, I made it to work and I see this thread has gone down the toilet.


Carry on.

Jaysussssssss. This is getting old. It is not our fault that the A's have done what they have done. It is "news", it will be talked about. You cannot start a thread and then dictate how you want it to go....this is a public form. I expect there to be people with different opinions than mine....I don't feel the need to tell them how to post. We need to get past this crap. :furious:
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