A's admitting the baby IS dead.

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I maintain a "wait and see" attitude on the Anthonys. While I am very glad they have finally made this step and hope that it is a indication of future behavior, I am still leery of them. I want to see what the Anthony party line will be. Will they stick with the Zanny monologues? Will they continue to push, pull , roll and throw others under Casey's bus?

Moreover, a big question for me is the bucks. I still feel they either took or plan to take money for their "story." They have a right to do so just as Sharon Rocha, Natalee's dad and others have. But how and when such things are done are all important. Timing and intent are everything. Since I think they may have jumped in immediately taking funds in Caylee's name and using them for something other than "searching" , as I said I am leery of them.

I don't forget easily the contrast between George talking to LE about "that smell" that morphed with ease on LKL to nothing but rotten food. That gives me the shivers that he could say that considering what it really was and that, forgive me, his granddaughter did eventually turn out to have been left to the mercy of wildlife.

For the moment, I wish them an epiphany and an illumination into the way to go from here. I never expected them or indeed any parent of a murderer to stand up and scream for their child to go to the gallows. A parent like that horrifies me as much as the Anthonys have with their converse behavior thus far. They need to come to the realization that their role is to support her way to truth and if they believe in an afterlife, help her secure a reconciliation with her maker.

Parents always have hard jobs. The Anthonys have one of the absolute hardest. May they find the strength and grace to do it.
Hoping the Anthony family can start their healing process now.

Can't we all just get along?
Mr. Conway seems to have captured their attention, or they are simply ready to hear the message.

I can understand the statement regarding a jury of her peers- Casey's parents do not want to be a part of nailing her coffin shut, and I think that is reasonable. I do not know their total involvement and whether it is realistic for them to ask for immunity, but I think in my heart they are guilty of muddying the waters only....I am praying for them.
Do you know that? Is there any indication that Cindy would have seen the little body?

I think I understand both sides here this morning...being angry gets old, but it is also hard to forget that these people have been nothing but a HINDRANCE to the investigation of their granddaughter's disappearance. Unfortunately, the prolonging of their misery is largely their own fault. Still, very sad.

Something did. Remember when Cindy said that they'd have to bring her a body? Well, they have.
I agree !

I agree too. I am sure their grief is overwhelming. I just wish they had taken this road from 'day 1.' It is fine, and expected, to support their daughter. I respect that. It's all the other garbage that has spewed from their mouths that's not ok. I hope they can come to terms with their loss and KC's guilt. I have had such a hard time feeling any sympathy for this family, but now my heart truly breaks for them. They set themselves up for such a hard fall.
I give credit to LE,their pastor and Mr. Conway.
Thanks be to God it this is true.
These people were in a path to self-destruction.
They can support their daughter, I have no problem with that;just don't defend,lie and excuse her behavior.

Hi Tangerinemoon
Cindy coming to the harsh realization that her beloved Caylee is dead is devastating for her IMO
I agree with you, they can support their daughter, it's the fabricated story they have fallen for that is hard to watch.
i think the A's needed to believe Klee was alive to get through this. i have also prayed for an alive Klee throughout this entire case. That is what faith consists of, things not seen.

I do not see the A's as horrible people nearly as much as those displaying disgusting photo's of the family with extra painted images across their mouths and some of the harsh Sig lines following some posts. In my opinion it only shows hateful, inept personalities who have no compassion in their souls. Just my opinion and not directed at anyone in particular.

Praying for the A family for strength to get through the next few months.
Someone DID mention that this was a healing thread ..
I was probably NOT talking to you when I posted ..

Thanks, I'll carry on, now .. ;)

Geezes, I believe she was confirming your statement that this wasn't a healing thread. As the author, she/he would know. LOL!
I agree too. I am sure their grief is overwhelming. I just wish they had taken this road from 'day 1.' It is fine, and expected, to support their daughter. I respect that. It's all the other garbage that has spewed from their mouths that's not ok. I hope they can come to terms with their loss and KC's guilt. I have had such a hard time feeling any sympathy for this family, but now my heart truly breaks for them. They set themselves up for such a hard fall.

Their daughter has been working them for years. They really just traveled along their usual road, I'm sure (I am an enabling mother in my own way, and I understand). She got all frantic and crying that nobody believed her (assuming, here) and they probably were thinking: FINALLY. SHE NEEDS US. And they did everything they could to support her, because they believed (again) her lies.

I have always felt very sorry for them, even when I knew I shouldn't. I guess "empathy" is the real word I'm looking for. But I'm tender-hearted and can't stand to see anybody in pain. It is a fault that has stood in my way more than once in the 58 years I've been on this earth. :blushing:
Jaysussssssss. This is getting old. It is not our fault that the A's have done what they have done. It is "news", it will be talked about. You cannot start a thread and then dictate how you want it to go....this is a public form. I expect there to be people with different opinions than mine....I don't feel the need to tell them how to post. We need to get past this crap. :furious:

This is what I don't understand. Why can't people be totally upset with the A's actions and still hope they find peace? Why does it have to be one or the other?

Sorry, I know this is totally off topic.
What's up with the 180? This happen overnight?


Conway said the Anthonys continue to support their daughter.

"Everybody wants to make sure that there are no mistakes made. Everybody wants to make sure that the person responsible for this crime is held responsible for it, and if that happens to be Casey (Anthony), a jury of her peers will have to make that decision," Conway said.

I'll take it whenever it happened. I think to finally realize KC had a hand in this is a giant step in the right direction. This should have happened from the start.

I think once the evidence comes back as to fingerprints on the duct tape and it shows KC and only KC, they can't spin the Zanni the Nanni did it theory.

This new attorney seems to be making huge strides in the Anthony's behavior and keeping CA's mouth shut tight. Kudos to BC.
We've seen the Anthonys' go through different stages of grief, denial, anger, and yadayada down to acceptance that their granddaughter is dead, their daughter is a sociopath.
I imagine they can only digest so much at a time, they will need to time to digest Caylee is dead and then they need to mourn. Then they need to open their eyes to Casey's actions and words during this, accept the girl hasn't worked for 2 years so there is no nanny, she did it and then start dealing with that. What a mess, all we can do is pray for them.

ITA They can not wrap their brains around why KC would do this. Hopefully ,as more evidence comes in they will be able to accept the truth.
I just have this to say about th Anthony's. For one, I cannot and will not be a hypocrite. These people have been horrible. They have done nothing to help find this little girl who may have been in a GARBAGE BAG all these months! Second, would I wish it on them? NO, nor did I, but their OWN DAUGHTER did this and they decided which side to take and that was of the murderer and not the vicitm!

They are as Evil as their daughter and I will not back away from that. This whole family has needed help for a long long time. The only thing that I hope for is that they ALL get it now!

I pray for that little vicitm. I pray that she did not suffer. I pray that this is her and she can be laid to rest, FINALLY, thanks to some stranger and not her very own family. I pray that justce is served on every single soitary person who is involved!

I agree totally, I believe they have known for months an they have already had their grieving time. So all my Sympathy is for CAYLEE...she didn't deserve this.
My thoughts and prayers go out to them, I'm happy they are finally listening to someone who isn't saying what they want to hear. I realize this is not something they can ever 'get over' but my wishes would be for them at some point to be well enough to use what has happened to them to prevent someone else from going through the same thing. As Tim said this is 1 in a thousand for him (literally). Instead I hope it is completely isolated and something like this never happens again.
Getting back to the question at hand, what changed their minds. I think possibly that whatever was found with the body, "absolutely" tied it to the A's home. I think that evidence like that combined with the tentative IDprobably got through to CA qbd she was the only one who needed convincing.
I agree totally, I believe they have known for months an they have already had their grieving time. So all my Sympathy is for CAYLEE...she didn't deserve this.

Nobody deserves this.
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