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Casey’s jail visitors not a secret for long
Last Updated: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:12 PM
Casey Anthony will not be able to hide the names of people who come to visit her in jail.

The judge also denied a defense request concerning the death penalty.

He also denied a motion for the state to turn over forensic evidence that prosecutors claim they don't have.


911 calls by Casey&#8217;s mom as evidence?
Last Updated: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:48 AM
Prosecutors Wednesday filed documents laying out their arguments for why the jury should be able to hear 911 calls made by Casey&#8217;s mother, Cindy Anthony, in July 2008. Casey&#8217;s lawyers have been trying to keep those calls from her mother excluded from the upcoming trial, but according to published reports, prosecutors want those calls allowed as evidence.

Prosecutors said the series of calls Cindy made to 911 lays out a timeline of how Casey created a kidnapping story to cover up her daughter&#8217;s disappearance after initially denying that Caylee was missing. Still, the defense argued the calls should excluded because they are testimonial and hearsay. It remains unclear when Judge Perry will rule on the motions.

Video: 911 Calls As Evidence Against Casey?

New motion filed over Cindy Anthony&#8217;s 911 call
Last Updated: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:45 PM
motion filed by Casey Anthony&#8217;s defense team says Cindy Anthony made up some of the things she said in her now infamous 911 call.

That's the call where she said it smelled like there was a dead body in her daughter's car.


One of Casey&#8217;s lawyers quits case
Last Updated: Thursday, July 01, 2010 12:44 AM
Andrea Lyon is the second lawyer to depart from the case in less than six months. In court papers, Lyon said she had "no choice" but to withdraw from the case. &#8220;It&#8217;s strictly a fiscal issue,&#8221; said Jose Baez, Anthony&#8217;s lead attorney.

Baez heaped praise on Lyon, saying she's done a phenomenal job for the defense. &#8220;I don't see much change in perspective. Maybe a small change in style,&#8221; Baez said. The case will continue at full speed ahead. The trial is schedule to being May 9, 2011.

Baez said lawyer Cheney Mason will take over the death penalty component of the case.

Video: Casey's attorney steps down

PDF: Andrea Lyon's motion to withdraw as counsel

Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
06/28/2010---Notice of Taking Deposition

06/28/2010---Correspondence--Re: Jury


06/30/2010---Amended State Witness List

06/30/2010---Motion to Withdraw---as Counsel: Andrea Lyon

06/30/2010---Amended Defense Witness List

07/01/2010---Motion---Defendant's Emergency; to Appoint Special Magistrate During Inspection of Discovery with Expert Witnesses

07/02/2010---Court Minutes---Emergency Motion to Appoint Special Magistrate During Inspection of Discovery w/ Expert Witnesses

07/06/2010---Order---On Emergency Motion to Appoint Special Magistrate During Inspection of Discovery with Expert Witnesses

07/08/2010---Notice of Compliance

07/09/2010---Amended Notice of Taking Deposition

07/09/2010---Amended Notice of Taking Deposition

07/09/2010---Notice of Cancellation---of Depositions

07/09/2010---Notice of Cancellation---of Deposition

07/15/2010---Hearing---2:00 PM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR---07/15/2010, 07/20/2010

07/20/2010---Status Hearing---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR

08/30/2010---Status Hearing---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR

09/27/2010 Status Hearing---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR

10/29/2010---Status Hearing---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR

Casey's Lawyers Begin Evidence Examination

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony&#8217;s lawyers started a two-day evidence examination Tuesday. They brought in their own experts from as far away as the Netherlands to review stacks of evidence in the case.

Casey's attorneys are fighting to keep the list of evidence private. They turned over the list last week laying out what evidence they planned to inspect and a famous crime expert looked over some of it Tuesday.

Both members of the defense and prosecutors were at the Orange County sheriff&#8217;s headquarters Tuesday. The defense team is trying to keep the specific evidence they're looking at, which prosecutors already know about, secret from the public.

RawInterview w/Dr. Lee:

The defense filed a motion Tuesday slamming the media in its effort to keep the items of evidence it's examining this week sealed from the public. One of the arguments it makes is that the media will not get to see the defense inspection of the evidence, but that's not really true; it's being videotaped by the sheriff's office and the judge said WFTV will get a copy of the videotape.

MOTION filed 7/13/10

Casey's Defense Wants More Testing On Evidence

Posted: 8:30 am EDT July 14, 2010Updated: 3:16 pm EDT July 14, 2010
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony’s defense team was back at the Orange County Sheriff's Office Wednesday continuing to examine evidence. Defense experts started looking over the evidence on Tuesday and Casey’s lawyer said the experts found things investigators missed.

The defense team claims it made some new discoveries and they want more testing.

The evidence they've chosen to look at in the Casey Anthony case was divided into three bays at the Orange County sheriff's headquarters, including evidence from Casey’s car, which her own parents described as smelling like a dead body and where investigators found one of Caylee Anthony’s hairs they say came from her dead body.

The defense claims they've made some discoveries.

“There's things you see that you can't see in pictures, that you can’t see in pictures that you see in person,” Baez said.

Expert witnesses for Casey Anthony look at trunk, trash
Few details are released

Updated: Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010, 10:52 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010, 4:45 PM EDT
The trunk of Casey Anthony&#8217;s Pontiac Sunfire has been carefully inspected by a team of expert witnesses. They also combed over a bag of trash, loaded with tiny little bugs called coffin flies, empty soda cans, a dirty pizza box and broken hangers. Casey Anthony&#8217;s defense team arrived just after 9 a.m. on Wednesday and left just three and a half hours later around 12:30 in the afternoon.

Anthony attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney mason spent a second morning at the orange county sheriff&#8217;s office with the five forensic experts. Still, not one of them would tell us exactly what they are focusing on, which could include any number of articles documented in hundreds upon hundreds of files -- possible evidence in the murder of Caylee Anthony. &#8220;We collected from the list and property sheets what we felt was important to both the states case and ours,&#8221; said Baez.

On Wednesday, the team concentrated on evidence which deputies collected from the Pontiac Sunfire. The lead detective on the case said it smelled like there had been a dead body in the trunk. Investigators tested several stains in the trunk for proof. They also tested the bag of garbage.

In other developments, lawyers will grill Casey Anthony&#8217;s big brother, Lee, and her mother, Cindy, on Thursday. They will focus on a 911 call that started the search for little Caylee.

*Video included In Article!

Anthony defense brings in the all stars
Few details are released

Updated: Tuesday, 13 Jul 2010, 11:30 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 12 Jul 2010, 11:04 PM EDT
Casey Anthony's defense team and five of their expert witnesses spent all day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Sheriffs Office. And, they'll do the same Wednesday.

Jose Baez and Cheney Mason aren't saying what evidence their team of experts is looking at today, just that there is quite a bit. "I think its close to 100," said attorney Cheney Mason.

Mason told FOX 35 the team would mainly be focusing on evidence that crime scene investigators collected after a meter reader found Caylee Anthony's remains on December 11, 2008. "Are you guys actually going to be able to test stuff today, take samples or just look at it?" asked FOX 35. "Look. The experts will decide if they want something else," answered Mason.

*Much more at link!

*Video included In Article!

Evidence To Be Reviewed In Anthony Case
Defense Team Searching Through Evidence Tuesday, Wednesday

POSTED: 5:59 am EDT July 12, 2010
UPDATED: 1:43 pm EDT July 12, 2010
The public could learn Monday morning what Casey Anthony's defense is looking for during an evidence review.

Anthony's attorneys will search through evidence at the Orange County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday and Wednesday.

So far, the list of items being reviewed has been kept under wraps.

Video: Anthony Defense Team, Experts Review Evidence

Casey Anthony: In a movie, the big scenes would be Cindy&#8217;s
posted by halboedeker on July, 12 2010 8:10 AM
A savvy producer could use the public record and tell a riveting story. No money would ever need to go to any of the Anthonys.

The challenge would be telling the story, because in a Casey Anthony movie, the central character is a cipher. The mostly mum Casey is charged with first-degree murder in the death of daughter Caylee.

The better way to go would be to focus on Cindy Anthony, Casey&#8217;s mom, who has delivered the most dramatic moments in this headline-making case. It&#8217;s a role that would appeal to actresses of a certain age. Done the right way, the role could have Emmy written all over it. (A colleague suggests Edie Falco would be perfect after all those years on &#8220;The Sopranos.&#8221;)

Anthony Evidence Inspection To Begin This Week
POSTED: Monday, July 12, 2010
UPDATED: 12:03 pm EDT July 12, 2010
Last week, Anthony's defense team and the state attorney submitted a list of the pieces of evidence they want to inspect this week.

The list has not yet been made public because Judge Belvin Perry was out of the office. He returned on Monday and may release the inspection request soon.

Anthony's defense attorney said most the items on his list were collected in the woods near where Caylee Anthony's body was found.

Deadline Set In Casey Case For Release Of List
Posted: 12:08 pm EDT July 12, 2010
Updated: 12:27 pm EDT July 12, 2010
If attorneys in the case against Casey Anthony want to block a list of evidence from being released to the public, they must submit a new motion by 4:00pm Tuesday.

Last week, Casey's attorneys met the judge's deadline to turn over the list. The list is public record, but the defense did not file it with the clerk. Instead, it was sent it directly to the judge, who was on vacation.

Now, if either party wants to keep it private they must file a request by July 13 at 4:00pm; if a motion isn't filed, it will be released.

WFTV will be there when Casey Anthony's mother and brother testify at a hearing later this week. The two were subpoenaed to discuss the panicked 911 call Cindy Anthony made where she claimed Casey's car smelled like a dead body.

That call launched the murder investigation against Casey.The hearing is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. will stream it live online.

VIDEO REPORT: July 13 Afternoon Deadline Set

Experts In Anthony Case View Evidence
POSTED: Tuesday, July 13, 2010
UPDATED: 7:21 pm EDT July 13, 2010
The experts, including defense witness Dr. Henry Lee, who worked in the O.J. Simpson murder case, gathered at the Orange County Sheriff's Office to review about 100 items, most of which were collected in the woods near the spot where Caylee's remains were discovered in December 2008. "Once the evidence is examined, it's not longer diverging evidence," Lee said.

Two other forensic scientists, Richard and Selma Eikelenboom, who have traveled to Orlando from the Netherlands, specialize in "touch DNA," which is DNA left behind by a killer on something they handled with their fingers.

A fourth defense expert arrived at the Sheriff's Office Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Tim Huntington is a world-renowned entomologist. Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick plans to use her own insect experts to prove a body had been decomposing in Anthony's car.

Anthony's defense team, led by attorney Jose Baez, is also trying to keep the 911 call placed by Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, out of court. The call, in which Cindy Anthony said it smelled like a body was inside her daughter's car, was made two years ago this week. Cindy Anthony is expected to testify about the call this week.

VIDEO: Experts View Evidence

Anthony Defense Evidence Review Under Way
Casey's Car, Duct Tape Amid Items Examined

POSTED: 11:54 am EDT July 12, 2010
UPDATED: 4:16 pm EDT July 13, 2010
The defense team are reviewing items of physical evidence including hairs collected from Casey's car and the duct tape found on her daughter Caylee's skull.

The car, the trunk, the duct tape, the items found with Caylee's remains which could tie them to her grandparents home. All are expected to be reviewed by Anthony's defense experts at the sheriff's office on Tuesday and Wednesday.

So far, the list of items submitted by the defense to Judge Belvin Perry has not been released. "They want to know what evidence is relevent and which evidence is not going to be relevant," criminal defense attorney Tom Luka said.

Luka has been representing Casey's brother, Lee Anthony. According to Luka, these inspections give Casey's defense experts a chance to see much of the evidence for the first time and make sure there are no surprises. "Basically the defense is saying you have to show us all the evidence nine months prior to the trial, so we can properly prepare the case," Luka said. Because this case is so circumstantial, observers say it could come down to a battle of experts. So what these experts see and observe about the physical evidence is crucial.

Video: Casey Evidence Review Under Way 1:06
WESH 2's Jeff Lennox previews an evidence review that is under way Tuesday morning in the case against Casey Anthony.

Video: Baez Arrives

Casey Anthony: Defense wants evidence to stay private
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:08 PM
Cheney Mason, Casey Anthony&#8217;s death-qualified attorney, was the first to arrive at the Orange County Sheriff&#8217;s Office, ready to inspect nearly 100 pieces of evidence.

He was soon followed by attorney Jose Baez, DNA experts Selma and Richard Eikelenboom, and renowned forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee.

Assistant state attorneys Jeff Ashton and Linda Drane Burdick were also expected to take part in the review, which is being recorded on video.

The Eikelenbooms traveled to Orlando from the Netherlands for the case.

&#8220;We&#8217;re here just to get insight, just to look at some evidence,&#8221; Selma Eikelenboom said.

The defense has said it will concentrate on evidence collected from where the remains of Casey&#8217;s 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, were found.

Details on what that evidence is, however, were not immediately released.

Video: Casey Anthony: Defense experts inspect evidence

Casey Anthony defense team objects to release of evidence details
12:10 p.m. EDT, July 13, 2010
Casey Anthony's defense team has filed a motion in court today opposing the release of documents that would reveal what evidence the team and its experts are currently reviewing.

The objection, filed today, states Casey Anthony and her attorneys "object to any preliminary release to the news media, or other public, of the records relating to intended inspection of tangible evidence."

Today and tomorrow, Casey Anthony's defense team and a series of high-profile experts are reviewing evidence collected in the murder case and held by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Anthony's attorneys, Jose Baez and Cheney Mason, left the Sheriff's Office around noon after spending several hours with experts there reviewing evidence.

Baez declined to talk about what type of evidence the team has reviewed so far. He did say that they plan to take another look at Casey Anthony's Pontiac Sunfire. The two lawyers left separately. Baez may be going to pick up another expert. Experts Henry Lee, and Selma and Richard Eikelenboom did not leave the building.

In their objection to the release of documents that would reveal what evidence the team and its experts are examining, the attorneys wrote: "This is a case of the state of Florida versus Casey Anthony, this is not a case of news media and John Q. Public."

"To allow the news media to continue to have what has turned out to be, in many instances, 'first look' at evidence, publicize otherwise uninformed speculation and conclusions about evidence, utilizing 'talking head' lawyers who have neither the experience, knowledge, or predicates for their public comments, promises to continue to infuse this case with public bias, prejudice, misunderstanding, and error," the objection says.

Attorneys Jose Baez (left) and Cheney Mason of the Casey Anthony's defense team leave the Orange County Sheriff's Office after a series of high-profile experts reviewed evidence collected in the murder case.

Casey Anthony: Defense objects; experts examine; public waits
posted by halboedeker on July, 13 2010 12:41 PM
The defense team filed an objection this morning to the release of the evidence its experts are reviewing. WESH-Ch. 2&#8217;s Bob Kealing read the words of defense attorney Cheney Mason: &#8220;At some point a balancing of the First Amendment right to report must be had against the eminently more important rights of the defense to effective assistance of council, due process and equal protection.&#8221;

Kealing added: &#8220;So far no word from Judge Belvin Perry&#8217;s office on a ruling.&#8221;

WFTV-Ch. 9 looked at the &#8220;dream team of experts,&#8221; but anchor Vanessa Echols added, &#8220;It may be a long before we know anything about the evidence being inspected.&#8221;

Anthony Defense: Don't Release List Of Reviewed Evidence
POSTED: 12:05 pm EDT July 13, 2010
UPDATED: 5:31 pm EDT July 13, 2010
Defense attorneys do not want the list of reviewed evidence to be released to the media or to be made a matter of public record.

Anthony attorneys J. Cheney Mason and Jose Baez wrote in the motion, &#8220;"At some point a balancing of the first amendment right to report must be had against the imminently more important rights of the defense to effective assistance of council, due process and equal protection."

Judge Belvin Perry will address the motion at a previously scheduled hearing on Thursday.

Casey Defense Team Reviewing 100 Items
Defense Attorney Says Inspection Will Take All Day

POSTED: 12:51 pm EDT July 13, 2010
UPDATED: 1:37 pm EDT July 13, 2010
Attorney Cheney Mason said he and the rest of the defense team will be reviewing close to 100 items of evidence. Mason said they will only be taking a look at the evidence &#8211; not testing or analyzing it. He said many of the items come from the scene where Caylee&#8217;s remains were found. He acknowledged that he filed an objection to Judge Belvin Perry in regards to his releasing a list of evidence the defense team plans to inspect.

Inside the sheriff&#8217;s headquarters, Jose Baez shook hands with Yuri Melich, the investigator who has been on the case since the beginning.

Henry Lee, the defense forensic evidence expert, deflected prosecutors concerns that he misplaced a key piece of evidence in the recent Phil Spector case. &#8220;Well, I was just in Washington, D.C., testifying and no one said, nobody mentioned that,&#8221; said Lee.

Also in attendance this morning was Richard Eiklenbloom, a Dutch trace evidence expert; his wife, Thelma, a Dutch coroner and defense evidence expert; and Jeff Ashton, a prosecutor.

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