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Casey Anthony Defense Attorney Quits
Case Too Costly For Attorney Known As 'Angel Of Death Row'

POSTED: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
UPDATED: 12:55 pm EDT July 1, 2010
Andrea Lyon, who has handled more than 100 murder cases and teaches law at DePaul University, joined the team last year. At the time, Anthony did not have a qualified death-penalty attorney who met the state's standards representing her.

Local veteran attorney Cheney Mason, who is also death-penalty qualified, joined the defense team after Lyon, making her departure less of a blow to Baez's team.

Baez told Local 6 that Lyon would not have stepped down if Mason wasn't already on the team. Baez cited the costs Lyon incurred to travel to Florida as a big reason for her decision to leave.

Baez said Lyon will still serve as a resource to the defense team and Anthony, even though she won't be at their side in court.

Both Anthony and the defense gave Lyon's departure their blessing, according to Baez.

VIDEO: Attorney Quits

READ: Motion To Withdraw

Death Penalty Expert Leaves Casey's Defense Team
Posted: 7:58 pm EDT June 30, 2010
Updated: 11:08 am EDT July 1, 2010
Lyon was once touted as the defense team&#8217;s star attorney. She had been on Anthony&#8217;s defense team for more than a year.

&#8220;I'm not surprised that the money having run out, the publicity surrounding Andrea Lyon&#8217;s book having been exhausted, that she's exiting the defense team,&#8221; WFTV Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said Lyon's departure is not a significant loss for Anthony&#8217;s defense team because high profile Orlando attorney J. Cheney Mason can perform her duties.

Baez said Mason has already taken over Lyon's responsibilities and the majority of motions involving death penalty related arguments have already been filed.

Lyon had only received a little more than $20,000 from Casey Anthony before the court declared her indigent.

But Sheaffer said if Lyon was a true believer in Anthony, she would have made it work.

&#8220;Those who have professed to be true believers in this case have fallen by the waste side mainly because of financial reasons,&#8221; Sheaffer said.

But Baez said Lyon does believe in Anthony and the cause which is why she made financial sacrifices for months.

DOCUMENT: Motion To Withdraw Counsel

VIDEO REPORT: Attorney Leaves Casey Anthony Trial
Attorney in Anthony case steps down
Updated: Thursday, 01 Jul 2010, 5:05 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010, 10:23 PM EDT
FOX 35 asked longtime criminal defense attorney Hal Uhrig for his take on this latest move. He speculated that there wasn't any money made available by the court to fly Lyons back and forth from her offices in Chicago. He also raised an interesting point that Lyons' primary claim to fame is keeping her defendants out of the electric chair.

"I'm not sure it's going to have any impact on the most important phase of the trial, which is, 'Is she going to be found guilty or not guilty?'" said Uhrig. "If she's found guilty of anything less that fist degree capital murder, you're not going to have a second part of the trial."

Lyons' replacement, Cheney Mason, has a reputation of getting "not guilty" verdicts. Uhrig says he has know Mason for thirty years on a professional level. He says Mason is near retirement and may not need the money. Mason also has what Uhrig calls a, "home town advantage," meaning he knows the Central Florida judges and their judicial temperament, which could benefit Anthony's defense.

*Video Included In Article Link!

One of Casey&#8217;s lawyers quits case
Last Updated: Thursday, July 01, 2010 12:44 AM
Andrea Lyon is the second lawyer to depart from the case in less than six months. In court papers, Lyon said she had "no choice" but to withdraw from the case. &#8220;It&#8217;s strictly a fiscal issue,&#8221; said Jose Baez, Anthony&#8217;s lead attorney.

&#8220;Everyone on the team is making financial sacrifices,&#8221; Baez said. &#8220;Everyone believes in Casey&#8217;s cause for justice and we're all fighting for her.&#8221;

The death blow to Lyon's representation came when Judge Belvin Perry denied a request for taxpayers to foot the bill for her travel expenses. She works full-time as a law professor at DePaul University in Chicago.

Video: Casey's attorney steps down

PDF: Andrea Lyon's motion to withdraw as counsel

Casey Anthony: Andrea Lyon leaves a &#8216;money pit&#8217;; how big a blow is it?
posted by halboedeker on June, 30 2010 10:28 PM
WESH-Ch. 2 legal analyst Richard Hornsby said Lyon&#8217;s departure was a huge blow. &#8220;The defense as a whole is definitely going to take a step back without her resources and knowledge,&#8221; he said.

Do you agree?

Hornsby didn&#8217;t buy Baez&#8217;s cost explanations for Lyon&#8217;s departure. &#8220;She wouldn&#8217;t have had to have a lot of costs to incur,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I think the cost excuse is really a cover for something a lot bigger with Andrea Lyon&#8217;s belief in the defense team.&#8221;

Baez told WESH that simply wasn&#8217;t true and that&#8217;s Lyon&#8217;s departure wouldn&#8217;t affect the defense. (The report aired on the 10 p.m. news on sister station WKCF-Ch. 18.)

Emergency hearing scheduled in Case Against Casey
Last Updated: Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:51 PM
News 13 has confirmed there will be an emergency hearing will held at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the Case Against Casey. Anthony will be present.

Here's what the hearing will cover: Anthony&#8217;s defense team wants to be able to inspect evidence in the case that's being held at the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

In court papers just filed, Anthony's attorneys want Judge Belvin Perry to appoint what&#8217;s called a "special master," which is an objective observer -- a lawyer or retired judge -- who will impartially oversee the defense's request to view this evidence. Prosecutors and law enforcement officials wouldn't be allowed to participate.

The defense team wants to view the evidence over two days -- July 14 and July 15 -- and several top defense experts are planning to attend.

*The latest hired experts for the defense are no strangers to the courtroom.
*Dr. Jane Bock has analyzed plants and other evidence for criminal investigations for years. According to her web page, for nearly 30 years she has worked on developing the use of plant cells in the gastrointestinal tract to aid in homicide investigations.
*Dr. Timothy Huntington has consulted on more than 50 death investigations. The forensic entomologist was one of the experts waiting to get access to where Caylee's remains were found in December 2008. He studies insects to help establish a time of death.
*Dr. Scott Fairgrieve is a forensic anthropologist. He's expertise is the use of cadaver dogs. He's likely consulted with the search, recovery, and analysis of Caylee's skeletal remains.
*Dr. Kenneth Furton, the only Florida expert listed, will likely testify in the areas of drug analysis and dogs detecting chemicals.

Video: Defense wants 'special master'

Indigency Takes Toll On Casey Anthony Defense
Expert Witnesses Added To List By Defense

POSTED: 4:09 pm EDT July 1, 2010
UPDATED: 5:30 pm EDT July 1, 2010
Four of the eight names on the list are expert witnesses. The defense team wanted to include more experts, but Judge Belvin Perry denied the use of more tax money to pay for them.

The witness list includes a plant expert from Colorado, Dr. Jane Bock, and an insect expert from Nebraska, Dr. Timothy Huntington. A Canadian forensic anthropologist is also included, as well as Florida International University professor Dr. Ken Furton. They are expected to challenge tests on the air in Casey's car.

"The case has always been kind of simple, and the witness list reflects that," defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hornsby said the experts will attack the science involved in the tests. Others on the list, including Roy Kronk's ex-wife, will be used to try to raise reasonable doubt that someone else could have put Caylee Anthony's remains in the woods after Casey Anthony was indicted and jailed.

Video: Indigency Takes Toll On Casey Anthony Defense

Anthony To Appear At Friday Hearing
Defense Wants Expert Witnesses To Inspect Evidence

POSTED: Thursday, July 1, 2010
UPDATED: 5:37 pm EDT July 1, 2010
The defense filed the emergency motion Thursday and Judge Belvin Perry scheduled a hearing for 1:30 p.m. Friday.

The defense said it is flying in a team from across the county to inspect documents and evidence in the murder case which are in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

"Counsel believes that allowing the officials from the Sheriff's Office to be present while counsel and expert witnesses inspect the items of evidence would unfairly subject statements made between counsel and the expert witnesses to discovery, creating an unfair prejudice against the defendant in her preparation for trial," the motion said.

PDF: Defense Motion

Casey To Attend Emergency Hearing Friday
Posted: 5:38 pm EDT July 1, 2010
Updated: 6:21 pm EDT July 1, 2010
Casey Anthony will be back in court Friday afternoon for an emergency hearing, WFTV learned Thursday. The defense wants its experts to see evidence at the sheriff's office without the supervision of the state.

The hearing is scheduled the begin at 1:30pm. will have it live online.

WFTV also reviewed the list of new witnesses who will be brought in to help defend Casey Anthony. Casey's parents and brother are on the list, too.

Friday, the defense will try to convince the judge to appoint a special magistrate to supervise its experts when they examine the evidence so no defense secrets are divulged to prosecutors.

VIDEO REPORT: Emergency Hearing Friday

Anthony lawyers want magistrate for inspection of evidence
Updated: Thursday, 01 Jul 2010, 6:29 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 01 Jul 2010, 6:29 PM EDT
Attorneys for Casey Anthony have filed a motion to appoint a Special Magistrate during the inspection of evidence with expert witnesses later this month. The defense is asking that the Special Magistrate oversee the witnesses as they look over discovery items, currently in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Prosecutors with the State Attorney's Office have found it sufficient enough to have representatives from the Sheriff's Office present during these inspections. However, defense lawyers contend that, during the inspections, certain communication might occur with the witnesses which should remain confidential and exclusive to the defense team. They are alleging that questioning or any other conversation between attorneys and expert witnesses would constitute "real time work product," and therefore suggest that this is protected under what is known as the "work product doctrine."

In the motion which was submitted on Thursday, Jose Baez writes that, "the State has an obligation to permit the defendant to inspect, copy, test, and photograph" material within the State's possession or control.

Casey Anthony: What does defense-witness list reveal about case?
posted by halboedeker on July, 1 2010 6:59 PM
WESH&#8217;s Bob Kealing agreed, noting that four of the eight names were expert witnesses. &#8220;The list would have been longer but Judge Belvin Perry denied the use of more tax money to pay for them,&#8221; Kealing added.

Kealing listed the experts: a Colorado plant expert, a Nebraska insect expert, a Canadian forensic anthropologist and a Florida International University professor.

&#8220;The case has always been kind of simple, and their witness list reflects that,&#8221; Orlando attorney Richard Hornsby told Kealing.

WFTV-Ch. 9&#8217;s Kathi Belich also listed the experts and speculated that the defense will rely on the insect expert to &#8220;refute &#8230; damning evidence&#8221; that Anthony put daughter Caylee&#8217;s body in her car trunk. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in Caylee&#8217;s death.

&#8220;The forensic evidence in this case will come down to a battle of experts,&#8221; WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer told Belich. He added that juries are usually tougher on defense experts, who are paid for their work.


FYI: I will add today's media when they r all done adding videos reports etc..that way it will save me from a lot of editing & extra work! ;)
UPDATED: Casey In Court As Judge Denies Motion, Sets Rules
Posted: 5:38 pm EDT July 1, 2010
Updated: 6:10 pm EDT July 2, 2010
Casey Anthony was back in court for an emergency hearing Friday afternoon as Casey's defense team asked an Orange County judge to appoint a third party to monitor its experts as they examine the evidence. Judge Belvin Perry, though, citing no previous cases to support such a ruling, declined the defense's request less than an hour into the hearing, but set forth other rules for the two parties to follow.

Casey's father, George, has stopped coming to court after she accused him and her brother of molesting her. Friday, she mouthed "I love you" to her mother before she left court, never showing her newly-capped tooth after her fall last time.

Baez tried to bring in another issue Friday during the emergency hearing, but Judge Perry shut him down. Baez complained about Casey's letters being released to the public last week. Judge Perry told Baez what he should already know by now: Casey has no privacy in jail.

WFTV reviewed the list of new witnesses who will be brought in to help defend Casey Anthony. Casey's parents and brother are on the list, too.

The defense has hired forensic entomologist Dr. Timothy Huntington, a Nebraska professor, to refute that damning evidence.

Now, the defense lists witness Dr. Kenneth Furton, a Florida International University chemistry professor, who is listed as an expert in the use of dogs to detect human remains.

Colorado biologist Dr. Jane Brock, who is listed as an expert in analyzing plant evidence at crime scenes, is on the defense witness list along with Canadian professor Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, who has researched human skeletal biology and torture.

There's a hearing scheduled for July 15 and Casey is required to be there. During the hearing, they're expected to discuss Cindy's frantic 911 call to report Caylee missing. They will also go over records from the group Texas EquuSearch.

*Much more t link!



COURTROOM PICS: Attorneys, Casey, Family



VIDEO REPORT: Judge Denies Defense Motion

DOCUMENT: Defense's Motion For Hearing

Baez questions release of 5,000 pages of jail house letters
Updated: Friday, 02 Jul 2010, 7:55 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 02 Jul 2010, 6:17 PM EDT
At the conclusion of an emergency hearing over a motion filed by attorneys for Casey Anthony, Jose Baez questioned the State's motive in releasing 5,000 pages of jail letters as evidence. He said the release of the documents came as a surprise to the defense, as the media has received and published them before he was even notified.

Earlier, Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. denied a motion filed by attorneys for Casey Anthony to appoint a Special Magistrate during the inspection of evidence with expert witnesses later this month. The defense had asked that the Special Magistrate oversee the witnesses as they look over discovery items, currently in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

It was at the end of the hearing that the lead attorney for Anthony raised concern over jail letters sent to their client at the Orange County Jail.

Baez complained again that this case has become too public. He said his client should be able to get letters and phone calls from her family without everyone knowing about it.

Judge Perry reminded Baez that the public record laws are wide open in Florida, but said both sides need to play by the rules set by his court.

*Much more at link!

Photo Gallery of Friday's Motion Hearing

*Video Report Included In Article!

Casey Anthony Emergency Hearing
Updated: Friday, 02 Jul 2010, 10:21 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 02 Jul 2010, 7:40 AM EDT
Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. denied a motion filed by attorneys for Casey Anthony to appoint a Special Magistrate during the inspection of evidence with expert witnesses later this month. The defense had asked that the Special Magistrate oversee the witnesses as they look over discovery items, currently in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
Judge Perry emphasized the gravity of the case saying, "The defendant in this case is accused of the crime of murder in the first degree. The State of Florida has indicated that they will seek the ultimate sanction in this case, which is death by lethal injection."

Judge Perry concluded the hearing by ordering the Orange County Sheriff's Office to move evidence to a climate-controlled location for the inspection. He said that representatives of defense, prosecution and the Sheriff's Office may be present for the inspection, but he also required that space be provided for private discussion.

"What I'm going to require though is that defense give a detailed list of what they want to inspect," he said, adding that no recording devices would be allowed in the private space, but only in the area where the inspections will take place.

Jail guard in Anthony case is fired
In other developments on Friday, a jail guard has been fired for allowing Casey Anthony and another inmate to pass notes to each other. Correctional Officer Silvia Hernandez was fired Friday in Orlando for violating policies at the Orange County Jail.

*Much more at link!
**2-Page Article!!

*Video Report Included In Article!

Judge denies Casey Anthony request; prosecutors and Sheriff's Office can watch evidence inspection
Casey Anthony attended the hearing but did not speak

2:34 p.m. EDT, July 2, 2010
The state and Sheriff's Office can have officials present while Casey Anthony's defense experts review evidence seized in the first-degree murder case against her, Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry on Friday.

At an emergency hearing, defense attorney Jose Baez argued he wanted experts to be able to consult with each other during the evidence inspection later this month without sheriff's employees present.

Baez asked that a special master be appointed to oversee the inspection instead of having the state and Sheriff's Office attend.

Perry ruled that Baez needs to provide a detailed list of the evidence he wants to inspect. He determined the Sheriff's Office needs to move the evidence to an air-conditioned room so everyone can work in comfortable conditions, and that the inspection can be videotaped. Audio cannot be recorded.

After the hearing, Baez said he doesn't think it's appropriate that the Sheriff's Office will be able to videotape the defense team and experts as they inspect the evidence.

He wouldn't specify what they want to review, but said it will be "relevant" pieces that were collected. Baez said the defense will do the best they can with the perameters set by Perry.

Casey Anthony appears before Judge Belvin Perry in an emergency hearing in response to her request for a special magistrate to be present during examination of discovery on Friday, July 2, 2010, at the Orange County courthouse in Orlando.

Video: Judge denies Casey Anthony's request 3:23

Casey Anthony case: Criminal trial photos,0,7769386.photogallery

Casey Anthony case video,0,7426685.tivideo

Casey Anthony: Whine to this judge? Not a good plan
posted by halboedeker on July, 2 2010 4:28 PM
We learned an important lesson today in the Casey Anthony case: Don&#8217;t test Judge Belvin Perry&#8217;s patience. There was news today, but the insight into Perry&#8217;s manner was more memorable. Anthony&#8217;s defense team had wanted its experts to inspect evidence privately later this month with supervision from a special master. &#8220;But the judge said that&#8217;s never been done before &#8212; no one from the sheriff&#8217;s office there,&#8221; reported Jacqueline Fell of Central Florida News 13. &#8220;He said it&#8217;s not going to happen here either. A representative from the sheriff&#8217;s office will be allowed to be in the room during the inspection as well as someone from the state attorney&#8217;s office. And the inspections will be videotaped.&#8221;

Defense attorney Jose Baez said a similar arrangement had been used in the Phil Spector trial for defense expert Dr. Henry Lee. &#8220;Bad example,&#8221; WFTV-Ch. 9&#8217;s Kathi Belich reported. &#8220;Prosecutors told the judge how Dr. Lee was chastised by the California judge for mishandling key prosecution evidence.&#8221;

The all-business, keep-it-moving Perry suggested that Baez might file a lawsuit against the county jail and reminded the attorney there&#8217;s no privacy in jail, Bell said. WFTV&#8217;s Belich put it this way: &#8220;Baez tried to bring in another issue at the emergency hearing, but Judge Belvin Perry shut him down. Baez complained about Casey&#8217;s letters being released to the public last week. Judge Perry reminded Baez of something that by now he should know: Casey has no privacy in jail.&#8221;

Central Florida News 13 highlighted that this was Anthony&#8217;s first court appearance since she fell at the courthouse. The news channel noticed that the defendant mouthed &#8220;I love you&#8221; to her mother, Cindy. &#8220;Casey&#8217;s father has stopped coming to court after she accused him and her brother, Lee, of molesting her,&#8221; WFTV&#8217;s Belich said. &#8220;Today she mouthed &#8216;I love you&#8217; to her mother, never showing her newly capped tooth after her fall last time.&#8221;

In other Anthony news, corrections officer Silvia Hernandez lost her job for doing nothing to stop letters between Anthony and another inmate at Orange County Jail. WKMG-Ch. 6&#8217;s Mike DeForest explained that Hernandez befriended inmate Robyn Adams and allowed Adams to correspond with Anthony. DeForest reported, &#8220;Investigators say Hernandez lied when confronted with reports that she gave Casey Anthony scissors to cut Robyn Adams&#8217; hair.&#8221;

DeForest added that investigators found no evidence that Hernandez was helping the prosecution, which Baez alleged. &#8220;Besides lying to investigators and disgracing the department, Hernandez was also fired for asking Jose Baez for his business card,&#8221; DeForest reported. &#8220;She had planned to pass that card on to inmate Robyn Adams with hopes that Jose Baez would become Robyn Adams&#8217; attorney as well. And that&#8217;s also a violation of jail rules.&#8221;

ANGEL, we feel bad to hear you're feeling physically miserable.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Know that we're thinking about you.


State puts weight in mother's 911 calls
11:14 p.m. EDT, July 11, 2010
Beyond the mounds of evidence collected in the Casey Anthony murder case and the volumes of paperwork filed in court, the series of 911 calls Cindy Anthony made nearly two years ago remain central to the case against her daughter.

After all, the calls represent the very genesis of this case. One captures Cindy Anthony's frantic first moments upon learning of her granddaughter's monthlong disappearance. In it, Cindy Anthony also describes the dead body smell in her daughter's car &#8212; something she may have to testify about this week.

But most important, according to legal experts and prosecutorial filings, the calls reveal Casey Anthony's earliest "fabrications" of what happened to 2-year-old Caylee Marie. In other words, the calls could help establish what the prosecution considers Casey Anthony's concocted story.

That's why prosecutors want two of the three July 15, 2008, calls admitted at trial. It also explains why defense attorneys have argued to keep the calls out, calling them "hearsay." On Thursday, both arguments will be made during a hearing largely devoted to this issue.

*Much more at link!
**2-Page Article!!


*I apologize if some of these are out of order by date!! having trouble sleeping so I will be adding what hasn't been posted a little at a time!

OT/FYI: I am looking forward to the hearing on the 15th!!! I think it is going to be very dramatic, to finally see LA & watch his body language during the hearing will have me up, ready to post media & watch the hearing too!!!!! It already makes me feel a bit better just knowing they both have to take the stand on Thursday..I will be sure to rest rest & rest all day Wed. to be ready for the hearing!!! :wink: P.S. Also it is interesting that it is on the 15th the same day CA made the 911 calls to report our angel Caylee missing!!

Thanks so much everyone for all of your thoughts & prayers! Still no answers yet...have another apt. for the more blood work in 2 weeks..they r trying a different anti-biotic! It's not helping my fibro nor my chronic fatique with this blood virus on top of having those already! :grouphug:'s
:angel: Who Does Care!!!!
Casey Anthony: Cindy, Lee ordered to testify at hearing
posted by halboedeker on July, 5 2010 10:40 PM
Cindy Anthony will testify at a hearing this month in the case against daughter Casey Anthony, TV stations reported tonight. &#8220;The hearing on July 15 is about the panicked 911 call that Cindy made, which launched the murder investigation against Casey,&#8221; WRDQ-Ch. 27 anchor Darrell Greene said.

WRDQ, whose news is produced by sister station WFTV-Ch. 9, also reported that Lee Anthony has been ordered to testify at the hearing.

In the 10 p.m. news on WCKF-Ch. 18, WESH anchor Martha Sugalski said the State Attorney&#8217;s Office had served up a subpoena that Cindy would have to testify about the 911 call, which could be key in the case.

Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby, who offers legal analysis for WESH, said prosecutors are &#8220;not offering to prove anything Cindy Anthony said is true. They&#8217;re only offering it purely to show why Casey Anthony did something.&#8221; Hornsby theorized that Cindy Anthony will verify that Casey was sitting next to her during the 911 call and that it will put Casey&#8217;s version of events in context.

Casey Anthony's Mother Ordered to Testify About 911 Calls
July 6, 2010 11:40 AM
Casey Anthony's mother Cindy Anthony, whose frantic voice can be heard on 911 calls where she first reported her granddaughter Caylee missing, will have to testify in court, a Florida Judge ruled Friday. Florida prosecutors have filed a motion asking to use the 911 calls to show that Cindy Anthony had suspicions about her daughter's involvement in Caylee's disappearance, and that Cindy Anthony possibly believed that Caylee was dead.

Casey Anthony's defense attorneys are trying to stop the use of the tapes, arguing that 911 calls are hearsay and therefore cannot be used in court.

*More at link!


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