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Casey Murder Trial Brings Tears, Blame And Shame

Posted: 5:18 am EDT May 24, 2011
Updated: 7:29 pm EDT May 24, 2011

Jose Baez, stated to the jurors that Caylee Anthony was never missing, but drowned in her family's pool.

"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days to report a child missing? It's insane. Something's just not right about that. The answer is relatively simple. She never was missing. Caylee Anthony died on June 16, 2008, when she drowned in her family's swimming pool," Baez stated.

Baez also stated, "On June 16, 2008, after Caylee died, Casey did what she’s been doing all her life, or most of it, hiding her pain. She went back to that deep, dark place called denial to pretend as if nothing was wrong."

Casey's attorney said she was abused by her father as a child and alleged that Casey's brother made advances toward her and was given a paternity test to see if he was Caylee's father.

"She could be 13 years old, have her father's p**** in her mouth and then go to school and play with the other kids as if nothing ever happened," Baez stated to the court.

All those secrets eventually led to the cover up of Caylee's drowning, attorney Jose Baez said.

Ashton also asked George, "Have you ever sexually molested your daughter Casey Anthony?"
"No sir," he replied

Baez claims that meter reader Roy Kronk hid Caylee's body in the woods.

Prosecution described Internet searches conducted on a computer at Casey Anthony's home that showed queries for chloroform, neck-breaking and alcohol.

Drane-Burdick said that no one else other than Casey had a motive to kill Caylee.
The prosecutor said that Caylee died from three pieces of duct tape that were taped over her nose and mouth by her murderer.
Drane-Burdick also said that Caylee's body was dumped as if it were a piece of garbage

(Video of all court room activities at site link)
NOTE: I will add to this as by evening sometime

GEORGE & CINDY Video Returning to Court House this morning
Their attny, "Absolutely not involved in a cover-up , what was said was a travesty" ( in response to reporter question about yesterday's accusation )

Friends Say They Never Knew Caylee Was Missing

Posted: 6:43 am EDT May 25, 2011
Updated: 7:30 pm EDT May 25, 2011
Casey's club friends and boyfriend's roommates testified she never showed signs of worry, sadness or depression, after Caylee's disappearance and never told them she was missing.

Nathan Lezniewicz and Cameron Campana testified Wednesday they never saw 25-year-old Anthony angry, sad or depressed while she was staying at their Orlando apartment.

A neighbor of the Anthony family, Brian Burner, testified that Casey asked to "borrow a shovel to dig up a bamboo root" on June 18, 2008.

Burner was the first witness after lunch Wednesday.
Burner also testified that he saw Anthony's white car backed into the family's garage on the afternoon of June 16, 2008. That's the day that prosecutors say Caylee's grandfather last saw the child alive.

Late in the afternoon, Casey's ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, testified that just hours after prosecutors believe she murdered Caylee, they went to Blockbuster.
Casey tried not to look at him.

One of her acquaintances, Maria Kissh, testified that Casey drove her and two others in her car
during the time prosecutors believe Caylee's body was or had been in Casey's trunk.

Another witness said Casey invited her to Caylee's third birthday party one month after Caylee was dead
Casey's Ex-Lovers, Friends Testify

Posted: 6:02 am EDT May 26, 2011
Updated: 11:46 pm EDT May 26, 2011

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's ex-lover told a court on Thursday during day 14 of her murder trial that she used to bring her daughter Caylee along for their trysts, and the little girl would sleep in the bed with both of them. On Thursday, a jury heard from the men in Casey's life, including her father and two of her ex-boyfriends.
All the men in her life, and more of Casey's acquaintances, testified Thursday that Casey never showed any signs of distress during the first 31 days that Caylee was missing, except when she fought with her mother on the phone.

Casey's former boyfriend, Ricardo Morales, said Casey and Caylee stayed over four to five nights a week soon after they met.
"I slept on one side of the room, Casey in the middle, Caylee on the other side," Morales said.

An acquaintance, Melissa England, testified that Casey bragged about her lies.
'When she hung up she just kind of threw the phone down and said, 'Oh my God, I'm such a good liar," England said.

ensions ran high as George Anthony was brought back to the stand on Thursday. There were several tense exchanges between Casey's lead attorney, Jose Baez, and George Anthony.

Baez continued to spar with George, trying to trip him up and asked what WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer calls an "unnecessarily cruel question."

"You called police to report gas cans missing?" Baez asked George.
"Yes," he replied.
"Not your granddaughter missing?" Baez asked.
"My granddaughter was not missing at that point," George replied.

Judge Perry was becoming increasingly impatient with Baez's stunts.

"You've been told three times he can't remember. Move on!" stated Perry.

"You asked your lawyer..," Baez attempted to ask George.

"Do not go there! Next question! Baez, approach," Perry firmly told Baez.

Perry admonished Baez repeatedly about asking improper questions, and once even sent the jury out to do it.

Toward the end of the day, Lazzaro was called back to the stand around 5:15pm. Baez questioned him about Casey's accusations of sexual abuse by her brother, Lee Anthony. Lazzaro said that she mentioned to him that Lee tried to "feel her up."

Judge Perry then asked Lazzaro about Casey's father, George, about whether he abused Casey.
Lazzaro said he only recalled hearing about physical abuse.[/B

Casey Anthony's Car Smelled Of Decomposition

Posted: 5:38 am EDT May 27, 2011
Updated: 7:09 pm EDT May 27, 2011

A manager of a towing yard stated that Casey's car smelled of decomposition, her brother's fiancee said Casey's relationship with Caylee was "amazing," George Anthony took the stand once again, and Judge Bevlin Perry denied a motion to renew a motion for a mistrial.

he manager of a towing yard where Casey Anthony's car was kept for more than two weeks during the summer of 2008 testified at her murder trial Friday that he smelled an odor coming from her car consistent with decomposing bodies he'd smelled in the past.

The talk of the smell of death didn't seem to bother Casey as she sat stone-faced during the testimony.

Mallory Parker testified Friday that Casey had a special bond with Caylee.

William Waters was called to the stand on Friday. He said Casey and friend were planning on getting a house together to have a nanny take care of their children.

The defense was also dealt a couple of blows. Judge Perry ruled in favor of prosecutors, forcing the defense to reveal questions before the jury is present if they plan to ask witnesses about statements that Casey may or may not have said or what might be considered "hearsay."

The defense also hoped to keep videos of Casey at Target and other stores out of court, saying prosecutors were trying to show a lack of remorse, but the prosecutors argued it showed Casey's action and the judge allowed the videos

(video of court room proceedings throughout the day can be found at news link)

Instant Messages

Anthony’s ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, was called back to the stand Friday afternoon, but prosecutors’ attempted introduction of instant messages between him and Casey brought proceedings to an end for the day.

Prosecutors say the messages between the two show that Anthony’s daughter and living situation were getting in the way of her seeing her boyfriend.

Perry dismissed the jury to discuss the issue and said he wanted to go through the messages one-by-one to decide which ones would be allowed as evidence.

VIDEO: Heated Exchange between Defendant and BAEZ
Cindy Cries During Testimony On Caylee, Casey Angered

Posted: 8:45 am EDT May 28, 2011
Updated: 6:15 pm EDT May 28, 2011

At 9:00am Saturday the first witness called to the stand was Tony Lazzaro.

The prosecution re-focused its case after experiencing its first setback in the murder trial. State attorneys must decide how to proceed after getting rebuffed late Friday in an attempt to introduce instant messages between Casey and Lazzaro, which they say go to her motive.

However, Lazzaro testified on Saturday that Casey sent a text message reading, "If they don't find her, guess who gets blamed and spends eternity in jail."[/B
Cindy, testified on day 16 of Casey's murder trial on Saturday. Cindy was brought to tears as she described Caylee Anthony's baby blanket and bed to prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick.

Casey sat stone-faced as her mother cried and at one point shook her head "no."

Judge Belvin Perry called for a short recess, and as Cindy walked out of the courtroom, Casey became angry and began crying.

Right before noon, Cindy recounted lies that Casey was feeding her after Caylee was last seen alive.

At one point, Casey told her mother she was at Busch Gardens with Caylee. But the court was told by Casey's ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, in an earlier testimony that she was really hanging out at his apartment. Caylee was nowhere to be seen.

(Video covering all proceedings at news link)

KC tantrum
Tomorrow -- Sunday -- Remember Tricia's Radio Show





George Anthony's family calls sex abuse claims in Casey Anthony case despicable

Cindy Adams, Crime

Casey's aunt and uncle, Chuck and Kathy Eddy are very upset by the allegations that have been made against George.
“To be in this position right now and to have that attorney making those accusations, I want to go down there,” Chuck Eddy told WKBN. “I told him [George] the other day I would love to go down there and fight for you. It is despicable, it is awful, it is so out of line.”

George's sister, Kathy said the claim is “...preposterous... There is just absolutely no truth to any of this. I grew up with him, he is my big brother and he is a wonderful person.”

They added that George has a strong faith in God, which has kept him going throughout these tough times. They also expressed love for Casey saying they just want her to come clean about what happened
Tears Shed As 911 Calls Play; Casey's Ex-Friend Testifies

Posted: 4:51 pm EDT May 30, 2011
Updated: 7:35 pm EDT May 31, 2011

Cindy and Casey Anthony cried as the 911 calls that Cindy made to authorities about Casey and Caylee were played to the jury on Tuesday.

Cindy choked back tears on Tuesday as she described retrieving Caylee’s favorite doll, backpack and Casey's purse from Casey's car and spraying it with Febreeze to remove the odor. She testified that the vehicle had a terrible odor after it was retrieved in mid-July 2008 from a towing lot by her husband, George.

Also, for the first time, Cindy described what happened right before the frantic 911 call
"I lost it. I just went into the room and started yelling at Casey. said, 'What do you mean she's been gone? Why didn't you tell me?' I swore at her, hit the bed, then I ran out of the room and called the police again," Cindy stated on the stand.

After hours on the stand, Cindy was dismissed and prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick stood up and told Judge Perry that Baez had just opened the door for the state to bring in Casey's criminal record for check fraud, for which she had pleaded guilty.
"Once he places the credibility of his client before the jury in the form of an out of court statement he opens the door to have that testimony impeached with her prior felony convictions," said Drane-Burdick.
"I think we have an issue where we believe we would have some argument," Baez stated.
"I will let this go into evidence if you don't persuade me otherwise," Perry said.

When Huizenga took the stand, prosecutor Frank George asked her to describe the relationship between Casey and Cindy.

(video coverage of today's court room activity at news site)

State Wants Fraud Convictions In

Posted: 5:57 am EDT June 1,
8:46 am EDT June 1
Casey Anthony's murder trial will begin on Wednesday, and her defense attorneys will try to keep a major mistake from allowing the jury to hear about her criminal past.

Prosecutors argue that while Baez was cross-examining Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony on Tuesday, he made the mistake of probing Casey's own comments and questioning her credibility in ways prosecutors have not.

So prosecutors cited case law that allows them to tell jurors about Casey's six prior felony convictions.

“Once he places the credibility of his client before the jury in the form of an out-of-court statement he opens the door to have that testimony impeached with her prior felony convictions," argued prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick on Tuesday.
Witnesses, Recordings Heard In Court Expose Casey's Lies

Posted: 5:57 am EDT June 1, 2011
Updated: 7:19 pm EDT June 1, 2011

Detective Yuri Melich listened to his first recorded interview with Casey during his testimony on Wednesday afternoon as it was played for the jurors.

"After about 7 o'clock, when I still hadn't heard anything, I was getting pretty upset, pretty frantic, and I went to a neutral place," Casey is heard telling Melich in an audio recording.

After hearing how Casey tried to mislead Detective Melich, they heard yet another story she told to Sgt. Reginald Hosey, the first night, about her mother trying to take Caylee away from her.

"Were you advised by Casey Anthony that she didn't want her mother to have contact with her child that evening?" Hosey was asked.

Lee began his testimony describing how he'd searched downtown bars for her when their mother, Cindy Anthony, couldn't find Casey or Caylee. Lee said he eventually resorted to phone calls.
"Did she hang up on you?" asked prosecutor Frank George.
"Numerous times, yes," replied Lee.
Later, Lee testified that when Casey was finally located she refused to tell anyone where Caylee was.

"You asked your sister, 'Why won't you allow us to see Caylee?' What was her response?" George asked.
"I told Detective Edwards that she said, 'Because maybe I'm a spiteful b****," replied Lee.
Lee talked about his own frustrations with Casey's lies and her relationship with their mother.
"She told me my mother had numerous times thrown it in Casey's face that Casey was an unfit mother for Caylee

(Video of all court activities online at link)
State Exposes Lie After Lie From Casey

Posted: 5:50 am EDT June 2, 2011
Updated: 8:00 pm EDT June 2, 2011

The state exposed lie after lie from Casey Anthony on day 19 of her murder trial Thursday. However, Orange County Detective Yuri Melich saw through them all.

Jurors listened Thursday to her nearly hour-long interview with detectives
"Every single thing you've told us is a lie," Melich said to Casey during a recorded interview.

fter lunch, video of Casey and her brother Lee Anthony having a conversation inside the jail was shown to the jury.

Lee was attempting to get Casey to give him information about where Caylee was.
"You have everything I'm comfortable giving you at the moment," Casey said in the video.

After Casey admitted lying to detectives, she lied to her brother, Lee Anthony, about lying to them when he visited her at jail.
"Things that I've said to them before they've looked at me like I'm feeding them a bunch of bull**it!" said Casey to Lee.

**told detectives Caylee had called her a day earlier, saying, "Hi, Mommy," before talking about books and shoes. Casey said she asked the child to let her talk to an adult, but the phone went dead.**

(video coverage of all court room activity at site link)
Parts Of Casey's Car Trunk Shown As Evidence

The pieces of the trunk were some of the evidence that the defense wanted to keep out of the trial.

Sheriff's office crime scene investigator Gerardo Bloise talked about finding hairs and pulled out the liner from the trunk. He testified that he immediately noticed the smell of death and said in his job, he's had to deal with dead bodies many times.

Earlier Friday, Casey seemed intent on watching herself as prosecutors played her jail house visits with her family.

The jurors heard Casey dismiss the possibility that Caylee may have drowned, which is the very theory of her defense.

"Dad's blowing up at the media.Someone said that the baby just drown in the pool," said Cindy to Casey.
"Oh, surprise, surprise," replied Casey.

Casey never once asked her family if there were any developments in the search for Caylee. Instead, she said she was purposely withholding information from detectives.

"If they're going to treat me like that, I'm not giving them s***. I'll try to help them, but I need to be looked at as a victim," she said in a recorded jail conversation

(Video of all court room activity at link)

POSTED: 5:25 pm EDT June 3, 2011
UPDATED: 5:55 pm EDT June 3, 2011

Bluestar, was the subject of an email to the product’s maker that was released as discovery this year. The owner of the Monte Carlo company told prosecutors that there’s no possibility the product could cause chloroform as a byproduct.

The state alleges Anthony used chloroform to knock out Caylee

BLUE STAR Email doc:
Ask The Judge: Defense Table, Baez Mistake
Judge O.H. Eaton Jr., WESH Legal Analyst

POSTED: 10:18 am EDT June 2, 2011
UPDATED: 3:59 pm EDT June 2, 2011

Editor's Note: As ongoing extended coverage of the Casey Anthony trial, WESH 2 News legal analyst Judge O.H. Eaton Jr. is answering questions about the case.

Dear Judge Eaton

What Was Baez's Mistake?

Dear Judge Eaton: What was the mistake that Jose Baez made on Tuesday when he opened the door to Casey’s prior felonies? -- Joelle

This is sort of a technical evidentiary question. The Florida evidence code, which is modeled on the federal evidence code, allows for either party to impeach or challenge the credibility of a witness. There are five ways the code allows to impeach a witness. One of the ways is to show the witness has been previously convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving dishonesty. Usually, this comes up when the witness takes the stand and testifies. However, there is a provision that allows impeachment by prior convictions of a person who made the statement -- if the person’s hearsay statement has been allowed into evidence. For instance, if the defense introduces a statement of the defendant, either as an exception to the hearsay rule or without objection by the state, the state is allowed to show prior convictions to impeach the declarant, also known as the person who made the statement. In this case, the statements of the defendant were solicited on cross-examination rather than from a witness on direct examination, and it is doubtful that the rule allowing impeachment was triggered under the circumstances. The state wisely withdrew its request to impeach the defendant’s statements at least for the present time. The defendant will no doubt be impeached by her prior convictions if she testifies. However, the defense will be able to minimize the effect of the convictions by showing they were for bad checks and she was prosecuted for the checks while the murder charges were pending. In other words, the state decided to prosecute the bad checks for the sole purpose of being able to obtain the convictions to use for impeachment in the murder trial. -- Judge O.H. Eaton
Parts Of Casey's Car Trunk Shown As Evidence

Prosecutors pulled out pieces of the trunk of Casey's car that they said held Caylee Anthony's body.

The pieces of the trunk were some of the evidence that the defense wanted to keep out of the trial.

Sheriff's office crime scene investigator Gerardo Bloise talked about finding hairs and pulled out the liner from the trunk. He testified that he immediately noticed the smell of death and said in his job, he's had to deal with dead bodies many times.
"I can say about 30, 40, 45 times," Bloise said.[/B
Expert: Tests Show Body Was In Trunk Of Casey's Car

Posted: 5:35 am EDT June 62011
Updated: 7:20 pm EDT June 6, 2011

Dr. Arpad Vass testified that he detected human decomposition in the air from the trunk of Casey's car. It's the first time a jury has heard testimony about the controversial air tests. The evidence has never been used in a criminal case before.

"I can find no other plausible explanation other than that to explain all the results we found," said Vass.

Vass testified that a machine called a "gas chromatograph" can identify chemicals that are unique to human decomposition
"Those are the chemicals that a cadaver-locating dog could smell," Vass said

Casey showed no emotion when Dr. Vass described to the jury his reaction when he unsealed the small container holding a piece of the stained carpet from the trunk of her car.

Dr. Vass said the stain contained acids generated by early stages of human decomposition. Chloroform is a chemical associated with decomposition but also can be used to render a person unconscious.

"I jumped back a foot or two," Vass said of the odor he observed when opening a can containing an air sample from Casey's Pontiac. "It was shocking that strong of an odor could be in that little can."

Vass, who studied decomposing bodies for 20 years, found 10,000 times the amount of the potentially deadly chloroform that he would expect to find with human decomposition alone inside the trunk. Vass believes there was a body in Casey's trunk.
"We were shocked. We've never seen chloroform in those levels before, at least I haven't," Dr. Vass said. "The chloroform was shockingly high, unusually high."

Lead defense attorney Jose Baez tried to get Dr. Vass to say the stain in Casey's trunk could have been caused by rotting meat, which wasn't found in the bagged trash in the trunk
"If you were heating a piece of hamburger, it'd have to be raw and with a bag over your head. We're talking several pounds of meat," Vass stated.

"You're twisting things around a tad. Ten compounds of 30 that were relevant, we found 8 in the trunk of the car," said Dr. Vass
Deputy: Cadaver Dog Alerted To Playhouse, Casey's Car

Posted: 6:18 am EDT June 7, 2011
Updated: 7:01 pm EDT June 7, 2011

Deputy Jason Forgey was asked to explain how his dog, Gerus, was trained and what the dog detected in the case.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office cadaver dog had alerted on two different locations in Casey's backyard. The location that was given the most attention was close to Caylee's playhouse.
"He gave a final trained alert in the southeast corner of the yard. There was a playhouse in the area," said Forgey.

The sheriff's cadaver dog also alerted on Casey's car, which bolsters both new scientific evidence and other eyewitness testimony that the jury heard, indicating Caylee's body was in her mother's trunk.
"The trunk was open, Gerus jumped up into the trunk," said Forgey. "Of course, I was overwhelmed at that point because I'm hitting it same time as he is."

Earlier, prosecutors called to the witness stand a crime scene investigator who testified about a garbage bag found in Casey's Pontiac Sunfire.

Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick questioned crime scene investigator for the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Gerardo Bloise.
Bloise has testified previously about the trash bags found in Casey's car. A picture of a Fusion Nightclub receipt was admitted into evidence, along with a box full of trash. Bloise confirmed he secured the contents of the box.

Casey's defense attorney, Jose Baez, suggested Tuesday that Bloise altered crucial evidence.
Baez questioned Bloise about why he dried out garbage found in a bag in Casey's car. It included empty packages of pizza, lunch meat, frozen chicken and cheese, among other things.
"You had no idea it would alter significant items in this case?" Baez asked during cross-examination
Bloise said he was following protocol, since drying out evidence preserves it and makes it easier to examine.

The state called FBI forensics expert, Dr. Michael Rickenbach, to testify about the trunk and the smell of canisters used to capture chemical evidence.
"When you opened the can did you detect an odor?" a prosecutor asked Rickenbach.
"Yes," Rickenbach replied.
"Did you recognize the odor?" the prosecutor asked.
"Objection," called Jose Baez.
Baez successfully stopped the witness before he described the smell.

Residues of chloroform were detected on that specimen," said Rickenbach.
Baez asked if the level of chloroform was high and Rickenbach said, "No."

However, prosecutors questioned him about how the carpet sample was packaged, in a non-airtight box which would have allowed chloroform to dissipate.
"I was very surprised to even detect chloroform," Rickenbach said.
Expert: Casey Searched Neck-Breaking, Death On Web
Posted: 6:24 am EDT June 8, 2011
Updated: 7:20 pm EDT June 8, 2011

Head injuries, neck-breaking, internal bleeding, death, and chloroform were some of the topics that computer experts said, on Wednesday during Casey Anthony's murder trial, she was researching before her daughter disappeared.

The experts testified that Casey's first chloroform search was done on March 17, 2008 around the time she found out she couldn't go to Puerto Rico with friends because her mother Cindy Anthony would not watch Caylee for her.

Osborne also testified that searches were done on the Anthony family computer for the name "Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez." Casey Anthony initially told authorities that a nanny by that name kidnapped her toddler Caylee. But the searches were not until July 16, 2008 -- 31 days after prosecutors say the 2-year-old first went missing.

The investigators went to the developer of the software they were using to help them dig deeper.
John Bradley testified on Wednesday that after spending hours modifying his software for them he was able to detail Casey's deleted searches down to the second she did them.

Defense attorney Jose Baez accused the state expert of trying to profit from the case and asked him about searches that Baez argued were not relevant, such as one about household weapons.
"Did the investigators suggest to you that someone was making weapons at their house and that was relevant?" Baez asked.
"No," replied Bradley.

Prosecutors told the jury that Casey's parents were at work when the searches were done. Casey was pretending to work, but there is evidence that she would sneak back to the house once both of them were gone.
However, prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick dropped a bombshell about how many times Casey went to one particular website, which showed how to make chloroform.

"How many times was that site visited?" Drane–Burdick asked.
"According to the history, 84 times," Osborne said.

Prosecutors also called a police dog handler to the witness stand on Wednesday. Sgt. Kristin Brewer testified that her K-9 partner, Bones, was alerted to decomposition in the backyard of the home that Casey shared with her daughter and parents during a search in July 2008.
Lee: Casey Said Nanny Pinned Her Down, Took Caylee

Posted: 6:38 am EDT June 9, 2011
Updated: 12:27 pm EDT June 9, 2011

Lee Anthony, took the stand on Thursday and said Casey told him a nanny took her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, in June 2008 because she didn't believe Casey was being a good mother.

Lee Anthony testified that his sister provided this version of the toddler's disappearance while she was free on bond in August 2008.

"Did your sister tell you a different reason of how Caylee was taken from her?"
"Yes she did," Lee Anthony answered.
According to his testimony, Casey told him the nanny, named Zanny, met her in an Orlando park and held her down with the help of her sister.

"She told me that she met Zanny, who was her nanny, as well as Zanny's sister and her children at Jay Blanchard Park, which is here in Orlando. And during that meeting, Zanny held Casey down and told her that she was taking Caylee from her and she did that with the help of her sister

Defense continued questioning computer forensic expert, John Bradley, about searches done on Casey's home computer.

The defense tried to paint the chloroform web surfing as a minor part of lots of information that was being viewed on the Anthony family computer, but the state waited until the end of the day Wed. to ask the biggest question.

“How many times was that site visited?” prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick asked.

“According to the history, 84 times,” Bradley said.

Casey Becomes Sick During Testimony On Remains

Posted: 6:38 am EDT June 9, 2011
Updated: 7:06 pm EDT June 9, 2011

Judge Belvin Perry dismissed court early on Thursday after Casey Anthony became sick during witness testimony about Caylee Anthony's remains.
Perry announced the news after sending the jury home for the day, asking them not to speculate about why court was ending early.

Judge Perry warned people in the courtroom that graphic photos would be shown. He asked anyone who might get queasy to leave during a short recess before prosecutors called a crime scene investigator from the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

George and Cindy did not want to see the photos, so they left the courtroom.

The first deputy on the scene, after the call was made, told jurors on Thursday about seeing Caylee's remains in and around a garbage bag.
"I stood over the skull and looked over it," the deputy said.

A sheriff's office photographer walked jurors through photos of the thick, wooded area with images of dense brush, and the pathway that led to the discovery of the bag with the remains of Caylee Anthony.

An image of Caylee's skull was shown to jurors as Casey turned away and seemed to become angry, then began to cry.

"It seemed to be embedded in the vines. You can see that there's vines and leaves and other ground debris and it seemed to be embedded in that debris," said Steve Hanson of the Medical Examiner's Office.

"This is the skull with the hair and tape along with some leaf litter and debris," said Gary Lee Utz, Chief Deputy Medical Examiner for Orange County. "Over the jaw and several pieces of the facial bones are several gray pieces of tape."
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