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Further developments July 11 at the total solar eclipse. Meanwhile, the industry examines the explosion, the fire, the well rupture and fights to correct massive the oil flow into the gulf. New insights come with the entrance of Uranus and Jupiter into Aries along with new techniques to relieve the situation and measures to prevent recurrence. and Cosmos/DeepwaterHorizonExplodes001.jpg

You may not have seen the chart and analysis posted at the time of the accident, so I refer you to it. The final aspects of the Cancer House 8 Moon of the event are favourable. By the way, this is the day of the big Venus occultation, 16 May.
That is way inflationary (economy) and earth shaking as well.
The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20th in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil is still gushing out of the well on the floor of the Gulf.

"But at 9:53 p.m. April 20, the Deepwater Horizon's luck played out. A shrill blast of escaping gas and a geyser of black goo hurled high over the placid Gulf heralded its demise, and in minutes the $560 million giant vanished into a fireball that was visible far over the horizon."

My question is: Is the Gulf of Mexico ruined? Will BP ever be able to cap the oil head?

ps: This article "A huff and boom ended Deepwater Horizon's lucky streak" explains exactly what occured before the rig blew.

i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT THE END RESULT OF THIS AS WELL. i LIVE IN aLABAMA (sorry didn't realize caps lock was on), anyway I live in Alabama and have been extremely concerned about this. Its so sad the fishing industry, tourism, not to mention all the effects on the environment and OMG the pictures of the dead turtles and dolphins are heart wrenching. Are they going to be able to stop this volcano of oil and if so whats going to be left of the gulf?
butterfly 1978, did you read Tuba's post #320 on this page? I think she posted it on May 2nd. but it went in one ear and out the other. July is a long way off.

I read today that they've attached a hose to the well head and are sucking the oil onto a tanker. I don't know how they'll be able to clean it up. It's an unprecidented catastrophe that will be felt for a very long time.
You may not have seen the chart and analysis posted at the time of the accident, so I refer you to it. The final aspects of the Cancer House 8 Moon of the event are favourable. By the way, this is the day of the big Venus occultation, 16 May.

butterfly 1978, did you read Tuba's post #320 on this page? I think she posted it on May 2nd. but it went in one ear and out the other. July is a long way off.

I read today that they've attached a hose to the well head and are sucking the oil onto a tanker. I don't know how they'll be able to clean it up. It's an unprecidented catastrophe that will be felt for a very long time.

Hey Paulette I did read the post and the chart. I was just not clear in my question, its my fault. let me try rephrasing, The charts state the end result as favorable, but when will this happen I'm sure that things are not going to be "back to normal" in July they may have a good handle on it, but the economic impact on the fishing industry, tourism and the environment will be a long way off if ever. I had heard the the 1989 oil spill in Alaska still is having effects on the environment and the fishing industry, I had heard on CNN that some oil along the coast is still visible and that the fishing industry never fully recovered. What does favorable mean in regards to this situation? Is it the favorable that the spill will be contained or is it favorable that the impact will not be as bad as we think???????
Early Demise of Pope John Paul I

The book and reference would be that of David Yallop as links reference his massive research he did.

From Wikipedia Notes:
David Yallop's book In God's Name developed the theories behind the alleged murder of John Paul I

Kindly help me find whether this man was murdered or died of some natural and unfortunate causes.
His body was immediately destroyed by cremation within only hours.:waitasec:

From Astrotheme:
Born: October 17, 1912, 11:30 AM
in: Canole d'Angordo (Italie)
Sun: 23°41 Libra
Moon: 16°32 Capricorn
Ascendant: 19°41 Sagittarius
Midheaven: 16°27 Libra
Chinese Astrology: Water Rat
Numerology: Birthpath 22

I'm glad you brought this here. I'll have to examine the charts carefully later, but at the time it happened, I remember digging in and examining my old hand-drawn charts about it. It's been a few moons, so my memory is fuzzy, plus I was pregnant at the time, having trouble staying awake in the first trimester, but I'm going to read all what you've posted and let it sink in all over again.

I was a bit confused at first over the title. Could someone change it to reflect John Paul I and not Paul I, which is a very different timeframe? :wink: Thanks so much for this. I love looking at historical events this way.
Hey Paulette I did read the post and the chart. I was just not clear in my question, its my fault. let me try rephrasing, The charts state the end result as favorable, but when will this happen I'm sure that things are not going to be "back to normal" in July they may have a good handle on it, but the economic impact on the fishing industry, tourism and the environment will be a long way off if ever. I had heard the the 1989 oil spill in Alaska still is having effects on the environment and the fishing industry, I had heard on CNN that some oil along the coast is still visible and that the fishing industry never fully recovered. What does favorable mean in regards to this situation? Is it the favorable that the spill will be contained or is it favorable that the impact will not be as bad as we think???????

I understood what you were looking for because I was too! I also wanted assurance, but alas, it didn't come. Common sense tells us things will not get back to normal. There is the off chance a "miracle potent" is being developed to eat the oil as we speak, but don't hold your breath.

A reading of the natal chart for a city or state that is deeply involved in the fishing industry might be usefull. What city state would that be? Who is most deeply affected?
AK Slueth:

Glad you are taking the time and interest.

Love to hear other's opinions on this very worrisome case.

Seen in the left margin of the chart for the decapitated men, Moon and Venus, both out of bounds. To some extent we see their influence in the notes composed and left with the headless bodies, one note for each, Moon in II with Venus of the two deceased victims also in II. As you know II is one of the Signs that represents "more than one". To write such notes for mutilated men is indeed an out of bounds gesture.

Bear in mind that this crime of Caput Algol, beheadings, with Venus ruling the Ascendant, was committed on the very day Venus was occulted. You can check the degree of Venus's position against the post on her occultation, found in the General Thread. As you know, Taurus and Venus = the human neck. The occultation brought the hideous distortion of everything Venus stands for.

If you search for the fixed star Caput Algol on the web, you will see that it is always associated with the loss of one's head.
Housemouse made a beautiful chart of the very formation you two are discussing. I hope she sees your question; I will also ask her to place a copy here. She did NOT like the look of the configuration.

My sad prediction for this coming summer still stands.

Right now, as the debate in the house goes on, the waning Saturn/Pluto square is dominant. The ground work is seen by the Sun highlighting that square. I am worrying about this Sun/Saturn opposition, as Saturn delays, Uranus is waning/close to the opposition, and the reaction might be explosive, but delayed.

Please, everyone. Stay close to home this summer. Get your preps completed, and be ready for an echo of the summer of 1968. (Chicago riots)

Stay away from cities, or if you live in them, be ready to stay indoors.

Do not be afraid, please, just be prepared. You will be witnessing history, and it will be world wide. Take notes for your grandchildren!

It is a cardinal climax. Tuba and the rest can chime in and explain. I am unable to do much more, because my husband needs me. As some of you know, I am the sole care-taker of a beloved husband, suffering from Parkinson's.

I think the aspects surrounding the health care vote are interesting. Saturn is opposing the Sun, which it does once a year, not that unusual, but the proximity to the forming cardinal climax makes it interesting when you consider the aspects at the end of July/early August.

I hope the other good astrologers here will explain how the tensions delineated by these long-term forming aspects work themselves out in our collective lives. I am fascinated by the whole situation, and know that some of us, individually, will be hit much harder than others.

There is no chart with this one but it gives us an idea. Thank you Housemouse, hope you are well.
I follow one main thread, and also keep an eye on a couple of the online charts, like this one from the University of Utah, linked below. If you can't read it, don't worry, I can't either

If you scroll down on this link, you can see the date and local time, intensity, etc...

And, here is the 125 pages of posts I have been following. I will post a few pages back for you, so you can catch up reading. There are differing opinions, just like you would see on the weather forums when the meteorologists all argue about hurricane tracks and intensities.

Sorry to be off topic, but folks just don't visit the Jury Room much.

This one, too, has an up-to-date quake chart.
Here are a few to consider when you think of the world tension today and this summer:

However, I'd not fret over it or get scared out of my wits, because we all have our own karma to bear and to witness eventually. No big shakes in my case. My conscience is clear!

Enjoy the charts. Try and see how they "may" impact your own natal and in what way. You may even not be feeling the subtle effects as's possible.

These dates were brought to my attention from a Vedic Astrologer on a thread about finances and Wall Street volatility,hence, I drew them for NYC.

(starting with today's rather stressful configurations for May 23rd)




Thanks for the charts. I want to look them over more thoroughly when I have time.

I have recently become interested in the Sabian Symbols and yesterday started working with them in the U.S. chart. I did some lunar returns and diurnals for this summer due to all the talk of the stressful aspects, Cosmic Crosses etc starting summer 2010. I also did election day November 2010 and Election Day November 2012 diurnals and the Sabians in all these charts come from The Part of Fortune.

Here is what I found:

I was very shocked to find the July 27, 2010 lunar return (for the month of time July 27 thru end of August) has a Sabian Symbol at the Part of Fortune. It states: ” A flag at half mast in front of a public building”.

What does it mean? I of course go to the worst thoughts, a terror attack? Something else equally as dreadful for our nation? The aspects in this lunar chart are very dramatic and point to danger (Mars square Pluto etc), but I am not a good enough mundane astrologer to say what it could be. In fact I only became interested in astrology this year. I believe on July 28th, Pluto is directly on the diurnal ascendant squaring Mars and Saturn in the 9th house and Uranus and Jupiter in the 3rd house.

I decided to have a look at election day Nov 2010 and the Part of Fortune Sabian Symbol for that day is: “On a ship, sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one”. I believe this means, there’s a new game in town and Congress will completely change sides.

So fast forward to election day 2012 and the Part of Fortune Sabian Symbol for that day is: “A Bareback Rider in a Circus Demonstrates HER dangerous skill.” NOTICE HER! And the explanation of this symbol points out to me that we will possibly have a woman president next time. “SHE puts herself in the middle of the action takings risk that are 2nd nature to her. Training has prepared her to perform tricks and maneuvers that seem awe inspiring, well timed and carefully planned. She is so well rehearsed that even the most dangerous stunts are done with ease. She has an amazing sense of balance and belief in her center of gravity.”

I also want to say I believe whatever is going to happen this summer will be end of this July into beginning of Aug. Aug 3rd’s symbol is ” 2 men placed under arrest and give an accounting for their acts before the tribunal of society.”

And finally, I had a chuckle about this symbol which was in one of the charts I was reading though I can’t remember which day or month though I think it was August 2010, but I certainly knew who was being mentioned here: “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of an ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal.”

I want to warn to take all this with a grain of salt, I don't know enough about astrology to truly read what is happening via the aspects in a mundane chart, and was just fiddling around seeing what I could figure out with the Sabian Symbols.
Housemouse made a beautiful chart of the very formation you two are discussing. I hope she sees your question; I will also ask her to place a copy here. She did NOT like the look of the configuration.


Thank you Fifth Essence for posting that beautiful chart by our dear Housemouse!
I so much loved her charts that she put right up into the thread where we could plainly see them along with explanations even amateurs could understand.
I send my best wishes to her and hope she will bless us once again with her great
Lest anyone or many take political umbrage at the following interpretation, I will make it as abstruse, opaque and unintelligible as possible.

Known and used by both aborigines and the Pentagon, one of the world's oldest strategies is divide and conquer. Presently, we have a ready-made divided country as shown by Saturn vs. Uranus-Jupiter. Saturn represents the strict constructionist Conservatives and Uranus represents the Progressive - Socialists. These two factions make up the political populace and they are at sharpest of odds. Jupiter is the luck or good fortune of being at the helm.

Offsides, we have Mars in Leo opposed Neptune in Aquarius. These are moves of treachery, betrayal and treason and are made by both drug cartel gangsters and Al Quaida. Motive: to destroy and to bring The Will to a place of triumph.

In the chart for the weekend past, provided by housemouse, we also have Venus aiming to protect the United States, hovering on her planets in Cancer, opposed by Pluto of foreign "interests".

That's the set-up and there are people you don't want to meet hunkered over their game boards figuring their next move at this "opportune" time.

I haven't spent enough time here so please forgive if this has been addressed before.....
There are rumors and speculation that North Korea actually torpedoed the Oil Rig that is now doing such horrible and disgusting damage to our sea ( I can't even look at the pictures I get so upset)
The people who work with the oil company are saying these rumors on others sites and saying there is a cover up because North Korea has access to nuclear weapons and for our safety government is not letting us know the truth about what happened.
Sorry if that sounded like a conspiricy theory:waitasec:

First Do we have a chart somewhere on this Oil Spill?
Did anyone discern if it was indeed a coverup?
And could that not fall into that Big Ole Grand Cross up there?
Neptune would rule oil Correct? And afflictions to Neptune?
Thanks to anyone who answers. I appreciate it as I am so sick about what is happening to the creatures who dwell in our sea.
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