Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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Me neither. I wonder if today, after the excited fervor that I am sure CA had him worked up into has worn off, if BC realizes that they set him up to look like a fool all in an attempt to help free the person who murdered their grandchild? MOO.

He's a competent attorney, so he had to have known exactly what he was doing before he did it. That tells me he's willing to be one of the ringmasters in the Anthony's three-ring circus. How pathetic to allow CA to crack the whip over him, and how disappointing. I swear, I can't get past the old song, "Send in the Clowns," whenever I contemplate all this.
Mr Conway may have some work lined up but as yet he doesn't know about it. ... Richard Grund has a letter posted on the Scared Monkeys site today- Caylee Anthony thread, page 27 and he is livid.
He talks of a civil suit against them..:woohoo:
The Anthonys are going to talk their daughter right into the chair. ( or stretcher as it may be)..

OMG, that made me laugh with ghoulish glee. For my own sanity, I need to get away from this case!
I am going to use an example from my own crime scene that shows how vindictive the A's really are toward LE and everyone trying to accomplish Justice for Caylee. When LE walks into a home where a crime was committed they are walking into unknown surroundings and expecting cooperation, honesty and if nothing else integrity with the statements from the crime victim and family members. That is initially the only information LE has to go on to start there investigation. Duct tape was used on me to bind me, blind fold me and gag my mouth. When LE arrived I told them what happened and what was missing from our house, what was used during the crime from our house, and what he took with him from our house. I was 22 years old at the time and my husband was 28 and not nearly as organized or neat as the A's. I guess what I am saying is that the A's after the crime was reported and they admittedly walked around the outside of the house and I am sure the inside, they knew what was missing and what was out of place. The second day after the crime that happened to me we found a pair of socks with the perps name on them, since he was an escaped prisoner. The CSI didn't find them because they were in our laundry hamper and looked like a pair of normal tube socks but since I lived in the house I knew that these were not my husbands. That is why the A's have been able, at least in there behavior, to try and one up LE. They have the intimate advantage of knowledge to make the playing field in their favor. Especially since they are not cooperating with LE. Did I feel that LE wasn't doing the job they should have because they missed these socks, no I didn't. Because I realized as a crime victim you need to help guide an investigation. The A's have done nothing but hinder LE investigation and Justice for Caylee. This leaves such a bad taste in my mouth because I know how Caylee felt with the duct tape on her mouth, eyes, and nose. I survived but poor little Caylee had no one to help her. If the duct tape did come from the house, it has been long gone from the A's. Once again the intimate knowledge advantage in their court. But what has been said in this thread about the 31 days etc. in addition to what we don't know can only help in the conviction. The game that the A's are playing just makes me sick at the expense of Justice for Caylee. Unfortunately, even if they win this game they will have lost the one true joy that was part of there life and I can assure you that the feeling of loss stays with you. I only lost a dog, a Llasa Apso, that was shot in the head by the perp and that loss has stayed with me 20 years. I can't imagine the behavior they are displaying and they lost a grandchild.
The self-righteous hostility in this woman is palpable. Sometimes I think she is trying, in a passive-aggressive way, to make sure her daughter gets convicted but does not get the DP.
I think you could very well be right, although I'd assume she's subconsciously trying, in a passive-agressive way to...."

Anyone seeing the way this woman attacks (and, from what we can see, parents) could imagine a child (particularly another narcissist) nursing a jealous grudge that might turn deadly. But the same scenario would likely be mitigating circumstances for a DP; the toxicity and anger that oozes from both in their relationship is pretty evenly matched.

CA, to me, seems hell-bent on being the only martyr here - mourning the loss of a real grandchild and an imaginary daughter she made up for the press that now languishes in jail.

This post deserved more than just hitting the "Thank you button." It's fresh insight and dead-on, methinks.
Well wow! That right there would be interesting. What are the chances of someone using the very last bit of the last roll of duct tape on a gas can and never replacing it? I seem to remember the black garbage bags started sporting different colored handles around that time as well.

The thing is, unless anyone else in the family knew exactly what would be incriminating enough to get rid of, I'd say the "cleaner" had to be KC.

It is odd that no roll of duct tape was found at the house. I can see how some would think that a roll(s) might be intentionally removed from the premises. But the theme of "remove incriminating evidence that relates to the body dump" doesn't seem to be carried out in all ways.

Look at what was removed from the house property:

Two metal brackets with duct tape (in shed)
Gas can with Henkel high temp duct tape visible on top of can (in shed)
Black garbage bag with yellow handles - same color as body bags (in shed)
"Whitney Design" laundry bag - same brand and type as body bag - different shape (in garage)
Three black garbage bags with yellow handles (same area in garage)

The thing is, there was hardly any duct tape found at the home. They weren't just looking for rolls, but must collect any duct tape on any thing. They found three pieces which were all in the shed. I suspect the "metal bracket" duct tape pieces are not Henkel high temp. But why don't we have any duct tape found on anything else? Did nobody use it to repair or construct anything? If this kind of tape is pulled off of something (get rid of evidence) it usually leaves a telltale visible residue which shows that it was once there. Were the investigators looking for that kind of evidence?

It appears to be a home that doesn't use duct tape. Yes, there are the pieces from the shed, but we have no history of where they came from. The house and garage appear to be devoid of any duct tape at all. If George had a roll(s) of duct tape, why didn't he use it on anything around the house? It is possible that they simply didn't have duct tape at the house. If you have no duct tape, then nothing gets repaired with duct tape. In that situation, there is no need to intentionally remove a roll of tape. It isn't there in the first place.
You are talking about BC right? Just wanted to make sure.

My take on him is that he is not pliant enough for CA. Even though he gives it his best effort, sometimes he sticks to his guns. And whatever his injury, his backbone is intact IMO. I think he thought he could handle this couple and in the process of helping them, make a name for himself. (I have no problem with him if that was his motive, as after all, none of us believed that either of the A's had anything to do with harming Caylee when he came on board.)

Like on the last LKL when LK kept on asking why they don't go visit KC and the A's kept making excuses, but when LK asked BC he said, "I think it's a defense mistake. I think they should go, etc etc."(not exact quote) And boy if those daggers CA shot him with her eyes could have killed? BC would be dead now. And she made a fool of him on national tv by correcting him regarding when the release of the photo of the diary came out. She also incorrectly corrected him on the same LKL regarding the date that entry was written. (If I were him, at the end of that show, I'd have said...."you are on your own--goodbye and good riddance") And I heard him say a couple things at this farce of a presser that I don't think is going to go over well with CA. The way he answered about looking for a live Caylee not long ago and still?, and that CA operates on emotions. I think he is either going to tell her to take a hike or CA's gonna give him the boot. One of the two will happen soon IMO if BC does not become HER hand puppet with NO thinking done on his own, no speaking on his own, etc.

That's my of the two will happen any time now if he doesn't stop thinking and speaking on his own. He'll either completely disappear into "Fantas-anthony Land" or he'll bounce. MOO

Great post. I'd forgotten the reasons that formerly made me respect him.
You are talking about BC right? Just wanted to make sure.

My take on him is that he is not pliant enough for CA. Even though he gives it his best effort, sometimes he sticks to his guns. And whatever his injury, his backbone is intact IMO. I think he thought he could handle this couple and in the process of helping them, make a name for himself. (I have no problem with him if that was his motive, as after all, none of us believed that either of the A's had anything to do with harming Caylee when he came on board.)

Like on the last LKL when LK kept on asking why they don't go visit KC and the A's kept making excuses, but when LK asked BC he said, "I think it's a defense mistake. I think they should go, etc etc."(not exact quote) And boy if those daggers CA shot him with her eyes could have killed? BC would be dead now. And she made a fool of him on national tv by correcting him regarding when the release of the photo of the diary came out. She also incorrectly corrected him on the same LKL regarding the date that entry was written. (If I were him, at the end of that show, I'd have said...."you are on your own--goodbye and good riddance") And I heard him say a couple things at this farce of a presser that I don't think is going to go over well with CA. The way he answered about looking for a live Caylee not long ago and still?, and that CA operates on emotions. I think he is either going to tell her to take a hike or CA's gonna give him the boot. One of the two will happen soon IMO if BC does not become HER hand puppet with NO thinking done on his own, no speaking on his own, etc.

That's my of the two will happen any time now if he doesn't stop thinking and speaking on his own. He'll either completely disappear into "Fantas-anthony Land" or he'll bounce. MOO

Yes, it was BC I was talking about and thanks for the insight. I just keep seeing him at the Morgan Depos completely ignored by Cindy and George, whatever he had told them at the onset of the depo was tossed aside in order for them to vent their anger at the insolence of Morgan et al in challenging them.. they certainly did not behave with any decorum, particularly when Cindy was shouting "Don't tell me to shutup" as she left. You could see BC sitting there looking impotent, I'm surprised he wasn't shaking his head. As far as the LKL interview, I felt the same, he should have rolled on out of there. Maybe a talk with Mark NeJame is what's needed. I think he is/was basically a decent sort who is dominated by CA.
While not in the forefront during the trial phase, I think Cindy's relationship with Casey will become the focus during sentencing. The defense will try to mitigate Casey's crime and lack of remorse by pointing at Cindy as having created this monster and Cindy's narcissistic need to control.

Wow! Just a thought!

This is, indeed, a control issue between two monster personalities. I'm not sure either one of them actually remember the child at all. They are so consumed in the power game between them.

What if, at trial, Casey says that her mother tried to strangle her and she blacked out. By the time she regained consciousness and was able to think again, Caylee was gone and she never saw her again. She had to run from place to place to keep her mother from finding her. Only too late did she realize her mother had placed the body in "her" car to frame her. By the time she realized what the smell was her mother had removed the body from the car. She honestly had no idea where the child/body was.

And, does Brad know this and is he planning to be her "star" defense lawyer after she is thrown under the bus? He has an underlying agenda. He's not putting up with Cindy's craziness for the fun of it.
I know this is off topic for this thread and I am sure it's being discussed elsewhere but I just can't figure out how the defense team can file a motion for the state to take off the death penalty because Caylee was in a secure and safe environment. What is same or even semi-normal about being with a mother who is bed-hopping with her child, doesn't report her missing and probably never would have without CA stepping in and what in the world would you consider wrapping your child's head in duct tape? A game? Is this going to hold water? I can totally see why BC was so hung up on trying to convince us that the tape didn't match yesterday but how do you consider wrapping your child's head in that safe and secure? The defense just boggles my mind. I still can't believe they aren't making a deal but then again, I guess that wouldn't sell books later down the road when this is all over.
Respectfully snipped:

It appears to be a home that doesn't use duct tape. Yes, there are the pieces from the shed, but we have no history of where they came from. The house and garage appear to be devoid of any duct tape at all. If George had a roll(s) of duct tape, why didn't he use it on anything around the house? It is possible that they simply didn't have duct tape at the house. If you have no duct tape, then nothing gets repaired with duct tape. In that situation, there is no need to intentionally remove a roll of tape. It isn't there in the first place.

But, gee whiz, even if you don't make repairs with duck tape, you gotta have some on hand "just in case" of an unforseen, improbable, but immediate need for it. Right? I mean, duck tape is to a household what certain Condiments are to a kitchen. It's like parsley flakes. And dried onion flakes. I don't use 'em, but I'm afraid to be without 'em. Duck tape is to a household what vermouth is to a wet bar. Nobody ever asks for a glass of vermoth, nobody actually pours it into a martini, either, but you gotta have it around. Just in case. Duck tape is a handyman/handwoman thing. Isn't it? LOL

Wow! Just a thought!

What if, at trial, Casey says that her mother tried to strangle her and she blacked out. By the time she regained consciousness and was able to think again, Caylee was gone and she never saw her again. She had to run from place to place to keep her mother from finding her. Only too late did she realize her mother had placed the body in "her" car to frame her. By the time she realized what the smell was her mother had removed the body from the car. She honestly had no idea where the child/body was.

Assuming Cindy wasn't complicit in this ploy, there would follow a monumental clash of epic proportions between Cindy and Casey that would result in Cindy telling us everything we ever wanted to know about Casey, before and after Caylee's disappearance. In fact, that is the only way we'll ever learn "the truth about Casey."
Respectfully snipped:

But, gee whiz, even if you don't make repairs with duck tape, you gotta have some on hand "just in case" of an unforseen, improbable, but immediate need for it. Right? I mean, duck tape is to a household what certain Condiments are to a kitchen. It's like parsley flakes. And dried onion flakes. I don't use 'em, but I'm afraid to be without 'em. Duck tape is to a household what vermouth is to a wet bar. Nobody ever asks for a glass of vermoth, nobody actually pours it into a martini, either, but you gotta have it around. Just in case. Duck tape is a handyman/handwoman thing. Isn't it? LOL
...which probably is the reason why everything in my house that breaks stays broken! LOL

Gosh...maybe I should buy some.

Assuming Cindy wasn't complicit in this ploy, there would follow a monumental clash of epic proportions between Cindy and Casey that would result in Cindy telling us everything we ever wanted to know about Casey, before and after Caylee's disappearance. In fact, that is the only way we'll ever learn "the truth about Casey."

Now wouldn't that be great? If only we weren't talking about the death of a child :frown:

I know this is off topic for this thread and I am sure it's being discussed elsewhere but I just can't figure out how the defense team can file a motion for the state to take off the death penalty because Caylee was in a secure and safe environment.

A secure and safe environment....for what? Luggage?
Wow! Just a thought!

This is, indeed, a control issue between two monster personalities. I'm not sure either one of them actually remember the child at all. They are so consumed in the power game between them.

What if, at trial, Casey says that her mother tried to strangle her and she blacked out. By the time she regained consciousness and was able to think again, Caylee was gone and she never saw her again. She had to run from place to place to keep her mother from finding her. Only too late did she realize her mother had placed the body in "her" car to frame her. By the time she realized what the smell was her mother had removed the body from the car. She honestly had no idea where the child/body was.

And, does Brad know this and is he planning to be her "star" defense lawyer after she is thrown under the bus? He has an underlying agenda. He's not putting up with Cindy's craziness for the fun of it.

The thought has crossed my mind that when you go back to the evening of June 15, 2008, the only people at the Anthony home were Cindy, Casey, and Caylee. George was working the late shift, 3:00pm - 11:00pm, and likely didn't get home until 11:15pm - 11:30pm.

If you discount George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee at 12:50pm on June 16, that leaves only Cindy and Casey who were the last to see Caylee alive.

By all reports, we know that there was a fight between Cindy and Casey on the evening of June 15th.

There are at least two scenarios that while they seem far-fetched, could have happened.

One scenario: Cindy has stated that when she and Caylee arrived home from visiting with Cindy's father at the care facility, she and Caylee went swimming in the pool. Did Cindy forget to take the pool ladder out of the pool when they were finished swimming? Cindy and Casey begin to argue and are focused on that argument when Caylee, un-noticed by either of them, wanders outside to the pool, gets in and drowns. When Caylee is discovered, and not willing to admit their negligence, a cover-up begins.

Scenario two: Cindy and Casey fight and after that fight escalates and Cindy tries to choke Casey, Casey flees the house, not to return for the next month, leaving Caylee behind. This puts Cindy as the last person to see Caylee.

The problem with both these scenarios is that everything that happened on July 15, 2008, when the Pontiac is retrieved, Casey is found, and the 911 calls were made, and everything that's happened since, doesn't support these two scenarios.

The one thing that is intriguing is that in Casey's phone call home from jail on July 16th, hours after she was arrested, there is one strange statement that alludes to Cindy knowing more at that point............

Cindy says, "Sweetheart, we don't know what your involvement is", and Casey responds sarcastically with, "Mom! YOU don't know what my involvement is?"

When is comes down to the defense throwing someone under the bus, I think Cindy is the most likely. When it comes to sentencing, Cindy's behavior is the most likely to be used to explain Casey's crime and lack of remorse.
...which probably is the reason why everything in my house that breaks stays broken! LOL

Gosh...maybe I should buy some.

Oh yeah, you gotta have duck tape around! And here's another good thing about duct tape that makes it even better than closed bottles of rarely-used liquor: You can use a little duck tape and then keep the rest of the roll around for years. But, if you use a little vermouth or other liquor, then recap it for several years, you know what happens? You find hundreds of tiny insects swimming around in it when you pour some into a glass!

What's that I hear?? Sniggers? You think I'm wrong? You think alcohol kills germs, therefore, insects won't materialize in a re-sealed bottle of bourbon or scotch or whatever? Tsk, tsk, tsk. How little we really know. :blowkiss:

Okay, obviously I've drifted off topic, and obviously, I'm getting slightly giddy from all this, so I shall sign off. Meantime, you doubters, go check your old, resealed bottles of liquor. Pour some into a crystal glass, take a tiny sip, then hold the glass up to the light...and behold tiny specs swimming around. :puke:

PS: This never happens with duck tape. :blowkiss:
The thought has crossed my mind that when you go back to the evening of June 15, 2008, the only people at the Anthony home were Cindy, Casey, and Caylee. George was working the late shift, 3:00pm - 11:00pm, and likely didn't get home until 11:15pm - 11:30pm.

If you discount George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee at 12:50pm on June 16, that leaves only Cindy and Casey who were the last to see Caylee alive.

By all reports, we know that there was a fight between Cindy and Casey on the evening of June 15th.

There are at least two scenarios that while they seem far-fetched, could have happened.

One scenario: Cindy has stated that when she and Caylee arrived home from visiting with Cindy's father at the care facility, she and Caylee went swimming in the pool. Did Cindy forget to take the pool ladder out of the pool when they were finished swimming? Cindy and Casey begin to argue and are focused on that argument when Caylee, un-noticed by either of them, wanders outside to the pool, gets in and drowns. When Caylee is discovered, and not willing to admit their negligence, a cover-up begins.

Scenario two: Cindy and Casey fight and after that fight escalates and Cindy tries to choke Casey, Casey flees the house, not to return for the next month, leaving Caylee behind. This puts Cindy as the last person to see Caylee.

The problem with both these scenarios is that everything that happened on July 15, 2008, when the Pontiac is retrieved, Casey is found, and the 911 calls were made, and everything that's happened since, doesn't support these two scenarios.

The one thing that is intriguing is that in Casey's phone call home from jail on July 16th, hours after she was arrested, there is one strange statement that alludes to Cindy knowing more at that point............

Cindy says, "Sweetheart, we don't know what your involvement is", and Casey responds sarcastically with, "Mom! YOU don't know what my involvement is?"

When is comes down to the defense throwing someone under the bus, I think Cindy is the most likely. When it comes to sentencing, Cindy's behavior is the most likely to be used to explain Casey's crime and lack of remorse.

Funny, I took Casey's "Mom you don't know what MY involvement is?" to be the equivalent of "How dare YOU question ME" just another arrogant and contemptuous way she has of speaking to her mother.
I think the ladder being left out is THE clue. I just don't see Cindy or George ever doing that.
If you listen to the 911 tape - My grand-daughter is missing conversation, her voice is trembling and it really sounds like it is with genuine fear and panic. That is one of the few things I will give Cindy credit for.
After that it was one big pack of lies.
they all should be ashamed of themselves

they act like this is a roller derby competition

endlessly trying to throw people over the rails


I heart you robotdog, ya know that?! I just love your posts... you pull no punches and tell it like it is! :blowkiss: I'm glad you are still here with us!! LOL
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