Attorney for Casey Anthony's parents comments on state seeking death penalty

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If we had never 'met' the senior Anthonys before...

If we had never heard them ranting and raving...

If we had never seen them clutching baseball bats, hammers, and hoses...

If we had never heard their rude reactions to anyone offering aid...

If we had not listened to their 'mistruths' and twisting of words...

If we had not seen them defiant and contemptuous of authority, the police, the courts, and the laws of the land...

If we had not witnessed their apparent collections of money for searches that never happened...

If we had not witnessed them running over the feelings of others...

If we had not heard their accusations against anyone and everyone besides their lawfully arrested daughter...

If we had not wondered when they were going to support their slain grand daughter instead of her accused killer...

If all these things had never happened, then this announcement would gather support and sympathy.

However, we have 'met' the Anthonys.

Excellent post that I am choosing to *BuMp* so it can be enjoyed by other late nighters!
I wonder what the A's would have said if someone had asked them a year ago ... if someone were to brutally murder your granddaughter/niece and disposed of her body like trash ... would you want that person to be put to death for their crime? I understand that as parents of the accused they are going to support her ... and in doing so will never seek the justice that precious Caylee deserves. I don't envy their position!! We can all say that we would do "this or that" or more appropriately, that we WOULDN'T do "this or that" ... if we were in their place ... it's easy to say that because we aren't ... Dear God, I hope that none of us ever are!!!! I honestly cannot imagine how eat up with guilt they are inside. Some day, I hope that in a quiet, honest and private moment they are each able to offer a sincere apology to Caylee. I can see George doing that ... I don't know if CA and LA are yet capable, and I really think that, if ever, it will be many many years behind bars ... and after God has snatched KC up by the nape of her neck and brought her to her knees, that she would ever be able to even admit it to herself, let alone apologize to Caylee. You know … may God have mercy, because as I see it, only He can … that is all I have to say!
Parents don't stop loving children because they did something awful. There is no light switch that makes it so they can stop loving their own offspring. However, the Anthonys really should have quietly kept loving Casey and never gotten onto a "bandwagon" for her. They honestly want us to love her too...and we don't.
Parents don't stop loving children because they did something awful. There is no light switch that makes it so they can stop loving their own offspring. However, the Anthonys really should have quietly kept loving Casey and never gotten onto a "bandwagon" for her. They honestly want us to love her too...and we don't.

That is so true ... even Baez wants us to love KC ... you're right, we don't ... we can't even LIKE her! I've never been exposed to a less sympathetic character than Casey Anthony! Utter contempt is all I can feel for her!
Or at least shut up, ya know? Fine, OK- you have decided you will be there for your daughter regardless of what she has done or hasn't done, fine whatever do what you are gonna do.. but IMO if they love their daughter (as they claim) in any sense of the word they would shut their f^c&n% mouths. THEY will have helped put their daughter in the electric chair simply because they don't know when and what to shut up about!

If I was JoseB I'd have a serious sit down with them and explain (one would think they would realize this since they are adults, but that's another topic!) that these charges are very much real and she could likely be sentenced to death if convicted so it's time to stop your sick brand of "helping", shut your faces and let me do my job.. which is to defend her against these charges not help get her convicted!

For real, these people need to shut UP if they don't want their daughter to die!


Trouble with that, OLG, is that JB can't even seem to shut up himself, always talking to the media. What the heck did he hire that Martie person for? :rolleyes:
I think KC is so mad about Caylee being cremated and not buried as she requested, a grave site or head stone to go visit as JB stated were her wishes. I realize that it seems odd to post her wishes for someone she killed, but it shows that CA gets what she wants and she decided what was best for KC's daughter even in death. She couldn't carry out the wishes of her daughter (remember in her mind innocent and a victim of a horrible crime against Caylee) to have a grave site. Can you imagine how angry KC is about that? I don't think KC WANTS TO SEE ANY OF THEM. JMO not only did CA get her first when she was born; she got her last and made all the arrangements and didn't honor the MOTHER'S wishes!!
and this action and actions by cindy is starting to make me wonder if this is why caylee is dead in the first place .
Or at least shut up, ya know? Fine, OK- you have decided you will be there for your daughter regardless of what she has done or hasn't done, fine whatever do what you are gonna do.. but IMO if they love their daughter (as they claim) in any sense of the word they would shut their f^c&n% mouths. THEY will have helped put their daughter in the electric chair simply because they don't know when and what to shut up about!

If I was JoseB I'd have a serious sit down with them and explain (one would think they would realize this since they are adults, but that's another topic!) that these charges are very much real and she could likely be sentenced to death if convicted so it's time to stop your sick brand of "helping", shut your faces and let me do my job.. which is to defend her against these charges not help get her convicted!

For real, these people need to shut UP if they don't want their daughter to die!


I agree with you--except would love to go one step further...the LAWYERS need to shut up as well...they aren't helping....neither is that spokeswoman....
It's a matter of time before BC gives up trying to help the A's. For his own sanity, I would advise him to give up and get out of that mess.
The attorney for Lee Anthony, Casey's brother, said he did not expect the state attorney's office to make this move given the evidence that's been made public.

He described what his client is going through."He is probably in shock and horror as is the rest of his family that the state is prosecuting the case to this level," Thomas Luka said.

I am sure that the SA's office made this decision based on the evidence and after careful consideration, but I cannot help but wonder if the A's could have had some influence in the DP not being put back on if they would have conducted themselves differently. jmo
Yeah, right?! That b!tch don't have peers- she has victims and hostages that's about it!

Well you sure make a good point here. How can they find 12 sociopaths (or in my lay opinion, psychopaths) to fill the jury box? jmo
I'm not so sure of that. Baez and others such as her family have been saying for a while that KC has already been tried in the media. My natural assumption is that if there was a hung jury, her parents would say "Justice has been served." If she is clearly found guilty they will bring up the whole "forces have been out to get her" or "LE has been purposely trying to destroy their family" from "day one." After watching these folks operate on an alternate plane of reality for the past ten months, I can't believe they will ever come to terms with the fact that their child is guilty. At least not publicly.

I was fit to be tied when watching GA's depo and he yelled at Atty Mitnick that "all you people have been tearing my family apart, and you don't care!". I so hoped that the atty would correct him and tell him "your daughter did this!". What the profiler lady said is so true=they think they are some kind of mob family, that no one should touch as they will take care of their own problems. How dare the state interfere with the A family! Unbelievable! jmo
I can't begin to know what it is to live a lie everyday of your life, it has to eventually wear on a person. I don't know how you wake up day after day and deal with living in a made up world where your daughter is the victim and truthful and everyone else is wrong.

I dont know how CA can continue to go into Caylee's room and NOT be LIVID that she is gone, possibly at the hands of her daughter.

She cannot be that blind!?!?!?!?! :waitasec:
With all the rings in this circus, it's sad to say that Caylee never stood a chance anyway. JMO
I don't understand this part. The State Attorney believes she is guilty, why would they wait for the jury to decide before assuming she is guilty? If they didn't think she was guilty they would not prosecute her.

Is this that backward sorta way thinking, eh, is it? Is it? Come on you can tell me, is it?

I understand what you're saying but I'm pretty sure he's referring to the legal process and legal definition of guilty or innocent/not guilty. IOW, as you say, the state does think she's guilty or they would not be prosecuting. But, she is legally innocent until the state proves to the jury, beyond reasonable doubt, that she is guilty.

He's talking about the state overcoming her presumed innocence by proving to the jury she's guilty. If that happens, then the family will deal with the possible sentence i.e. DP or LWOP, or whatever. They're going to focus on the guilt or innocence question, i.e. the trial, for now.

Hope that helps. :)
I was watching the Jane V. show the other night (I think it was that or either Headline News) and they said the Anthony Family almost has a mob mentality. Its like yeah we know one of ours did something wrong but WE (the family) will deal with it. They basically want folks to stay out of family business.
I think KC is so mad about Caylee being cremated and not buried as she requested, a grave site or head stone to go visit as JB stated were her wishes. I realize that it seems odd to post her wishes for someone she killed, but it shows that CA gets what she wants and she decided what was best for KC's daughter even in death. She couldn't carry out the wishes of her daughter (remember in her mind innocent and a victim of a horrible crime against Caylee) to have a grave site. Can you imagine how angry KC is about that? I don't think KC WANTS TO SEE ANY OF THEM. JMO not only did CA get her first when she was born; she got her last and made all the arrangements and didn't honor the MOTHER'S wishes!!

I think it's odd that she ever believed she was going to be ABLE to visit a gravesite. The defense badly wanted to use her burial request as a 'plus' in her case, but CA and GA thwarted it.
They even wear Caylees ashes, something KC will never be able to own in jail (Could be wrong on that point).
CA is the worst form of passive aggresive that I've ever encountered. Some of the things she does to 'poke' her daughter are very subtle but absolutely vile.
KC wasn't quite so subtle, but she is as extreme as her mother.
I agree with you--except would love to go one step further...the LAWYERS need to shut up as well...they aren't helping....neither is that spokeswoman....

Wow, Zoey. Here I was liking this new spokeswoman, out of all the A's bunch. What did I miss that turned you off her? Fersur the rest of them should shut up. Maybe I haven't seen nuff of her. Please share wid me.:blowkiss:
I think this is one of the main questions, that I have, do they really believe what they tell the public ? I don't see how they could with all of the evidence that has come out. I guess though if you can tell yourself that the evidence is no good because there are typos, then you can live in a make believe world.

AND I've heard that if you keep telling the same lie over and over (that KC wouldn't harm her child), eventually you'll believe it. ME? I just don't get it because I'm a logical person and I deal with probative facts. So they make so sense to me. :confused:
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