Thing is.. how unlucky would Hazel have to be? She lives with a bloke, who gets charged with murder, and lo and behold, the victims keycard is used over and over again after her death, while Hazel is still living with him ( 2011 ) and Hazel 's in a wheelchair, and by coincidence, some brazen woman impersonating the murdered victim rocks up to centerlink for a compulsory interview in a wheelchair!.. And some woman rings the victims family to reassure them the victim is still alive and well... so well done, the mother of the victim sends money to the victims account, which this woman then snaffles. .... ..
SO was it someone impersonating Hazel impersonating Karlie at the Centrelink interview?? how neat and nifty is that? Some woman , hoping down the line to be believed to be Hazel impersonating Karlie.... that's tremendously convoluted, not impossible but .....
That's what I call bad luck. .. .