AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #4

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If she was innocent they would have said that she was not charged and is not a suspect, right?

Quoting myself - here's how they portray innocent people, IMO. ?They don't call them a POI.

The Australian reports Ms Blundell's home was raided by police last week in connection to the investigation, although she is believed to be considered a witness rather than a suspect.
Court documents show he was questioned by police in Narara, on the NSW central coast, on the morning of January 31, 2013. Mr Holdom was with an unident*ified woman in a red Mazda 626, piled with possessions, that had apparently broken down.

Mr Holdom “became very nervous and his hands were very shaky”, court documents state. He allegedly produced various pieces of identification showing different names before police searched the car and found a Stanley knife and ice pipe that Mr Holdom said belonged to him.
So, this makes me wonder... Reports have suggested both Karlie & Khandalyce suffered violent deaths, which I just assumed meant similar. Interestingly, it is now being reported that while Karlie's injuries were consistent with "being heavily stomped on", they say this about Khandalyce's-

"But her daughter Khandalyce’s injuries were of a different kind, police sources say. The little girl was two when she died."

Someone in a past thread posed the question of bones could show signs of malnutrition/neglect??? Maybe in Khandalyce's case, that is what was being indicated when they "horrific death".
I have personally spent about 20 hour searching for a conviction under any of his known 3 names (although obviously a conviction would be under his legal name) and come up with nothing at all anywhere.

I assume nobody else has found anything either.

Certainly MSM would have run a story on any prior convictions by now.

My logic says there is nothing to find, but if anyone has found anything could you let me know?

Well you wasted 20 hours there because of sub judice. Everything would have been pulled. I don't understand why some of the media are still allowed to refer to him as a pedophile because it could really impact his case.

Also, you seem to have missed the Maitland Mercury link that confirms he was an inmate at Cessnock. Therefore he had some kind of conviction.

Remember when Adrian Bayley was named? Everything about his priors had been scrubbed by the time his name was out there.
My head would just about explode if that were the case. It's not unlikely to be the case, though.

Could they be the clothes of the children who died in the car crash? Sorry if I'm stating the obvious. There are so many twists to get my head around.

IMO yes, they are.

Editing - detectives were able to get Karlie's DNA from clothing in that suitcase. I have no doubt they will be testing for the DNA of other people as well. Like DH, HP and HP's deceased children.

editing to add:

Here it is - no wonder I remembered it, I was the one who posted it!

In a twist stranger than fiction, the single mother, who was 20 when she died, was identified by DNA taken from a pink dress near another body at the centre of a murder mystery some 1200km away – that of Karlie's two-year-old daughter, Khandalyce.

Post 164

Court documents show he was questioned by police in Narara, on the NSW central coast, on the morning of January 31, 2013. Mr Holdom was with an unident*ified woman in a red Mazda 626, piled with possessions, that had apparently broken down.

Mr Holdom “became very nervous and his hands were very shaky”, court documents state. He allegedly produced various pieces of identification showing different names before police searched the car and found a Stanley knife and ice pipe that Mr Holdom said belonged to him.

BBM - Court Documents - would these be from the stop on the CC or from his recent appearance in court.

Pulled over 31st January, 2013 - Is this the reason he was/is in Cessnock Gaol at the moment. If you are found with a knife and an Ice pipe is that enough to send you to jail for 4 and a half years? Or did they find more than what has been reported?

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been in jail since early 2013

Right Area and Right Time
I just want to say a big thank you to Makara and the other WS mods who have been working tirelessly to keep these threads open, ultimately we all want justice for Karlie and Khandalyce, and they have done an excellent job of moderating.


I have no idea what happened after about 8pm yesterday because my glass (admittedly quite a large one) of wine had me asleep on the lounge really early haha!

But it looks like jokes were made about disability and the thread had to be shut a few times? Pleeeeaase be good everyone. - I'm hopeful of an arrest soon and I want (NEED) to be able to talk about it here! My family thinks I'm crazy enough already, imagine what they will think if they have to hear my running thoughts about this in real time because I can't post all of my thoughts here with like minded souls?
BBM - I wonder if he had a certain suitcase in his possession..........?

Court documents claim police came across Holdom, 41, stopped on the side of Mangrove Rd with property piled “head high” in the vehicle.
Holdom told police he was “just broken down” but according to the documents, they questioned him further when he became “very nervous and his hands were shaky”.

I wonder if the daughter aged 7 in early 2013 for whom he was paying child support is the daughter of HP who survived the accident in 2008? Sorry if someone has already raised that but this thread is moving too quickly for me to keep up with all posts.
Court documents show he was questioned by police in Narara, on the NSW central coast, on the morning of January 31, 2013. Mr Holdom was with an unident*ified woman in a red Mazda 626, piled with possessions, that had apparently broken down.

Mr Holdom “became very nervous and his hands were very shaky”, court documents state. He allegedly produced various pieces of identification showing different names before police searched the car and found a Stanley knife and ice pipe that Mr Holdom said belonged to him.

The article quoted above suggests that the police might have conducted a fairly thorough search of the vehicle.

However, if the vehicle was thoroughly searched, then it seems that "the suitcase" wasn't there.

Who had control of the suitcase in 2013?

And who had control of the suitcase earlier this year (2015).
Sooo lets talk about the future of this. DH is in jail. How will the court stuff unfold as far as expected times, are trials generally open in Australia? I'm thinking not but perhaps I am wrong!

I am hoping we get something for little Khandles soon as well. However she died needs to be brought to light and the person(s) responsible need to answer for what they have done.

I hope every single person who knew about this spends time behind bars. To know about this, and to hold onto it for WHATEVER reason is disgusting.

Courts are usually open to the public but there's no televised video of the trial. Court reporters tweet the details in real time though. The next major step will be the committal hearing where a magistrate will decide if there's enough evidence to go to trial. Then there's indictment, arraignment etc before a trial is held in the supreme court. I would think it will take at least a year.
If she co-operates, was under coercion at times from Holdom and she hasn't actually killed anyone, I think they'll aim maybe for much of her sentence to be home detention... ankle bracelet, regular phone contact, close supervision?
surely not...that would be infruriating
she is equally as evil because she did know about these angels deaths and did what she did
no excuses IMO...we have all had to deal with tragedy in our lives...and yes I know very well the trauma of losing a child does not provide an excuse for what she has alledgedly done....she could have spoken out
and IMO I think she always knew what DH was all about
This thread is faster than a freight train! I need to sleep less :)

Aye so why do MSM have free license to call him a convicted Pedo? Knowing full well they can damage the case against Holdom?

They make mention of his priors in driving - they call him a convicted pedo - so why are they doing this, when Holdom, if he is guilty of killing Karlie and having a hand in Khandles murder and the fraud and all, could walk free (after serving whatever sentence he has at the moment), because of prejudice?? (especially because of the huge interest around the country)


The following comment is "IMO"

Criminal law in Australian is mostly State or Territory based, although some crimes fall under Commonwealth Law. State Courts dealing with crimes under State law (eg a murder that took place in NSW) don't have jurisdiction to punish people for contempt of court (including sub-judice contempt) in other States or Territories. It would be different if the crime was a Federal one (eg drug importation to Australia), where the Federal Court has jurisdiction throughout Australia. Therefore the SA based Advertiser can publish in SA a newspaper that calls DJH a convicted paedophile even after criminal proceedings commence in NSW for an NSW crime but NSW newspaper cannot say the same once proceedings commence. Therefore NSW media is not going to say that DJH is a convicted criminal in NSW and presently serving time here.

The basis of the law relating to sub-judice contempt of court is that discussion of actual or supposed past crimes can cause the potential jurors in a State, and even the judges, to become actually or apparently biased against an accused person thus jeopardising the possibility of a fair trial. If the prejudiced caused by a such public speculation becomes so strong that the court forms the view that the accused could not have a fair trial then it is possible the person would get off scot-free, so that the public speculation would prevent the victim and/or victim's family from having justice for a crime.

Therefore reputable media organisations in any State or Territory of Australia, and also reputable public interest forums like websleuths, want to prevent the publication of any content that could jeopardise a fair trial for the accused and the associated right of the victim to have justice done. Loss of the right to speculate and imagine scenarios about the accused or people who might be associated with him or her is a very small price to pay if the end result is a fair and just criminal legal system.

EDIT: a matter only becomes sub-judice against a specific person once legal process has commenced eg they are charged. If a media organisation only cares about the possibility of being prosecuted for sub-judice contempt, it would be able to publish material about the prior convictions of a possible suspect prior to charging. Therefore things may have been published before DJH was charged that NSW media would not publish after the charges were laid.
BBM - Court Documents - would these be from the stop on the CC or from his recent appearance in court.

Pulled over 31st January, 2013 - Is this the reason he was/is in Cessnock Gaol at the moment. If you are found with a knife and an Ice pipe is that enough to send you to jail for 4 and a half years? Or did they find more than what has been reported?

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been in jail since early 2013

Right Area and Right Time

I read it as the court documents from 2013, because it's written in present tense. But I don't think we can discuss it further. How frustrating that he got away with it through dumb luck.

“He advised police that she was an ex-girlfriend. Police allege that the accused is using this keycard as another form of identification. The keycard is expired and the bank has since changed names,” court documents read. “The owner resides in another state, and so police destroyed the card.”
Just goin on what someone labelled the image,. Shoes

For such a deserted hwy, it sounds like police need to do more random breath tests

I suggest that before anyone ascribe an identity to things they see alongside the Karoonda highway on google, they ask themselves first "could this be a goon bag" because there's a lotta goon bags out there.
Is this well dressed man shoes?

Very swanky for a Wynarka slip road stop. Very swanky to leave behind.
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