AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #5

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Would like to know, if they are Australians and from where exactly. :)
However, LE have said that the lady in the wheelchair impersonated Karlie, so I don't believe that they were referring to a Centrelink Nominee.
Posting this again as a refresher.

Key points noted from the police media conference 27 October 2015.

  • It can be confirmed that Karlie and Khandalyce were killed in mid to late December 2008 and the last confirmed reported sighting was in Charnwood in Canberra.

  • Karlie and Khandalyce were killed at different times and at different locations.

  • A significant development in the investigation has been that people who are believed to be the offenders and others have taken over Karlie's identity, her telephone, her bank accounts, her Centrelink and family payments.

  • In relation to Karlie's mobile phone, those involved in her murder retained her phone and it was used until mid 2011. It is believed that the phone was kept and used to provide some proof of life and to mislead family, friends and law enforcement by suggesting that Karlie was still alive because of activity on her phone.

  • From time to time the message bank of Karlie's phone was accessed. Offenders sent some replies to those text messages confirming that Karlie was alive and well and elsewhere. Some of those SMS messages were sent to family members to again suggest that Karlie was still alive.

  • On a couple of occasions maybe more, a female falsely represented herself to be Karlie in communication with either family or friends. Some of these communications induced someone in Karlie's family to forward some money and that money was later withdrawn by offenders in this matter.

  • Karlie's phone was used to help those involved in this crime to perpetuate other frauds and obtain money.

  • Karlie's bank account was accessed in at least four different states, NT, SA, NSW and ACT. Centrelink and family allowance payments and other money was taken from Karlie's account. There is still a lot of material to go through and records to obtain.

  • A large amount of money also went into Karlie's account. That was from wages of a person, fraud and other unknown sources. All up it is believed that over $90,000 was transacted through Karlie's account.

  • On 24 June 2010 a female in a wheelchair accompanied by a male person attended the Australian Central Credit Union in Elizabeth to update banking records and engage in conversations with the bank. Those people were in possession of identity documents and were able to convince the bank that in fact the female that was present was Karlie.

  • Karlie's bank card was also used several times at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 2010 and was last used in March 2012 in Charnwood in Canberra.

  • There is a significant focus on the financial investigation in Charnwood, Canberra and also in South Australia.

  • Karlie's bank account was finally closed in 2015 after a lengthy period of inactivity.

  • In relation to the Centrelink and family benefit payments, on 15 December 2010 a female attended Centrelink at Salisbury and falsely represented that she was in fact Karlie and produced identity documents for herself and Khandalyce. It's yet to be determined if this female is the same as the one in the wheelchair.

  • The last payments through Centrelink were in 2011.

  • In respect to what is known about the suspects involved in the financial aspects of the bank account transactions, Centrelink fraud and use of the phone, at least one offender is a male, there may have been more and at least two are females and those suspects either resided at or associated with or were listed in connection with properties at Daveron Park, Hillbank, Holden Hill and Charnwood in Canberra.

  • Most of the bank transactions in South Australia were in the northern and north eastern suburbs except for those that were done en route between Alice Springs and the eastern states.

  • It needs to be determined if those involved in the frauds were involved in the murders. It's clear that some of those people involved in the frauds knew without doubt that Karlie and Khandalyce were dead and continued with their role. The focus of the financial investigation is to determine the role of those people who were involved in those frauds and to see whether they were involved before the deaths, during the deaths or after the deaths.

  • Anyone who was involved in any way, or assists anybody involved in this terrible crime, or impedes the investigation or withholds information deliberately to help the offenders, faces a very lengthy term in prison.
Trooper, perhaps she was a bit unhinged. I mean, she is probably codependant personality in a relationship with a sociopath, he. He crashes the car and kills 2 of her children. Enough to unhinge any mum. Then she loses her leg. Now, this crash happened at Marla, in the NT and a more remote and godforsaken place yo have a crash you could never invent. How long did she have to sit, with her 2 dead children and a mangled leg in the car before help arrived? Enough to unhinge her again.
Then she is told, we can't save your leg. Then she is in hospital, already suffering God knows what misery and torment, and he has an affair with KPS. She must have HATED that girl. She probably channeled all her hate into her and blamed her for all the bad things that happened. She certainly didn't blame it on DH cause she got back with him after.

The alleged perp told police that Karlie was an ex-girlfriend when they found her keycard in his wallet. Do we really know for sure that they were in a romantic relationship?
Look, Centrelink are not the brains trust of the world. Those offices are usually understaffed and chaotic. I mean you could walk in dressed as Elvis and say you were Michael Jackson and they probably wouldn't blink an eye. I can say now, that after this, Centrelink will crack down on visual ID. We will all probably have to carry
Centrelink ID card now with pic and signature.
I am thinking because the police seem certain Khandalyce was killed in late December that she was present on Christmas morning somewhere and someone has probably shown photos to the police.
I also suspect HP if she knows enough about the murders to get DH convicted may end up with immunity from prosecution....
Thankyou for that timeline again, Makara.. .. always handy and always pertinent..

I don't think one person only had the card, the Karlie card. To withdraw money from .. I think the card itself travelled, by post, but the users remained where they were .. one in South Australia, one in Canberra/ Charnwood, etc... I think it was used by two travelling together when the card went up to the NT and back to Adelaide, but at a certain point, the card was bifurcated.... one user remained in Adelaide, one went to Canberra. An agreement was reached... it had to be done by agreement, they could not be both in possession.... or.. ..
Re proof of relationship between DH and KPS

This is a good point. I don't know we have any actual proof? Friends and family of KPS have said they tried to reach out to her through social media when her mum was dying of cancer, so I am wondering, if like the others KP at one time alsohad a social media account? I mean she was young, and mobile and travelling. It would have been a good way for her to keep in touch.IMO
If they were in a relationship, it was kept very quiet ? I think they were seen at Charnwood together and another poster mentioned in the pic of her at the mall she was wearing a friendship ring? Could there have been another male involved with KPS and not DH at all? Maybe DH just got rid of the evidence.
I am thinking because the police seem certain Khandalyce was killed in late December that she was present on Christmas morning somewhere and someone has probably shown photos to the police.
I also suspect HP if she knows enough about the murders to get DH convicted may end up with immunity from prosecution....

I don't believe that she will get immunity from prosecution for Commonwealth fraud. It is a Federal offence, not a State offence. Imagine the outcry if her crime was excused. It is taxpayer's money and these offences are treated harshly, as they should be. All the above applies to HP only if proven guilty.
A 41 year old man and a sixteen year old girl , similar ages to my husband and daughter , the mind boggles.

He is 41 now not when they were together. It still is a large age gap though. I think all of these women he was with probably had little self esteem and were likely just looking to feel loved. From whoever would show it :/
Re proof of relationship between DH and KPS

This is a good point. I don't know we have any actual proof? Friends and family of KPS have said they tried to reach out to her through social media when her mum was dying of cancer, so I am wondering, if like the others KP at one time alsohad a social media account? I mean she was young, and mobile and travelling. It would have been a good way for her to keep in touch.IMO
If they were in a relationship, it was kept very quiet ? I think they were seen at Charnwood together and another poster mentioned in the pic of her at the mall she was wearing a friendship ring? Could there have been another male involved with KPS and not DH at all? Maybe DH just got rid of the evidence.

But he has been charged with her murder.
I saw something about HP across the room on the TV at the gym - you will all be proud of me, I held myself back. I didn't want the weights to fly and to knock people off the treadmill in my haste for a better view. So I had to wait until I got home.
I wonder what sort of security system Mt Gambier shop centre has?
Many places now have great incremental and archive systems for accident and compensation claims.
Memory is cheap.
I am thinking because the police seem certain Khandalyce was killed in late December that she was present on Christmas morning somewhere and someone has probably shown photos to the police.
I also suspect HP if she knows enough about the murders to get DH convicted may end up with immunity from prosecution....
I wonder what sort of security system Mt Gambier shop centre has?
Many places now have great incremental and archive systems for accident and compensation claims.
Memory is cheap.

Rabbit Photo is closed in Mt Gambier, I'd be very surprised if there was photos from there.

I do think if Khandalyce was alive on Christmas Day there would photos of her. Her mum was killed 10/11 days earlier and the police are saying she died late December.... just my thoughts.
From the looks, Karlie didnt have a smart phone to access Crackbook. It was 2008.
I doubt Karlie had a pc.

Lifes too short.
Re proof of relationship between DH and KPS

This is a good point. I don't know we have any actual proof? Friends and family of KPS have said they tried to reach out to her through social media when her mum was dying of cancer, so I am wondering, if like the others KP at one time alsohad a social media account? I mean she was young, and mobile and travelling. It would have been a good way for her to keep in touch.IMO
If they were in a relationship, it was kept very quiet ? I think they were seen at Charnwood together and another poster mentioned in the pic of her at the mall she was wearing a friendship ring? Could there have been another male involved with KPS and not DH at all? Maybe DH just got rid of the evidence.
This is such a crazy complicated case. You know Occam's Razor, and how everyone says the simplest answer is likely the correct one....except in this tragic case. What is the opposite theorem to Occam's razor?

ETA: opposite theorem:

There is also Crabtree's Bludgeon, which cynically states that "[n]o set of mutually inconsistent observations can exist for which some human intellect cannot conceive a coherent explanation, however complicated."
Strandbag suitcase. Someone bought a suitcase?
Rabbit Photo is closed in Mt Gambier, I'd be very surprised if there was photos from there.

I do think if Khandalyce was alive on Christmas Day there would photos of her. Her mum was killed 10/11 days earlier and the police are saying she died late December.... just my thoughts.
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