AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #2

DNA Solves
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Great photos! My eyes might be deceiving me, but in the circled area posted below, if you zoom in close, does it look like a cartoon face to anyone else. I thought it might be a cartoon of the tin man's face from the wizard of oz, but haven't found any luck finding anything similar on google.

If you turn it once anti-clockwise (left sidr becomes bottom) it looks like another camel.... the way it is, it looks like a pixie, but I can't think of the character name...
Are criminals routinely tested for DNA?

Would all criminals' stored DNA be made available for the purpose of identifying a relationship with an unknown deceased person? I suspect not--legal advice please?
OK we don't have homeless as an American or UK would picture them.

Somewhere like Murray Bridge wouldn't have any visible homeless problem at all, lots of government housing.

There is a lot of what we call "dole bludgers" that is people on benefits of one sort or another.

There is a lot of meth up that way. All the problems a semi-isolated, not very wealthy small town would have.

But Wynarka is different, if you can draw an imaginary line between "town" and country, Wynarka is DEFINITELY country.

Strangers would have absolutely no reason to go there. Its not on the way to anything at all. A dot on the map.

Re Caucasian - they had her skull, and Caucasian skulls are shaped differently to Aboriginal skulls. I bet they are reconstructing her right now and soon we will have a face.

They can also tell a lot from teeth - Adelaide water is highly treated and those levels are measurable in residents thereby a good way to trace someone's background.

Honestly the suitcase guy CAN'T be a red herring, there simply aren't enough people wandering about Wynarka. Every local driving by would've stared long and hard at some strange face with a suitcase. It would literally be a once in a lifetime sighting for some of them. Its a TINY town and quite literally, the back of beyond.
yes and yes.

Ive worked w SAPOL and they store DNA of all who are processed.
That sounds plausible (though I wish they'd just say that).
OK we don't have homeless as an American or UK would picture them.

Somewhere like Murray Bridge wouldn't have any visible homeless problem at all, lots of government housing.

There is a lot of what we call "dole bludgers" that is people on benefits of one sort or another.

There is a lot of meth up that way. All the problems a semi-isolated, not very wealthy small town would have.

But Wynarka is different, if you can draw an imaginary line between "town" and country, Wynarka is DEFINITELY country.

Strangers would have absolutely no reason to go there. Its not on the way to anything at all. A dot on the map.

Re Caucasian - they had her skull, and Caucasian skulls are shaped differently to Aboriginal skulls. I bet they are reconstructing her right now and soon we will have a face.

They can also tell a lot from teeth - Adelaide water is highly treated and those levels are measurable in residents thereby a good way to trace someone's background.

Honestly the suitcase guy CAN'T be a red herring, there simply aren't enough people wandering about Wynarka. Every local driving by would've stared long and hard at some strange face with a suitcase. It would literally be a once in a lifetime sighting for some of them. Its a TINY town and quite literally, the back of beyond.
Thanks for painting a picture of the areas. And the information about the skulls.

Like i said before i highly doubt also that suitcase man is a red herring but i like to keep an open mind and contemplate all possibilities until the facts are known.

The only thing that is creating a bit of doubt in my mind is the multiple sightings of him with this case on different days.
The most stunning aspect of this crime to me, is how DISORGANISED it is.

The perp being seen with the suitcase - wandering about town - bizarre!

Then the spot he dumped it - so close to the road.

Then dumping it with distinctive items - HUGE mistake.

Putting it all together - this was a panicked dump.

Why should that be when the baby clearly died years ago?

Some environmental change in his life, maybe a house sold or new construction? There appears to have been dampness where ever it had been stored. I have wondered if he realized the skeleton was even in the suitcase?

Also I wanted to add something about the quilt. Here we have organizations that make children's quilts for the needy, abused and children in the hospital. Sometimes their quilts (after the child grows up) are given to thrift stores. I guess what I'm saying is the quilt might not have been made specifically for her if you guys have organizations like that in Au and I'm pretty sure you do. There's a lot of quilters there.
I wonder why they're so certain it's not Madeleine McCann, if they don't have the DNA back yet. What do we not know that rules her out so definitely, I wonder?

(I know it would be a long shot, but nothing we actually know rules her out altogether.)

I suggest tooth analysis has said she's local.

Or evidence of prior surgery or healed broken bones that they know were not present on MM.

But I believe that chemical traces would be present in the teeth/bones.... and also the hair- any chemical, drug or poison you ingest leaves evidence in your hair. If someone has been drugged or poisoned over a length of time, there will be a length of hair that shows it. If this suddenly stopped, and the hair continued growing, there would be a normal section grow afterwards.

They did say there was some hair present (I think if I remember properly, these changes can be seen under a microscope).
OK we don't have homeless as an American or UK would picture them.

I agree homelessness isn't a serious issue in country towns, but it certainly is in inner city Sydney as it probably it is in the inner parts of most Australian cities.
OK we don't have homeless as an American or UK would picture them.

Somewhere like Murray Bridge wouldn't have any visible homeless problem at all, lots of government housing.

There is a lot of what we call "dole bludgers" that is people on benefits of one sort or another.

There is a lot of meth up that way. All the problems a semi-isolated, not very wealthy small town would have.

But Wynarka is different, if you can draw an imaginary line between "town" and country, Wynarka is DEFINITELY country.

Strangers would have absolutely no reason to go there. Its not on the way to anything at all. A dot on the map.

Re Caucasian - they had her skull, and Caucasian skulls are shaped differently to Aboriginal skulls. I bet they are reconstructing her right now and soon we will have a face.

They can also tell a lot from teeth - Adelaide water is highly treated and those levels are measurable in residents thereby a good way to trace someone's background.

Honestly the suitcase guy CAN'T be a red herring, there simply aren't enough people wandering about Wynarka. Every local driving by would've stared long and hard at some strange face with a suitcase. It would literally be a once in a lifetime sighting for some of them. Its a TINY town and quite literally, the back of beyond.
Regarding the skull shape, im wondering if there are differences in people who are partly aboriginal which seems to be fairly common in Australia. Would they still be able to tell the difference if this child was mixed race?
I was just wondering about something (sorry if this has already been discussed, I just found this thread).
What if the murdered child is a child of a mother that was abducted herself? A (young) woman that was abducted and held captured, was abused and gave birth to a child of her abuser.

If the child in the suitcase is around 4 years old, that's the age it's getting hard to keep it off the grid. It will be able to tell stories to other people, it'll have to go to school, could need medical care and could become a threat to an abductor because it will be able to understand adult conversation and 'talk too much'.

Take a look at this missing girl: melissa - sa

dissapeared with her mother in Adelaide at age 15 in 2000. Mother was found murdered in 2000, Melissa was never found. I know it's far fetched, but it could be a possibility.

I guess it would be possible to maybe compare her DNA (she has biological sisters and a biological dad) with the murdered child. As well as DNA from other missing woman that could have given birth to a child around 2003-2004?
Not sure why this would be important?

But either way, they recovered hair with the baby which indicates a fair headed Caucasian child.

Although this is not definite yet.
I don't see how its possible as Melissa was already 15 when disappeared, this girl is only a baby?

anythings possible I suppose!

Although local legend has Melissa murdered at the same time as her mother, just not found.
Fortunately we are still immune to this sort of sight in South Australia.

They exist, absolutely - but not to the extent a UK or American would envisage.

My friend just came back from the States and was totally traumatized by the many homeless she saw there.
There are many homeless in different areas of Aus....where I live we have a lot. They are referred to as 'rough sleepers' rather than homeless as some choose to live on the road and some live in their cars or in shacks or caravans and some in tents. A lot of people would not realise how many in our area unless they went to one of the soup kitchen events. I was surprised to see the age range from newborn to seemingly 70's or older. And several who do not look at all like your 'typical' homeless person.
As for the race, blonde hair does not indicate race. Many Aboriginal kids (I think we are supposed to say indigenous now...sigh...I cant keep up) have blonde hair, mostly those of mixed race. I know personally of 2 mixed race adults who are blonde and one who most would not even pick as Aboriginal.
Also I suppose if you were to disguise a child, the first thing you would do would be to colour the hair. Lightening hair is easier in the short term too.
it is very close but I think they have a slightly different shape to them ...

I've not been able to find anything closer, and I have searched and searched...I thought the slight shape variation in wing shape may have been due to distortion in the pic and the fact that the suitcase ones were pretty trashed...I've looked at them so many times now though, I can't see them properly anymore... the antennas are exact...binding , zips ,construction etc
I have to admit the jackets tricky too.....pumpkin patch was the closest I could find with all details...
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