AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #3

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Actually the building rubbish pile raises a lot of questions:

- where exactly was that pile in relation to the bushes where the remains were found?

- When was the suitcase put at the pile by a passer by, who moved the suitcase to the rubbish pile?

- When was the rubbish from the rubbish pile collected?

- Where was the suitcase when that happened?

- Why didn't they take the suitcase?

- Did mystery suitcase man first appear AFTER the rubbish pile had been collected?

- Did mystery suitcase man start wandering around in Wynarka (Wynarka = strayer?) after the rubbish pile was gone, but the suitcase had not been collected? Is suitcaseman someone who knew about the suitcase and its contents?
If the police believe that the little girl was murdered somewhere else and that her remains eventually dumped in South Australia, i doubt very much the person/s who did that would hang around? But it would appear that whoever it was weren't too concerned about leaving the evidence out there like that. Someone trying to conceal it would of done a better job of making sure the evidence would not be found, IMO.
IF suitcaseman knew about the suitcase and wanted it to be found, he might have started wandering around with a perfectly innocent suitcase (not the one that was found), in order to be noticed by local people.
So that if there was suddenly an abandoned suitcase at the side of the road, people might remember him and call the police to check it out. In case something happened to that stranger wandering by the roadside with a dark suitcase?
If the police believe that the little girl was murdered somewhere else and that her remains eventually dumped in South Australia, i doubt very much the person/s who did that would hang around? But it would appear that whoever it was weren't too concerned about leaving the evidence out there like that. Someone trying to conceal it would of done a better job of making sure the evidence would not be found, IMO.

If you didn't want the suitcase to be found, the last place to throw it away would by next to the rubbish pile left by the roadworkers that just finished a new road. That's almost a guarantee it will be found.
If you didn't want the suitcase to be found, the last place to throw it away would by next to the rubbish pile left by the roadworkers that just finished a new road. That's almost a guarantee it will be found.

im having some trouble understanding how the discovered suitcase could have gone from black to its current colour all evenly including the stitching and trim around the zipper. I know it was in the sun but would only directly exposed areas be faded? and if they think it was about 4 months ago that it was left there is that enough time to fade it out like that? could it have been in water and would water have faded it or buried under ground? i dont know sorry if this sounds stupid im just struggling to see how it could fade back like that in just 4 months and all so evenly.

i dont believe that someone was just driving around australia with this suitcase in their possesion and decided "oh look this looks like a good spot to hide that suitcase we've had in the back of the car for years lets now dispose of the suitcase here" i think it was planned and the spot was chosen for good reason.
If there are any locals on here, do you know if the police set up booze blitzes along that road?
The suitcase could have been found at the local rubbish dump around Wynarka.
I can't locate the council tip.
Even if the rocks were placed on purpose as a marker which I don't believe is the case the remains were found so don't see the relevance?

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Actually the building rubbish pile raises a lot of questions:

- where exactly was that pile in relation to the bushes where the remains were found?

- When was the suitcase put at the pile by a passer by, who moved the suitcase to the rubbish pile?

- When was the rubbish from the rubbish pile collected?

- Where was the suitcase when that happened?

- Why didn't they take the suitcase?

- Did mystery suitcase man first appear AFTER the rubbish pile had been collected?

- Did mystery suitcase man start wandering around in Wynarka (Wynarka = strayer?) after the rubbish pile was gone, but the suitcase had not been collected? Is suitcaseman someone who knew about the suitcase and its contents?

In GER there are different fees for different rubbish and you may not mix road construction waste with an old tattered suitcase, I think.
See, I cannot understand, if you wanted to destroy evidence of a 7 or 8 year old crime, why you wouldn't just drop the bones in a river and burn or simply dump the clothing in the rubbish bin.
Even randomly scattering the bones alongside the roadway would ensure they were unlikely ever to be discovered.
If, as some have suggested, the bones, clothes and case were left somewhere to be reclaimed later, there are plenty more out of the way places to do that, and if you did, why not bury them until retrieval time?
I think someone, probably a parent or grandparent, was storing the clothing and remains for sentimental reasons and somehow they have got into the hands of someone else, completely unconnected to the crime or the child, who has left the case on the roadside, either because the contents were of no value to them, or because what they found scared them.

Another question - back a while ago on the Facebook SAPOL page the police commented that the items had been degraded due to "weathering and other causes" but they refused to say the other causes included burning. I can no longer find that link though.
Did anyone save it?

*new here, registered to reply*

I've been thinking along the same lines.

My theory being the man with the suitcase isn't connected at all.

I'm going along the "what if" line of this little girl being beaten at the hands of a parent. Being hidden out of remorse and the desire to stay out of prison. Maybe the remains being thrown out of a vehicle during a move?

I'm completely hung up on the clothes as well:
(1) These are warm weather clothes for the most part. I'm thinking the child perished during your summer?
(2) I'm wondering if these are *all* the clothes recovered? The lack of underthings struck me. If there weren't any in the bag, would that indicate saving them for a younger sibling?
(3) The clothes themselves. Would they give a clue to the socio-economic status of the child? Nothing matches. Am I the only one that noticed that? Maybe I'm super particular, but my own daughter was pretty color coordinated at that age. Far fetched, but it looks to me like either no one cared about her appearance or was using whatever they could rustle up.
I remember in the murder if Allison Baden-clay how forensics could tell so much of her murder through plant matter found on Allison.
I imagine forensics working on this would be able to tell from plant, pollen & even soil/dust samples of where this bag has been and stored.
*new here, registered to reply*

I've been thinking along the same lines.

My theory being the man with the suitcase isn't connected at all.

I'm going along the "what if" line of this little girl being beaten at the hands of a parent. Being hidden out of remorse and the desire to stay out of prison. Maybe the remains being thrown out of a vehicle during a move?

I'm completely hung up on the clothes as well:
(1) These are warm weather clothes for the most part. I'm thinking the child perished during your summer?
(2) I'm wondering if these are *all* the clothes recovered? The lack of underthings struck me. If there weren't any in the bag, would that indicate saving them for a younger sibling?
(3) The clothes themselves. Would they give a clue to the socio-economic status of the child? Nothing matches. Am I the only one that noticed that? Maybe I'm super particular, but my own daughter was pretty color coordinated at that age. Far fetched, but it looks to me like either no one cared about her appearance or was using whatever they could rustle up.

I think you're probably right about the child dying in summer. I don't think they carefully chose what to put in with her and what to keep out though. I think it was pretty random, maybe she was lying on a pile of stuff when she died and they just scooped up the whole bundle.
The suitcase could have been found at the local rubbish dump around Wynarka.
I can't locate the council tip.

Only items in wheelie bins will be collected.

Wednesday - Karoonda, Wynarka, Marama and all other collection areas

Karoonda Recycling Depot
is located on Roberts Road, Karoonda. It is open to the public on Wednesday's and Sundays from 2.30-4.30pm and is fully supervised.

All deposits are to be carried out at the direction of the Depot Caretaker, upon payment of the appropriate fee.

For fees associated with depositing of waste, please refer to Fees & Charges page. The charges reflect the desire of Council to both extend the life of the facility and to encourage people to recycle.

Please note there is no charge for depositing recyclables at the Depot.

and perhaps this may help:
In GER there are different fees for different rubbish and you may not mix road construction waste with an old tattered suitcase, I think.

Yeah, in Holland too. And if the suitcase was already empty because it's contents/remains were already tipped over in the bushes, they might have had a look at it and tossed it aside.

What I find strange however is that the remains were in a bush. if you are a passer by and you want to check out what's in the suitcase, you'll tipp it over in an open space and poke around in the rubble with a stick or something.
I wouldn't stick my hand into a suitcase that contains bloodstained or dirty kids clothes.
Yet the remains are in a bush? How do you inspect the contents when they are in a bush?

And could they be in that bush on purpose, cause they are so close to the roadside, that anyone walking a dog or peeing into that bush would notice it.
If there are any locals on here, do you know if the police set up booze blitzes along that road?

Could you tell me what a 'booze blitze" is?

Is it when they pull you over to check if you had any alcohol?
Or is it a speeding control camera?

What izit? :dunno:
Could you tell me what a 'booze blitze" is?

Is it when they pull you over to check if you had any alcohol?
Or is it a speeding control camera?

What izit? :dunno:

Yeah, they basically close off the road and breathalyse the driver of every single car that comes through to make sure they are under the blood alcohol limit.
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