AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #3

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Aren't the fabrics that the sleuthers found that matched so far found to be sold in Australia? I think it would be safe to assume that the quilt was made by a mother or grandmother of a child, possibly an aunt or maybe a hobby quilter made that and sold it to someone. This definitely was hand made and not commercially sold so LE would like to see if they can find someone who remembers this quilt and ultimately, the child that the quilt belonged to. We also need to remember that this was probably made by a mother or grandmother in Australia so the blocks will represent words that they use. I think they say Teddy instead of Bears for stuffed animals.

When making an I-Spy quilt, there is no way that a quilter would consider colors when selecting the fabrics. Instead, you decide each fabric you use on it's own cuteness regardless of if it matches anything else. It gives it the scrap fabric look and there's no way to find an alphabet's worth of fabrics in matching colors. It would be impossible. It would be totally cool but just impossible. ;)

My first thought is flowers and leaves. I looked at the picture of the quilt that I have saved though because a picture loses quality every time it's saved so it's harder to see.

That would be really cool. I'd bet that you are right that an Australian quilting group could come up with all of these fabrics!

You might be right regarding the colour, however my point remains. These fabrics came from a stash not a shop. I don't think someone walked into a shop and purchased all these fabrics to make this particular quilt.

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There have been plenty of cases where mother's have been the main perpetrators of the most heinous and sadistic behaviour towards their own children ..... so I wouldn't rule that out as being a possibility.

Absolutely, there are some terrible examples.

I am just trying to think in statistical terms first of all, in order to try to focus on the profile of a possible perpetrator. Yes, mothers can kill violently, but most troubled mothers suffering from depression and other problems post-partum have difficulty distinguishing themselves from their child, and kill the child as a way of trying to ease their own suffering and tension. It's almost like a type of suicide. The method of killing is usually something like suffocation or drowning, not something where a weapon or high degree of violence is involved. (Sorry about all the focus on horrible things. I studied psychology and am interested in these areas and sometimes it can all sound a bit cold. I am no expert however and a lot of my knowledge is probably by now out of date, so I stand to be corrected wherever relevant.)

Fathers / partners / stepfathers on the other hand, often harm their / the mother's child as a way of punishing the mother and demonstrating power and control, and in this case a lot of violence can be purposely involved.

That being said there are, as you say, more than a few cases of dreadfully violent and sick mothers.

"A group of mothers on the 'websleuths' online forum have uncovered new clues in the case of the murdered 'suitcase girl' whose remains were dumped with a bag of children's clothing by the side of the road in a remote outback railway siding town.

"In a discussion on a forum, the women have identified the distinctive black tutu adorned with large sequins as a Cotton On brand dress for young girls which was discontinued several years ago.

"The keen-eyed blog posters also identified the item originally described as a child's ruler as a Lanza brand luggage tag, probably from the faded bag in which the remains lay amid numerous items of clothing, and a patchwork quilt found in a degraded state as an 'I-spy' quilt."

Read more:

This article came out a few days ago but just in case no one saw my response it was along the lines of this:

YOU ARE ALL AMAZING. Thank you for donating your time to help people you don't even know. Obviously the world is watching you are all are doing Websleuths proud.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!

This article came out a few days ago but just in case no one saw my response it was along the lines of this:

YOU ARE ALL AMAZING. Thank you for donating your time to help people you don't even know. Obviously the world is watching you are all are doing Websleuths proud.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!


Sure enough, I missed your response, or I'm getting senile and forgot about it. And here I thought that I had read every word of this thread.

But, I guess it doesn't hurt to be proud of ourselves one more time. ;)
I'm thinking that buyers/real estate person would be ruled out - unless they were on foot too.
I think she is coming forward as a witness to seeing the elderly gentleman. (minus the suitcase)

This is where it's gets a little interesting in regard to location of her sighting. Recap the video and notice her hand gestures of the sighting... from her left heading right.

Taking into account 2 witnesses see man carrying suitcase at point A .... witness at point B see man without suitcase.

I have no downloads left (grrr children) But if I did I would have made up a map of the sighting spots...... as I think it may help visually to have some clarity to where this man was seen and walked.....

Witness (without suitcase) lives at almost the end of row of houses.
2 women see man (with suitcase) exact spot I'm not 100% sure ... ladies say walking towards the hwy and across the railway line. I have found a link on my phone where the lead detective is being interviewed and states he is standing near (just in front) of where these two women saw the man. I don't know how to share from my phone ... but the interview can be found by googling "Murdered and Dumped:childs bones found near Wynarka"

So my question is was the man seen walking to get the suitcase? then turned around and was then sometime shortly later observed carrying it back into town....over the railway line and onto the hwy?

As I said something is not adding up for me ... This suitcase in my opinion could have come directly from a home in that town.

I have just had a look at the link to the news report from 18th July, and it says that in addition to the sighting made by the woman they interview on camera, three additional people reported seeing the man. Hundreds of calls have been made to police to date (4th August), as reported in today's update. At least some of these calls are bound to focus on this man. In the same update police stress that they are still anxious to speak to this man, who, rather interestingly, has not come forward. So they surely must be quite strong on the idea that he was in some way involved.

Regarding his movements as witnessed, it would be good to construct a timeline of when and where he was seen, with locations, as you suggest, but perhaps our information is too scant? One hopes that police have a lot more to go on.

One thing that the lady on camera said which really struck a chord with me was that it was terrible to think that a person had been walking around with a suitcase that contained the remains of a child. Even if the man sighted had nothing to do with this tragedy and his appearance there in Wynarka is a co-incidence, it is still the case (IMO, and in the opinion of the lady interviewed) that there is something deeply disturbing about a person handling such a suitcase. That would go for someone throwing it out of their car window too. I really feel strongly that the person carrying that suitcase was far from normal, and not just a person trying to get rid of rubbish. I certainly couldn't bring myself to carry such a thing, and I don't know anyone in my close circle who could. It sends shivers down the spine thinking about it, let alone doing it.
I'm still wondering how the police know that the child suffered a "violent, horrible death". Obviously there would not be evidence of deaths such as drowning, poisoning, smothering etc on the child's bones.
I know people have speculated that perhaps there was a skull injury that was obviously inflicted whilst the child was still alive (but would the police be able to tell so quickly that the skull was not damaged AFTER death?). But I was wondering if the murder weapon might have been in the suitcase with the child's body - that would explain how the police were so sure of the type of death so quickly. Like, perhaps there was a knife in the case, and perhaps the bones had evidence of stab wounds that matched the knife.
Just doing some searching re: the number of letters in various languages... There are 28 in the Arabic alphabet... there are 24 in the Greek alphabet, most have more than 26, I am still looking for one that specifically has 25.
You might be right regarding the colour, however my point remains. These fabrics came from a stash not a shop. I don't think someone walked into a shop and purchased all these fabrics to make this particular quilt.

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They also do alot of workshops where woman get together and get taught quilting techniques or make quilts for charities, alot of these workshops sell fabric block squares.
G A F Clothing in St Peters
To make a phone call to G A F Clothing you can dial 95505077. For Mailing address, you can reach G A F Clothing at 39 Crown Street, in New South Wales State, Australia.

So I did a search using just the phone number (95505077) and found this current clothing business with same phone number andaddress >>>

They speciase in formal women's clothing for brides etc bu also have a raange of flowergirl dresses such as this one >>>

So could this item be the top part of a flowergirl's dress purchased for a wedding?
Or perhaps there is clothing missing from the collection, either because the police have withheld it or because it was not placed with the remains in the first place?

or was taken or lost in the times the case has been moved, opened, searched through.....
How big is the camel in the fabric that was found? To be a fit for the quilt it would need to fit in an app area of 10cm, I believe. Excellent find.
Ok, so here are the camel pics we have for comparison now:

View attachment 79357View attachment 79359View attachment 79360

I don't know how to make the first two or three bigger together as 1 pic for easier comparison, if someone else does that would be great thanks. I'm still getting the hang of things around here.

Thank you forgivemenot, JaneSA and Nataliah for posting the pictures in this thread.
Further research on the business name GAF Clothing shows 19 other business names, some current, some discontinued, but all using the same ABN (Australian Business Number) and same phone number and address.

Here are the names, and I am wondering if any have current websites that might show a similar item.

HOT DOG CLOTHING External site

The name GAF Clothing was discontinued in 2007
Thanks FromGermany great job. It does seem to be a strange combination of clothes assuming all were still there....summer pjs and sleepwear but a winter coat and trackies. Nothing really in between. Disadvantaged? Hurriedly packed? or hand me downs??

What if these clothes were present at a place/adress where the child would regularly be sleeping over. Like at a grandparents house, or after its parents split up. So it's not a complete wardrobe, but a basic set of spare clothes.
I'm still wondering how the police know that the child suffered a "violent, horrible death". Obviously there would not be evidence of deaths such as drowning, poisoning, smothering etc on the child's bones.
I know people have speculated that perhaps there was a skull injury that was obviously inflicted whilst the child was still alive (but would the police be able to tell so quickly that the skull was not damaged AFTER death?). But I was wondering if the murder weapon might have been in the suitcase with the child's body - that would explain how the police were so sure of the type of death so quickly. Like, perhaps there was a knife in the case, and perhaps the bones had evidence of stab wounds that matched the knife.

This is my thinking also, Rayemonde. There are ways of discerning what happened to a person and whether if was before or after death, just from a skeleton:

I also agree that the items in the suitcase that police have kept from public knowledge are to do with the means of death itself. Otherwise, why not exhibit them to the public in effort to garner more information? I believe we are being 'shielded' from harsh realities.
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