AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #4

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I think it is the suitcase. Look closely and you can see the depth and the handle.

The object looks too white to me?

I would have thought if it was the suitcase then the uploader of the youtube video wouldn't have bothered with the cut scene dramatic video although would have instead a) confirmed this by returning to check and see if it was gone/the same location the actual suitcase was foun b) tried to sell the video/pictures to the highest paying newspaper.
Regarding the "mid-march" claim - Actually, what the police said was that several people saw the case after the roadworks were finished in mid-March.
That's ambiguous and I think we have assumed the case was seen in mid-March, but perhaps it only means the roadworks were finished in mid-March.

Another video from a bit over 3 weeks ago. What is more interesting is the comment/video description "P.S.....We'd have gone VERY close to the Wynarka suitcase girl !" which leads some more credibility/belief to the uploader at least believing it may be the suitcase.

Then again, their response on the video:

"Jane: Did you go back to check if it is still there?

ShaunOs Down under Rides 16 minutes ago
No, its a little far a way and besides, if I found it was something else I would have no story would I ;)"

doesn't give me a lot of faith.
surely they would have gone straight to police with this information instead of trying to get 5 mins fame from such a tragic event
Yes it is a fairly typical country town, I think reasypeasy may have misinterpreted what I was hinting at - I was commenting on some properties at the back of the main street which have appeared to accumulated far more items (some may consider junk) than what is typically normal even by small town standards - well in my opinion anyways - I actually just imagined that if someone has held onto her remains all these years, along with her clothing - could we be looking for someone of the "collector/hoarder type mentality.

I also come from a small (not as small as Wynarka), but a small country town in Victoria, and it is very typical to keep stuff that can be re-used or recycled in some way and for the other reasons mentioned - cost of collection etc. But the amount of collection in the properties I am talking about seems a bit over the top.

Pic of properties I'm Writing about:
View attachment 79968
I once had neighbors like in your pic!!! They had 4 kids that used to go to school with my kids, they were beautiful and loving parents..... untidiness DOES NOT equal murderous.
Why would it be?

Regarding the "mid-march" claim - Actually, what the police said was that several people saw the case after the roadworks were finished in mid-March.
That's ambiguous and I think we have assumed the case was seen in mid-March, but perhaps it only means the roadworks were finished in mid-March.

I went back and reread and you're right. The police said the suitcase was seen "shortly after the roadworks were finished" which led me to believe it was close to that time. It may be the cultural difference with me. I think "shortly after" as days, and would say "weeks" for longer than 7 days.

I can't look at the video again (motion sickness) but I thought the date was April 6. So it would be April 6 as being seen in location A. Sometime after April 6 (again, if that's right date) moved to location B. Meanwhile, suitcase man is wondering around Wynarka. How far apart are location A & B?
I've finally been able to sign up and log in. Not a newbie though - I was around in the Baden Clay threads with a different ID that I cannot remember.

I have a few thoughts that I thought I'd share. Firstly regarding suitcase man - I am Australian but have parents living overseas. Often my parents will come to Australia for an extended stay. My dad in particular will usually come for 6 - 8 weeks and then go home. Because they always come and stay with family (and leave things here grrr) they only even come with one suitcase. So if this were my town it would be highly probable that a well dressed older man would suddenly appear twice in six weeks with a suitcase. My parents ALWAYS dress up for travel. Also, when my dad is here he is a homebody. Many people would never know he was even here except he does my yard work. So to me the sightings of this guy aren't unusual based on my experiences. I guess it's possible that this man was dropped off and picked up with six weeks in between.

Also six weeks is often the time people are not allowed to drive following surgery. So it's feasible in my mind that this person arrived to help out for six weeks while someone was recuperating.

Next point - I have a daughter who was born in 2008. Some of the clothing is VERY similar to clothes she had. In particular one of the pairs of little girls shorts and that shoe could every well be identical to her old clothing. Based on my daughter's date of birth it would be impossible for these clothes to somehow find their way to angel. However it made me consider where I actually got the clothes from in the first place. Then I realised that my former sister in law sent me bags and bags of old clothes from her daughters and this is where I obtained them. This means they either belonged to one of her two older daughters - born 2004 or 2000 (?). To me this confirms a little the approximate purchase date of the clothes in the case.

In my area of Australia we have something we call kerbside collection. Basically if we have junk we want to get rid of we have a one week period in which we throw it on the kerb. The council then comes out at the end of the week and picks it up. A suitcase full of 'junk' would be very interesting to scavengers - they'd grab it and go. I have always been bemused by the absolute rubbish people will scavenge from these pick ups. They often grab and go without really looking hard at what they've got. I have tried to find any reference to such a collection in angel's area but can't find anything. However this doesn't mean it couldn't have even been picked up somewhere else and discarded later on the highway.

I understand completely what you are saying about overseas parents. I am in a similar position. But if that was the case surely the family being visited would be from the area and would of said it was my father etc?

The clothing is difficult but I think if they are from the same era it's likely to be hand me downs like you said. Perhaps she had an older sister. Possibly a brother due to the Holden shorts.

I'm confused about the kerbside collection? I don't think you mean the body was dumped at kerbside collection?

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Why would it be?

I have no idea if it is the suitcase, but I thought it was interesting to see the track behind the road where the suitcase was found.

There was a pretty clear view of the area, but no sign of the suitcase there, and their ride was AFTER other drivers say they had seen it.

This could have timeline implications.
Now that we know where the man was seen, and if we assume he was carrying THE case and intending to hide it, I think we can make some assumptions about where he can from.
View attachment 79971

He didn't come down Moorlands Road because he walked left to right in front of the house on Railway Tce.
If we assume he was headed to the closest scrubby area, if he started from the East of the township it would make more sense to travel into the scrub to the East. Therefore, I think we can ignore the eastern part of town.
Similarly, if he started from the South of the town, it makes sense to travel into the southern scrub to hide the case, or at least to travel down Moorlands Road rather than along Railway Tce if he didn't want to be seen.
So I don't think he came from the areas I have shaded light green.
Which leaves a very small number of properties, and we can also discount the one the woman who saw him lives in.

Love your map Jane, so much better than any wonky ones I can come up with......

Are you able to add the witness who saw him walking in the opposite direction along railway terrace without the suitcase (walking left to right)

I know you said you don't believe he came from the far East of Railway Terrace and that part is included in your "discounted area" however as he was witnessed at that end of town without the suitcase, I think it should be included .. ??
I still go with my original theory that the suitcase had been disposed of in a dam/lake and then became exposed, it appears to have quite a lot of algae on it, surely that wouldn't happen out in open in Mallee country, even in winter.
Did the gopro guy point out exactly where he saw what he thinks may have been the suitcase? I want to try and see if anything can be seen using google earth/streetview, probably not, but I'm bored. I know he gives a rough google earth area of where he saw it but I'd like that narrowed down a bit. I can't keep watching the video because apparently I've already used up all our internet data for the month and we had to get extra already :facepalm: I wish we could get great internet deals where I live but we are too far out of town for adsl etc, sucks a bit lol.
I once had neighbors like in your pic!!! They had 4 kids that used to go to school with my kids, they were beautiful and loving parents..... untidiness DOES NOT equal murderous.

I really don't think anyone is suggesting that untidiness means murder :)
It's more the concept that with so much junk lying about there were much easier places to hide the suitcase.
Love your map Jane, so much better than any wonky ones I can come up with......

Are you able to add the witness who saw him walking in the opposite direction along railway terrace without the suitcase (walking left to right)

I know you said you don't believe he came from the far East of Railway Terrace and that part is included in your "discounted area" however as he was witnessed at that end of town without the suitcase, I think it should be included .. ??

If you mean the lady who lives in the "hall", I think she was the other dog walker.
I think the reporter just interviewed her at her gate and the hand waving directions are a bit vague because she didn't actually see him from her gate, but saw him when out walking the dogs with the other lady.
I don't think we know where they were walking their dogs, do we?

Puggle, have you saved a link to that lady's interview?
Did the gopro guy point out exactly where he saw what he thinks may have been the suitcase? I want to try and see if anything can be seen using google earth/streetview, probably not, but I'm bored. I know he gives a rough google earth area of where he saw it but I'd like that narrowed down a bit. I can't keep watching the video because apparently I've already used up all our internet data for the month and we had to get extra already :facepalm: I wish we could get great internet deals where I live but we are too far out of town for adsl etc, sucks a bit lol.
Oh I feel for you SD, I have 12gb mobile with Beagle(not available anymore) which is the best I could do before it gets insanely expensive, I tend to get carried away Google Earth street viewing my way around the world and sometimes run out mid month :) You need to get a vid downloader plugin for your browser for anything you think you may want to watch more than one time.
Oh I feel for you SD, I have 12gb mobile with Beagle(not available anymore) which is the best I could do before it gets insanely expensive, I tend to get carried away Google Earth street viewing my way around the world and sometimes run out mid month :) You need to get a vid downloader plugin for your browser for anything you think you may want to watch more than one time.

I had a feeling streetview was contributing to my usage Bundy but wasn't sure how much, that might explain why I've used so much lol, snooping in and around Wynarka. We are on 15gb (Telstra) but I chew through that quite quickly watching clips here and there (and over and over again sometimes) then it goes down to worse than dial-up unless we pay big bucks for more, which we have had to do this time.
Thanks for the plug-in tip, I'll get my partner on to that, that'll come in handy for sure.
If you mean the lady who lives in the "hall", I think she was the other dog walker.
I think the reporter just interviewed her at her gate and the hand waving directions are a bit vague because she didn't actually see him from her gate, but saw him when out walking the dogs with the other lady.
I don't think we know where they were walking their dogs, do we?

Puggle, have you saved a link to that lady's interview?

Here is the link Puggle posted Jane:
View attachment 79963

I used the frame by frame method and got this shot, which I have enlarged and sharpened.
Does the video say if they went back to see if it, whatever it is, is still there?
I can see it as a case.

I downloaded the picture and enlarged it, and in Windows photo gallery enlarged it to like 600 percent or with a slider, and it looked like a suitcase to me.

It's too tall from the ground to be a pizza box, but looks like that from a distance.
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