Australia - 3 dead after eating wild mushrooms, Leongatha, Victoria, Aug 2023 #5 *Arrest*

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How old are the children? Am I allowed to ask that?

I'm not sure of their ages myself, but suggestions were made here:

One thing that Ian Wilkinson would have been able to provide is what was spoken about at the lunch. And whether that was a motive. Because the police need to prove intent - a motive is handy in that aspect.
I'm not sure of their ages myself, but suggestions were made here:

thank you.
Various personality disorders are certainly considered mental illnesses according to the DSM. They have recently been renamed to avoid what were considered stigmatizing or derogatory terms. For example Borderline Personality Disorder is now called complex PTSD.

This is incorrect info. Many people argue there's no such thing as 'personality disorders' and that all of them are explained by developmental trauma. Most especially, many people believe that women diagnosed with BPD are really just people with many incidents of trauma, ie C-PTSD.

However, this has not filtered through the medical community and although some psychologists will 'diagnose' C-PTSD it is not yet included in any formal medical diagnostic manuals and cannot be diagnosed in the medical sense by any Psychiatrist.

Every review of the DSM, people lobby for C-PTSD to be a new category however, it is rejected every single time.

BPD is named EUPD (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder) in the ICD however it is still BPD in the DSM. Many people believe EUPD is a 'kinder' and more accurate way to describe BPD, however the diagnostic criteria remain the same.
Various personality disorders are certainly considered mental illnesses according to the DSM. They have recently been renamed to avoid what were considered stigmatizing or derogatory terms. For example Borderline Personality Disorder is now called complex PTSD.
I'm sorry but that isn't true. What is true is that BPD is often misdiagnosed as PTSD. JMO
One thing that Ian Wilkinson would have been able to provide is what was spoken about at the lunch. And whether that was a motive. Because the police need to prove intent - a motive is handy in that aspect.

Also, I guess he could say how the meal was served and whether or not she ate the same dish as the others at the table, at the same time, etc, as well as any particular comments she may have made about the dish.

IIRC, EP has said that she allowed the guests to select their own servings?

Suspected mushroom poisoning: Australian woman charged with three murders​

An Australian woman has been charged with murder over the suspected mushroom poisoning deaths of three people.

Erin Patterson was arrested on Thursday morning and police have spent the day searching her home east of Melbourne.


Toxicology reports suggest the victims consumed deathcap mushrooms. Ms Patterson maintains she is innocent.


Police in the state of Victoria took Ms Patterson into custody on Thursday.
Homicide squad Inspector Dean Thomas stressed the complexity of the case in a press conference, describing it as a tragedy that may "reverberate for years to come".

"I cannot think of another investigation that has generated this level of media and public interest, not only here in Victoria, but also nationally and internationally," he added.


I'm not sure how they would have evidence of the Simon Patterson alleged poisonings, given the elapsed time and also AFAIK no reports of any police involvement in relation to those events at the times.

Police often lay numerous charges at the outset and by the time a case hits court they will sometimes drop/downgrade some charges -- sometimes as the result of a deal to plead guilty on the remaining charges.

They could have witness evidence from friends, household members or work staff, and the children.
Maybe not forensic proof of actual substances.

I was raised in a dysfunctional household where both parents 'had it in' for each other and let's just say these type of people often don't keep in check the stories they tell about one another behind each other's back and the things they say in temper or threat or fantasy to people around them. Most especially the kids. For example, a frustrated battered wife might say 'that man better watch himself or one of these days I'm cutting his brake cables'. An abusing husband might say 'I could strangle you in the middle of the night and you'll wake up dead'. JMO MOO.

Not saying this has happened in this case but this crime did not happen in a vacuum. If EP really did want shot of her husband so badly for so long that she made numerous attempts on his life, then people would have noticed her hatred for him and she probably spoke badly of him widely IMO.
If EP really did want shot of her husband so badly for so long that she made numerous attempts on his life, then people would have noticed her hatred for him and she probably spoke badly of him widely IMO.

The Daily Mail article I quoted from (post linked below) paints her as a person with very few friends and acquaintances.

Nonetheless, it does say that she complained online about her husband's lack of help around the house and also claims that she ended the marriage:

What and left his elderly loved ones to go ahead and be poisoned to death?

I don't get this. It makes no sense.

Why would he think she was capable of killing his family?

Just because he may of been slightly suspicious doesn’t mean he thought she would go nuclear .

We know from Erins own mouth her ex husband called her out on poisoning his family in the hospital so he was straight away suspicious of what she had done that lunchtime. It unfortunately confirmed his worse fears that she had been trying to poison him for awhile.

"The loss to the community and to the families and my own children who have lost their grandmother… I just can't fathom what has happened," Erin told reporters outside her home in August. "I'm so sorry that they have lost their lives. I just can't believe it."
*no mention of grandfather?

"I'm devastated. I loved them. I can't believe that this has happened and I'm so sorry," she tearfully told reporters two days after the third death

Erin Patterson will remain in police custody until she appears in a local court on Friday, when she can potentially apply to be released on bail. Bail for murder is usually a decision referred to a higher court

Murder in Victoria carries a potential maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.
Also, I guess he could say how the meal was served and whether or not she ate the same dish as the others at the table, at the same time, etc, as well as any particular comments she may have made about the dish.

IIRC, EP has said that she allowed the guests to select their own servings?
The way she said she plated it up and let them pick their own plate seemed potentially like, "if they choose the plate then they choose their own fate" to me. I could be reading far too much into that, but psychologically I think it's a method to distance oneself from the consequences.
"The loss to the community and to the families and my own children who have lost their grandmother… I just can't fathom what has happened," Erin told reporters outside her home in August. "I'm so sorry that they have lost their lives. I just can't believe it."
*no mention of grandfather?

"I'm devastated. I loved them. I can't believe that this has happened and I'm so sorry," she tearfully told reporters two days after the third death

Erin Patterson will remain in police custody until she appears in a local court on Friday, when she can potentially apply to be released on bail. Bail for murder is usually a decision referred to a higher court

Murder in Victoria carries a potential maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.
Murder in Victoria carries a potential maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.

Great post, @imstilla.grandma

So if convicted, that’s potentially 25 years multiplied by 3, so that’s 75 years max plus the 5 attempted murder charges added into the mix, if she gets convicted on those charges. But as you said, 25 years per murder conviction is a maximum sentence, and it’s not a minimum sentence.

I think there may be a possibility that police have already thought this sentencing mathematical equation through, and potentially they’ve laid all of the 8 charges to attempt to put her away for life because, possibly she’s a risk to community safety and to her loved ones. Allegedly. And of course, because it’s their job and the courts job to uphold the laws of the land.

All imho

Erin has always claimed her innocence of any wrongdoing.
The way she said she plated it up and let them pick their own plate seemed potentially like, "if they choose the plate then they choose their own fate" to me. I could be reading far too much into that, but psychologically I think it's a method to distance oneself from the consequences.
Russian Roulette style.
Russian Roulette style.
Except... didn't she serve beef wellington? If she made a wellington, the mushrooms surely would have been in the duxelles. I don't think if they were, she could have been selective as to who got served death caps. Traditionally, the duxelles is the layer (with prosciutto) between the inner beef fillet and the outer pastry.

(Hi. Not really here yet, so, sorry if this has already been covered, I'm not up to date, and probably won't be for a while. I haven't been following this case at all, so I have a lot of reading to do before I catch up.)

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Will Erin apply for bail? Will she get bail?

It’s worth noting that in Victoria, there is a presumption in favour of bail. This means that a person is entitled to be granted bail unless there is a compelling reason to refuse it. However, in some cases, such as for serious offences like murder or terrorism, bail may be refused altogether.

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