Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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That could mean 2 things.
If they are not really there anymore in force they either know there is nothing else there OR they have enough ad are piecing it together.
Has her mobile phoe turned up ANYWHERE? A random murderer would take her phone but would leave it where he picked her up from, only someoe who is close to the victim would want to conceal something like that. Love to know what the unusual thing was he told the children aout their mother? I just hope the police interviewed the girls on day one as well as talked to her prents about her usual home habits and took photos of the place as well as asked if they all ate together, what did they eat ( forensics can tell by undigested food how long after eating someoen was killed) It is really crucial that they asked all these questions straight away before he had time to think about it as he would of had no sleep that night ( despite telling everyone he slept all night) did anyone notice evident signs of fatigue, you can tell when someone has not slept, their skin colour is slightly off, there eyes blink a lot more, they appear more agitated and erratic ( even under duress)I just wish it was movig faster as I can not imagine this still going on for the parents and having her funeral with him there!!!!!!
As a financial adviser, my instincts are to question any changes, increases or reviews of Allisons life policies. Who may benefit from her death? Who might need access to money?
THE major police presence across Mt Crosby has been scaled back significantly today, with the police forward command post disbanded Tuesday evening.
A QPS media spokeswoman said searches were continuing today for clues in relation to the discovery of Brookfield mum Allison Baden-Clay's body on Monday but on a far smaller scale than seen over the past 13 days.

Yesterday, police said they found a mobile phone SIM card and a pair of gloves near where Mrs Baden-Clay's body was found.

Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said police were yet to determine whether the items were related to the case.

"We've got a team of about 25 detectives working on it. At this stage, the level of co-operation (from witnesses) has mostly been very good," he said.
I understand the need for process and following the book, but commonsense should also play a part and I believe strongly the police have made a big error limiting the search and I believe a lot of people think the same as I do that he would of tried to get distance between where he took her and the house, as well as waterways near campimg and scout grounds would be a hot zone given his families background in this area.

I agree.....Knowing his scouting links, I am darn shocked they never scoured that Tyamolum Scouting the way down to the mouth of the Brisbane River. To me it looks like the person may have hoped that Allison would end up eventually in the Brisbane River. They missed out on crucial body evidence surely, by not doing so.
I stand corrected. The police are treating her death as an unlawful homicide, but have not declared it a major crime as yet. Also I don't believe they have formally interviewed GBC according to the media possibly because he lawered up very early on.

Maybe mom stayed with the kids, while dad and him dumped Allison. In a way it makes sense that the ucky, yucky....and yes im still having nightmares about i,t KISS happened. Deep down, they are freaking out, but if they show the world, hey all is fine with us........then it throws all off the scent.
Maybe mom stayed with the kids, while dad and him dumped Allison. In a way it makes sense that the ucky, yucky....and yes im still having nightmares about i,t KISS happened. Deep down, they are freaking out, but if they show the world, hey all is fine with us........then it throws all off the scent.

It was an unsettling spectacle, that's for sure. Didn't they realise the only reason the media was focused on them was because their son's wife was missing believed dead? Or do they believe themselves to be lifelong celebrities based on the fact they cling to the coat-tails of one individual generations back, who made a name for himself?
The Courier Mail's 'update' has a photo of the entrance to the scouts camp. Has to be one of the most miserable looking places I've seen, even in daylight
As had been mentioned earlier in the week the family wanted the media gone so they could all get "back to normal". The media didn't go so "the kiss" was a "we'll give you something to talk about" kind of thing. Or...what would the age be of the parents, could one of them have dementia?? Do dementia patients do such a thing??
" "We've got a team of about 25 detectives working on it. At this stage, the level of co-operation (from witnesses) has mostly been very good," he said. "

Interesting wording again. Witnesses mentioned. Let's hope they witnessed plenty which will help the case. And the underlying idea some people maybe haven't been so co-operative?
From what MAVERICK has posted it appears that there is a hell of a lot of info that we don't know, it will become a book oeday for sure, maybe they should get John Douglass out if retirement and get him on the cse as a profiler, though I suspect there would be enough of this going on the USA to keep him occupied there, ad he is retired, still, there are a lot of smart profilers who would be watching these forums and possibly getting in contact with people who show some local knowledge, I am only guessing, but if I was in the investigatio I would definitley be making sure that all firums were covered, interesting to find out if his family have been left with a computer and are casing these forums as well. If they are my message to them is " stop pashing in public like a pair of grubs and start showing some remorse!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Daughter in law and mother of your Grandchildren has been murdered, stop worrying about lawyers and the family name and do the right thing, I hope when he is caught they seize all his assests for his daughters adn if the grandparents are conspiritors I hope they sell their assests to help cover the tax payer dollars being spent because the gutless liar is trying to get away with murder!!
It was an unsettling spectacle, that's for sure. Didn't they realise the only reason the media was focused on them was because their son's wife was missing believed dead? Or do they believe themselves to be lifelong celebrities based on the fact they cling to the coat-tails of one individual generations back, who made a name for himself?

Nah.....It's because poppa Baden Clay is da So he is above his daughter in law being missing/dead.

I dont know, but by looking at them, I really think, he thinks he is the Bwana..............This whole Bwana thing freaks me out too. It's pretty much what the servants called their master.....and to me, that sort of thing (the master versus servant thingy) has no place in our country.....People thinking they are masters.

Other than that, I agree with you completely.....they wanted the light. Why else would someone do that. Im 38 and I could never imagine myself and hubby putting on a display like teenagers just entering the bonking stage (pardon my bluntness). Well in private maybe (giggles).....but certainly not in front of the public and also not infront of my extended family....I'd hate my parents or inlaws seeing hubby and I in that sort of tryst.
As had been mentioned earlier in the week the family wanted the media gone so they could all get "back to normal". The media didn't go so "the kiss" was a "we'll give you something to talk about" kind of thing. Or...what would the age be of the parents, could one of them have dementia?? Do dementia patients do such a thing??

Anyone who uses a number-plate bearing the word 'Bwana' and lists themself as 'big game hunter' doesn't rate with me. Egomaniacal attention-*advertiser censored* is the way I'd describe someone like that. And you can throw in 'low intelligence' to go with it

As to people supposedly in dignified mourning (as is the only way one should conduct themself under the circumstances) who are party to such an insane spectacle -- well, I think most have expressed appropriate disgust and dismay

Dementia? Who can say. They still hold a driving licence, obviously. Their son still feels their company, in public, at this time, is in his best interests. So maybe the entire family are part stupid, part mad, part ego, part trying to elevate their ordinary selves by harking back to an ancestor whom they shared and who must be rolling in his grave on account of the way his name and reputation have been exploited and debased. Just my personal opinion of course
Ive just realised......I think im obsessed with that ookie pookie kiss.... :(
The Courier Mail's 'update' has a photo of the entrance to the scouts camp. Has to be one of the most miserable looking places I've seen, even in daylight

Yeah, with all their DYB DYB DYB's they didn't give any warning why some adult males like to hang around large groups of young children:
[ame=""]Scouting sex abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Regardless of the Queensland history of scouting, which I hope is safe and ethical, I wouldn't be boasting of any connection to the founder of an organisation which has enabled abuse.
From what MAVERICK has posted it appears that there is a hell of a lot of info that we don't know, it will become a book oeday for sure, maybe they should get John Douglass out if retirement and get him on the cse as a profiler, though I suspect there would be enough of this going on the USA to keep him occupied there, ad he is retired, still, there are a lot of smart profilers who would be watching these forums and possibly getting in contact with people who show some local knowledge, I am only guessing, but if I was in the investigatio I would definitley be making sure that all firums were covered, interesting to find out if his family have been left with a computer and are casing these forums as well. If they are my message to them is " stop pashing in public like a pair of grubs and start showing some remorse!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Daughter in law and mother of your Grandchildren has been murdered, stop worrying about lawyers and the family name and do the right thing, I hope when he is caught they seize all his assests for his daughters adn if the grandparents are conspiritors I hope they sell their assests to help cover the tax payer dollars being spent because the gutless liar is trying to get away with murder!!

You speak for many of us - thank you

Was just saying to my husband that a real man, a man worth anything at all, would confess and get it over with instead of using up all these resources and money, with millions more yet to be spent
I am drawing a long bow here but if they are the kind of people their reputation suggests, they were getting off on the drama, hence the creepy as heck kiss.
Wouldn't you wait to be charged before you hired literally a legal defence team?

Under the cicumstances not suprised his lawyer has engaged a barrister. Lawyers are not the ones who sit in court during the trial and speak, the barrister does. Therefore, they are 'potentially' simply preparing themselves sooner rather than later so they can come up to speed.
The other consideration or reason for this is that GBC is 100% innocent and will not spend one day in court, and is taking measures to best protect his reputation and future standing. This would not be an uncommon course of action for a businessman in his situation to want to minimise the damage control. Unike blue collar Autralians, white collar generally tend to take these types of action as a precautionary measure.

Lets face it, you would have to be blind freddy not to see that he is Public enemy number 1 and has attracted an awful lot of media attention and will want to get on with his life and re build IF he has had nothing to do with this.

There are the two reasons.
Ive just realised......I think im obsessed with that ookie pookie kiss.... :(

Time will heal you, hopefully. You're not obsessed. You're in shock. Anyone who's seen it feels the same. What possessed them? And why employ a barrister at massive expense, when you have liabilities like that to demonstrate your true origins and gene pool? Then they have the hide to be hoisting flags up and down as if they live in Government House
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