Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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Sorry for being a pain... I was just wondering what they mean by no signs of foul play. I just searched google and it says foul play means some sort of criminal activity-not an accident, or, in the case of a death, not suicide. If the victim has been murdered, it is "foul play. I can't seem to find anything on google about what no foul play means.
They say visible, does that mean just looking at the body in its present state without having autopsy information?
hi guys ninemsn has just reported that there are no visible signs of foul play.........

dont know if you have already discussed that or what it might mean.

what about suffocation, does that show signs???

Depending on the amount of decomp a strangulation may still be possible. But usually there are tell-tale signs if that was the case. Suffocation seems unusual doesn't it? However I had a suffocation vibe here for no particular reason.
I am amazed that people are able to tell occupations based simply on a post, (mimi2456) but lets just take the post on face value as often being the 'devil's advocate' is actually a very salient way to piece together a scenario.

A) I'm covered in scratches and bites and a hurt foot from boating on the weekend.
B) we have some neighbors that like to have loud domestic fights and a lot of dogs that bark.
C) if he went missing I would be so beside myself I would have to be heavily sedated which might impair my ability to drive let alone my effectiveness as a searcher (even though people might think I'm stoic)
D) as partners are generally the first suspect and considering many friends and family have personal insight that might throw some questionable light upon me which is no different to many relationships (this is hypothetical) I *hired a lawyer to advise me as to the most appropriate actions .

From this post the list provide and the tiny amount of information that has been presented to the public about this case.

The scratch is suspect - I don't think in any domestic situation happy or otherwise would the police discount such observations especially in what has become a homicide.

The screams are for me a maybe - I think this crime was committed at home way before 10pm and then the body moved. So the screams next door or 2 to 4km at 10pm are quite pointless. There was no walk for Allison that night. The barking dogs - were these even in the correct time frame - maybe it was when he returned home.

I personally don't think much of the car accident as I think most people here have expressed the same - odd behaviour but doesn't point to anything sinister. And is not really related to a homicide investigation. If he was sedated then he shouldn't have been driving. Perhaps he was on a mobile phone or reaching for a water bottle and ran off the road. His discussion of the accident is more relieving - 'little bit hurt' give me a break!

The information from the police in the conferences - is very telling. Yes they are keeping the facts very close-but reading between the lines it is not hard to see that they think the facts are telling a completely different story to what they have initially been told on Friday Morning when Allison was reported missing.

The BC have closed ranks around themselves which would be normal. But the Dickies have had no major contact with the BCs and I am assuming from my observations of this estrangement that the BC's would be thinking of the Dickies almost as the enemy. I will be keen to see if a larger separations between the two parties occurs from here on in.
hi guys ninemsn has just reported that there are no visible signs of foul play.........

dont know if you have already discussed that or what it might mean.

what about suffocation, does that show signs???

just thinking they probably wont release that information to the press yet - they have been very close lipped about all the info to date so it is more likely that they don't want any leaks at this stage rather than us getting a true story.
I thought it might be strangulation. It seems a lash out kind of thing to do in the heat of a argument. Suffication would mean having an implement to suffocate which would imply a bit of premeditation. Obviously suffocation can be done while someone is sleeping and the person might not struggle so much and leave less injuries.
I'd be amazed if it is found this was premeditated. The way events unfolded was so messy with so much confusion, you'd have to be a complete idiot to execute things the way it's happened. Much more likely whoever has done Allison harm has done it accidentally and unexpectedly, hence disposal of the poor lady's body so close to her home.

There would be a million better ways to plan a mysterious death or disappearance, you'd think.
Have the police been deleting posts and banning people from their facebook page from day 1 in this case or have they just started? If they have just started, perhaps they are preparing to charge somebody and any comments they display on their facebook page may soon be sub judice and could be seen to influence the trial.

It's so weird that (a) someone in this forum nailed the spot (you spooky thing, Alicat, if I ever go missing I want you on the case) and (b) a Scout camp might be involved for crying out loud. If it's implicated as a crime scene either Mr Baden-Clay is being deliberately fitted up or he is giving his esteemed heritage one hell of a slap in the face. Maybe he could never quite live up to their idea of what a Baden-Powell/Clay man should be.

The police have been deleting comments and banning people from the time they put the first message up
Possible that she was drowned?

That could probably be right. But i did see on some of the police reports that numerous persons of interest have been interviewed. Would it take more than one person to drown someone???
It's a shame the way Allison has been found means that when her poor parents identify her, she will look nothing like the way they would want to remember her. I feel so sick for her kids. What sort of a world would you possibly think you live in when you're 5-10 and have to be told someone has taken your mum forever.
I'll go back to the thought I had yesterday, could she have been pushed off a bridge & subsequently drowned?? Something about earlier in the search when thoughts were she may have been still alive....
I thought perhaps thrown off the bridge too, however with all the rain, its quite possible that she has 'floated' down the river... so maybe was thrown off another bridge.... which is something they will have difficulty proving. Perhaps as she has fallen the long distance and died on impact. But then there would have to be signs on the body from the impact. Drowning won't show signs, unless marks on her body from the force in holding her down.... and because she was submerged in water for many days, that will lose the trace of being able to use water in the lungs etc, as a point.
I'll go back to the thought I had yesterday, could she have been pushed off a bridge & subsequently drowned?? Something about earlier in the search when thoughts were she may have been still alive....

I thought about this too marlywings but I get the feeling whatever happened to her happened prior to being either thrown off that bridge or put into the water. But this isn't based in anything than just a feeling. I think what you're positing is possible.
It's a shame the way Allison has been found means that when her poor parents identify her, she will look nothing like the way they would want to remember her. I feel so sick for her kids. What sort of a world would you possibly think you live in when you're 5-10 and have to be told someone has taken your mum forever.

Yes it's just heartbreaking for those poor kids. A horrible thought I know but it will be even worse for them if their father is found to be the one who killed her. They will have lost both their parents.
It's a shame the way Allison has been found means that when her poor parents identify her, she will look nothing like the way they would want to remember her. I feel so sick for her kids. What sort of a world would you possibly think you live in when you're 5-10 and have to be told someone has taken your mum forever.

Their whole world and that of Allison's parents and family has been shattered.

I dropped into B'field store yesterday and later it dawned on me, all of this Allison knew, the store, showgrounds, produce, the general hum and vibe of Brookfield - as we all know it. And it has all been snatched away from her, stolen. Everything she loved, most especially her three babes, was taken from her in the blink of an eye.
I thought about this too marlywings but I get the feeling whatever happened to her happened prior to being either thrown off that bridge or put into the water. But this isn't based in anything than just a feeling. I think what you're positing is possible.

Pushing someone of the bridge wouldn't mean they would definitely drown unless they were sedated in some way. I just thought if someone did that then there would always be a chance that they survived and could identify the perpetrator.
C) if he went missing I would be so beside myself I would have to be heavily sedated which might impair my ability to drive

Well, you shouldn't be driving in the first place, should you? He had people around him who could have driven but I bet he demanded he drive himself.

I hope he gets done for reckless driving too. It's a bus terminal - someone could have been hit.
If the time frame was from 8pm, then would the children not have been still awake, or at least the 10 year old daughter. There has not been any mention really of the children at the house that night. Perhaps they were not there, or maybe one of the girls said something to the first attending police and that is what gave them cause to start a search.
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