Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#16

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I was told a few weeks ago that there were some interstate connections to the murder... and that professional killers may have been used... It just seemed so far fetc? hed that I did not even bother mentioning it as I myself did not believe it...even though the source who told me this is pretty connected...

Well.... it may just seem possible now... Interesting that these stories were circulating as far back as a few weeks ago...

what has been going on in that family - this is getting so much bigger than a cheating husband. Does any of it go back to Rhodesia? Are large amounts of money involved? Did the BC borrow from shady dealers and couldn't pay back?
A Sydney woman he'd met a Gold Coast conference...

hmmm...the plot thickens now.

Very much so. Not sure what to make of it yet. But I have maintained, I thought there may be more to it then meets the eye or than what many may think. MOO

Biggest bit of news on this case for some time..hope things are moving along.
Prominent person in what are - political, business etc etc?

So now we have three women and one man - sorry to trivialize this - but gosh this guy must be good!!!!
Prominent person in what are - political, business etc etc?

So now we have three women and one man - sorry to trivialize this - but gosh this guy must be good!!!!
So I have been told... I guess when something like this happens.. the dirty laundry is hung out from the roof tops! Unfortunately he seems to have had a few truck loads!!

Just IMO.
i saw a poll on aussiecrimes and 36% dont think it was him. maybe we should ask them lol

That poll is being slaughtered by trolls and cannot be "turned off" by the owner of that site yet
Looks like the conferences if this is indeed where he met this Sydney are held in different states each year.

The 2011 Conference was held in Hobart

Well done Sheeluck Holmes. So it would seem that the Gold Coast conference was held in 2010. How long ago did the affair with TM begin?

I think the police want TM to know about this other woman!

I agree Nads. This is a bit more of the cat and mouse game that LE play IMO.

Why didn't this latest woman come forward when the news of Allison's disappearance and murder was first reported? Why has she been interviewed now? Perhaps she had a fling with BGC at the conference unbeknownst to TM. Perhaps she is married. Perhaps it is not related to an affair at all.

I can just see that cat taunting the mouse as I type. :giggle:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! :furious:
Well done Sheeluck Holmes. So it would seem that the Gold Coast conference was held in 2010. How long ago did the affair with TM begin?

I agree Nads. This is a bit more of the cat and mouse game that LE play IMO.

Why didn't this latest woman come forward when the news of Allison's disappearance and murder was first reported? Why has she been interviewed now? Perhaps she had a fling with BGC at the conference unbeknownst to TM. Perhaps she is married. Perhaps it is not related to an affair at all.

I can just see that cat taunting the mouse as I type. :giggle:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! :furious:

Not saying this is so..but perhaps this person has not come fwd, because they are involved. MOO
I have often wondered if the reticence on the part of the police/media in releasing info was deliberate in an attempt not to put pressure on GBC because he is caring for the girls (and what might occur should he 'snap' again....if indeed this is what happened). Consequently when someone mentioned overnight that he had more or less 'barricaded' he and the girls at the Brookfield house and that friends of Allison were concerned and considering social welfare intervention, my blood ran cold. And I had the most dreadful sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I recall GBC seemingly shielding himself with his daughters at the funeral...and wonder if he is continuing to do so. I know they're attending school, but are they still participating in their extracurricular activities (dancing etc.) and spending time with their friends? Those poor little sweethearts; we can only hope that they ARE being closely monitored.

I am in floods of tears as I've just got off the phone to the vet and on my way to work I'm taking our old dog to be euthanased. He has been the ugliest (VERY overweight since the age of 2!),greediest, bossiest, laziest, noisiest, most selfish old mongrel of any dog I've ever owned (but very smart).....and it just won't be the same without him around. But I've been 'letting go' all week as he hasn't eaten or barked for days and is having trouble swallowing. The time has come. Which makes me think of GBC. Had he already 'let go'? Even if he WASN'T involved in Allison's death (unlikely IMO) how how how can he be so emotionless? Yes, I know we don't know what emotions he might be consumed with behind closed doors....but that funeral....with those dear little girls....and in front of the media. He quite simply isn't....well....'normal', and those speculations re personality disorders are probably right on the money. Do you recall someone mentioning something along the lines of this case will stretch all the way back to deep dark Africa? I was imagining in his defence a 'cultural angle' might be attempted, eg. killing and death is viewed and felt differently by Africans, hence we might see an entirely different attitude and response to what we might expect. I dunno. I'm just preoccupied with 'death' at the are we all, unfortunately.

May I say while here, what a fabulous, funny, intelligent, compassionate and thoroughly decent lot you all are! I've never been interested in 'crime' and would have suspected that those on fora such as these MUST be 'ghouls'.....however not so! And if course I am here too!! Allison's legacy will reach far and wide, and her influence on those in difficult domestic situations is already being felt.

On a lighter note, and in keeping with the 'doggy' theme....little 'Scrap' has already had her (?) 15 minutes of fame. I can't remember where I saw it (and I do hope I didn't dream it, so consuming has this business been night AND day) but I recall seeing a photo of Scrap.....she is a smallish, whitey, browney, hairy girl - some sort of terrier, and the photographer had taken her pic at 'her' level ie got down on his haunches. She DID look rather chuffed at being in the spotlight! (PLEASE tell me I didn't dream this!!!)

I'm off to work (via the Vet) all red eyed, swollen and blotchy (shame we didn't see any BCs in this state). RIP Allison (and RIP Fat Leo - gonna miss you old flea bag that you are:seeya:).

PS. All speculations IMOO:moo:
PPS. Re the NASA lady....we, in the business, call them 'incontinence aides' (not diapers or must be 'politically correct' when referring to people who have trouble with their waterworks!!! Eg. Come along Mr Greg, let me help you with your incontinence aide - we don't want any more of those wet beds, now do we?!)

So hard to say goodbye to a loyal and loved friend, sorry for your loss.:therethere:
Is that GBC at 3.01min?

[ame=""]CENTURY 21 Australia Conference - Gold - YouTube[/ame]
Lol..have to admit I only looked at a couple of those pics posted, so must of missed that..(one could say maybe I am lucky to have missed it ;))..

I still am not at all surprised if its not as clear cut as to what went on..Guess we'll see.. of course this is all JMO..

Well..we still have unspecified obs...crime scene...a crime scene warrant...the two Baden Clays' cars impounded...removal of computers from GBC's parents home.

So really..what more do we have from tonight's news.....just another woman so
and then there were 3..... (I don't think they are finished finding them all yet! Poor 'Tones' if she thinking she had something special!) I suspect its gonna take a while just to get through the dangerous liaisons....
Well..we still have unspecified obs...crime scene...a crime scene warrant...the two Baden Clays' cars impounded...removal of computers from GBC's parents home.

So really..what more do we have from tonight's news.....just another woman so

Yes I know. But I am still able to have my own thoughts on things. I'm not saying I'm right. But Still there is a possibility that there is more involved than just a simple DV fatal escalation(not trivialising DV). I think the news of another woman, totally not on our radar, being interviewed.. shows that there is obviously info we don't know.

(I am not saying that this means he is not involved. However it could mean the perp is someone we have not thought of or know of. The observations, crime scene etc could still relate to someone other than GBC even though it would appear not.After all it is not proven either way that he is Allisons killer.)
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