Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #17

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if the captiva was the 'transport' car with the prado behind it also enables the removal of 'something' from the captiva to be hidden from traffic in both directions, i.e prado parked right up close to the rear of the captiva, blocking anyone's view in either direction.

The forensic exams did not reveal anything in those cars. May be the body was in the car that GBS crashed? It's grey so it could look blue at 4am. Just hypothesizing.
The forensic exams did not reveal anything in those cars. May be the body was in the car that GBS crashed? It's grey so it could look blue at 4am. Just hypothesizing.

Some threads ago I checked my sea grey ford in the same moon aspect and time one moon cycle after April 19 and it looked blue. Do I need to track back and quote MYSELF?
Hi everyone,

I still don't have my thanks button consistently. I have worked out how to refresh which is terrific but it hasn't solved the thanks button problem. Maybe the MODERATOR can guide me.
Also, how did everyone come to the conclusion GBC is a non drinker? Just interested and would really like a reply.

Is it because they had a dry wedding? If this is the case, this does not mean he is a non drinker.

No True..I think it may be hearsay. There was a poster on a previous post that said he was a non drinker..he/she used to know GBC.. could have been along time ago..who knows.(they said they used to know him, but then said clearly not, from seeing info about him now). Think people have just run with it, which is often the case and then it gets confusing as to what is actually fact. (Unless I missed something else that stated non drinker, then I think its in the hearsay basket?) MOO
Ya gotta love the self-appointed prefects around here.

Indromum, you have a lot of support, so thanks for keeping us in the loop.

If we could only post links to media on this thread then what would even be the point of being here? Might as well just read the CM. Moo moo moo.

I was just as culpable then, saying what a journo friend told my OH, as have all the local people here who have given us inside info.

I'm still confident of an arrest in the next month.

Thanks Nads,

I don't think you're stalking GBC, Indromum! You were driving along, minding your own business and along comes the C21 Prado..

Maybe he's stalking you!!!!! Be careful out there....
I would like to make a few comments please regarding items in the previous thread.

1. Originally Posted by grannie View Post
I wonder if the police has got information about the AA meeting that tragic night. After all, it was not a ballet dancing group session. There could be some potentially dangerous members or their associates close to BC's house, and may be one or some of them are the killers.

I find this comment offensive and very judgemental - in the first place it was Al Anon meeting an organisation for families of alcoholics. I am not an alcoholic and neither are any of my family and I have nothing to do with the organisation, but I believe it does help many people. We are talking about ordinary people here, the ones we pass in the shopping centre, that coach our children at sport, attend church with us, for all we know may be our close friends. They are not fiends or "potentially dangerous people", anymore than the rest of us. I think the way this was said and posted was truly awful.

2. Leave poor Indromum alone, circumstances just put an opportunity in her way yesterday and she took it and let us know. We are not talking about the wording of the constitution here. The lady told us what she saw, leave her be.

3. A friend of mine, who is GP, told me the other day, that although Allison has been buried, "we don't know how much of her has been buried" my friends words. In plain language, what she was saying is that perhaps her heart, lungs, brain, any organs in fact were not necessarily given for burial. If those organs were needed for ongoing testing and pathology they may very well still be at the John Tonge Centre.

4. Re the dancing video - he does look a bit of a "dork", but truly I wonder how many of us would look any better in a similar video. GBC is dancing at a party and we have taken one microsecond of it, you know that one bad photo that you hate, it is like that I think - a moment in time recorded unawares, I think many of us could find similar unflattering vision if we tried.

My rant over, sorry if I have broken a dozen rules and get sent to the naughty chair, I will accept my punishment gracefully, I feel that some of us should put our minds into gear, before we put our fingers on the keyboard.
Thx again Dork, what side of the bridge? Side where the enclave to pull over is?

IMO, You can see the body (sorry) from this picture, which is just below the red x on the recent post by Dork Whisperer.
Re: Alison Sandy--So, we can quote her articles, and anyone who's had personal communication with her is I'm sure pleased to have met or talked with her, but can't discuss it as fact on WS unless they have become a verified local for this case.

If you think you might want to get verified as a local, here's how:

Send an email to

Subject line: Case Name

Body of email: Provide a brief intro to you, including the case of interest, your WS name, and your real name. Please also provide a phone number and best time to call for your time zone.

One of our admins will call to finalize the verification.

Any information you share through this process is kept confidential at the site-management level.

Would you explain to me what being a verified local has anything to do with corresponding with Alison Sandy please? Her phone number and email address are freely accessible on line for anyone (not just locals of the Brookfield area) to contact her. Her articles are available to read on line for anyone in Australia and the world for that matter. I am not a local but I have corresponded with Alison Sandy and have a hard copy of that correspondence but I'm not prepared to post it here unless I have her permission.

Perhaps it's only the locals who should be putting forward opinions, speculations etc on this forum? I'm sorry but I find your statement discriminatory.
Thx again Dork, what side of the bridge? Side where the enclave to pull over is?


SHOWS THE RECOVERY POSITION, note: she was found higher up under the bridge and moved down for recovery.
Re: the Ariel photos of the creek and bridge.

This is where we need an expert in tides ands flows, some sort of aqua
In one of our theories (Allison being laid to rest on bank after being washed down the waterway). I'd say a strong flow of water would try and travel straight, but would create currents in the river bends which would deposit debris on the opposite side of the bank. Would be interesting to know, given which side the last bend in the creek is, where she ended up. If it's not consistent with the flow of water, it would be proof certain she was placed there. I hope that creeks flowing when I go out there. Would be interesting.
Re: Alison Sandy--So, we can quote her articles, and anyone who's had personal communication with her is I'm sure pleased to have met or talked with her, but can't discuss it as fact on WS unless they have become a verified local for this case.

If you think you might want to get verified as a local, here's how:

Send an email to

Subject line: Case Name

Body of email: Provide a brief intro to you, including the case of interest, your WS name, and your real name. Please also provide a phone number and best time to call for your time zone.

One of our admins will call to finalize the verification.

Any information you share through this process is kept confidential at the site-management level.
Sent the email...waiting for a call back. :)
Willough.. I can't quote from the last thread, but you gave me chills with the following comment...'We dont know, and there is a small chance the murderer is reading here. Or even posting...God forbid.'

Been taking a much needed break and trying to get some perspective. All to easy to get caught up in here sometimes!

I am interested though in the statement in the latest courier

'But shortly after the grim discovery of her body police had clear views on how Mrs Baden-Clay died, people close to the case have told The Sunday Mail.

It is understood Mrs Baden-Clay's body was cleared for release for burial only a day after she was found, with police confident they had the information they needed.'

So that blows the 'no visible signs of foul play' report in the media. And I wonder with the amount of decomp how easy something like strangulation would be to see? IF not then that leaves stabbing or gunshot?? as visible signs. (police obviously wanted to keep quiet whatever they noted) MOO
Would you explain to me what being a verified local has anything to do with corresponding with Alison Sandy please? Her phone number and email address are freely accessible on line for anyone (not just locals of the Brookfield area) to contact her. Her articles are available to read on line for anyone in Australia and the world for that matter. I am not a local but I have corresponded with Alison Sandy and have a hard copy of that correspondence but I'm not prepared to post it here unless I have her permission.

Perhaps it's only the locals who should be putting forward opinions, speculations etc on this forum? I'm sorry but I find your statement discriminatory.

Just what I have beeN thinking about makara, but couldn't put it into words! Thanks.
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