Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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This might help those trying to ascertain where allisons body was found


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Police crime scene tape.

Thanks, but it looks a little strange if it is just crime scene tape. There is an officer holding one and there are 2 other lines/tapes visible as well. It would be an odd way to tape off a crime scene.
This might help those trying to ascertain where allisons body was found

Thanks you Jubillee, you're right.

I've re-posted Bayside's last message in regard to the images I posted. I've also included my relpy to her.

Once again, I'm sorry for the confusion.

Sorry I dont understand why you think the body is up higher under the bridge now.

All I can see in yiur first high up pic where you gave written top and pants is a policemans blue coveralls.

In the second pic I see the body down lower halfway between the pylons. If you look at the 7 news video again you can see where it is blurred out. I think your red mark that you earlier thought is correct.

Sorry folks, my mistake. :banghead: You're right Bayside, it is a policeman's blue overalls. And you're right again about the 7 news video blurring out the body.

Gawd, this case is doing my head in! I'm starting to see things that aren't there.

My apologies once again for the confusion.
This might help those trying to ascertain where allisons body was found

Jubillee - on the footage I saw from the chopper (heaven knows where the link is to it now), am sure Allison's body was much further up the bank.

another poster stated something similar.

I haven't seen this pic before, do you know about the footage I'm referring to? There was a police photographer (?) below her, which may be of some help.
Do any locals know if EBC drives?

...and does anyone know if the Captiva is actually a 4WD? If I was asked to describe it, I would say it's an SUV. The witness may have seen the BC's cars, but if he described one of them as a blue 4WD rather than a silver SUV, it probably wouldn't help the investigation too much.
Jubillee - on the footage I saw from the chopper (heaven knows where the link is to it now), am sure Allison's body was much further up the bank.

thanks, as usual, behind with my reading, just saw the pics on the previous page which are the ones I was referring to.
I wonder if she could wear her walking clothes as Pj's?? I know I wear trackpants and comfy shirt to bed sometimes. ... maybe she was actually ready for bed? It just popped into my head then, as that's what I'm wearing and I'm ready for bed.

Me too! :seeya:
I never used to though, but for the past 5+ months have been lifting my son (who wrote OFF his own 21st B'day gift of a WV Polo from his generous Dad) at the nearest bus stop early each morning ... so instead of having to change from typical PJs into something more 'acceptable' (if I broke down ~ God forbid though!), I'd much rather go to sleep in semi-acceptable 'attire' (track pants & a long sleeved T shirt) the previous night. :blushing:
~@~ :tyou: << To 1 and ALL here!
I hope this is ok to do. It's from Paul Tully on his web page.

The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

State and National News, Politics and Current Affairs
Oh gord. Up early. Didn't read thread and put up old news. So sorry.
I believe this is either a way of promoting the idea to potential accomplices to come forward or a way to tighten the screws on the prime suspect.It has remarkable similarities to the Maria Korp case [ame=""]Maria Korp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] in which the outcome of the confession of an accomplice resulted in a lesser sentence.
I hope this is ok to do. It's from Paul Tully on his web page.

The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.


Some of us are just catching up on the latest.I last checked his blog last night and was nothing new so he must have posted late .Very interesting update
Sorry I dont understand why you think the body is up higher under the bridge now.

All I can see in yiur first high up pic where you gave written top and pants is a policemans blue coveralls.

In the second pic I see the body down lower halfway between the pylons. If you look at the 7 news video again you can see where it is blurred out. I think your red mark that you earlier thought is correct.

I clearly remember that there was a photo taken from a helicopter with Allison's body laying on the bank and you could see the outline of her body really well. It looked like her feet were pointing toward the river and her arms were above her head.

I did a search but can't find the picture now. If I remember correctly she was quite close to the bridge, but not right underneath it.
I hope this is ok to do. It's from Paul Tully on his web page.

The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.


I know some people have vouched for Tully being a no nonsense kinda guy who has some impressive connections, but I find his blog too melodramatic to take seriously.

Polititians might need to push for fast results to keep the public on side, but I would hope the police will take whatever time necessary to build a solid case, rather than rushing into some unusual immunity deal to appease the baying crowds.

"Only then will the people of Brookfield breathe easy..."

From the way Tully writes you'd think there was a serial killer on the loose. :waitasec:
I'm sure someone else posted that he had been turning right at an intersection and moved too soon and hit the car in front, but I thought they were just speculating.

me again but I think turning left - is it not left side damage?
I am pretty sure after the fact accesory does include knowing about it and not saying..but probably lesser charge than for helping after the fact.. Some of the other legal minds on here might have a better answer for you though.

That's what I was thinking ... someone who only 'knows' for sure what happened, sort of stumbled across it if you like, but played no part in it. Therefore, they could be in trouble for not telling, but yet didn't participate.
That's what I was thinking ... someone who only 'knows' for sure what happened, sort of stumbled across it if you like, butplayed no part in it. Therefore, they could be in trouble for not telling, but yet didn't participate.

It depends upon the jurisdiction, but where I come from (NZ), you cannot be an accessory after the fact simply for saying nothing. You have to do an act that assists the person who committed the crime to either avoid detection or arrest and you have to know that they have committed a crime. So destroying evidence or actively helping the person to avoid detection by driving them somewhere would be included, but not standing by and saying nothing.

There may be other offences, again depending upon the jurisdiction, like harbouring a known criminal. But usually "accessory" means you actually have to do something, rather than omitting to do something.
I have been following this thread for what feels like eternity, mainly because I wondered why I have never doubted , not for one moment, that Gerard killed his wife. Even though I have read many many theories, and scenarios, and many insights, my main conundrum has always been who will crack first.

Gerard couldnt even manage to do this, the hideous thing, alone. I have always thought he is supremely stupid. In so many ways . Stupid in that peculiar obstinate congenital way, and I think most of his life, people have been picking up after him, rescuing him, gobsmacked at just how he can manage to mangle so many many aspects of his life. It does not surprise me that 'several aquaintances' are suspected in this needless death.

Reality awaits, though.

Funny, because I was thinking just last night how there's a good chance his wife saved him from himself all of these years... now he's just 'out there' for the world to see his blundering ways.
I believe this is either a way of promoting the idea to potential accomplices to come forward or a way to tighten the screws on the prime suspect.It has remarkable similarities to the Maria Korp case Maria Korp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in which the outcome of the confession of an accomplice resulted in a lesser sentence.

Hi Digitup, and welcome! ( yes, I know, I only seem to log on to welcome people, when I post so little, I'm as good as a newbie myself! I do 'lurk' for Australia though :fence:)
The word 'accomplice' has me thinking. How does it differ from 'accessory' in Aust? Trooper or anyone?
And I just have to thank, thank, thank the long-timers who remain dedicated to this post, and to justice for Allison. Cranky families, circles under eyes, low productivity..... all will be worth it, I reckon x
Hi Digitup, and welcome! ( yes, I know, I only seem to log on to welcome people, when I post so little, I'm as good as a newbie myself! I do 'lurk' for Australia though :fence:)
The word 'accomplice' has me thinking. How does it differ from 'accessory' in Aust? Trooper or anyone?
And I just have to thank, thank, thank the long-timers who remain dedicated to this post, and to justice for Allison. Cranky families, circles under eyes, low productivity..... all will be worth it, I reckon x

HA! Lol! I meant thanks for all being dedicated to the FORUM, not POST!(delusions of grandeur or what??) thanks anyway, u guys
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