Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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Or it could be that old cat and mouse game again. GBC gets wind of this story, panics, phones his close associates to find out what's going on. Oops, forgot the phones are bugged. GOTCHA!

If only is was that simple. :banghead:


He will not be able to stop the canary from singing then.
yep anything is possible in a situation like this. people aren't thinking straight and make all sorts of mistakes. I'm amazed its gone on this long to be honest. I think its become obvious now that the QPS don't have the sucker punch available to them.

... and that's what worries me. Argh!!
Interesting reading! The teacher is mentioned as someone he's hiding behind. I recall suggesting that a few threads ago. If someone sells him out it won't be his family, it will be the mistress. JMO

I think that is a given. IMO
The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

Speculation has been rife that several acquaintances of the murderer face charges as accessories to the murder.


I'm looking at this again but with a different spin on it.

A person facing charges over the murder as an accessory before or after the fact.

What if GBC is the accessory before or after the fact? That he is one of the several acquaintances to be charged as an accessory to murder?
Actually I think it is extremely dangerous thing for Tully to do.
What if the person responsible goes about trying to "silence" possible

Yes if it is true then it is not the sort of info you want to leak to big note yourself. IMO
IF this is true, it makes me wonder about NBC, if things are as many believe and their is some involvement there. They may be looking at his age as a reasoning factor? just fact :)

Prisons cater to all ages. I can see that something is going to hit the fan.:what:
The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

Speculation has been rife that several acquaintances of the murderer face charges as accessories to the murder.


I'm looking at this again but with a different spin on it.

A person facing charges over the murder as an accessory before or after the fact.

What if GBC is the accessory before or after the fact? That he is one of the several acquaintances to be charged as an accessory to murder?

That would be interesting... and possible.
The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

Speculation has been rife that several acquaintances of the murderer face charges as accessories to the murder.


I'm looking at this again but with a different spin on it.

A person facing charges over the murder as an accessory before or after the fact.

What if GBC is the accessory before or after the fact? That he is one of the several acquaintances to be charged as an accessory to murder?

Possible, but I don't think Paul Tully would mince words. If the most obvious suspect in the public's eye wasn't the one who the police were looking at charging for murder, I think he would allude to this in his post. IMO :)
My thoughts exactly...... but I am hoping it is knowledge rather than actual involvement on her part. Maybe she has finally woken up to him! IMO etc

I think she may have finally woken up when that report came out about the "other woman in Sydney"...last weekend I think it was....right about then the smoke would have been blowing out of her ears. Good move by Inspector A!!
The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

Speculation has been rife that several acquaintances of the murderer face charges as accessories to the murder.


I'm looking at this again but with a different spin on it.

A person facing charges over the murder as an accessory before or after the fact.

What if GBC is the accessory before or after the fact? That he is one of the several acquaintances to be charged as an accessory to murder?

Very interesting thought. That theory is possible but would he really protect someone who murdered the mother of his children?
The apparent slowdown in the police investigation into the murder of Brookfield mother of three Allison Baden-Clay has triggered sensational suggestions the police will seek approval from the Queensland Attorney-General Hon Jarrod Bleijie to offer immunity from prosecution to a person facing charges over the murder, as an accessory before or after the fact.

Speculation has been rife that several acquaintances of the murderer face charges as accessories to the murder.


I'm looking at this again but with a different spin on it.

A person facing charges over the murder as an accessory before or after the fact.

What if GBC is the accessory before or after the fact? That he is one of the several acquaintances to be charged as an accessory to murder?

The word 'acquaintances' intrigues me. I am posting a definition of the word 'acquaintance', below.

ac·quain·tance (-kwntns)
a. Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.
b. A relationship based on such knowledge: struck up an acquaintance with our new neighbor.
2. A person whom one knows.
3. Knowledge or information about something or someone: has a passing acquaintance with Chinese history.

Does this really fit with a family relative of the 'one who we think did the crime'? More likely to be a business associate or someone not very close, perhaps the owner of the blue car which met an unfortunate end at the bus station? Very intriguing.

On another note, I believe that Allison was left where she was found and not seen until the canoeist came along. She would only have been visible to someone on the water, or someone who climbed down under the bridge from the top. MOO
Very interesting thought. That theory is possible but would he really protect someone who murdered the mother of his children?

Who knows.If he felt somehow responsible for allowing this person(murderer) into the families lives..maybe he has felt an enormous amount of guilt. maybe its coupled with shock and fear of what it means. If he know he is implicated in some way..thats where asking (and getting) immunity would allow him to talk...oh gee and may be why he lawyered up early. because he knew he could be implicated and needed legal help to go for the immunity etc. ALL Just thoughts.
How is 'accessory before or after the fact ' defined? Would it include someone who found out about what happened and chose to not speak up, and maintained the facade? Or does it only extend to actual physical involvement with the body.

On another note, was staying awake to see if CM had anything as normally I can access next day's news on iPad by 11ish, and local news is always first. Still nothing yet for local (ie Qld news) but national news uploaded.
Immunity is such a huge huge event.. something not given lightly, and usually not total immunity, but partial... partial in the sense of down grading some potential charges, perhaps.. or dropping some..

total immunity.. this article doesnt say that.. it doesnt differentiate, either.. total immunity is extremely rare... so I'm thinking the deal has been working up to that, but its at the sticking point..
Possible, but I don't think Paul Tully would mince words. If the most obvious suspect in the public's eye wasn't the one who the police were looking at charging for murder, I think he would allude to this in his post. IMO :)

I agree. Paul Tully doesn't mince words.
The word 'acquaintances' intrigues me. I am posting a definition of the word 'acquaintance', below.

ac·quain·tance (-kwntns)
a. Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.
b. A relationship based on such knowledge: struck up an acquaintance with our new neighbor.
2. A person whom one knows.
3. Knowledge or information about something or someone: has a passing acquaintance with Chinese history.

Does this really fit with a family relative of the 'one who we think did the crime'? More likely to be a business associate or someone not very close, perhaps the owner of the blue car which met an unfortunate end at the bus station? Very intriguing.

On another note, I believe that Allison was left where she was found and not seen until the canoeist came along. She would only have been visible to someone on the water, or someone who climbed down under the bridge from the top. MOO

you know you could be onto something there. In this case the Aquaintence may be a 'legally correct' way of saying mistress(no chance of defamation and without full knowledge of their relationship).. And it could also indicate business aquaintence etc. But not sure you would call family 'aquaintence'- unless it is being used to not let out any info much yet. MOO
an accessory before the fact is usually dealt a heavier penalty.. there was always the potential to stop the crime...that person would have to outline under what threats, or fear, or belief they laboured under to remain silent BEFORE..

After.. its a heavy penalty but it is differentiated in nuance than one Before the fact.
How is 'accessory before or after the fact ' defined? Would it include someone who found out about what happened and chose to not speak up, and maintained the facade? Or does it only extend to actual physical involvement with the body.

On another note, was staying awake to see if CM had anything as normally I can access next day's news on iPad by 11ish, and local news is always first. Still nothing yet for local (ie Qld news) but national news uploaded.

I am pretty sure after the fact accesory does include knowing about it and not saying..but probably lesser charge than for helping after the fact.. Some of the other legal minds on here might have a better answer for you though.
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