Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #19

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Questioning NBC ability to help at the bridge. Upon revisiting the "Pash" video, (sorry guys) (I can link if you need)
NBC seems unsteady, losing balance, as he attempts to lift a box from the car. I question again his frailty which has been mentioned, and ability to "help" at the bridge, as it sounds steep and tricky. Has anyone been there in the dry? Can anyone confirm his frailty prior?

*Berry, I am sorry for what you have gone through. I hope it wasn't my comment about sitting in the KT carpark that spurred you. For me, it was a one time thing, not la la land. Even a good relationship has it's moments.I hope you have reached a safe place in life.
It was me with a theory about possible bathwater in her lungs not matching (biochemically) the water of the creek. But the forensic examination has not revealed that, according to the media. So it was a dead end.

No sorry grannie but it wasn't you I was referring to that mentioned the bathwater.

It was one of the locals...I found the post this morning.

According to media reports,seeing as that's all we can go by, there's been no mention at all indicating what the forensic results were....unless I've missed a report??
I did not say it was stated in the media. According to the media, the police have maintained since the start, they believe that Allison (1) was murdered (2) before she was dumped in the creek and (3) she knew her killer. That tells me that Allison has not drowned. It would take some time to conclude that. So the COD the police won't share with us, is something more obvious than drowning or strangulaton. That leaves a broken neck/back/skull, multiple stub wounds and a gun shot. All IMO.

THe police said that there were no obvious signs of foul play on the body AND have not given any indication what was the COD. All this IMHO means that we cannot rule anything out or in, except maybe broken neck/ stab wounds and gun shots. I will leave this discussion alone too from now.
That's interesting. So one paper says there was no signs of foul play, another paper says she was murdered. But does not a foul play mean a murder (as well)? It is really hard to rely only on the newspapers.
I go along with the theory of throwing her off the bridge.
This brings us back to the car problem, do you think they wanted her body found, I have no idea, if it was a fluke she was found or if it was very likely.
If they wanted her found, the car had to be nearby.
If they did not want her found, the car had to be found as far away as possible, in a place where she could have wandered off to never to be seen again.
If they did want her found, it seems hard to imagine what could have gone wrong, all they had to do was leave the car near the bridge.

I'm sticking with my theory that the police spoilt the plans by their early arrival.
I think the plan was to deliver the car later in the day, either to the bridge, or somewhere else.
Maybe they didn't want the car to be found too early in the day at the bridge, needed cleaning? buy some time?

I'm still thinking along the lines of something maybe happened to stuff the plan of making it appear a suicide....& that something happened to wreck that original plan....."that the police spoilt the plans by their early arrival".

OR it was someone out near the bridge saw them & the killer knew they'd been seen.

Or something happened in the plan re their wanting to leave the prado out near the bridge & it had to be towed home....could be as you've said, "deliver the car later in the day, either to the bridge, or somewhere else."

The unspecified obs at the house...perhaps if police had been called to the house earlier in the night they saw an "undamaged Prado"...when they arrive on the Friday morning there's a "damaged Prado".

Also wondering about the "bathwater/drowning"....I was thinking last night about cause of death perhaps being drowning/water in the lungs....that could also happen though if she'd been perhaps electrocuted in the bath. Does this leave any marks on the body??
marly - hasn't it been said before that the prado was damaged before Allison went missing?
Hi Rational,
Why obviously? If you read my post again, you will see the words "according to the media". We could not possibly know the autopsy results. But if the forensics did find some mismatch in Allison's lungs, would not they arrest GBC straight away?

That old pearl of wisdom, he isn't arrested so he isn't guilty. He isn't arrested so they mustn't have any evidence on him.

This becomes tedious trying to argue against the illogical logic.
I go along with the theory of throwing her off the bridge.
This brings us back to the car problem, do you think they wanted her body found, I have no idea, if it was a fluke she was found or if it was very likely.
If they wanted her found, the car had to be nearby.
If they did not want her found, the car had to be found as far away as possible, in a place where she could have wandered off to never to be seen again.
If they did want her found, it seems hard to imagine what could have gone wrong, all they had to do was leave the car near the bridge.

I'm sticking with my theory that the police spoilt the plans by their early arrival.
I think the plan was to deliver the car later in the day, either to the bridge, or somewhere else.
Maybe they didn't want the car to be found too early in the day at the bridge, needed cleaning? buy some time?

I agree with the car needing cleaning. Also will add that they perhaps needed the body to decompose a bit to hide some evidence.
marly - hasn't it been said before that the prado was damaged before Allison went missing?

Yes it was...the day AFTER the photo was released in the media....PRIOR to the release of the photo there hadn't been a word about it.

It could have been damaged prior....I don't know this to be fact though.

There's a post or two earlier in this thread from someone who seems to be an insurance assessor or something along those lines...
I think it's very telling that they have not released the Captiva - didn't someone state way back that the Captiva would be the one to use to transport the body ?
Yes it was...the day AFTER the photo was released in the media....PRIOR to the release of the photo there hadn't been a word about it.

It could have been damaged prior....I don't know this to be fact though.

There's a post or two earlier in this thread from someone who seems to be an insurance assessor or something along those lines...

yes GBC seems to be a very inattentive driver - I thought my mum was bad until I heard about his prangs
Sorry but I just don't agree with this - from memory posters brought it up but no one took it further as there seemed to be nothing in it - I don't recall any harassment or belittling, are you able to link to specific posts? My very first post in this forum suggested the possibility too in those early days, and I certainly received no harassment for the suggestion.

I brought it up, and I'm sure that the resulting posts aren't there anymore.

There have been the most atrocious rumours posted about GBC and his family even tho GBC is the only one who was ever stated to be a person of interest. There have also been hilarious rumours about things that supposedly happened. There has even been posts by people who have never ever even met ABC saying oh she would never watch the footy show or she lived an awful sad life or she would never have a lover because she was too busy being the dutiful wife while hubby was out screwing around. They don't know. No-one knows unless they lived in that house.

As for the courier mail I would be more likely to believe they have information that is relevant to the case that they can't print if they were able to actually post 2 articles in a row that had the same info and didn't use such emotive language to show their bias.

Unlike most here I don't think I know who did it. And despite the rumours I'm not a BC. I just think if you are going to say who you think did it, you should do it based on truths or rumour that sounds legitimate and true, not on fanciful rumour that is embellished each time it is posted. I also think that others should be eliminated even if they don't exist exactly, eg drunk hit and run driver.
I emailled about the cricket day for Allison. This is the reply I received, for anyone interested in attending.

<<Gold coin entry for adults.
The day will consist of a Twenty 20 match between Brookfield United Cricket Club and a combined Qld Fire and Rescue/ SES side to acknowledge their efforts in the search for Allison. For the kids we will have a jumping castle, face painting, passing
competition and hopefully a farm nursery. Their will also be live music, cash bar and canteen selling hamburgers, sausages, chips,soft drink, tea and coffee.
Also on the day a few auctions and raffles will be run.
Hope to see you there.>>

he also said bringing a dog was fine as long as it's friendly.
Grannie this does

The Courier-Mail understands the body had no visual signs of foul play but police are treating the incident as a homicide

Read more:

Thanks for that. Then the COD could not be from firearms, knife or bashing. Does not leave many options though. I wonder why the police did share with the public that the toxicology report said nothing, but keep it secret what the autopsy report said.

Thanks for that. Then the COD could not be from firearms, knife or bashing. Does not leave many options though. I wonder why the police did share with the public that the toxicology report said nothing, but keep it secret what the autopsy report said.

It's not uncommon for autopsy results to be kept a secret in a murder investigation.
What about this scenario husband , father and mother.
1. Police have already been at house for dv that night .
2. After police leave , dv heats up again and sadly , wife is murdered by husband.
3. Murderer (husband) rings his father for help and mother also hears what has happened. Husband tells them about the whole evening events and the resulting murder . Father and mother faced with son in jail for life , and daughter-in-law dead. They decide that a coverup is their only option to save their son. They need to assist him. The children are having a sleepover and they decide to Leave children home alone and drive to sons home to help. ( take a gamble that it is unlikely theyll wakeup) They both drive in their " golden small 4wd to the husbands house and on the way discuss a plan.
The Plan is hatched at the husbands house, and their only worry is getting caught by police . ( if girls do wake and ring 000 / or neighbours heard murder and ring 000) All 3 have a job. Husband to take body in captiva to hide it near scouts area . Mother and father drive in their car. Father dropped off at roundabout to do spotting ( mother can't be spotter as she would attract too much attention out at night alone) (Need to keep mother and father DNA out of husbands car,and mother can leave quickly with husband if something goes wrong) Mother drives infront of murderer (husband ) so if they drive through RBT she will be stopped he will hopefully be ignored and waved on.
4. Fathers job is alert them if police head out along brookfield rd or moggill rd. Father sits at bus stop as its best view in both directions. ( spotter)
5. Mother and husband drive out to Anstead and finally Dump body at bridge. (2 cars seen)
6. Husband follows mother back to kenmore where she turns off and goes back to her home and to grandkids.
7. Husband picks up father at roundabout and they drive back to murder scene (home ) to cleanup all evidence. Father and son spend next few hours 4am - 7am conspiring and cleaning up.
8. Son rings police .... And tells police his story ( he last saw her when he went to bed at 10pm which was also after the police had been there earlier that thu night)
That's why police so interested in roundabout. The husband, mother and father drove through it so many times that night.
Mother and father are accessories after the fact and husband now needs to clear them. Wanting immunity for them maybe before he will give his statement or gets charged. This is not fact and is written using only my imagination, so don't sue me! :please:

What about the above scenario BUT... By the time the police arrive (after being called by neighbors) Alison is already dead. When police arrive,GBC says 'No officer-no disturbance here. I'm on my own. My wife has just gone out for a walk.' Then has to wait some time to call family members to come and assist in cover up and hatches plan of supposed suicide. Then has to call police in morning to say that she didn't return from her walk and this is why police are immediately suspicious. IMO
Morning all. Did anyone read The Age 'Good Weekend' about the Elizabeth Membry case. There is a good article in there about Police Investigations. The Detectives state that investigations must be proved by 'facts' not Police theories. The Police are the responsible authority to interview, cross-reference and consider all of the evidence in their possession. We do not know what 'evidence' they have, nor should we until the Criminal Court proceedings.
This forum is a crime discussion forum, our 'everyday ordinary theories' are for our discussion only and have no bearing on the Police Investigation. MOO. It is stated at the beginning of this forum that it is a victim friendly forum.
police confirmed she was murdered almost as soon as they found her body, i think even before the autopsy, so even though no obvious trauma they could still see she was murdered

I'm a long term sleuth reader, first time poster. I am confused as to how police knew it was murder before the autopsy. .:maddening:
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