Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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The time I recall the Superintendent using 'news to me' was when the reported asked if the "Pajero" (meaning Prado) was returned at 11pm. Was there another interview where they asked about GBC also, when he used the 'news to me' statement too? (I haven't seen it)

I recall that.. the reporter asked the question twice about the car being returned at 11pm, no idea what that question meant, but I remember Aisnworth appeared to have no idea what he was referring to, and haven't heard anything since regarding the car being gone then returned somewhere that night
To mountanhigh


. It was in bad taste for you to even bring it up. You clearly have no idea what a trust fund is or of its relevance in these type of instances..

4. Page 7 Courier Mail today: Readers can donate to the late Alliison Baden-Clay Children Appeal. You are saying there is nothing wrong with them 'asking for donations'. They are not asking nor is the couier mail. READERS CAN DONATE....

A trust fund is for someone who's parent died (or both parents) and the other parent
IS UNABLE TO LOOK AFTER THE CHILD, how do I know, because I had one.
His sister looked genuinely distressed and did keep looking at her brother ,
he looked uncomfortable ..
Nots ure we can read anything in to it .. although the growing of beard is odd .. i can understand a few days gowth when your are higlyy stressed ,,

Its funny isnt it..few days growth/growing a beard could mean different things depending whether you believe innocence or guilt(or whether there is guilt or innocence as a fact).. innocence could be to totally devestated to be bothered or care(though I do note still being well dressed)..or guilt could be covering something.. Oh our minds do have a field day sometimes don't they!
His sister looked genuinely distressed and did keep looking at her brother ,
he looked uncomfortable ..
Nots ure we can read anything in to it .. although the growing of beard is odd .. i can understand a few days gowth when your are higlyy stressed ,,

She seems really nice and is now caught up in something terrible. I haven't seen her in the press since that day she was with her brother, poor girl. Hopefully she will be able to maintain a relationship with her inlaws. She must be choked.
This is my first time too - I live in the local area. I am a 43 year old mother of three so I can relate personally. The way the story has unfolded has been so intriguing. The missing 'walker' (whose physical description almost matches mine), the reported screams, the way police acting so quickly... and all the suspicion and speculation. And on the other side of that is her parents complete devotion to her. I have one daughter who is a young adult and I so completely understand where they are coming from. I'm watching with interest because I want to know who did this and I sincerely want to seem them brought to justice.

This story caught my attention because i thought it was a case of intimate homicide right from the start ... it touched my heart ...allision was the average aussie woman ... it made me sad to think of all the women murdered in australia each year - about 75- whose stories never make the headlines.. it makes me so sad that her life has been ended by someone so angry that they killed her because they wanted to contol her - she was either doing/saying something that they didnt like/want.. or wouldnt do what they wanted ...[that is what DV is about control]

i hope that this might change the situation - that people might look out & notice the impacts of DV on women, that people might realise that DV happens even in the best homes, that women are not to blame , that we all might speak out and most of all that there might be change and justice.
Just crossed my mind... if i am having a ****** day/week I may not shave and its a bit rough. GBC I think did a tidy up, so it looks neat. I would think you either shave or you don't, and when you don't its not sharp around the edges when you let it grow or get slack. Takes a lot of effort to keep it neat, may as well have a shave :)

Imagine if GBC was reading this forum and he was guilty. He would be going damm.. didnt think of that or this.. and would find it very difficult to venture out.
Originally Posted by AllyG....
Can I ask what it was that piqued the interest of some of you to this story? I've never really been one to do this kind of thing before when something has happened in my local area. I've never signed up to forums just to get involved in talking about it. Something about ABC going missing grabbed my attention from the moment I heard about it. I don't know if it's that I have that connection with her first name (especially the two L's), or if it was something else...

ditto too. I think the whole way this has gone from the beginning as intrigued all of us. I have never signed up to something such as this before either and I would never have thought I would. In fact I nearly did not. While I had been reading the forum after finding it when looking for updates on the case, I had stopped short of signing up at least for awhile.

The time I recall the Superintendent using 'news to me' was when the reported asked if the "Pajero" (meaning Prado) was returned at 11pm. Was there another interview where they asked about GBC also, when he used the 'news to me' statement too? (I haven't seen it)

As I recall it was one of those 'cut and paste' reports where they had footage of GBCs sister making a statement that he had been told not to go to the sit (not a quote I have paraphrased) and then a bit of a voice over which indicated that when the question was then posed to Superintendent Ainsworth who responded with "news to me" (that's a quote). If I knew had to find a link I would! It did stick in my head at the time because it was a very concise (maybe even curt) response to the question and I hadn't heard the question about the car.
Oh and by the way, I know exactly what a trust fund is, I have one set up for my children.
And the trust fund IS relevant because I was trying to assertain as to whether the Dickies were distancing themselves from the Baden Clays... <modsnip>
Kids..please let it go, it's not worth it. You will get booted out the door.

Imagine if Allison's parents or friends read any of this stuff
I'm glad Madonna King wasn't afraid to voice her queries in today's news. I think we all share these same queries....

To Gerard Baden-Clay too, the nightmare will continue. He's lost his wife, and now must make sure the daughters they were bringing up together have a chance at a normal childhood.

But one day they will probably ask the same questions I keep asking myself.

Why didn't you help police search for Mummy? Why didn't you join Grandpa and Nanna at the police press conference and plead for her to come home to us?

Gerard, you don't answer to me. I know that. But they will deserve an answer.
Oh please, people on here have been insinuating child *advertiser censored*, affairs, hit men, and other ludicrous things and I haven't been involved in any of that.

Why don't you go attack those poster about how the Dickies might read this forum!

Only thing I'm doing is sticking by things I have researched. Mountainhigh is trying to put words in my mouth. I have a right to stick to my research and back it up.
Trust me I get the demographic .. it's just damned inappropriate to mention that right now frankly and shows that they are way too status driven ... Also well above their means, since they obviously can't afford it on their own.

I know criticising her family right now is probably asking for it, but it just shows where the priorities are.

It's not all about social entree people, Paul Keating went to Bankstown High and left when he was 14. It's about who you are.

Perhaps they could have asked for donations for a trust fund for a therapist for the children for instance.

Mr and mrs Dickie are obviously NOT status driven. I read Allison went to Ipswich Girls Grammar when they lived at Redbank. Hardly a "posh" suburb. There are many parents out there who go without just to get their kids a fantastic education. Look how well Allison did! She became Vice Head Girl and went on to a very interesting career. Expecting the children to need long term therapy will end up meaning they will need it. Let's hope they end up being raised by the same people who did such a good job with their Mum...and as grandparents, that means they actually are unlikely to have the income to do it.
I remember feeling shocked that there was significant blood evidence in the Abrahams/Smith flat that came out once arrests were made, but police bided their time and followed them to her body. They didn't name them as suspects, to the best of my knowledge, can confirm that at least a month in there were no named suspects, well after they had that evidence.

I'm thinking about when a suspect is actually named. Is it when they are on the run? As a last resort to place pressure on someone? There is really no point to do it if they are in a known location, unlikely to flee, and have other cause to be interviewed, i.e. they are the spouse.

I would be most concerned he is not left alone with his girls as per Josh Powell. I think when there is a reasonable suspicion of intimate partner homicide, the kid's welfare comes first. Not that he should necessarily be separated from them, but he should remain supervised with them at all times. Cowardly men commit suicide as well as murder.
I remember feeling shocked that there was significant blood evidence in the Abrahams/Smith flat that came out once arrests were made, but police bided their time and followed them to her body. They didn't name them as suspects, to the best of my knowledge, can confirm that at least a month in there were no named suspects, well after they had that evidence.

I'm thinking about when a suspect is actually named. Is it when they are on the run? As a last resort to place pressure on someone? There is really no point to do it if they are in a known location, unlikely to flee, and have other cause to be interviewed, i.e. they are the spouse.

I would be most concerned he is not left alone with his girls as per Josh Powell. I think when there is a reasonable suspicion of intimate partner homicide, the kid's welfare comes first. Not that he should necessarily be separated from them, but he should remain supervised with them at all times. Cowardly men commit suicide as well as murder.

I am sure the police would not leave kids in a situation such as that if they were at ALL concerned their welfare may be in jeopardy. And no disrespect intended, but the statement above is made based on the assumption that he IS guilty. Of which no matter how much anyone here may suspect, it is not a proven fact yet. Perhaps there has been someone with them at all times, be it his family(and yes there are alot of view from people on the suitability of that, but we don't know) or they have visited with her family.
I remember feeling shocked that there was significant blood evidence in the Abrahams/Smith flat that came out once arrests were made, but police bided their time and followed them to her body. They didn't name them as suspects, to the best of my knowledge, can confirm that at least a month in there were no named suspects, well after they had that evidence.

I'm thinking about when a suspect is actually named. Is it when they are on the run? As a last resort to place pressure on someone? There is really no point to do it if they are in a known location, unlikely to flee, and have other cause to be interviewed, i.e. they are the spouse.

I would be most concerned he is not left alone with his girls as per Josh Powell. I think when there is a reasonable suspicion of intimate partner homicide, the kid's welfare comes first. Not that he should necessarily be separated from them, but he should remain supervised with them at all times. Cowardly men commit suicide as well as murder.

This is my greatest concern too ozazure, has been from day 1. I was shocked to read they were getting the house cleaned up so GBC can move back in with the girls. I'm hoping they will arrest before that happens. What's scary is he seems to have the same demeanor as Josh Powell. Really praying for an arrest soon.
As per my previous topic of conversation regarding the demeanor of people in front of the camera's, here is a link to a lengthy and unedited video in relation to Kiesha Weippeart. You can see the difference here between Robert Smith and Kristi Abraham's father respond when answering questions. Robert does a lot of head shaking, wont make eye contact. The father looks head forward, nodding along with what he's saying.

To mountanhigh


. It was in bad taste for you to even bring it up. You clearly have no idea what a trust fund is or of its relevance in these type of instances..

4. Page 7 Courier Mail today: Readers can donate to the late Alliison Baden-Clay Children Appeal. You are saying there is nothing wrong with them 'asking for donations'. They are not asking nor is the couier mail. READERS CAN DONATE....

A trust fund is for someone who's parent died (or both parents) and the other parent
IS UNABLE TO LOOK AFTER THE CHILD, how do I know, because I had one.

thanks for that EllaN but this reply but was not to you, thought that was pretty clear, it was to your other insensitive friend.
I did see your recent post however about The Dickies 'trying to tell us something' and perhaps a certain person would not be around..speculation I think you also said.

Again, this is just utter bad taste and I don't know how many people have to say it, I am sure that didn't even enter their mind. this is just something they want to do. nothing more nothing less.
Just don't bother speculating about an issue which clearly has a deep meaning to them. its wrong and its not necessary. They want to do this for their very own personal reasons. Isn't there enough out there at the mo to be speculating on??
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