Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #196

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Indeed. That's from the night of the search when they could no longer reach or ping the girls' phone thus believed it's battery was dead.

Testimony from an expert since, once the phone was found and it's data analyzed, has shown that it wasn't that the girls' phone was dead at all - rather the phone was under Libby's shoe which was under Abby's body and therefore was experiencing an inability to connect with the multiple towers in Delphi due to them being (deceased IMO) in a valley area where reception was already quite poor.
Can you show me in the transcript where the expert says A) the phone wasn’t dead B) was experience an inability to connect with the multiple towers in Delphi due to them being in a valley where reception was already quite poor?

Thanks in advance
IMO it's a fools errand to try to answer any of these big questions on the phone based only on Cecil's limited purpose testimony. First, it is clear the state case that the phone was always on until after 4.30am

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 08.57.05.png

Secondly, the phone apparently did stuff during the day (background updates) which IMO are going to prove it was never off.

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 08.58.11.png

So much will depend on the combination of CAST and Celebrite forensics. But this was a limited hearing and not the full testimony. So first up the FBI Cast expert was not there (I hope he will appear at trial), and second, Cecil was only called for the limited purpose of putting in the video timing, and Apple Health data to establish a time the crime was committed re alibis for SODDI. Auger has no evidence anyone went anywhere in a car - and IMO the trial evidence will show it's wild speculation. MOO
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Here is a YouTube clip from the night they went missing.
Ill quote Mike Patty: “missing, abducted, we don’t know for sure. Uh, cell phone has been pinging around town here, there’s a cell phone tower but the ping was last noted about 5 to 6 hours ago. They say the phones now dead.”

Time stamp on video 1:17

There was a point LE or a least Holeman believes they/he was told that Libby's phone went off at 5 p.m.
However, he now states that new technology shows that it did not.
Holeman states he didn't know about the 4:33 a.m. texts until recently.
Baldwin claims he (Baldwin) knew about those 4:33 a.m. texts last fall. Baldwin was making a point to state he knew about them before the new Celibrite update earlier this year.

All of this will be hashed out at trial.

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Sidenote: Libby's phone could have went off and back on at anytime through the night and the following day and it still wouldn't make a bit of a difference to me. My belief in RA's guilt is based on the totality of all of the evidence. Direct and circumstantial.
Digestion may also be affected by intense stress, which surely the kids were under - I wonder if that may impact the investigation of their stomach contents?

"“When we’re stressed, our brain activates the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is our flight-or-fight response: it prepares the body to protect itself against imminent danger by conserving functions that aren’t immediately needed for survival. That includes digestion. The emptying of the stomach is delayed, which can lead to a stomachache, indigestion, heartburn and nausea.”

Yes but we're only talking about 18 minutes of fight or flight stress and then death. MO
Here is a YouTube clip from the night they went missing.
Ill quote Mike Patty: “missing, abducted, we don’t know for sure. Uh, cell phone has been pinging around town here, there’s a cell phone tower but the ping was last noted about 5 to 6 hours ago. They say the phones now dead.”

Time stamp on video 1:17

This is hearsay that won't be admissible for the purpose of proving when the phone was on or off

I'll simply note that core timeline stuff will be provided by digital evidence, direct evidence like video, and the first hand witnesses. IMO it won't matter what was reported in media stories or claims made by searchers which are not based on any first hand knowledge.
I'm waiting for the Defense to petition the Appellate Court of Judge Gull's denial to certify their IA.


I’m surprised they didn’t have it ready and at hand but then again they’ll probably wait until a week before the trial is to start in order to cause a delay.

That’s how these guys roll.

I wonder if RA bought a new Carhartt jacket after his October 13th interview and deposed of the old one. That sure would be damning.
The gun would be a lot harder to swap out.
He definitely did what he could to not set off alarms. He did change his appearance quite a bit. But he didn’t go the extremes of selling off his assets.
All my opinion.
IMO He probably wouldn't have had time. They searched his property later that day.
Here is a Maps & Media thread link to the transcript detailing that day:
He would get rid of any DNA evidence years before he said what jacket he had indoors. The amount of blood from the crime means he would have quickly of got rid of stuff and likely burned somewhere.

It’s like he admitted he threw the knife in the bin at CVS. A big commercial bin that wouldn't be searched. IMO
Snipped by me:
I think RA backed in and parked at the old CPS building to keep it away from being seen at the main trailhead parking area. His car there would be more noticeable to trail goers and more easily identified.
In regards to the Hoosier Harvest store's camera? Did he even know of it's existence?
Another interesting thing I learned via google.. in Indiana it isn't required that you have a front license plate, just one on the back. Each state is different and where I am we are required to have both front and back, but Indiana only requires one on the back.

So backing in likely served 2 purposes for RA that day. Easier to leave if you just pull out instead of needing to back out and if anyone was driving by, they wouldn't be able to see his license plate easily since the front of his car wouldn't have one on it.
Another interesting thing I learned via google.. in Indiana it isn't required that you have a front license plate, just one on the back. Each state is different and where I am we are required to have both front and back, but Indiana only requires one on the back.

So backing in likely served 2 purposes for RA that day. Easier to leave if you just pull out instead of needing to back out and if anyone was driving by, they wouldn't be able to see his license plate easily since the front of his car wouldn't have one on it.

Thank you for explaining that as being in the UK I didn’t even know that was a thing.

It’s very clever on RA’s part and again points to him going there with the knowledge of what he was planning. MOO
IMO He probably wouldn't have had time. They searched his property later that day.
Here is a Maps & Media thread link to the transcript detailing that day:
Yep you’re right. He probably replace that jacket immediately after committing the crimes. Perhaps in a traceable way.
Yep you’re right. He probably replace that jacket immediately after committing the crimes. Perhaps in a traceable way.
Yes, all things are possible. It's possible that he replaced his entire wardrobe, including all the non-wardrobe items, scrubbed all of his electronics, trashed all his burner phones, replaced the carpet in his trunk and got new seatbelts.

In the meantime, I'll just wait for all that solid evidence the P has against him.
The Defense team should give you a call. You have an excuse for everything. Imo.

My remark wasn’t an “excuse” -it was an actual question. It’s a shame you can’t appreciate that there is an actual science to the investigation of stomach contents that would include the same question. I’d wager the investigators have asked the Patty’s the same thing at some point - what did they eat last, and at what time. The link I posted made it pretty clear that this information can be important to know when trying to determine the PMI.
Digestion may also be affected by intense stress, which surely the kids were under - I wonder if that may impact the investigation of their stomach contents?

"“When we’re stressed, our brain activates the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is our flight-or-fight response: it prepares the body to protect itself against imminent danger by conserving functions that aren’t immediately needed for survival. That includes digestion. The emptying of the stomach is delayed, which can lead to a stomachache, indigestion, heartburn and nausea.”

While the stress of being abducted at gunpoint and then murdered MAY have affected digestion, the same would be true of any murder victim [eta in similar circumstance] IMO, and therefore would not affect the accuracy of trained professionals opinions on TOD. IF stress slows digestion of people such as murder victims to the point it affects calculations those professionals would surely be aware and be taking it into account while determining TOD MOO

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