Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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Thanks coffeechick. Do you know if the cars were sighted in the actual carpark of the (Mower?) shop? If so, then yes, it would be anyone's guess as to the direction they were travelling. I just presumed that they were parked on the side of the road, adjacent/outside the shops - isn't there a large, gravel area there that they could have pulled over on?

Yeah they could have easily pulled over - I didn't think of that - thought I read somewhere where the person saw them in the car park - but it may be wrong. If they pulled over then it would make more sense pulling over with both cars facing Kholo Creek ahead - much more room - I don't think there is much room on the other side of the road to pull up but I suppose they may have done -
Muderers are subject to the same time problems as any other person. Their hour has sixty seconds, just like yours and mine, the moon rises and sets, the sun rises and sets for them the same as it does for us all. Time is not suspended , just because a murder is done. Space doesnt contract. 10 kls doesnt become 5, pathways dont magically open up then close after they proceed thru.. They are bound to the same natural laws as kings and commoners.

The Kholo creek area was the furtherest that could be gone from base under the time restraints. ( I am discarding the idea that some mysterious figure lived on the creek, sought Allison out, (travel time and space) and then bought her back to his base and then disappeared himself)

Things have to be done, and it all rests, really, on the timing of reporting Allison missing. There is only one person who can do this convincingly, and to do it, that person has to be in the place where she is missing from, otherwise how would he know she is missing? He cant ring from just anywhere proposing this idea.. there has to be a reason why she could be missing and not just late. And she has to be noticed to be missing at a certain time. It may be an inconvenient time, but it has to be done. It cannot be left to someone else to notice Allison not walking among us. That timing has to be controlled, or the whole thing falls apart right there.. Which I think it did. the timing of the call was stuffed up .
This could be his motive for murder.
Maybe the influentIal figures supporting him in his conquest to be a politician did tell him and her that he would be dumped from the party , if he had any involvement in DV or pending divorce issues.

Dear Aunty, sorry to disappoint you. I only suggested that GBC could potentially have some political aspirations based on the fact that he had already attempted previously to entry politics. May be, just speculating, he could consider it again considering his well composed public image. It is tailored for future political activities, in my view. Exactly for this reason, I doubt his DV history and his involvement in this murder case. Yes, his affairs have spoiled the picture, but he could wait. I also doubt that it was a so well known fact, as some claim. May be something comes up and I shall change my opinion, but for now I find it hard to believe that somebody of his league could commit such an offense. Even if we just assume that he did it, why would not he simulate a suicide situation at home? ABC had a history of depression, so it could back it up. What all those marches to the creek and back for? What could be more simple than to strangulate his wife and then hang her in the garage. Or to electrocute her in the bath and then simulate an accident, like other husbands do. No witnesses, no crime. His own home environment is far more suitable to play the suicide card that some unlikely remote area. All IMO.
Therefore.. the murderers base is the Baden-Clay residence. out to the burial site, back to base. unfortunate, but it has to be that way, to notice a missing wife. From where she went missing.

if one is not there, when a person goes missing, its a bit dicey to claim they are, in fact, missing. It has to be a fact discovered by the person most , or theoretically most, involved in her appearance.
One other scenario: We know that she changed clothes (or someone dressed her) after her hair appointment. Therefore, she either went home or she was killed near the hairdressers and quickly dumped at the site where she was found. Her car is still near or at the shopping centre. The perp later thought about the cover-up, realised the body was still dressed in the other clothes, which would not tie up with the "went for a walk" and was abducted by stranger scenario. The perp knows he must change the body's clothes and needs help (dead weight) to do it. Contacts someone else. They decides it is safer to do it during the night, when less traffic around the Kohlo bridge area. Needs to also get her car back home somehow. This would perhaps explain the sightings at the roundabout late at night. Just my speculation.

Is it possible a fight ensued at her home, may have involved another or others, then she taken or lured somewhere with another or others near where the screams were heard. She was murdered there. The howling dogs may have heard screams, cries & whispering voices as they re-dressed the dead body before dumping her at Kholo bridge? An alternative scenario for discussion. My opinion only, not fact.
Trooper I agree with your time and space post. However I think you mean sixty minutes not seconds! Even though time will fly when you are trying to fit in everything we think GBC managed that night.
Many of them are capable but not physically. Their status is far more important and they don't have a need. It's part of culture, don't you know that?
When Clinton cheated on Hillary, did she apply for divorce? No way! She stayed with her husband to support him...

There is a saying amongst the upper classes: death before divorce.
Fuskier....did they declare their home a crime scene pretty much straight away? This leads me to believe there was evidence of something amiss, apart from a missing person? Signs of something.......? Signs of something that may correlate to witness information of sights/sounds from the night.? IMO
MONTY: Pretty much. MSM stated the Police made 'unspecified observations'. Maybe other stalwarts on this thread will be able to provide more details.
Possum - you are the best; so wise!

I always look forward to your posts........

Those dogs howling at Anstead intrigued me when I read it as I have not experienced dogs howling at an intruder etc
then a couple of weeks ago I went to a friend's acreage property and her next door neighbour's dogs were on a balcony and though some distance away from us, they heard us talking in the yard and started howling, not barking!

:blushing: the possums who I am called out to assist from dog attacks seem to always be on the full moon
somebody of his league??

what league would that be?? he is a failed businessman.. this is before the murder.. a failed husband. this is before the murder . a dodgy operator among his peers in his industry that doesnt exactly gleam with approbation,

he is a fringe dweller, on the outer outer circles, not on the A list, hardly on the J list, he is a very very small fish in a very very large pond, despite his promotions to the contrary.. he is 43 and still hasnt managed to buy his own home, he is unknown out side his very very tiny low end part of the business world.. he hasnt managed to hold a job for longer than 3 years in his life, he runs a FRANCHISE of a business. Owned by another, and he is hardly managing to do that.

he is a small time operator.

I just dont get it. league?? league of spivs, scammers, jocks , and trite talkers.
Can you? Please try and tell me how it went. :)
Of course, a designated person maintains the account, but they do their checks. I even know how. Any one can subscribe to a popular account but not anyone can get a mutual "f-ship", usually. Anyway, given the publicity of the case, the Bishop's secretary had plenty of opportunity to remove GBC but they did not. My interpretation of it is that the BCs, in general, are valued because of their family background. No matter what they do, it won't be easy to sink them... as long as they are needed for something. MOO.

For what???

Money; they have none in debt to over their ears, business failing, mortgages etc.
Public appeal; good upstanding wonderful pillars of society, if they endorse someone the general public will be enamoured
Campaign funds; these are fairly public and I am sure they would loose more people from funding them if they found out the BCs were doing he same

I don't think so!!!

Did anyone see Allison's car at the her house after the hairdressers? If she went straight home after the hairdressers, then someone might have sighted her car at the house around 8.00 pm. Unless I have missed it, this information seems to be missing from the puzzle.

I am remembering correctly didn't ABC's friend say she was going to drop something off to her that night or perhaps the next day? (Kerrianne I think) I will go and hunt this down.....
I've been thinking a little more on the roundabout thing and maybe NBC is waiting for the person in the blue car to pick him from roundabout on their way through to GBC's. That is if there is a blue car and not the captiva.
the man is a joiner. nothing more. anyone can join anything.

how the Chamber of Commerce in Kenmore managed to land Gerard for the slippery position as it's head without him at least being a stakeholder, * that is, owning property and not a renter* is merely an indication of how low the bar was for the post. How on earth he manged the utter hypocrisy to continue in the Chaplaincy service at Kenmore High is an indication of how much appearances must weigh against actual reality.

Being in involved in the P @ C at the girls school has probably been a wider hunting ground for Gerard in his pants activities.. there is no suggestion that he actually achieved anything of note there.
Ok Here it is

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, Kerry-Anne Walker, has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.

"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," Mrs Walker said.
Is it possible the howling dogs heard voices as they re-dressed the dead body before dumping her?

I think all of the dogs that have been reported regarding this case have been vocalising at something unusual going on in their neck of the woods in the dead of night.
Muderers are subject to the same time problems as any other person. Their hour has sixty seconds, just like yours and mine, the moon rises and sets, the sun rises and sets for them the same as it does for us all. Time is not suspended , just because a murder is done. Space doesnt contract. 10 kls doesnt become 5, pathways dont magically open up then close after they proceed thru.. They are bound to the same natural laws as kings and commoners.

The Kholo creek area was the furtherest that could be gone from base under the time restraints. ( I am discarding the idea that some mysterious figure lived on the creek, sought Allison out, (travel time and space) and then bought her back to his base and then disappeared himself)

Things have to be done, and it all rests, really, on the timing of reporting Allison missing. There is only one person who can do this convincingly, and to do it, that person has to be in the place where she is missing from, otherwise how would he know she is missing? He cant ring from just anywhere proposing this idea.. there has to be a reason why she could be missing and not just late. And she has to be noticed to be missing at a certain time. It may be an inconvenient time, but it has to be done. It cannot be left to someone else to notice Allison not walking among us. That timing has to be controlled, or the whole thing falls apart right there.. Which I think it did. the timing of the call was stuffed up .

Yes I agree again, if he made that call it was way too early.
Something backed him into a corner, I still wonder if the police were there Thursday night, and he fobbed them off by saying she had gone off to cool down, wasn't a lot of other excuses he could use if her car was still there.
When Friday came, he was stuffed, nothing left but to say she hadn't returned.
Ok Here it is

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, Kerry-Anne Walker, has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.

"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that nightso she would have got all her stuff ready," Mrs Walker said.

She is quoted as saying 'that night' which usually means people are saying that when they refer to someone they are speaking to before hat night ie in the afternoon. For instance, I spoke to my daughter on Tuesday and she said she was going to watch the cricket that night.
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