Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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I can't shake these gut feelings, so thought I'd put them out there for consideration & discussion.

If there was a call out on the Thursday night for a domestic disturbance, who's to say it was between gbc & abc? Could it have been gbc & another family member? Both would be able to confirm they are ok with no further question.

If there were blood curdling screams on that Thursday night, does it mean that it was abc being muffled? Could it not be an after crime accomplice being told of abc's murder or seeing her? Could the screaming be their reaction to the news, thus being muffled?


Thanks hoodunit. This kind of gave me shivers as I have not thought of this possibility at all. I think it is entirely feasible, thanks for adding something new.
I am disappointed at the inconsistencies in MSM regarding this case.

I read that too and discounted it Nads :(

It is so frustrating trying to figure out whether GBC last saw her Thursday night or Friday morning and whether the children were at home or not. IMO

I agree Mani but I have also been thinking even if they were at home, kids can sleep through almost anything (well mine certainly did) and what if they woke up in the morning and GBC said 'girls Mummy has a big day, don't wake her up yet let her sleep and we will make breakfast', again planting the thought in the girls mind that she is there when in fact she wasn't. So come 6.30 or 7 'girls go and wake mummy up'. 'what she is not in bed? We better ring the police'. MOO
Thanks coffeechick. Do you know if the cars were sighted in the actual carpark of the (Mower?) shop? If so, then yes, it would be anyone's guess as to the direction they were travelling. I just presumed that they were parked on the side of the road, adjacent/outside the shops - isn't there a large, gravel area there that they could have pulled over on?

Yes I'm sure there is a gravel area to pull over in, near the public phone?
Ok Here it is

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, Kerry-Anne Walker, has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.

"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," Mrs Walker said.
Thanks LIADAN. Helpful. We don't know what time 'on the night' this text exchange happened. We don't know if the text was sent by Allison or somebody on Allison's behalf.
From Kiwi50...' if he made that call it was way too early.'

It was.... on it's face , it doesnt make sense.. but it made sense to Gerard. He was under a time constraint. It is imperative that he ( and only he ,and he first) notices her missing.. it just wouldnt do if he notices this way in to the day and into the evening. .it wont fly then.. 'why didnt you call earlier?'....

and if there are accomplices.. they have to be back at their base, doing normal stuff, everything has to be unremarkable... every single thing. .
the man is a joiner. nothing more. anyone can join anything.

how the Chamber of Commerce in Kenmore managed to land Gerard for the slippery position as it's head without him at least being a stakeholder, * that is, owning property and not a renter* is merely an indication of how low the bar was for the post. How on earth he manged the utter hypocrisy to continue in the Chaplaincy service at Kenmore High is an indication of how much appearances must weigh against actual reality.

Being in involved in the P @ C at the girls school has probably been a wider hunting ground for Gerard in his pants activities.. there is no suggestion that he actually achieved anything of note there.
I think I may be reaching but thanks for hearing me out.

Yes but skma's theory would work if GBC phoned abc as she was leaving the hairdressers to let her know the Walton's were there and they were meeting them for dinner - wouldn't be the first time a husband gave a wife absolutely no notice as to what was going on (speaking from experience) :)
I am remembering correctly didn't ABC's friend say she was going to drop something off to her that night or perhaps the next day? (Kerrianne I think) I will go and hunt this down.....

i remember reading that too and for some reason got the feeling allison had probably decided to get on with her life without gerard, possibly dropping things off for her friend to store for her in anticipation of her move to a place of her own with the girls. i also have the feeling she had a new found confidence and strength enabling her to finally do that. all my opinion obviously and just based on a feeling.
also wondering if nbc was seen at the bus stop thursday pm, could it be he changed his mind as was so traumatised by events and so unable to help, or left there so he wasnt a witness to the body dumping, so he could truthfully say he didnt know if later questioned? unsure of his role in all this.
From Kiwi50...' if he made that call it was way too early.'

It was.... on it's face , it doesnt make sense.. but it made sense to Gerard. He was under a time constraint. It is imperative that he ( and only he ,and he first) notices her missing.. it just wouldnt do if he notices this way in to the day and into the evening. .it wont fly then.. 'why didnt you call earlier?'....

and if there are accomplices.. they have to be back at their base, doing normal stuff, everything has to be unremarkable... every single thing. .

I think this hits the nail right on the head!!!
My, you are all very talkative today. I started reading again from page 7, when the posts were up to page 11. By the time I got to page11, you were up to 22. Do I need to read posts 8 to 21 ??? Help, I can't keep up !!!!!!!
I have spent the morning reading MSM articles.

I don't recall reading this before or it being discussed (sorry if it has )

It says " GBC told police he last saw his wife leaving their Brookfield home at 10pm dressed in her walking clothes to go for a walk on her usual trail "

It also says that "a frantic GBC rang and sent text messages to several people asking if they had heard from his wife after she failed to return home on Thursday night. Eventually he went to bed alone."

Who did he call and send text messages to?

Did he try to contact Allison himself?

At what time did he become 'frantic'?

So sorry I still can't drive my I pad and can't link the article. I wash there was an L plate symbol.

Just some thoughts and questions and all IMO

Ok Here it is

Mrs Baden-Clay's best friend, Kerry-Anne Walker, has helped the Dickies in their ordeal and was at the search site every day. She was one of the last to have contact with Mrs Baden-Clay, texting her on the night she disappeared about her plans for the following day.

"That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," Mrs Walker said.

This says Kerry-Anne sent text/s to Allison, but doesn't indicate if she received a response ??
how the Chamber of Commerce in Kenmore managed to land Gerard for the slippery position as it's head without him at least being a stakeholder, * that is, owning property and not a renter* is merely an indication of how low the bar was for the post. How on earth he manged the utter hypocrisy to continue in the Chaplaincy service at Kenmore High is an indication of how much appearances must weigh against actual reality.

For a minute, isn't he a future Baron Baden-Powell?
How on earth he managed.. As if you don't know how..

But my point is, regardless of his apparent luck of achievement, he would not ever sink. He is an unsinkable Baden-Powell. By the same token, he does not need to kill to achieve something. IMO.
This information comes from a disgraced former-MP, Michael Johnson. He was ousted from his seat, and from the Liberal Party for dishonestly dealing with party funds ... and reputedly branch-stacked to get endorsement in the first place: he was never very popular in Liberal Party circles. He was always a publicity-seeker and coat-tail clinger of people he perceived as important. IMO this statement is a way for him to get his name back in the media.

He and GBC would be two of a kind - ambitious, constantly networking, publicity seeking and lacking much substance. That Johnson thought GBC would make a good politician is a very poor recommendation indeed - IMO.:moo:
Courier Mail article 6/5/2012 below may clarify the 'political aspirations', which were back in 2004.

AS POLICE continued the hunt for Allison Baden-Clay's killer, a picture is emerging of the close ties the prominent family has to the community in Brisbane's affluent western suburbs.
Husband Gerard was once favoured in the LNP ranks as a future member of parliament, touted by at least one federal MP as the "best candidate" in the Moggill electorate for the 2004 state election.
"I thought he was definitely a future state government minister," said former LNP member and federal Ryan MP Michael Johnson. "He has a very strong pro-business background and that is the DNA of the Liberal Party."
Mr Baden-Clay, 41, has focused on building his real estate business Century 21 Westside in past years, maintaining connections to high-profile identities including sitting Moggill MP Bruce Flegg.
He has been president of the Kenmore and District Chamber of Commerce since 2004 and been involved in the Brookfield State School P&C.
Mr Baden-Clay's affinity with the LNP is evident on social networking sites where he is "friends" with Federal Ryan MP Jane Prentice, former Cunningham MP and expelled LNP member Stuart Copeland, Premier Campbell Newman, former LNP leader John-Paul Langbroek, and federal deputy Opposition leader Julie Bishop.
Others in the party were aware of Mr Baden-Clay's strong community networks, but said they didn't believe he was lining up for endorsement.
Mr Johnson, who was disendorsed by the LNP in 2010, said he had met Mr Baden-Clay many times at public functions and was disappointed he wasn't "active in the political scene".
"I thought he was someone who could've taken over from (former Liberal leader) David Watson," Mr Johnson said
Dear Aunty, sorry to disappoint you. I only suggested that GBC could potentially have some political aspirations based on the fact that he had already attempted previously to entry politics. May be, just speculating, he could consider it again considering his well composed public image. It is tailored for future political activities, in my view. Exactly for this reason, I doubt his DV history and his involvement in this murder case. Yes, his affairs have spoiled the picture, but he could wait. I also doubt that it was a so well known fact, as some claim. May be something comes up and I shall change my opinion, but for now I find it hard to believe that somebody of his league could commit such an offense. Even if we just assume that he did it, why would not he simulate a suicide situation at home? ABC had a history of depression, so it could back it up. What all those marches to the creek and back for? What could be more simple than to strangulate his wife and then hang her in the garage. Or to electrocute her in the bath and then simulate an accident, like other husbands do. No witnesses, no crime. His own home environment is far more suitable to play the suicide card that some unlikely remote area. All IMO.

Grannie you almost sound like you wish you could have had the political prospects of GBC yourself. All you need to do is study hard, join the young libs, -'find a girl, settle down, if you want to you can marry.....' have a few kids, rent a house in Brookfield, become president of the CC (as people with real things to dorarely have time for extra curricular activities), take up any position, paid or unpaid, that will give you public kudos and you will be sought after!!!!
She is quoted as saying 'that night' which usually means people are saying that when they refer to someone they are speaking to before hat night ie in the afternoon. For instance, I spoke to my daughter on Tuesday and she said she was going to watch the cricket that night.

It's interesting how we can read the same thing and take the opposite from it.
Because the friend was talking about Friday and how busy Allison's day was going to be, I took "that night" to be Friday.
Darn if only the reporter had put Thursday or Friday all would have been so much clearer.
I have spent the morning reading MSM articles.

I don't recall reading this before or it being discussed (sorry if it has )

It says " GBC told police he last saw his wife leaving their Brookfield home at 10pm dressed in her walking clothes to go for a walk on her usual trail "

It also says that "a frantic GBC rang and sent text messages to several people asking if they had heard from his wife after she failed to return home on Thursday night. Eventually he went to bed alone."

Who did he call and send text messages to?

Did he try to contact Allison himself?

At what time did he become 'frantic'?

So sorry I still can't drive my I pad and can't link the article. I wash there was an L plate symbol.

Just some thoughts and questions and all IMO

Sorry that you can't link the article but I do remember those early msm articles.

We are not privvy to who he rang/texted unfortunately but the stand-out for me was how did he manage to go to sleep, why didn't he go looking and I asked the locals in an older post if anyone knew Allison's walking route?

It is a weird story and has more holes than swiss cheese IMO
he is 43 and still hasnt managed to buy his own home, he is unknown out side his very very tiny low end part of the business world.. he hasnt managed to hold a job for longer than 3 years in his life
We don't know if he does not own assets. He may have rented out his upmarket properties to save some money. May be their rental property did not cost them much. May be he is waiting for an inheritance. As a failed businessman (which is nothing to be ashamed of in current economy) he must be dreaming of some solutions to save his career, and those may include politics and more loans (under inheritance prospects). IMO.
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