Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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Re : Paul Tully....the only thing I can think, is that he knows the media cant dish out the info, as they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. He isnt a journalist, so isnt bound by newspapers being fined, like the poor journo's are..and he is getting it out there to people.

Doesnt mean, I trust him.....But it sure is a possibility and is within the realms of a comprehendable thing to do......and darn kind, if it is the case.

He could sure probably get into the poo and harm his own reputation, if his sources are wrong....But, if he is putting it on the line for Allison......How admirable :)
I feel like I'm going MAD! What's going on in everyone on the turps tonight? Mean and cruel and spiteful and nasty and sarcastic...and...and....but I guess it happens in the best of families! My beloved Greg has started SHOUTING!! Perhaps we're all just stir crazy from the wait. I like to speculate on who people might be, what they might do and where they might live, and was feeling a kinship with Trooper when he mentioned poor old Mr Darbeyfield (one of my favourites - the best marriage between a book and a movie ever!) when lo and behold he/she mentions that 20 year old's murder and this is 'local' to me! (Twilight moment.) Then I've been (seriously) contemplating whizzing down to Melbourne and shouting Willough a weekend away at Brookfield where we'll arrive with 'sunflowers' in our hair....what am I thinking? Is it a full moon tonight? Maybe the whole forum should have a 'time out'.....I'm sure I'm not the only one whose floors need mopping, washing needs folding etc. I'm going to 'retire' from WS for now and keep abreast of things with some Google alerts. (Can I do it? Probably not!)

Lol I was only announcing excitedly the arrival of the baron :)
Reviewing this thread now. You guys have the chance to edit/delete posts in vilolation of WS TOS and Rules now. As long as you get to it before I do.

Leave Allison's friend out of this! Unless you can provide a link where is has some knowledge or bears some personal responsiblity in her death - not one more word of any wild speculation! We don't bash innocents here at WS.

Alerting for Kimster to check who needs to be zapped with her ray gun, so if you have some bad posts, you better hightail it over to edit/delete NOW.
Someone already posted this link earlier today. A Law degree means zilch if he isn't working in the field and if he was working in the field, he would keep his mouth shut.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has launched a scathing attack on an Ipswich councillor for using social media to incorrectly report the deaths of two people in the Ipswich floods.

It is alleged Councillor Paul Tully wrote on his Twitter account that two bodies had been found in a house at Goodna during clean-up efforts on Sunday night.

Police say no-one from the family was reported missing and no bodies were found.

Ms Bligh says she has never heard of a politician acting so irresponsibly.

I disagree about your point re someone having a Law Degree and not working in the legal system. He still has the knowledge, more than Joe Citizen!

I also like to draw your attention to the last part of the article:


Councillor Tully says he was told about the bodies by a 20-year-old flood volunteer worker.

"No I didn't tweet it. I spoke to [the] Australian Associated Press, indicated at all times - at all times - that it was an unconfirmed report," he said.

"My Twitter service is set up in an automated way so that any news report which has the word 'Goodna' in it will give an automatic tweet."

The ABC received an email from Councillor Tully this morning containing details about an unconfirmed report of two deaths.

Wow seems like anarchy in here lately... No need for mods we need Oprah to host this!
Or even better Jerry Springer!!! IMO of course...

Any chance of some sleuthing folks?!

Don't worry, I'm looking at the posts now. And there are going to be consequences.
Out of genuine interest, what do you consider the top 3 or 4 key pieces of "evidence"?

I have used the word evidence to describe what I see as evidence in my eyes, not what the police would actually term evidence in a legal sense.
1. GBCs changing story of when ABC went for her walk.
2. Police noting circumstances at BCs home that made them suspicious.
3. Police request for witnesses regarding movements of the BCs cars.
4. GBC engaging lawyer and barrister early on.
5. THAT interview.
6. Car accident on the way to police station. Odds of wife going missing and car accident during same week very long.

I realise that the evidence I have given has relied on what we have been told via the media. I would be so glad to be proven wrong for the sake of those three little girls. I just can't see any other possibilities.
Some people seem to forget that Cr Tully also has a Law Degree. IMO the man is not stupid. He knows exactly why he is writing what he is writing IMO.

I've met plenty of untrustworthy people with law degrees. Even if he does have access to info somehow I have serious questions about his motives for making such sensational comments. And what kind of lawyer is he/was he anyway? I have friends who are practicing defence lawyers, they are not privy to info about every single thing and when they do come across information they don't discuss it willy nilly. On occasions when they do discuss matters they do so in private rather than on a public blog. Someone else linked before to an abc article where PT caught out making outrageous comments on another occasion but I have forgotten who!

Personally I don't trust him one little bit and find him to be completely out of line, but hey, that's just my opinion :)
well spotted, louise.. I hadnt connected the wife missing and the car accident in quite the way you do.. yes it was odd and ridiculous, but seeing it like that put it in a different perspective.
I respect that and i respect people may like him.....But I have known men with varied degrees achieved in the late 70s-80s, who have drunk so many bourbons/beers/wines between then and today, that it wouldn't mean a darn thing that they have these credentials.

I dont understand why he is blogging on his own site about Allison's death. Law Enforcement is not his purpose. I can understand he would have an interest in the case, like anyone living in the area....It is just not his place to be putting information out to the public.....As the other dude said "He isnt a journalist"

But it is his own blog. He can write about whatever he wants really. Also, sorry to disagree with you about when someone obtained a degree ... that is totally irrelevant (I completed my Bachelors Degree in the 80') :)
Ah willough and blue bottle, sorry for doubling up on some of your ideas... Hadnt read your posts :)
Uh Oh my blackadder analogy has disappeared ....goodbye cruel world ;)
... and who said the A Lincoln was right?

He was right at least once, going on the 2011 case report below.

A Man Who Represents Himself Has a Fool for a Client
Posted on December 6, 2011 by andrewmishlove
An interesting court of appeals decision today came out of Ohio, where the defendant who represented himself made three blunders that caused him to be convicted of a DUI. He was arrested for DUI while on a bicycle.

Now, in some states it is sufficient for a DUI to be on a “vehicle,” which may include a bicycle. Other states, such as Wisconsin, normally require it to be a “motor vehicle.” This fellow got his legal advice from his friends, family, the police and maybe the judge; and, he plead guilty. Only later, he learned that in Ohio, drunken bicycling is not a DUI. So, naturally, he made a motion to reconsider his case, still representing himself.

The second blunder was that he missed the time limit for filing the motion to reconsider. In order to get around the time limit, he filed a motion alleging ineffective assistance of counsel. In effect, he attacked his representation of himself. That, of course, is not allowed either.

So, the fellow’s client wound up with a DUI on his record solely because of the bad representation that he received from himself.

On the other hand, think of the money that he saved in legal fees.

The case is Olmstead Falls v. Buckwald. Thanks to my Illinois colleague and fellow NCDD Regent, Don Ramsell, for bringing this to my attention.

PT no doubt has friends in all sorts of places, but is not bound by the "ethics" ha! of being a practising lawyer.

I see him as the leak we have to have. Who knows, perhaps the CM are leaking him info? As their hands are tied to a large extent.
KG1, what does a lawyer representing himself have to do with Paul Tully?

And you can admit now that manslaughter is a form of homicide.
KG1, what does a lawyer representing himself have to do with Paul Tully?

And you can admit now that manslaughter is a form of homicide.

Homicide is unlawful killing of another person so yes, manslaughter is a form of homicide.
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