Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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Not that that anyone will take any notice. If there was some kind of legal suit taken out, on the other hand, that just might garner some attention but people power? What are you, a hippy? No one will really care. We have kids to feed and jobs to do. We don't even know who this dead chick is. There will be a few angry letters to the Courier Mail, some gobsmacked media for a few days (who won't follow up because they won't have the funding to, or the editorial authority) and then an assurance from the powers that be that the letter of the law was followed and that it's only be a few crackpots who spend all their time online instead of in the real world who think otherwise. Disagree and you get annihilated (to quote Midnight Oil). There are people who hold cards and people who don't. Sorry to be so cynical...

Sorry, I'm a little lost here. Surely you are not referring to Allison as 'this dead chick?'
at least Grannie did admit she was , indeed , wrong on that point, Greg. .which may be a first, I dont know..
Time for quick post only. I hear that this investigation is going very well. Loads of evidence to reconcile and check. More than just homicide offences to check which partly explains media shyness. The immunity and CMC angles seem unlikely to me but certainly possible. Am expecting high risk of perjury and contempt when trial is on. Sunflower thing is so life affirming to hear of. All MOO.
HAWKINS: Wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your contribution tonight.
The Scout Association was formed under its previous name, The Boy Scout Association, in 1910 by the grant of a charter by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Boy Scout Association was renamed as The Scout Association in 1967.

The association's president is HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a patron of the organisation.

Scouting was now a global phenomenon, with a Royal Charter of 4 January 1912 incorporating The Boy Scout Association throughout the British Empire, with "the purpose of instructing boys of all classes in the principles of discipline loyalty and good citizenship", being granted by George V.[15] The first World Jamboree for Scouts was held in Olympia, London in 1920, and was a celebration and conference of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.[12]

The Scout Association has had many notable members in the past, with the following selection being the best known:

Tony Blair – former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom[51]
Richard Branson – Virgin Group Founder[51]
John Major – former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom[50]

Sourced from [ame=""]The Scout Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Sorry, I'm a little lost here. Surely you are not referring to Allison as 'this dead chick?'

In the eyes of Joe Blow from Rocklea who's just gotten home, exhausted, from his night shift to find his harried wife who's been up all night with a sick kid and has to now go to work so they can pay the bills and afford medicine for the sick kid, yes. Joe's company is on the brink of laying off 100 staff and the word is Joe might be amongst them. They have a mortgage to pay, a car loan and several thousands dollars worth of credit card debt waiting to be paid off.

A lot of people have bigger fish to fry than speaking out about the possibility of a miscarriage of justice regarding the murder of some woman they've never even heard of.
Thank you CJ60. You are a true legend.

I've been wondering where you've been, glad you're back!
We don't know if he does not own assets. He may have rented out his upmarket properties to save some money. May be their rental property did not cost them much. May be he is waiting for an inheritance. As a failed businessman (which is nothing to be ashamed of in current economy) he must be dreaming of some solutions to save his career, and those may include politics and more loans (under inheritance prospects). IMO.

Grannie, You have mentioned " he must be dreaming about a loan " under inheritance prospects" :what:
Could he have been dreaming of collecting his wifes insurance payout ? :what:
I'm not playing tag as far as I know. See my response above.

SKMA - this has nothing to do with playing tag - people on this forum are here because they care about what has happened to Allison - a complete stranger to most of us. Allison was a woman that was murdered - she is not a 'dead chick'.
Grannie, You have mentioned " he must be dreaming about a loan " under inheritance prospects" :what:
Could he have been dreaming of collecting his wifes insurance payout ? :what:

yep thats the dream I reckon he's been having.....
In the eyes of Joe Blow from Rocklea who's just gotten home, exhausted, from his night shift to find his harried wife who's been up all night with a sick kid and has to now go to work so they can pay the bills and afford medicine for the sick kid, yes. Joe's company is on the brink of laying off 100 staff and the word is Joe might be amongst them. They have a mortgage to pay, a car loan and several thousands dollars worth of credit card debt waiting to be paid off.

A lot of people have bigger fish to fry than speaking out about the possibility of a miscarriage of justice regarding the murder of some woman they've never even heard of.

I understand people have bigger things on than this in their world....But, I dont think that creates a need to refer to her in that manner. No-one is making Joe Blow log on to the Allison Baden-Clay thread. We love having you here, but none of us are grabbing your hands and forcing you to key in your username nad password.

With that said, Mate, sounds like some heavy crap going on in your world....and if you are Joe Blow....All I can say is "*advertiser censored*"....and sorry.

Much luck in the hope it all gets back on track...If not, sell the friggin lot....Ive been there a few years back....and once done, it was the best thing WE did. Biggest weight off our shoulders. Have mortgage again now, smaller home...and our cars now are much more modest.
As far as I know Kiwi the police and Child Protection Services would not be able to put strict conditions on GBC in regard to the girls. He has not been charged with anything at this stage. The girls, I imagine love their father and would be very traumatized to be taken away from him. Child Protection Services would not and cannot remove the girls from GBC without going through the legal channels with proof that the children are in danger. GBC is their father, their legal guardian and he has every right to have them with him, according to the law.

I would really like to know what GBC's mindset is at the moment. His whole world has come crumbling down around him, with the latest MSM report that his real estate business is dead in the water. He must feel like a complete failure and I'm so concerned for those little girls.

I'm worried that he's going to take the coward's way out to avoid further humiliation.

This is my opinion only and I don't want it taken out of context that GBC is suicidal.

Bet he's feeling just a little bit depressed though.

That is empathic of you MAKARA and shows an awareness of 'risk' management. Our empathy should be with those 3 little girls, given our speculation about GBC's possible mental state. Those around him, including his legal advisors have responsibility to make suitable decison regarding his mental health and consult where necessary. My opinion only, not fact.
Grannie, You have mentioned " he must be dreaming about a loan " under inheritance prospects" :what:

A tiny mistake, by Gran.. she , suddenly and without warning, stated that Gerard was in line for a Baronetcy.... from this, she deduced there would be 'inheritances'.. of an unspecified nature.

Once it was pointed out that Gerard was NOT inline, and was as far away from that line as my little dog Peregrine, the matter was dropped. Grannie stated she was wrong on that particular call.
I understand people have bigger things on than this in their world....But, I dont think that creates a need to refer to her in that manner. No-one is making Joe Blow log on to the Allison Baden-Clay thread. We love having you here, but none of us are grabbing your hands and forcing you to key in your username nad password.

With that said, Mate, sounds like some heavy crap going on in your world....and if you are Joe Blow....All I can say is "*advertiser censored*"....and sorry.

Much luck in the hope it all gets back on track...If not, sell the friggin lot....Ive been there a few years back....and once done, it was the best thing WE did. Biggest weight off our shoulders. Have mortgage again now, smaller home...and our cars now are much more modest.

Rest assured, I'm not Joe Blow. I am in more fortunate circumstances. I made Joe Blow up to illustrate my point (which has been obviously lost in the mix). :) Thanks, though.:seeya:
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