Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #4

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Given the large window of time, maybe the car was seen clean, then dirty and then clean again? If someone was in the white prado and went off road to dispose of a body, the prado would possibly get dirty.

good point, or maybe seen with contents in back, then without contents in back, like blankets etc?
police have reported allisons body may have been dumped as early as 8pm thursday, so im thinking they may have footage of her going through the roundabout after the salon, heading home,before 8pm, and she probably texted her friend before 8pm also.
the neighbours heard arguing around 10pm and there were screams and a muffled scream around 10-10.30 thursday night.
im wondering if after they argued at home, around 10pm, allison may have stormed off in her car, speeding with him chasing her in his car, they pulled over, arguing loudly, she starts screaming, he puts his hand over her mouth, muffled scream, they drive their cars home and the argument flares up again, ending in her death. gerard drives her car through the roundabout to dispose of the body, then home again. he may have even driven out again to have a look at her.
if all this to-ing and fro-ing involved the roundabout cctv footage, erratic driving etc, people may have noticed
all of this easier if the children were at the grandparents
also wonder if she did get home and change into her running clothes straight after she arrived home intending to go for a walk early that evening because of her early start friday?
I can just imagine someone killing their spouse, then calling their dad and saying, I've killed her and I'm going to kill myself and the kids.

And dad responding, no son, we'll help you fix it, everything will be ok.
In a previous thread a member posted a longg, very informative post about what we knew at that stage as being "confirmed facts", "rumours/gossip" etc.

It would be really helpful if that member might like to do an updated version of that post, please??

I posted one list (facts only), which hasn't changed since, however there is another one by another member (which I believe is the one you are referring to).
Just adding a little extra to my previous post...

If he's a "sooky lala, it's all about me" type, think of the video of him after the crash "just a little bit hurt but I'm ok"... I can see him calling someone & saying "poor me, what do I do now??, I only hurt her a little bit & she's gone & died".

He also said, "I've tried to help the police as much as I can," he said
I posted one list (facts only), which hasn't changed since, however there is another one by another member (which I believe is the one you are referring to).

Do you still have your list??
That's very true lol. But i'm trying to work out how he seems to be the only one that knows anything. I haven't even seen anything where the police have confirmed a suspect. And as for the suspect not being allowed to go to the funeral i wonder where he got all his information from (before anyone else) possibly including family not being informed first

Sounds like Maverick to me??

Where has he gone by the way??
police have reported allisons body may have been dumped as early as 8pm thursday, so im thinking they may have footage of her going through the roundabout after the salon, heading home,before 8pm, and she probably texted her friend before 8pm also.
the neighbours heard arguing around 10pm and there were screams and a muffled scream around 10-10.30 thursday night.
im wondering if after they argued at home, around 10pm, allison may have stormed off in her car, speeding with him chasing her in his car, they pulled over, arguing loudly, she starts screaming, he puts his hand over her mouth, muffled scream, they drive their cars home and the argument flares up again, ending in her death. gerard drives her car through the roundabout to dispose of the body, then home again. he may have even driven out again to have a look at her.
if all this to-ing and fro-ing involved the roundabout cctv footage, erratic driving etc, people may have noticed
all of this easier if the children were at the grandparents
also wonder if she did get home and change into her running clothes straight after she arrived home intending to go for a walk early that evening because of her early start friday?
Yep that could have been what happened
about the children - i think they could have been in the house- if you had just killed someone - and was in a panic about what to do with body - i think you would not be concerned about the kids and their safety ! he could have just left them asleep locking the house
really thinking out loud here, but what are some of the scenarios that could have taken place?

1. NBC(or someone who would help out a man like this) gets a call from GBC and drives out to Brookfield through kenmore, spends half the night out of view of cctv cameras, meaning maybe travelling from Brookfiled out to Mt Crosby and back again... returns through roundabout sometime later. it would be many hours if this was the case and could indicate the timeframe was made because he was seen at the roundabout then. THIS DOESNT EXPLAIN ANY OUT OF PLACE EVENTS AT ROUNDABOUT, SO SEEMS UNLIKELY, UNLESS POLICE ARE USING THAT PHRASE TO GET ANY INFO AT ALL FROM LOCALS AT THE TIME. If GBC is guilty and it was an argument that got out of hand, then I kind of see this as a possibility. It fits the whole theory of NBC being boss and fixing up little mans mistakes...and who you gonna call when you've just murdered your wife??? if anyone? that list cant be too long, I think

2. GBC could have met someone here to transfer her from one car to the next, or been picked up here and driven off with someone who was assisting him. again NBC features heavily in this cover up type scenario. and it fits the out of place behaviour at or in the vicinity of the roundabout (remember the wording from police is in the vicinity of roundabout)

3. ABC could have been seen on cctv footage. I cant really think of a scenario where this fits yet, but will keep trying. You would think there would be some footage of her after the hairdressers, driving through, but that is early in the evening. It doesn't seem likely, at least my brain isn't thinking like that yet

I wonder if we could put forward hypothesises, and then try and disprove them based on what little information we have been given. It would help us to stick to the facts, and maybe discover some new ideas

I tend to believe that if the husband had help and another (family) car was seen on CCTV meeting up with the husband in the area of the roundabout, police would have issued a search warrant for that other car by now. The police know exactly what cars are in the whole family and to my knowledge they have not searched other cars. If a transfer of a body took place, I don't think they are that stupid to do it in such a well-nigh area? I agree with your theory that if the husband did in fact call for help, most probably it was his father who he called.
Well spotted Prof ! - at first I thought you were nuts, then really honed in on his eyes via my ipad, and I have to agree. Those pupils are mega.

I commented on Cocaine use in first thread and got shot down in Flames...I do know a lot of people who use Cocaine and the affects it has on people...Weight Loss.... Erractic behaviour and a Holier than thou attitude. One thing that Cocaine does is makes you feel like you can do anything without being caught....It also can leave a dent in the bank balance...!
"Asked why police responded in such force to a missing person's report on the Friday morning, Supt Ainsworth yesterday said officers who first attended made unspecified observations they reported to detectives."

You are so right Willough - unless GBC was advising the attending officers of his wife's disappearance without his shirt on the alleged bruising on his chest was unlikely to be the unspecified observations they made!

Police could have asked to see his hands, and requested he remove his shirt, he didnt have legal advice on the first day
I commented on Cocaine use in first thread and got shot down in Flames...I do know a lot of people who use Cocaine and the affects it has on people...Weight Loss.... Erractic behaviour and a Holier than thou attitude. One thing that Cocaine does is makes you feel like you can do anything without being caught....It also can leave a dent in the bank balance...!

Cocaine might make you desperate for more cocaine but I don't think it makes you delusional. It enhances the way you feel but I don't think it would alter someone that much to turn someone into a person who would justify killing.
He may have been waiting in the back of ABC's Car if in fact it was pre meditated ... ?

possible ... but put yourself in GBC dad shoes - what would you do ? more likely than not you talk your son in to confessing and then try your hardest to get good legal representation , that would be the best thing for your son- after all they have [ as far as we know] not been involed in criminal acts.
so i think GBC acted alone ..
I tend to believe that if the husband had help and another (family) car was seen on CCTV meeting up with the husband in the area of the roundabout, police would have issued a search warrant for that other car by now. The police know exactly what cars are in the whole family and to my knowledge they have not searched other cars. If a transfer of a body took place, I don't think they are that stupid to do it in such a well-nigh area? I agree with your theory that if the husband did in fact call for help, most probably it was his father who he called.

That vehicle in which GBC had the accident on the Saturday afternoon following ABC's disappearance:- We don't know to whom it belonged; or where it is now.
RE: roundabout, I wonder if the thing they are timing for is a how long the car or cars of interest are OUT OF SIGHT? they know how long it takes to get from a to b with out needing to stop traffic, I still think they were recreating footage they have, and timing where the car could have got to, given the amount of time absent from the cctv. If you are working within a 20 minute maximum, it limits how far the car could have gone, or how many times it could have made a trip to say, one house to the next, or one way to bridge and back etc.

That is one of the best theories I have seen here yet!!

I think you are certainly on to something there!:woohoo:
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