Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #4

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I think this forum from the outset has been confused (certainly me) about the person that was extensively interviewed, a possible mistress and some female staff from C21.

I have decided I have absolutely no idea who the police have been interviewing and their business/personal relationship and whether they have engaged a lawyer.

Can anyone help with facts?

Barossa can she knows from tonights negating of the other 2 ex colleagues we have mentioned/thought of.

This lady is the ex mistress and is afraid of aiding and abetting the murder I feel, not Barossa.
Couldn't stay away, but managed to resist posting because most of the more outlandish theories on here are just reconstituted versions of some of the other madness from previous threads. Other than the patient stayers (you know who you are :)) Hawkins' posts are a revelation - well done for bringing some reality to the table. Really interesting insights into the process.

Logic suggests the location of Allison's murder was determined from day one. I believe police have enough of the physical evidence required, despite the challenges presented by the delay finding where Allison was dumped.

I won't go into my justification, but assure you Allison was not thrown off that bridge. The police spent a lot of time scouting the upstream area, after finding her body. People trying to justify what happened by tidal flow, position of body, availability of water craft etc, sorry, but you're on the wrong track. I promise ...and I'm not a real estate agent.

This terrible event was not caused by a complex web of business intrigue, illicit dealings or anything Allison was involved in. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what is most likely to have happened. No point trying to complicate something unnecessarily. IMO.

Just my 2 cents - don't have anything else to add except suggesting everyone tries to resist the temptation to go rogue... :(

Yes my thoughts as well. I don't believe that she was thrown off the bridge - she would be too visible from the air. The police were scouting in the air for many days and while they didn't focus on the Kholo Creek areas - I am sure they have a protocol where they would do aerial checks of waterways. The canoeist found her because she was under the bridge.

Money is a motivation always but I don't think it was anything more sinister than mundane family finances with the burden of a struggling business. However, I do think that GBC would be controlling and super careful of what his wife spent. This is a well documented form of abuse that narcissists also practice. They control every facet of a partner's life.

And thks Keyboredom for your suggestions that theories are becoming overcomplicated.
Just had a thought - IF the lawyer was in the car heading to the police station, perhaps the crash was a tact by GBC to buy time. Perhas the lawyer had suggested they go and tell the truth, GBC agreed, got into the car and as they were getting closer he "chickened" out and so the solicitor won't convince him t.o continue with the original plan, he ran the car into the bollard

Bear in mind the criminal lawyer was captured briefly leaving Roma Street, supposedly on an unrelated matter. It didn't seem like he'd had much face time with GBC. The guy gets $500 per hour and it's a fair bet he's not driving a Honda CR-V, the vehicle involved in the Indooroopilly incident.

It isn't a lawyer's job to negotiate with a client to go and provide an impromptu confession when he's been asked to attend the police station, and if that was the purpose of the arranged interview with police (so unlikely we might as well suggest they were going to mow the lawn together) why would the lawyer be in the passenger seat of a borrowed Honda with a guy who was obviously not fit to be driving around?

Can you really picture a hurried discussion en route in the one car, and GBC suddenly freaking and running them into a concrete pole?

Seriously, whatever everyone is smoking in here, I want some.

Having said that, the accident itself - that was an insane abberation in an already strange reaction to what was going on. That much I agree with :)
Couldn't stay away, but managed to resist posting because most of the more outlandish theories on here are just reconstituted versions of some of the other madness from previous threads. Other than the patient stayers (you know who you are :)) Hawkins' posts are a revelation - well done for bringing some reality to the table. Really interesting insights into the process.

Logic suggests the location of Allison's murder was determined from day one. I believe police have enough of the physical evidence required, despite the challenges presented by the delay finding where Allison was dumped.

I won't go into my justification, but assure you Allison was not thrown off that bridge. The police spent a lot of time scouting the upstream area, after finding her body. People trying to justify what happened by tidal flow, position of body, availability of water craft etc, sorry, but you're on the wrong track. I promise ...and I'm not a real estate agent.

This terrible event was not caused by a complex web of business intrigue, illicit dealings or anything Allison was involved in. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what is most likely to have happened. No point trying to complicate something unnecessarily. IMO.

Just my 2 cents - don't have anything else to add except suggesting everyone tries to resist the temptation to go rogue... :(

I was the one who talked about a boat mainly because i don't know the area. I wasn't in the understanding at the time that you didn't need a boat to get too where Allison was found. In the photos i wasn't able to tell whether there was any other way until someone told me. After i was informed that there was other ways to get down there i never mentioned it again :)
I've just watched 10 News but it was all about the budget, nothing about this case and woman lawyering up!
Thanks, interesting view! - We can't forget that everyday there are new members posting on this forum and even though they may have read all the almost 950 or so posts, they have their views which they want to share too, hence things may get re-hashed a bit. Tolerance is always a wise move.

I don't think there's an issue rehashing plausible explanations for what happened to Allison. It's the outlandish theories that should never be repeated. Anyway, each to their own. Tolerance level engaged.
I posted as much last night - i was up very late and discussion went down that track. I went back and looked at the video, but could hardly look. For the first time i commented about the body itself but i felt so horrible i wrote a post about the lovely woman Allison, just to honour her and a reminder of what we are here for and what we are really talking about - a real person and a very beautiful person who didnt deserve to die in such a horrible way.

I have also made a point, it's just a personal thing, to always refer to her as Allison, not ABC, whereas i mainly refer to her husband as GBC.

Thanks for this post, It is interesting how we all deal with thing differently. I have found it awkward any way ..I think I have referred to Allison as ABC on occasion, the husband, I try not to refer to him by name of any kind, mostly as I guess I feel the need to not refer to him directly by name when discussing what he may or may not have done. I guess I feel a little of the old innocent till proven guilty. While I have my thoughts I just feel uncomfortable I guess in actually naming him as if fact that he is guilty, just in case he is not. Strange maybe? I don't know. As I say we all deal with and think differently.
I was the one who talked about a boat mainly because i don't know the area. I wasn't in the understanding at the time that you didn't need a boat to get too where Allison was found. In the photos i wasn't able to tell whether there was any other way until someone told me. After i was informed that there was other ways to get down there i never mentioned it again :)

cool, wasn't picking on your boat comment particularly, because it took on a life of its own with people working out how a dinghy was being transported up Brookfield Road etc. :) ... it'll all be beside the point anyway, sooner rather later I hope
I've just watched 10 News but it was all about the budget, nothing about this case and woman layering up!

Is this the late version? It definitely was on the 5pm 10 news. Though note channel 7 6pm did not have it.
Re: Female colleague.

She may possibly have been good friends with Allison (working together), and have a good insight into their marriage and business problems. Working together you would get a good idea of the relationship dynamics. I'd say she's in the 'know'.

IMO - I think a domestic that went bad. Not particularly fond of GBC (his actions speak loudly), but I feel he's not too bright. My thinking is that a domestic turned overly violent, resulting in Allison's death, he left the girls sleeping, put Allison in the car and dumped her somewhere upstream of where she was found. Way too obvious and stupid to be throwing her off the bridge. A dead (sorry) body must weigh a lot, I know my labrador is too heavy for me to lift.

Other posts have indicated that the supposed mistress works elsewhere. (Basically, you don't S*t where you eat). JMO
cool, wasn't picking on your boat comment particularly, because it took on a life of its own with people working out how a dinghy was being transported up Brookfield Road etc. :) ... it'll all be beside the point anyway, sooner rather later I hope

The comment i put about the boat was just a question lol. I was mainly asking if to get where Allison was found would you need one. I didn't know about any other boat though :)
I was the one who talked about a boat mainly because i don't know the area. I wasn't in the understanding at the time that you didn't need a boat to get too where Allison was found. In the photos i wasn't able to tell whether there was any other way until someone told me. After i was informed that there was other ways to get down there i never mentioned it again :)

You don't need to justify your thoughts to anyone on here. As long as you stick to the TOS you're entitled to your opinion even if it changes. I know mine does haha
Is this the late version? It definitely was on the 5pm 10 news. Though note channel 7 6pm did not have it.

Yes, but it was a special edition all about the Budget and no other news. I've noticed the Courier Mail posts new articles dated tomorrow, at midnight. Will keep an eye on it.
And thks Keyboredom for your suggestions that theories are becoming overcomplicated.
It's interesting though, reading all the various theories as to the why and how, even if some do seem rather over the top. Makes me think.

However, I won't commit myself to anyone's guilt for the simple reason that I don't know. Nor do I have any clue which other people the police may have interviewed. They did say that they have interviewed a number of people.

No idea if the police are following some angle they have not made public knowledge lest their investigation gets compromised in some way.

When one considers what has been made public and ignores the theories, rumour and heresay, there is very little that has been said by the police.
Originally Posted by UnfoldingTruth
IMO, I do think there may be more involved than simple Mistress or Domestic Violence escalation. I do think there could be concern for reputation when all is bought out and/or because there are others involved. I don't know if I think pre meditation or accidental..could be either. Possibly there was something going on within the couples lives(not meaning DV) that has got them involved in a situation, where Allisons life has been threatened(as in threats made) and ended up in her life being taken. Or a situation they were in lead to her accidental death. But IMO you are stupid to cover it up by dumping a body and declare her missing, rather than fess up in the beginning. So Husband may or may not have caused her death. Maybe something he was involved in led to her death- I would think you would have extreme guilt and remorse and even fear of that. Or He was a party to her death in some way, by having a hand in physically or otherwise.

But these are just some of my thoughts. I am keeping an open mind to the situation- or trying to.

IMO this poster may mean 'bad short term loan scheme' perhaps?

To be honest I just don't know anymore. I was totally surprised to see the person close to the husband now hiring a lawyer. So maybe I am incorrect. I did beleive and still have this little thought on something more. But it could totally be a straight out mistress thing. I never really thought it was drugs or business. (But then drugs could have been a part of- don't take that as anymore than a thought.)
The comment i put about the boat was just a question lol. I was mainly asking if to get where Allison was found would you need one. I didn't know about any other boat though :)

FYI, I spent almost 2 years in a forum discussing the Madeleine McCann case, however I was not one of the first members (probably joined 3 months after the little girl disappeared) and they were tough with the "newbies" or people not totally aware of location, etc.!! Don't feel you have to explain. You have the right to ask/post as anybody else. I believe if someone doesn't agree/like what somebody writes, then they should just skip it until they find something interesting for them.
I totally understand. I admit I find it hard to find a way to say it. One thats 'right' because whichever way just doesn't feel good. I appologise if my use of the word 'the body' offended.
Oh no I didn't mean that. It was just that it's hard for me to say it. It's hard trying to find the best way for myself to process this information. I have never delved in to this kind of thing before. And what works for me won't work for some. I appreciate what you post :)
Personally I believe that it was premeditated and all about money. There has been a suggestion in the community that he upped her life insurance recently and that on the hard drive of the computer that was seized there was emails from Allison demanding a divorce and Internet searches regarding disposal of a body.

I think the children were at his parents for the night as she was going to a conference. I think he suffocated and or strangled her - hence the bruises and scratches. I think he dumped her body upstream in the hope it wouldn't be discovered and started the depressions / suicide rumours himself. I think the rain actually undid him because although the water has destroyed evidence, Allisons body was found and is telling her story.

I think the scratches were evident when Police arrived, I think the house showed evidence of a struggle. I think people saw the car leave and return when he said he hadn't left. I think the screams were irrelevant and I think the movement at the roundabout is all about the mistress and telling her what he's done.

I don't believe that anyone helped him except perhaps after the fact and I don't believe there is any Mafia type link to the business. Just pure greed and control.

I think the police know he did it but unfortunately it's not what you know and everything about what you can prove.

I hope I am very wrong for the sake of the girls because I think losing their mummy is utterly heartbreaking and losing their dad as well is just dreadful. Unfortunately I think he is a self centred pompas man who is into saving his own butt. The media and Police have all but pointed the finger. The Police I don't believe would do that if they genuinely thought he was not a POI. The fact that they've let it go on for so long without curbing suspicion suggests they are uninterested in his fast burning ruination of reputation and business through all the gossip and speculation. Just MOO but food for thought I would think.
Couldn't stay away, but managed to resist posting because most of the more outlandish theories on here are just reconstituted versions of some of the other madness from previous threads. Other than the patient stayers (you know who you are :)) Hawkins' posts are a revelation - well done for bringing some reality to the table. Really interesting insights into the process.

Logic suggests the location of Allison's murder was determined from day one. I believe police have enough of the physical evidence required, despite the challenges presented by the delay finding where Allison was dumped.

I won't go into my justification, but assure you Allison was not thrown off that bridge. The police spent a lot of time scouting the upstream area, after finding her body. People trying to justify what happened by tidal flow, position of body, availability of water craft etc, sorry, but you're on the wrong track. I promise ...and I'm not a real estate agent.

This terrible event was not caused by a complex web of business intrigue, illicit dealings or anything Allison was involved in. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what is most likely to have happened. No point trying to complicate something unnecessarily. IMO.

Just my 2 cents - don't have anything else to add except suggesting everyone tries to resist the temptation to go rogue... :(

A great leveler. Thank you.

My mind was wandering a few days ago - I was starting to think this Baden-Clay family were the QLD mafia after reading the outlandish posts.

I too believe it's nothing more than domestic violence + the luxury of a prominent Barrister that's adding to the intrigue ... where fickle minds wander.

Although, with GBC armed with the fancy smancy lawyer, I can visualise the book title now 'getting away with murder'. That's the sad thing.
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