Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #4

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Thanks for feedback! But she could have had an early dinner as well. I thought the first person that brought up the hairdressers said she left at 7pm? If that's true, then she would have been home by 7.10 -715pm.

The problem with that news article is that the quotes from her parents and friend are dis-jointed and selected quotes (which is why the kids having the sleepover on the Thu rather than Fri was so unclear).

I'm also pretty sure the quotes from her parents and friend along the lines of 'she told me things and I should have done more' and 'If she had told us about the problems...' have been removed - I haven't been able to find them again.

HMM....Getting the hair done...having the night off....noone to cook for....your already at the shops...may as well have a quick look for some shoes/shirt/lippy to wear to the conference tomorrow....and ill grab something quick to eat while she is out....maybe some chinease takeout. I would suggest staying away from home when the girls are sleeping over is exactly what a women prefers....She would have been so wanting to move to another smaller, no big garden, home for just her and the girls and that ex of hers was propably always there.....annoying and yelling at her all the time....shops would have made her relax before the big day...Thurs night late night shopping too....its easy to be caught arrival time for home could have been 9pm ish....she would have got fresh bread/milk etc ready for tomorrow morn....I think she could have been as late as around 10ish when she got home...especially if she slipped into Indro/MTOm or DFO for a quick look
I would be slightly shocked if the ex colleague being interviewed by police was ever Gerards Mistress. No idea about the Mistress sorry. What I do know is that I've been flamed on here for insisting the older woman who worked for Gerard for 8 years and became Gerards business partner in 2008 and now works for re-max is the ex colleague being questioned by police. She and a younger male associate gave Gerard $300 000 13 months ago for an investment that soured. An ex colleague was then quoted in the paper as saying "it could have worked, it should have worked, but it just didn't". Both business partners resigned the same day, which was 13 months ago now. From what I can tell about Gerards sideline business, Oasis Finance, which is a trust for investors, the ex colleague may be getting pressure from police and lawyering up from a business angle, not necessarily the murder...although her proximity to the route of where Allison was driven to be dumped is rather ominous.

We know there is a rumor that there is a mistress. There is nothing to prove that is true at this time and we are not rumor mongers here. If you see something about a mistress in the mainstream media, please provide a link and we can discuss it. Until then, let's drop it while still keeping it in our back pocket until more information is released.

I would be slightly shocked if the ex colleague being interviewed by police was ever Gerards Mistress. No idea about the Mistress sorry. What I do know is that I've been flamed on here for insisting the older woman who worked for Gerard for 8 years and became Gerards business partner in 2008 and now works for re-max is the ex colleague being questioned by police. She and a younger male associate gave Gerard $300 000 13 months ago for an investment that she was then quoted in the paper as saying "it could have worked, it should have worked, but it just didn't". Both business partners resigned the same day, which was 13 months ago now. She lives right by Moggill Rd which is of great interest to the police re the roundabout. from what I can tell about Gerards sideline business, Oasis Finance, which is a trust for investors, the ex colleague may be getting pressure from police and lawyering up from a business angle, not necessarily the murder...although her proximity to the route of where Allison was driven to be dumped is rather ominous.

Tiff, we need a mainstream media link for this or we'll have to remove your post and not discuss it. :tyou:
Yeah but it is not a much loved wife...they were basically living somewhat seperate lives but coparenting the girls as has been discussed in here...not sure exactly where...but I strongly agree with the scenario that he had moved to live with his mum and dad, and allison kept the rental property until obviously they were ready to settle their divorce/separation finances. IMHO these discussions were ongoing between them...he knew if he leveraged the girls full time, Allison wouldnt get as much of A slice of the DIVORCE pie....but if Allisons like most mothers and I have read here she is....NO WAY would she have let her kids be divided up for financial gain....those girls belonged with her and were better off with her...

I think GBC met ABC that THURS night to 'again' try to convince ABC of a 50/50 divorce split ...ABC was possibly saying NO...You put yourself in debt, I said I wasnt interested in spending all this money on YOUR FAMILY BUSINESS right from the start, so why shld I pay for your mistakes NOW, and give up the girls...and besides were the one that had the was you that broke up our marriage...not me....I was just being the wife and mother doing the best job I can...while your out rootin around and wasting all OUR HARD EARNED money on your useless unrealistic ideas that were invented to boost nothing but your EGO.!!!!

ahhh yes....I have been here myself...lucky for me my ex didnt murder me...COS Im sure he wanted to....

Sorry...I just thought of something....His credit wouldnt have got the loan guaranteeing his he possibly had to use maybe he was trying to walk away from the marriage and not own up to the debt that he had incurred for his 'idea's'....when the family talk about wishing they had spoken to them about the problems....I see financial the primary, his rooting around as being secondary....just my opinion bsb is ipswich nab....they look after the redbank plains customers....Im smelling finance issues here that are so strong Im about to burst!
Just a little FYI:

Inviting outside contact or alluding to "private" additional information:

“Inviting” is termed as a post where you invite other members to contact you to find out more information, rather than post it in the forum. This is not allowed and any posts with emails or invitations to contact for more information will either be edited or deleted entirely. This includes use of the Private Message system via comments such as “Check your PMs” or “PM me” posted in discussion threads. Think about it - it's like whispering into someone's ear while you are at a table full of other people. If you want to have a private conversation just have it, don't announce it. Additionally,please don't drop hints or post on the board that you know something or are privy to inside information but you won't or can't post it.
If you can't post it, don't.

Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Can I use any of that because I think it is important.
I would be slightly shocked if the ex colleague being interviewed by police was ever Gerards Mistress. No idea about the Mistress sorry. What I do know is that I've been flamed on here for insisting the older woman who worked for Gerard for 8 years and became Gerards business partner in 2008 and now works for re-max is the ex colleague being questioned by police. She and a younger male associate gave Gerard $300 000 13 months ago for an investment that she was then quoted in the paper as saying "it could have worked, it should have worked, but it just didn't". Both business partners resigned the same day, which was 13 months ago now. She lives right by Moggill Rd which is of great interest to the police re the roundabout. from what I can tell about Gerards sideline business, Oasis Finance, which is a trust for investors, the ex colleague may be getting pressure from police and lawyering up from a business angle, not necessarily the murder...although her proximity to the route of where Allison was driven to be dumped is rather ominous.

13MONTHS???? 13 MTHS???? OH....if the loan has been taken out with insurance....thats the golden time when 'in case of death' there is a 13 mth rest phase...therefore, if ABC signature is on their and she as a guarantor signed need to pay back as the insurance you take out usually is paid on death, criticall illness and involuntry unemployment.....not suicide.......just saying here....

think ill go to the shops myself....this is getting to me....
Yes my thoughts as well. I don't believe that she was thrown off the bridge - she would be too visible from the air. The police were scouting in the air for many days and while they didn't focus on the Kholo Creek areas - I am sure they have a protocol where they would do aerial checks of waterways. The canoeist found her because she was under the bridge.

Money is a motivation always but I don't think it was anything more sinister than mundane family finances with the burden of a struggling business. However, I do think that GBC would be controlling and super careful of what his wife spent. This is a well documented form of abuse that narcissists also practice. They control every facet of a partner's life.

And thks Keyboredom for your suggestions that theories are becoming overcomplicated.

That's what I had thought re the money. Perhaps the fight simply started because she had her hair done : ( If you are in financial trouble getting a colour would seem to him an extravagance???
Sorry...I just thought of something....His credit wouldnt have got the loan guaranteeing his he possibly had to use maybe he was trying to walk away from the marriage and not own up to the debt that he had incurred for his 'idea's'....when the family talk about wishing they had spoken to them about the problems....I see financial the primary, his rooting around as being secondary....just my opinion bsb is ipswich nab....they look after the redbank plains customers....Im smelling finance issues here that are so strong Im about to burst!

Look him up on abn lookup, it's all public information. Definitely some financial issues at play.
Years ago, I awoke the morning after giving birth, to find the girl in the next bed staring at me intently. As soon as she saw I was awake, she began speaking. She said the night before, while giving birth to her daughter, she'd left her body. She described being up near the ceiling, above doctors who were crowded around her. Below, she could see her own body. She didn't want to 'go back into it', she said. Was glad to be free of it and the pain. Then, concern for her child and how it would need her, pulled her back into her body, she said. She'd hardly slept and had wanted to tell someone about what had happened to her. She was a sweet young girl, a teacher. Her daughter was delivered via ceasarian section. I have no doubt she had the out-of-body experience, which had affected her profoundly

Literature is filled with accounts by people who experienced near-death/out-of-body experiences. Many have been independently verified, as with the woman in hospital who left her body and saw of all things, a sandshoe sitting on an exterior ledge several floors up. Subsequent investigation proved the shoe did exist, although it was impossible for it to be seen by anyone within the building

Many of us have left our bodies momentarily, for whatever reason. It's an unforgetable experience. Some are unable to return to their bodies because their bodies have been killed, are dead, as with poor Allison. From those who have returned to their bodies however (those who didn't die) we learn that release/escape from the body (albeit temporarily) was a relief and that they were filled with a sense of joy, freedom and love. They also say they felt no attachment to their physical body - they didn't give it a second thought and were glad to be out of it in the same way we don't give a thought to our clothes when we step out of them, toss them in the wash or throw them away

Our physical bodies are merely vehicles -- like cars, buses, trains or handbags -- for our personality, spirit. Ultimately, we're all forced to exit our bodies, either via sickness, accident, age and infirmity. Some of us will be forced from our physical bodies by violence and by others

Personal experience has shown me that physical death is only part of the process. It's not the whole story. And I'm remembering now the poster who early in this case said she'd had an eerie presentiment each time she travelled over the bridge, prior to the discovery of Allison's physical remains. Others have commented that Allison's spirit may have led to the discovery of her body by the man in the canoe. It may be she was determined her girls could not be told she'd simply 'disappeared' - she wanted her girls to know she didn't leave them voluntarily, would not have physically left them, given the choice

It's late (almost 4 a.m.) and I probably shouldn't be posting when the brain's technically asleep, but the reason for my post is to try to help those who've said how awful they feel about referring to Allison in the past tense and their concerns as to how refer to her - their reluctance to use the words 'body' etc. and their concern that it doesn't feel respectful or right discussing or even thinking about what happened to Allison's physical body after she exited it

It is awful, because we're not used to discussing these things. I find it helps to remember that she did lift out of her body - hopefully it was swift and as painless as possible. Helps too, when we remember that afterwards, no matter what awful things may have happened to that body -- Allison was no longer 'in' it. She was free

Sincerely hope this hasn't offended anyone or their beliefs
Don't be paranoid. :grouphug: Just trying to help with some of the forum rules. We have new registrations coming in for this case often and it helps if I get you guys up to speed so you can help the newer newbies a bit. :kimsterwink:
13MONTHS???? 13 MTHS???? OH....if the loan has been taken out with insurance....thats the golden time when 'in case of death' there is a 13 mth rest phase...therefore, if ABC signature is on their and she as a guarantor signed need to pay back as the insurance you take out usually is paid on death, criticall illness and involuntry unemployment.....not suicide.......just saying here....

think ill go to the shops myself....this is getting to me....

Years ago, I awoke the morning after giving birth, to find the girl in the next bed staring at me intently. As soon as she saw I was awake, she began speaking. She said the night before, while giving birth to her daughter, she'd left her body. She described being up near the ceiling, above doctors who were crowded around her. Below, she could see her own body. She didn't want to 'go back into it', she said. Was glad to be free of it and the pain. Then, concern for her child and how it would need her, pulled her back into her body, she said. She'd hardly slept and had wanted to tell someone about what had happened to her. She was a sweet young girl, a teacher. Her daughter was delivered via ceasarian section. I have no doubt she had the out-of-body experience, which had affected her profoundly

Literature is filled with accounts by people who experienced near-death/out-of-body experiences. Many have been independently verified, as with the woman in hospital who left her body and saw of all things, a sandshoe sitting on an exterior ledge several floors up. Subsequent investigation proved the shoe did exist, although it was impossible for it to be seen by anyone within the building

Many of us have left our bodies momentarily, for whatever reason. It's an unforgetable experience. Some are unable to return to their bodies because their bodies have been killed, are dead, as with poor Allison. From those who have returned to their bodies however (those who didn't die) we learn that release/escape from the body (albeit temporarily) was a relief and that they were filled with a sense of joy, freedom and love. They also say they felt no attachment to their physical body - they didn't give it a second thought and were glad to be out of it in the same way we don't give a thought to our clothes when we step out of them, toss them in the wash or throw them away

Our physical bodies are merely vehicles -- like cars, buses, trains or handbags -- for our personality, spirit. Ultimately, we're all forced to exit our bodies, either via sickness, accident, age and infirmity. Some of us will be forced from our physical bodies by violence and by others

Personal experience has shown me that physical death is only part of the process. It's not the whole story. And I'm remembering now the poster who early in this case said she'd had an eerie presentiment each time she travelled over the bridge, prior to the discovery of Allison's physical remains. Others have commented that Allison's spirit may have led to the discovery of her body by the man in the canoe. It may be she was determined her girls could not be told she'd simply 'disappeared' - she wanted her girls to know she didn't leave them voluntarily, would not have physically left them, given the choice

It's late (almost 4 a.m.) and I probably shouldn't be posting when the brain's technically asleep, but the reason for my post is to try to help those who've said how awful they feel about referring to Allison in the past tense and their concerns as to how refer to her - their reluctance to use the words 'body' etc. and their concern that it doesn't feel respectful or right discussing or even thinking about what happened to Allison's physical body after she exited it

It is awful, because we're not used to discussing these things. I find it helps to remember that she did lift out of her body - hopefully it was swift and as painless as possible. Helps too, when we remember that afterwards, no matter what awful things may have happened to that body -- Allison was no longer 'in' it. She was free

Sincerely hope this hasn't offended anyone or their beliefs

Giving birth to my 1st child...I also had an out of body experience....never forget son was getting the rules of life by a higher power....I told EVERYONE ABOUT IT......My ex asked me after the birth...what and who was I talking to at the time just before delivery....I told him that I think it was God!
so yeah...
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