Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #5

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I disagree with the tow ball thing, I never take mine off, even though I've skinned my shin a few times LOL, I actually don't know of anyone who does take theirs off, so to me that's not odd at all. Not saying your wrong, but just that it's not necessarily common practice to remove tow balls.

Minni, I think the bin theory could be valid as there is video footage of commercial bins being searched and there have been mentions about them. I think it would make sense to dump stuff and then go oops!
Not necessarily something that would make you call police immediately, but definitely once Allison was reported missing some one might go' oh yeah I did see someone dumping rubbish there'.

Many cars have a tow bar but it doesn't mean the Baden-Clay's had a trailer. From the photo, the yellow things behind the silver car do not look like a trailer to me.
Sorry, but I don't think the mods or the owner need to be up on Australian Law. This message board, and all comments on it,are under U.S duristriction. I do agree that what people consider to be facts though. I think there is a lot of confusion. Especially regarding the female ex-colleague. :)

Thanks. I am not aware of rules juristiction regarding a forum such as this when the crime is committed here. ANd the trial will be here and so and thing said here could have an effect.(?). Thanks for your input on it.
Saw GB-C and brother-in-law this morning, walking 2 of the girls to school. GB-C looks terrible! Very drawn and stressed. Then his parents arrived at the school (there was a counseling session held for all parents on how to help kids cope with grief/situation), didn't see any granny-pashing thankfully!
I disagree with the tow ball thing, I never take mine off, even though I've skinned my shin a few times LOL, I actually don't know of anyone who does take theirs off, so to me that's not odd at all. Not saying your wrong, but just that it's not necessarily common practice to remove tow balls.

Minni, I think the bin theory could be valid as there is video footage of commercial bins being searched and there have been mentions about them. I think it would make sense to dump stuff and then go oops!
Not necessarily something that would make you call police immediately, but definitely once Allison was reported missing some one might go' oh yeah I did see someone dumping rubbish there'.

Agree.....We never take ours off.....We have them on our 4wd and sedan. I dont know anyone who takes them off either.

Agree about bins too.
I haven't posted on any other forums, and I'm not trying to shut down any conversations. The issue with defamation is that the onus is on the defendant (the person being sued) to prove that the comments were true. This is vastly different to a regular court scenario where the onus is on the plaintiff to prove the guilt of the defendant. Defamation cases are notoriously difficult to defend because the court requires indisputable evidence. Many journalists have been in trouble in the past because, even though they have what they regard to be solid evidence, much of it is not admissible in court. This is the real frustration in being a journalist. You can have an enormous amount of information about someone and you are absolutely convinced of their guilt or involvement in something, but legally you do not have enough substance to fight a defamation suit. And it makes no difference where the website is hosted, or where the people who live that make the comments. The courts will rule the jurisdiction as being the place where the comments were downloaded or sighted that had the most harm for the plaintiff. My original post arose because this case has such a high public interest (for me as well) and no doubt my students will be asking why the media is gagged in their comments but the public appears not to be, even though there is just one law for everyone, regardless of profession.
Those industrial bins are very deep and IMO it would be very difficult to lift a heavy bundle out of them just like that.

good point.....if they were empty it would be very difficult, if you realised that it was not a good disposal place, you would most likely have to climb in the bin yourself and struggle to remove bundle!! Its a shocking and upsetting thought (again I think of dead weight), it won't leave my mind though :( I guess the whole "working with someone else" theory just revolts me so much...... how could there be TWO of these callous coldhearted scumbags that would go along with this? I am going on the theory he did this by himself because I have trouble believing a bad person would just happen to have another bad person that they could trust with this....and if he was alone, I don't think there could be a huge range of "unusual behaviours" near the roundabout
Mate....the mods are yanks...they dont even know exactly where Australia is...let alone the intricacies of Australian

(no offence Mods) I love my new my american husband and his family....I even have your flag outside my front door...I just understand how you wouldnt know too much about a country so far away with hardly anyone living in it....hugs:seeya:

Um yes, thats exactly what I was saying in regards to possibly not knowing Australian law as I am sure there are points of difference between U.S. and Aussie law. So not sure what you were meaning by that.
I wasn't making a judgement. It is known well as the most expensive school. Most parents look for the best school, rather than the most expensive one. They are not always the same thing.

In my experience, the most expensive schools are normally the best for eduction purposes, but that's another topic altogether. :)
I think I've read every post here over the past 10+ days and I think almost every scenario has been covered.
One thing occured to me that seems odd, are the pictures/messages drawn by the kids in the very early stages. They have seemingly been handed to the press (ie: they are not photos of the drawings, left on the fence for example).
Does this seem an odd thing for a family member to release to the media and what are the motivations by whoever released them?
Link adjacent:
Saw GB-C and brother-in-law this morning, walking 2 of the girls to school. GB-C looks terrible! Very drawn and stressed. Then his parents arrived at the school (there was a counseling session held for all parents on how to help kids cope with grief/situation), didn't see any granny-pashing thankfully!

I imagine he would be a mess, no matter how you look at it...accidentaly did it and trying to cover up? = devastated, someone else did it? = devastated, scared of going to jail? = devastated, purposely did it and dealing with repercussions and broken hearted children (who he must love)? = devastated
So, a mistress (of course, purely speculation) but we have assumed that it is someone he knows professionally and personally. Wonder if this would show up in his Friends list on Facebook...just an observation.
Sorry, that last post was in response to Laserdisc10 but still figuring this site out!
Read here about defamation if you are concerned about speculating online :

Personally, I find it of little concern. You'd have a hard job showing XYZ poster on websleuths damaged his reputation versus the known circumstances and (careful) media coverage.

Having an ethical disagreement is another thing all together but truly, I would not buy into fear mongering about jeopardising a trial or being at risk of civil action for defamation.

The community has a right to be outraged at Allison's murder. Not cowered into silence so the next coward thinks if he plays his cards right he'll get away with it and no one will say boo.
Hi everyone, I have been reading your forum which is very interesting. Just a question, the roundabout that they have been conducting tests on, isn't that right near a Century 21 office?

No, he moved the office from there to Taringa.
'Police and relatives are refusing to give up hope of finding her alive, after the search was extended on Tuesday to include industrial garbage bins'
found this you think this searching was conducted AFTER the police examined roundabout footage? its hard to follow timeline with so many newspapers and sites reporting at different times
also, Shelbinator, the footage you referred to regarding the bins being searches, can you see where it is?
... no doubt my students will be asking why the media is gagged in their comments but the public appears not to be, even though there is just one law for everyone, regardless of profession.

You would obviously know a lot more about the media than most of us on here, but surely the answer is that the media has a professional obligation and clear legal constraints due to the influence they have on the wider population. It's not one law for everyone - there are a bunch of Acts set up specifically to control the influence of the media (aren't there? - like Broadcasting Services Act, Commercial Television Code of Practice, and whatever else they all operate under.)

Conversely, trying to stop everyday people having a conversation, whether it is out the front of the local IGA supermarket or over their own back fence, or on a web forum, would be akin to taking away people's civil rights. While I don't agree with some of the banter on here, it's a million miles from the expectations anyone should have over a journalist or member of the media, or police, or Courts. IMO.
Mate....the mods are yanks...they dont even know exactly where Australia is...let alone the intricacies of Australian

(no offence Mods) I love my new my american husband and his family....I even have your flag outside my front door...I just understand how you wouldnt know too much about a country so far away with hardly anyone living in it....hugs:seeya:


I am not a yank thankyouverymuch. Of course we don't know about laws in Australia. We do know the rules of Websleuths though. :tos:

And I know my two nieces who live in Sydney are the prettiest little girls in Australia! :snooty: :D

I don't know what this conversation has to do with the case, but let's get back on track. If posters start dissing mods here, there will be some time outs. I'm in a jolly good mood tonight or there already could have been. :innocent:
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