Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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Looking at the image, I believe its a Ute (with cabin on the back) and not at 4x4 like a Prado. Many trades people carry all their tools in trailers and leave the trailers permanently hook up, or someone could have borrowed one from a friend after a few drinks that night, or could have used it to buy a fridge (it was late night shopping), or they could be moving house, etc. There could be many reasons. IMO it has nothing to do with what police did last night.

Someone, one of our sleuthers did a screen snap last night to prove she could

It was nothing to do with the night of Allisons demise, trust me..if I can find it, it was on last nights chat and saw someone else suggest she use the site to repost her pic here.
My train of thought is proof in his search history of things such as:
"criminal lawyer"
"best legal representation Brisbane" etc.

I google everything right down to "can you freeze eggs?" so who's to say in his panicked state he didn't turn to google not realizing that he has left a trail behind him?
You know, I'm far more interested in BrookieLocal's saying the lawyer (gun lawyer, criminal lawyer) was on the premises when the police arrived. Whether or not this is true will emerge later

Police and media have stated GBC alerted police to Allison's alleged 'missing' status at approx. 7 am/7.30 am

As far as we're aware, the children had not spent the night at home. Whether or not this was the case will come out in the wash later

When the police arrived, GBC allegedly told police the children had been home all night and the kids allegedly contradicted him. Whether or not this occurred will come out in the wash later

So picture the hypothetical scene:

* police arrive in response to a summons by a husband who claims his wife has not returned from her walk

* police are surprised to find a criminal lawyer is already physically present and is advising/representing his client

* police ask the husband when he last saw his wife

* husband claims he last saw her at approx. 10 am the night before. Claims he went to bed. Claims he last saw her sitting in front of the tv. Claims he awoke to find her missing. Maybe he claims she sometimes took an early morning walk. Maybe he forgets to mention she'd planned an early start in order to attend a day-long conference

* police ask the children if they've seen mum that morning

* kids say no -- they only just got home after spending the night at a sleep-over

* police turn to the husband and make a show of studying their notes. They say, ' You told us you'd been home all night with the children'

* Police then turn to the lawyer and ask when he arrived on the premises. Maybe the lawyer replies that's confidential information

* Police ask the lawyer if he's a personal friend of the family? Could this explain his unusual presence? When did he arrive at the home and for what reason?

* Lawyer declines to reply

* Police ask husband for description of allegedly missing wife and whatever clothing she may be wearing

* Husband is quite explicit re: the details

* Police ask how he could know these details if he last saw his wife at 10am the previous night

* Certain observances were made and noted by attending police

* The presence of a criminal lawyer in the home of a woman who's perhaps half to a quarter of an hour late from what's claimed to be her regular morning walk indicates to police that something's a little off about this story when combined with observances they've made and noted. They very swiftly swing into action and the media takes up the story

The other thing that intrigues me is when was the lawyer first contacted?

What was relayed to him that caused him to regard the matter as one of such vital urgency that he jumped up, showered and dressed and made his way to the client's home?

What was relayed to him that convinced him it was worth getting to the client's home at sunrise?

Did the client himself decide he needed to summon a criminal lawyer?

Or did he confer with one or more others who convinced him he needed immediate representation by a criminal lawyer?

What convinced the one or more others that a criminal lawyer was necessary, first thing in the morning and before police had even been contacted?

IMO, the husband did the deed, panicked, called lawyer (personal friend) maybe screaming and crying, saying something like "I need help, please, something has happened, please". Lawyer says "Shhh, I don' want you to tell me anything more", realises something major is up and agrees to meet with him at a certain early hour.
My train of thought is proof in his search history of things such as:
"criminal lawyer"
"best legal representation Brisbane" etc.

I google everything right down to "can you freeze eggs?" so who's to say in his panicked state he didn't turn to google not realizing that he has left a trail behind him?


and phone records

When was the criminal lawyer first contacted?

That is key. Key
Not sure if this has already been posted.

Victim's husband keeps low profile

Since his wife disappeared from their rented home in Brookfield, one of Brisbane's most affluent western suburbs, the accountant turned property agent has become a recluse, growing a beard and leaving it up to his wife's parents to make a public plea to catch the killer. He is, he says, concentrating on caring for his three daughters.


The shunning of the public spotlight has already led to demands from local media that he answer a series of questions about his wife and prompted an online frenzy of conspiracy theories. Police had not designated him a ''person of interest'' although they have seized some of his personal items from his parents' home.
The Media stated a female ex collegue had hired a lawyer.

Yeah, sorry - I meant those two bits of info were released separately, but around the same time. But did we get the impression the ex work colleague was the accomplice because of this - lawyered up too! whoever the ex colleague was, I had no idea! I got totally lost there! too many initials floating around!
I really fear for those girls and what their father may be capable of.

There was a case in the US recently where the father was suspected of murdering his wife (the police could not find the body) when the police had gathered enough circumstancial evidence and were getting ready to arrest him he knew net was closing in on him and so he killed himself and his 2 young boys. Absolutely tragic.

If they do suspect that GBC did indeed kill Allison (but they just can't prove it yet) then the Dickies need to get those girls away from him asap, if he is capable of killing his wife then he is capable of killing his kids.

If he feels the net is closing in on him he might opt to take the cowards way out and suicide and he just might decide to take those 3 beautiful girls with him so they can be with Allison (and also to spite Allison's family).

Allison's poor family must be absolutely besides themselves with grief and worry.

I agree with what you say..then consequently we can also refer to other cases which must give much hope for the murderer of Allison:

I refer to other recent cases here in the USA where the suspected murderer was tried in a court...EVERYONE WATCHED IT/DISCUSSED IT ETC...ALL BLAMED THE MOTHER...but she got off...not enough evidence, too circumstancial, and her barrister was an absolute mixed the evidence up, clearly didnt present correctly, one stage it was reported he was on with his client... etc etc....

look up the CASEY ANTHONY Debacle....interesting.

Can someone tell me - Is acquittal more common in murder cases lately??? Or is this me just being more intuned with those cases where the POI/accused is more interesting main stream....????
IMO, the husband did the deed, panicked, called lawyer (personal friend) maybe screaming and crying, saying something like "I need help, please, something has happened, please". Lawyer says "Shhh, I don' want you to tell me anything more", realises something major is up and agrees to meet with him at a certain early hour.

Hello Mr Police man,
my daddy was crying last night and I was scared.
:dunno: :dunno:

I think unless one of those girls writes a book or talks in the future we will never know what was said.
Yesterday, 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by BrizzychickinUSA
Dead bodies maybe?...hidden underneath the green off cuts and rubbish that was taken away a couple of weeks ago during the night....

Its easier that way...then the killer (or killers) only need to back the trailer up into scrubby bushland alongside a river somewhere then just roll it [dead body] off the back of the trailer, whilst whispering 'im sorry' as the corpse rolls down the bank and into the river...


Ok,feeling a little sick as I read that. Just had a shower and I was thinking about police at the roundabout, possibly doing a re enactment of the information they have gathered???
I then looked at the page I have open of the roundabout camera and there is a vehicle towing something. Quickly grabbed a copy of the pic but can't work out how to do a picture dump. Anyone???

This is where the trailer story came from...........just a quick snap by Curiousascat to show an example, not related to THAT night when police are questioning about folks.
Not likely in that area....not too sure what state your from but Brisbane is like a big country town...everyone knows everyone...or knows of someone that does...especially the case for the teenage kids growing up and EVEN MORE SO THESE DAYS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE FB...and Kenmore/Brookie is not the area where you do that stuff.... Moggil road is like the start of a dead end road....ask any young kid what its like growing up out there..BORING, NO PUB TRANSPORT, OLDIES EVERYWHERE, KIDS ARE ALL IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS...YAH CANT GET AWAY WITH NOTHING...perfect for bringing up well adjusted kids...
So true about Brisbane.... One of the reasons I no longer live there!
At the same time, man (Brisbane) a day or two ago obviously removed his towball

Killed his wife with it

I wonder if this is where I have the weird feeling about it....oddly enough...I heard of tow ball killer after I got uneasy with the GBC trailer ball pic...:rocker:
If info received is correct, the criminal lawyer was present when the police arrived (unverified source)

The police arrived in response to a summons by the husband who claimed his wife was missing (police and media sources)

The husband called the police quite early in the day. Many of us have asked why he called the police so quickly

Would a top criminal lawyer advise his client to call the police so early if there was a chance the police would find incriminating evidence within the residence?

Wouldn't a criminal lawyer cover all bases: computers, phones, physical evidence of a struggle, files and documents, etc. etc.?

So, how long had the criminal lawyer been there before the police were called?

In order to cover all bases, tutor his client in what to do and say, wouldn't the criminal lawyer have needed to be there several hours before the police were called?

And wouldn't the lawyer have spoken with his client for some time before even deciding to set off for the client's home?

This pushes back the time frame even further, doesn't it ?

If we do some rough arithmetic in this hypothetical scenario:

* 7.30 police arrive ?

* 7.15 the children arrive back home ? (unverified source, time unknown)

* 7.00 a.m. the husband phones the police? (pure guesswork. could be totally wrong)

* 5.00 a.m to 7.00 a.m. the lawyer covers bases by deleting info on computers, arranging other material to be picked-up and removed from premises by his junior ? Tutors his nervous-wreck client in what to say to police? Instructs client to shower and change, clean-up bedroom, etc.?

* 4.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. for lawyer to leave home and get to client's place?

* 3.00 a.m. to 4.00 a.m. discussing situation with client by phone ?

* 1.00 a.m. to 2.30 a.m. for husband to phone around frantically seeking assistance. Is finally provided criminal lawyer's contact details ?

* midnight to 1.00 p.m. for husband to get from wherever to home, quick whip-around the vehicle to clean up. Pacing up and down. Deciding to who to call ?

* wife died before midnight ? Phone ditched. Other items dumped, hidden

* wife departed hairdresser approx. 8.30 p.m.?
I wonder if this is where I have the weird feeling about it....oddly enough...I heard of tow ball killer after I got uneasy with the GBC trailer ball pic...:rocker:

I know. You mentioned the tow-ball days before the tow-ball killer

When I heard about the tow-ball killer, it felt weird ! Almost as if someone was sending a message

No apparent reason for the tow-ball killer to have killed his wife. Neighbours reported as saying he was a great guy, had lived there harmoniously for decades. Tow-ball killers kids reported as being in total and utter shock. Media quoted a police-officer ( I think) as mentioning 'mental problems'

[Dear Angel 1,

Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But an 'IMO' should be based upon some time, research, interpretation and some facts here. Have you Read all the way through since Thread 1? I have. There have been some thought-provoking and hearfelt intuition, ideas based on what 'evidence' we can glean from what has been public information. And a good investigation, forum discussion, of the facts at websleuths based on limited information. So, before you say GBC is innocent until proven guilty - spend some time reviewing ALL the information that has been logged here the past 2 weeks... We still wait for NEW EVIDENCE. I looked again, after 2 weeks, at that initial interview the media did with GBC about his 'missing' wife - shady, eye-evasive, seeking 'sympathy' for his little 'ding'/accident - what an incredible NARCISSIST. I have spent years/decades analyzing human behaviour, body language, personality types etc - IMO not an innocent bystander. Again, if I'm wrong will EAT MY HAT AND MORE. GLAD TO BE PROVEN wrong for the sake of her daughters. But don't think I will be....x]

Originally Posted by loqi
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter what it is based on. A lot of what has been said here has been based on supposition and rumour so I think your comments to Angel 1 are way out of line.

She (assuming Angel 1 is a she) has been a thoughtful, compassionate poster. She is entitled to believe 'innocent until proven guilty', as do others.

Just because your gut feeling has you convinced, you don't have the right to judge anyone else so harshly.

Agreed, think the comments are a little harsh. I certainly don't think all the opinions in here since day 1 have been based on fact or even considered opinion. ANd everyone is entitled to their own. Think its better to have an open mind sometimes, than having made a judgement based on no evidence(yet)..If you close your mind to the possibilites, then you may miss vital facts. Anyway.. nuff said on that.

Putting aside the opinions on either side of the sleuthing discussions, when i read the posts directed towards Angel1 I flinched. I have seen Angel1 as a sensitive little soul and at one time she even posted that she was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I haven't always agreed with Angel1 and sometimes I've even thought she was on the wrong track (and I'm sure many of us have thought that of each other from time to time) but sometimes if you have got to know the person a little bit or feel you know their style or their personality, it can influence the way you communicate. Some people are thicker-skinned and can take it, others can't. Angel1 has a delicate skin IMO. Although she does have an inner strength as well, I wouldnt have been so harsh on her - basically it hurt her.

Social media, blogs, forums, discussion boards and the like are more than just words on a page. It's an art to communicate online and be in touch with the people you talk to as you have no tonal or visual clues. In a way it's like having a sixth sense if you are good at it - picking up on styles of communicating by words only, and perhaps timing of when posts are made, and other things that still tell you a lot about the person. I think problems can arise when online communication only takes into account the content itself. Certainly people have the right to argue about the content of anything others post, but by taking into account the other factors things tend to go better.

Anyway, I feel sad that Angel1 decided to leave under the circumstances.

I know everyone is talking about TM and I wondered whether she was the one involved or whether it was SB, one of the other ladies listed on the century 21 archived site. I know that people on here have said that SB is not the one being interviewed.

The only reason I have mentioned this person is because a few things struck me as odd, but may only be coincidental. This is my opinion only however I did notice on SB's FB page that her cover photo last night was a picture of a park at night time with a little bridge over a creek...I look today and it has now been changed to a sunset. The cover photo of the creek was updated on the 5th of April...:waitasec:

it looks like SB is in the background as the coffin is being carried out...centre of the photo next to the cameraman. I don't know what to make of her expression to be honest only that it seems like her vision is transfixed on the coffin. It's probably nothing, if she was a good friend maybe she is just in shock and cannot believe what has happened...

I know it probably means nothing at all, all symbolic as such and I am probably just reading into it too much but it just struck me as odd. I have been reading through since the first thread and trying to keep up! :-) The information on here has been really interesting and I hope that the things I have noticed are purely coincidence.

I surely doubt SB had anything to with anything relating to Allisons death. (1) her post on the CM was out of respect for Allison and her family (2) Her photo on the creek & bridge is not related (3) that is definitely not her in the funeral photo. I hate seeing an innocent person getting messed up in this especially if their intention was to empathize with Allisons family after knowing and working alongside the Baden-clays at C21.
I hope that angel1 comes back if and when when she feels like it. She is clearly very sweet and her posts were really quite refreshing. I like her style, always kind, and her willingness to keep an open mind.
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