Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

DNA Solves
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If in fact DV was something that happened in their relationsip then usually it is Monkey see, Monkey do?

I wonder if NBC was hands on aswell with his wife?

I am really keen for something to happen soon because I don't think I can handle anymore newbies unravelling all our theories or having to explain facts or evidence or lead people to links that have been posted millions of times before.....I wish they would read right from the start and then start posting comments fully informed because it just feels like we are back peddalling all of the time....Which ultimately makes the thread longer for the people that have been here from the start and have to read throug all of the same stuf we have already nutted out?....

I will get off my soap box now and m:banghead:eek:ve on!

:chillout: MAYBE your decision is a GOOD one :waitasec: ~ because, like it or not, this isn't 'your' case, nor website, and there'll constantly be other 'empaths' or whatever's, either having known about this case since Day 1, yet chosen to keep silent & simply read YOUR 'theories' until voicing their very own opinions / theories (like myself), or others only JUST honing in on it, but NO LESS as disturbed nor concerned, nor determined to have the perpetrator/s BOOKED asap, as YOU are! :silly:

That's my :twocents: spent at this given moment in identical, caring :please: time.
With abundant love & LIGHT & enlightenment, :pillowfight2:
~@~ :loveyou:
Is it my imagination or have the google maps on the Kholo creek area been updated - they seem to be much clearer than the last time I looked!! All I can see is latest update is 2012 does anyone know how to discover what date an image is taken on Google Maps?
Ive never been into these sorts of slueth sites fact, I didnt even know they existed....but we dont get any news of australia over here, let alone news of my old area that i lived and worked I come here to pick up the latest goss, info, links to newsreports etc...

Im so sorry that the area is having to deal with such a terrible horrible media focus.....and just wish it would hurry up and end.

Same! Never used any sort of online forum in my life. When I've stumbled across them searching for things in the past I even used to wonder why people would bother taking the time to sign up and post things hahaha :p I got sucked in though didn't I! I think we all did :)

I joined up because it seemed like a good way to keep up with the latest news and links which I might miss out myself. I found it because I was googling info about the case and then I couldn't stop reading. i do follow crimes in general so I'm surprised I hadn't found it sooner. I guess it's more American and I mainly follow more local things.
I tend to discount the DV theory, for a start if he is having an affair he would be more likely to be indifferent to her and secondly if he was that way inclined I doubt he would let her sleep in a different room if in fact they did have seprate rooms. I think there is a lot of innuendo floating around without much fact or reason factored in. The most likely scenario is there was cheating going on, business gone bad and a mother trying to protect her young had enough. A proud man who could never live up to his fathers expectations snapped and did the unforgivable. Of course only my opinion.
Same! Never used any sort of online forum in my life. When I've stumbled across them searching for things in the past I even used to wonder why people would bother taking the time to sign up and post things hahaha :p I got sucked in though didn't I! I think we all did :)

I joined up because it seemed like a good way to keep up with the latest news and links which I might miss out myself. I found it because I was googling info about the case and then I couldn't stop reading. i do follow crimes in general so I'm surprised I hadn't found it sooner. I guess it's more American and I mainly follow more local things.

I dont even follow crimes??? But here in America, we have the cameras in the court room and you can watch 'high profile' court cases uninterrupted on TV or online.

Interesting watching the body language of the guilt ridden accused ....
Well, i will come out of the shadows now. I'm a first timer too. So many seem to have joined in the last few days, but maybe that's the "norm" for one of these sites. Not sure if i've done this correctly. I can see quick reply, but i don't want to inadvertently "attach" my post to someone else's just yet!!!

Last year I was totally engrossed in the Caylee Anthony case in Florida, and swore I would never get that sucked in again because it absolutely tore me apart seeing her get away with murder (I would say most of America would agree it was an OJ Simpson type of case). So frustrating, yet in the end, you either believe in the justice system or you don't. What else is there?

What strikes me immediately is the difference between Florida, which has Sunshine Laws that allow for ALL the evidence to be made available to the public, and Australia where QPS are keeping a tight rein on what they have, to the extent where they can seemingly contain the media. Amazing difference. Not sure which is best really. Good and bad in both.

As a "Sleuther", of course the availability of information is a buzz. YOu get all the transcripts of interviews, photos of receipts, bills, contracts, marriage certs, spending habits, any previous convictions...the lot.

But in Australia....there are tiny clues coming out in the media. That's it. And folks, that is why i think there is such wild speculation. Everyone is desperate to move forward, but we all have so little to go on. The forum becomes "clique" because some are serious, very serious....others are just trying to get a handle on things, and some are off the wall. But i work in a very diverse environment and i think brainstorming like this with a huge diversity of thought, is brilliant!!! An idea may be way off the charts, but it might trigger some amazing thought in someone who makes a breakthrough. Perhaps the serious ones could lighten up a little and the the people hanging off the wall need to get back inside of reality so that we can all play together well, but is a great place to exercise our minds, our concerns and our need to find justice for someone who the community and her family have loved.
Perhaps the serious ones could lighten up a little and the the people hanging off the wall need to get back inside of reality so that we can all play together well, but is a great place to exercise our minds, our concerns and our need to find justice for someone who the community and her family have loved.

Well that is one perspective, but the 'sleuthing' that is going on here is mostly re-posting of Courier-Mail articles (news ltd being about the only source of news for Brisbane) and gossip masked as speculation. The depiction of the family as either monsters (the BC's) or innocents (ABC's side of the family) is up there with the best of gutter tabloids. Lighten up a little? What is entertainment for some is tragedy for others. In all likelihood, 3 children will lose not only a mother but their father and the grief will accompany both ABCs and GBCs parents for the rest of their lives. This is not a game to be played but real people's lives we are discussing.
True...there is a great deal of speculation that in my view is totally unwarranted but i'm sure some people truly believe that is what is happening based on the information they have. Some are willing to listen to gossip - but they are probably reflecting what is being said across the Brookfield community. It is definitely dangerous and quite likely horribly unfair, so I appreciate your anger. However, I don't really think most people are here for the "entertainment". I have an open mind about this. I too feel GRB has acted in ways that are very suspicious, but i would rather focus on gathering valid information and wait for things to play out with law enforcement. I guess it is why i have stayed in the shadows. If i don't have much to add, no point in posting.
Ignore that. I don't know how, but I managed to lose a stackof pages and that's why I didn't see anyone post this.
I'll be creating a new thread here in a few. I'll move over some of the more recent posts when I do.
This thread had to be closed due to an extraordinary amount of inappropriate posts. Had the inappropriate posts been alerted and ignored, we could have simply removed them and left the thread open. By responding, it created triple the work to remove the offending posts.

In the future, please DO NOT respond to posts against our Terms of Service, lest you find youself on an extended vacation as well.

I'll ask Kimster to review this thread in the morning to see if she thinks additional timeouts are warranted.

Please carry on and make no further mention of the offensive posts or members.

Thank you.
WS Admin. Mgr./Co-Owner

Bumping this up. It's real important to remember this. :tyou:
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